F. T. Mswmcqnx. M. a, IUit» IM, IMS. I W. M. MIWIUBY I M I •r Dm ton mi Dum. iDM iTm Dm at DmmmUi prtaar;. m. u. iuwul “mk IMS. IMS. wii H JhioU* tMtiN ta th* /«r c* mh M th« 19th »- i.MiM IL B-oy.- ilsr, UOiartox., . >.aw.r« Jaocrtbod imI . -i ■ ••'•Aaj >l'ro nr ‘net of land • ■ A .,i u «tt County, • • « N it ; Cain.i and daacrib >t»ra* i •: follow*, to-wlt: Ad Joinljr U» I >A of Ota. 1 Print* and T. J.-Jmi imn, at al a ad boaad*d Mi folloVI! ■ »*«»—>t a a take, Iihm^ P. T. Mt«M«*D l Conor, In the Weef •«* *4«n of bo alley in Block ■■ ohown by I m map of tho Town of C-, H foot about A of tb* " alloy with Cwn Auao with laid direction ninety I i ha* *f T. 7. the lino of T. direction in tho Uao of. wftb tb* linT* in a Northern <U-| t* Ball road! ta a Make in that lohaaan and L. H. with the raid Una I on and U It1 m direction and ■treat ninety containing M yarto « • In Bloch ”L" no of the Town of DviV, Thla Mad WOO hid off oa the 19th day of Mardyitll for the earn of ft.0M.99. T^i hid ha* bean railed > per cent and the bidden* win (tart at IJ4H.N. fr. * «i»t day ef Rareh. 1M!. April*! “0W* Nonce OF 1AU or vaiium 1 FAN! LAND UNDER MORTQAOC Under and-hr vixdoe ef the pewer of sale contained in a certain meet •#55 default hav payawat of the mortcate deed after advertisement in ac cordance wii kw u made pro vkled for ]_ easaa, tell la the highcet bidtlei ... cash at 1! o'clock u. in front ef the courthouse door rathe town or Ulllnrton. N. CL. the followIn* described tract ST ptteol of land, to-wit: All the Interart deed to T. A. Me* Laiab la a certain deed from Charlie Parier and wile and ether* by deed dated November 3, lBfPS aad record 'd la Book in at 30 aid da rtribed u folwwij^Bewinrina at w •taka la the iL/Jiumo McLaatoe Wrner, and rtu&JI 13 W. 11 13-10* Chalaa te ArtHy Stewarts oerner; tbeaