THE VOLUME X_DUNN, NORTH CAMMjj MAY COMPROMISE COAST LINE CASE Attorneys Instructed By Bun To Prop oss Amicable Settlement o4 Sail With * view to the s mi coble settle meat of the esee la which the A tie a tic Coast Line Railway company li eutajt the town of Dunn for title b the taro blocks of property knows ai Lucknow Square, the Board of Com miaaicaars last ni«ht instructed is attorneys, Godwin and Williams, te propose to tha railway cerapaay that H abandon claim to tho Mock between Broad and Cumberland f tree to and to accept title to the Mack between , Cumberland and Dlvtna^ streets with (he andtrrtandinc that* the latter block be used only ftor yaaamsei tUUon purposes at aach time ae the company may deem it necessary to Valid. _ m. • ___a wm rowt ib a a »w«r to one coming from the com pany’* counsel that tho Iowa be rat ified ViU tho UM ef the first bleak aa a public park until rack time m the company might require It ft! •tall on and terminal facilities and that the company be relieved ef aB taxes and street aeacautants on both bloeki until It is so required. Tho Board felt that agreement ta the company's proposal would bo no thing lesa than an absolute surrender of its present era*ratlin that the whole property belongs to the town. Under ouch agreement tho company would bo at liberty to continue the property la Me preseat us* as a cot. toa yard, doc* the leading ef cotton as freight would place tho block ta •he category of "Unaiaal faculties." Earlier in the year the board*! counsel had made practically the proposal as that eutHaod by .tho board lata aigbt Tide proposal, however, would have convened the railway company ta erect an ado. quau prase ngst station upon the southern block as soon aa "coavouh - *»t and practicable. ** Use new pre -poenl ruerqly would penult the eom / Jgoy to «*e, MS'own judgment as to 9 «G»’ wood of eraly canetauottau of ■ :«wdb.g taadhStT- ■ r** Edplytng to tbs first proposal the company's counsel stated that tho company felt that Ms present pastes ger station facilities were adequate for the town and that it did not ecu template the early ec of soother station. Unless the company accepts the board’s proposal tho eaaa prohat’y will ha heard in the coming urm of Harnett County Superior Court for ♦he trial of civil actions. There is little doubt, according to R. U God win, oenior member of tho firm vt Godwin and Williams, that the town will he gtvrn s verdict if the case dots go hack to court. Influenza Meningitis Cured By New Serum Wesson SeientisU Bevel ep Serum That Saved Yeaag Reg’s Ufa New York, March tt.—Ten-year old Morrii Geduldt, kaa boon cared of inflaensa meningitis, a disease with a mortality rata higher than M par cent, by a bow eeroao developed by two women seisntfata, attached to reaoareh laboratories of tho New York health department K waa aa noor.ced today at the linked Israel Zion hospital at Brooklyn. Morris, K waa stated, was tha see ond person saved from death by tha serum during the past fsw years. The two sure* are the only ones evsr ef fected in this city, about 80 other suffers having died of the rare ail ment. The tarum was developed at the health department laboratory at Willard Parker hospital, by Or. Olga Pltovsky. aided by Dr. fsssphias Neal, (in charge of -meningitis iu March. It is taken frees aa Immun ised horse tale which there has bean injected pfeiffsr bacilli. »r. Neal said today that Morrii keen give ntbrse Injections of had been given throe injections of tho now' serum. MK is Impossible to say that the new strum Is a specific for the die corn.” tho declared, "tan I believe If Is safe to say that it contributed largely to Uitoe two tutus ws hBVt on record ” Dr. Pitov*y was th* Bret s.l.wtisl to observe tho -***«- Iurrur or dinary meningitis and iaffusasa mam. »■*«• and k was tao ufc. vistwaOj dovulspsd th* datum. Lotov Dr. tar *t a fftoa af tahas Bapktaa Uidvsr sity hospital end new sf the aotao leBer foundatioa, cot the ws* so salts "la the oaaa sf Osdoldt. tha hot first thruo Injtstlsas. tat » la m* PARKER’S EASTER BONNETT IN RING 1 S*T* He'll Amooomca HinueH As C-tthu CmmmImI— •r of Agriculture T. B. Parker, formerly director of ■ various activities af the State Do i pertinent af Agriculture, but now Hated aa a Wayne county farmer, I dropped a brand new Easter hat in. j to the political ring yeeterday and authorised the announcement that in 1994 he will be a candidate to suc ceed Major W. A. Graham aa North Carolina Coaunieeioner of Agricul ture. Tha announcement la informal, like that of other potential candi dates Mr. Parker le Juet now announcing that he will announce hlmaclf inter on aa a candidate, and in M doing, he is following the lead of A W. Mc Lean and J. W. Bailey, both of whom have announced that they are going ta announce themeelvae aa candi date! for Governor before the year is out Neither of the trio ia yet ready to begin active campaigning for the Job* toward whleh their as piration! have them looking, but era juat letting it he known that they have it In mind. Mr. Parker ii what the Provident call! a “genuine dirt fanner." He owiu land in Wayne and Wake counties, and interests In orchard pro ject* both in the peach belt in the Sandhills and in the apple bolt in the mountains Ht is well known throughout the State as a protagon ist af better farming. Ho cants to he widely known through his activities in the farmers institutes. He was at sue time president of the American Association af Barm Institute Work ers. The Wayne-Wake farmer la likely to have company aa the ticket. Major Graham hiauelf may run, or his son, W. A. Graham. Jr., of Lincoln coun ty may gut in the running- H. E La tham. a member of the State Board of AgWeulbure, is spoken of aa among those whs urn af a giind to run. Tha Bald Is totting, particularly so if. sasnssusra NOTED CHURCHMEN COMING THURSDAY Drm. C. H. Rowling. And T. N. Ivy Will Speak At Moth- I odiat Church Horn Rev. Dr. E. 11. Rawlings of Nuh rfllt. Term., general secretary of tho Board of Mu*lorn of the Methodist Episcopal church, 8onth, and Dr. T. N. Ivey, editor of the Christian Ad vocate of NashvtUe, Teaa., will speak at tha Methodist church ia Dam Thursday evening af thla week at B o’clock. Dr. Rawlings is one of the foremost churchmen In tho Uart eded States, while Dr. Ivey, who la a native North Carolinian, la wall and favorably known throughout tho State. The mooting to ho hold here ia one of a Urge number of like meeting, being held throughout the Bute thla week, all ia the interest of tha Meth •dlrt centenary movement, which it raising tha sum af |»6,000,0«0 in I've years* tlmo for mission work at home and abroad. The coming of Dr. Rawlings to Damn give, the church people of the town an unusual opportunity to hear a presentation of ehureh activi ties throughout the world aa they are in progress at this time and to get inside information as to what the fortes of Christendom ora doing to bring about a condition of rant and contentment among tho peoples of the world, and to establish the kingdom of righteousness aa well. Dr. Rawlings has been identified wiih the missionary work af tha1 Boatbsm Methodist church for many years, and scores of tiroes has vitit «d tha numerous mrtston fields of that ehareh. and also those of other denominations. As general secretary af the miaeion board tha duty falls to Wa hands to administer tbs vast Centenary fend of MS,0«0.00« that the Southern Method (eta ore raising hi thla five-year period, and also .the usual annual contributions for mio •loa work mads by tha eharah. to Mjr that tha Utor Injaatto*. pra raatad tha «aaal ratapaa and kapt tha baatlll la chaah. "Inflaaaia manlncOie t. a tarrfWa ilntai. In atl tha Htoratora of «adU ala*, taaa than a tear* of aura* hava nor. W. F. MAIIIY U DEAD Pro#. W. T. Maaaap, arlUnwvi adUtoHl^totha* *!£££ r Four M«n Lose Lire* As Tug Sinks In Gtli Died From Zap.Hire Mediae Pena. Om Pilot Hearn. Whjeh, Ro meiaed AW*» Water EUaabeth City. March *»_»on i mrn loet thoir llvee and five other j hnJ to be brought to a koepilal bon I for treatment aa a rmult of the cap faing of the Richmond Cedar Worfca tug, Julian J. Fleetwood, at Norlt i River bar early today daring a gala The men who loet their lira died from the cold and expoeure and Stall bodice were found on top of Uu pilot hoaec, which remained above water. The other matnbara of the crew were almoet nncoaecteut whea removed by the Annie L. Van Barter, of the North Rlveriine. The dead aril Captain Clyde WaHter, of Hart lord, N. C.; Firat Mate, William B. Cray, of Hartford; Engineer Vernon Leigh, of Norfolk, and Carfand Chance, of Hertford, negro cook. The other membara of the crow Included E. K. Mona. Leeter Borneo. J W. Shadow and P. D. Alexander, ail of Norfolk. They had to ftght for their livoa againat the cold for aU haom, they mid, and two of them had left the pilot booae and had ewum out to a barge before the Van Scivcr arrived. Wins Suit For $2£00 Against Her Husband Bat Now Tkoy'ro P - ifl ■ J And Ao la mobile LiabiBty Cawpanp Cote The Bill Asheville, March il_Kn oria Roberta waa awarded ft ,400 damage! by a ury in MadLMn aaparlor coart following the trim yaateMay of a iiaamge rak Instituted by Mrs. Reb vrta. against bar husband, as the re auh of an aatomobUe accident hi whlrh she aumained IE Junes. Bho al leged that bar hatband operated the ear ia a negligent manner and by reason of such ah* was eatitisd to damages. UfR Baberta kliyiag happily wHk Mr If an appaal by defendant's to tha *n per me court faults ia an affirmation of the Madison's verdict. town or SELMA IS TO CET NEW HOTEL Srlma, April 1.—Construction on a new hotel for Selma will begin about April It, according to an nouncement made here recently. TTle hotel will be boilt by J. T. Barham, proprietor of the Merchants' Hotel, and will be conotmeted upon the ake of the old Wyoming Hotel, which was burned several years ago. TTlc hotel win be modern throughout, and Us location is near enough to the pas senger station for the canveoieaco of the traveling public. Rev. Sidney Edgerton Died Sunday Morning Wae fester of Baptist Choreh At Lillie glen And Other Harnett Oswln Rcr. Sidney A. Kdgerton, puter of the BaptUt church at UlUnfton and other churches In Harnett coun ty, died Sunday—Baster-morning at 2:20 o'clock at hie homo at Buia’e Crock of acme bead trouble, from which he had (offered for some time. Deceased yae S5 yoan old and la ear vlood by hit widow, who before her marrHy* woe Mies Virginia Kivett ef Bale's Creek, and twe email eons— Che He* Teyier and Herndon. The funeral was conducted yester day of tor noon at 2 o’oleck from the Baptist church at Bole’s Croak by Rer. E. M. Johnson, pastor of the First Baptist church of Dunn, emitt ed by Rev. B. Townsend, of Bnio’i Crook. Rev. Mr. Stroape of Brood, way. Rev. H. C. McCall of Duke and Rev. I. F. Mr I no* of LiRtngton. Ma sk wu rendered by the choir from Bale’* Crock academy. A largo crowd attended the funeral and many boau tifat floral i—tnge ware ’banked •pan the grant Mr. Bdgortoa was a good preaahm, a good chiles and wn loved by the peeple ef hie congregations and oth ers with whom ho came la contact, and hie untimely dooth brought sor row to many hearts. died Friday at hla home in Salisbury Md. Frof. Maaoay emu M yeauu ok and formerly Uvad la Ala State. H< was a member ef the fkst fnetaHi af the State eellege, and torn knowi throughout the Stole as "The fatfcoi of the eew.peeL” Funeral earn lag were held yesterday meeting at 10 :S< o’eloek. f4‘r ** aeaoclatien were’^^Kyd M th* as «M! of tl^Klkkolden and d'rector* of the ^^Bg|jaa Friday cyeainp. Th* rep^HFth, oOcbra far laat y«*r wcse^Mbpi...... the workheldaia’ ffiaratau I™", ril ‘.*** Ir^K‘ totaled IS.7M.i»J^Vg£mm^rf ^Th. ed by «he dodiMHbr th* year IHIt R U OogW^KgrU Wade. Harper UolUd^'j^K; G. M. Tllgfcnna, t^Br*fTpr, j. L Wade, J. C. Byrd, *. f,, Dp. J. R. Vai W. P. Holt. - stockholder* E F t^^Euylu elected chairman of the bd^HEd the fol lownf officer* w«q^Htod: Pnri drnt, H A. Tortl*^^fc'firr rlce p resident. C aecond nre-preelderit, H ar^^Ht&day; aac Itury, 7. Croealr^ buaii^a marmger. Hlia .r^y*" committee, Entot^^BRa, H. A. t u'dinpto^ tea in the talra^wkb effoela to make the iMJ fri I ft. nanrial aooeeaa. Tha Harnett County fair ground* oed building* rapnarot an exptadh ture of approanoatriy |M,000, and while the aiagelation toot, money dar ing 1*30 and 1**1, the eaceeaa at, mined laat year anceuraged tka ftockhoidera and dimeters to uk* greater efforts thl* year than eror bo i fore. Plana for tka fair to ba bald October ». IB, 11 rod 1* thto year, An already being wetted eat It to confidently exyacted the* the Into to be ringed thl* year *01 drew at laant * MOO people and probably mare. The fair official* bee* 'rnnrrt from pe« ripen one* jorisrirot elaee of an. tertai recent the people want aad It to that data that will make gp the fair thia year. It la not the tow* to which fain are held that gala Ike graataet recalls from them, bat the rural dtotricta aa well arc ben*fitted from the kind ef fain that haro been aad wfll con tinue to bo pat on haro GETS BK STILL iN WESTERN HARNETT Ofiaeare Captura 110 Galina Outfit With 1«*0M Cal I ■—<**— ■ -r — The target* ud -Moat complete whiakey-maaofnet—lap plant «nr ta ken in tkU part of tha State waa captured to tha wertem part af Hai nett county four aSaa* aarth-eaat of Maaebeattr,' Wit—toy afternoon. The .tin waa a tapper ontftt af ISO —lion capacity aad.waa aa aiynS) aaeemhtod affair. BcaMaa (ha atfll, approuhnauly ltt OOO aalloaa of h—r want taken, thauch no one waa found abort tee nil! when tha a#aa peached lb The plant and -Trrrtnfta— that It had bean operated an a tape acala for anreral Martha. Tha epar rtan had praoldad • *1momn a—a by tho atfll, where H ipp-nl that liter ** aad atop*. A eenrae teat tor. <Vra<l the (Map quartan, lka adlean •bo eaptund tha rtSI declared thal thoafch they had participated ta — •wraw raid*, tha aatQt aaptairt Wadaeaday waa tha Jaap i H and had cqaippad they had ever aaaa. Ite cfhtara atoo aaiaad l.tba pa—da at •a—^faq— at tea Mg. raid were: Federal QSim A. A AA j amt af D—a and ftilTrtli af Car thapn, Sheriff MaAjten and Depot— . Kyle. Battle and fpfuay af BanaM i Sheriff KcOoaahy —0 Deportee Wao and Koliy af Coateartand. A. B Adanw, apattol ynklbfdea _w” • w ~ I Zt «■> • Krupp Directors Are Arreeted By French u*» Cam. dp A* lUrett Of faW CUA At PUat Oa I April 1—Four lUreateca af tba Xrapp works wore arrested by tha Fraadt military authorities today aa cbargaa of inciting tha attack by tha Ganaaa workman oa tha troop* Sat. artta. which culminated in tha kiflh« af alaa Germans and tha wautire af >f ethasa. Tba maatittaa eccarred when a Fraech llaataanat whh 11 man want *• **• wotha to ragaMUoa awtpr tracks far tha Fra nek army. Than ware oaly a faw aare la Oa (araya at tha time, aa H appear* tba Krupp aatharittaa tad a precious faw rtmatioa af Oa reyaMttoainy sad ra. wared same af Oda. *• dbaetare nrraatnd yar* Hsrt I Ocstertis, Brake aid Bitter. Thap ware takaa at thair kosnaa in apm Th» Matfj Wuhtngtoa, lurch He-C«ttr M. Brajrtaa, of tea Vmteeialty af Via* rink, and Victor V. Yonng. af tea Unicerehy af North CaiaKaa, war* •wag tea four wlaaaia freight ia iha flrct ananal aaUeaal debate eoa daeted beta under tec aa^irea af tea MattaaaJ Literary aaetety. Tha gate tteaww: "Baaairod, That CagHal tercty ChfMaed jpeg—WATTill debate waa hold ta tea acaMcaa af ria Maa each, thrat ta caab aide. Yeeag waa ceteeted aa tha heat —galtrc de bater aad Aether CHBeegte, af tea UatvereKy af Poaoaytvaaia, aa tea boot ateraatere debater to tea Brat aeeticet. Braxton far tea atenaatfre aad Hugo Btaaonbarg, af tea Uai raretty af Weat Virginia, for tea ae gatire were aaiaeted ae tea bote ia Me other erotica. Braxton aad OB , icayia will awat Yaoag aad t i TSM YBAB OU> DOT HA* Oft A JAG ClHatbrtb Oty Iadcgendant) A tea year aid bag, Whsaa an an la ate dindgad. waa triad in tee *% naaBa Ceart ia DHabete City Thara day aa a charge af fractional Tha tefld teU teat ha faaad tea Hqaer ia a batMa hidden te tea aad af * lag aoar tee ride of a mad ta tea rietafcy af Doth aehaOL la deaak af tea white UgaU .ad want ta athoal band* || ly drank. ' Uni af'baar (a Btedaa'eaaaty h a raid atoda loot weak. d » * d _ •_*' V' SHMONS PLACES BLAME FOR PRICES Tariff DntUe Direcib OrUi> ractl? RmhmU* Pit ’ W»thin*ioB. April * *n—Hr hof***t of North CmbUh, today reiterated bio opinion “that At tariff datte* and tfco CAM pcafereatial mto m 'directly or ridhreilp Ao cbiof factors which prarelT with ro •poct to Ao sagar mariMt and "hare ■red* k rev far the maajpeUtan of mpar to comer the market" la • autimaiil made peblic bp the OcaMcratte Nations! Committee Ki. Mumm declared that “pram tfcally aU of Ac boot and case —f > »redacu of this country bare paaod oat of tho hands of At tanaon (ate tho hand* of Ao roriacis and their ■reoelatoo. and are now bold bp a ireaM (roup of amaipalatoro who aim control a lant* port of tho ontpai of Coho, which bp mm of Ao prefer ential rater. Am bee earn r-I1 -”r Mir only fororin mark at for Ao par. (At of mpar." CantBcl a# Moahat "With a differential A farer of Csbai. rapar af nearly — *--1“ coat par pound/* be mid. “H «* apparent that it it aoaatrarp only to centre! the prodaetiea of taro rone trio* Ac Halted State* and Cabo—A order to Sire the small (reap of mej#atatem pff llftllj mrMtxmry ptvir trtf tkt price of oarer A Ao auhd of At Uaited Statoo. U la tppdHM. too, that At Maher Aa tariff para the briber also pore the differential. EASIER CANTATA WASDEUCHITOL Luff* Crawl fltMtA With Cuter Programi At FWt A crowd that filled to ninfleal^ the aedrtor id end heir nay «f the Arm Baptist choreb was delighted With the Easter --f. “The Coaqarrwg King." whieh was render •d hy tha their of that cboroh Ban. day see slag. Tha pragrma sauteed of otovea number! and as a whole was eaa of the mast pleating mod cals ever rendered in Dun. ■While the program woo a rtf rf one, it woo rendered in s feaMam meaner. without ths lout dlsrerolhla discord, and the large aedleaoa was tb rifled and m-thrOM aa the pra gram waa wio rod Nothing (hart of perfect co-opera tion end on tiring effort upon the part of each member of the choir eo«U bare prodnood end) aa cocaine Of entertainment for the music Imre re of the mom. Dr. C. D. Bala is dime* tor of the choir sad Mrs. 3. T. Guy Is organ let • Following ia the program la Its en tirety.: Fact I. (taction—Mr*, i. T. Gay, amaabt Bid* o*> in Majotey, (ehrnna) Ztan’* Daaghtor, Wm* No Mon, (quartet of Wosaan’a Vote**)—Mr*. *. L. Den Bln#, Miooo* Florence Bri nk, Ethel Louu tad Janie lpoek. Baialy Bo Beth Borne Oar Grief! (kata aolo, alia aolo and aha rat)— C. O. Bata, MMa MU* Naylor aad choraa. Whoa I Sanray the Wondroai Croat, (rtaat far aapraM and aka) —Mr*. A. C. Parker aad KM* tod* lpoek. Bo Cieath Sloop, (contaake tola) —Mr*. Goats* P. Malay Part II. Why Waapaat ThooT (baaa aoia (joortot, soprano iota aad Choraa)— * T. Gay, Mr* Co*. P. McKay, Ml* *•»*• Is I Mea t, and B. D Baaa. Cbtfat la Mata, (tenor tote, mb* aad Soprano Deet aad Chdroa)—C K. Smash ten and Chosraa. Bam Calm and BaaatMnl, (kart ton* mb and choraa)-«. U Dan nhs# aad Choraa. LMt Op Tear Baa*, (than*). B«J*b*» 1W Lard b Kb*. (deal aaartat aad Char**—Mr* B. E Baaa, MM* MU* N.yUr, M. M. to aipaa, ft D. Ha. % ALL THE WORLD LOOKS TO AMERICA *“!g« KTlT*=*mr Prohrtteen l» the 0 ' <«■*." -Id Hew. TWm. Wetem. C* A—«. la addnat at the. flat Baetiat dank Itat n ilat A Mt> . *<aad tadlftt haaad Mr. Wtteaa^ • ddraaa. Ihaagh he —ha tar —at than « a bear. W held Ma —Waste ■tallhaaad at he taM af eeadMaae ia M*—Mather wet eettMiafc aaaktaet *r^M. MC-—T»Md«—!■*ttf the North Catahaa V "T‘ ia laa CM. Mr. Walter, ha —id. wee ee*t ta the United hate hr Mi ■ 11II wba Car the ratt aaeeateaa hnea a a—her aC y—ha at tram Aaahatb dtetete far reldaaae er apprwaM. A> M—pt ' ■fee eaM. «—M 1-tHw J»i MTlht «hM Mew A merle* will late ettflte t M ■ l. M* Mi I MM MM fiE

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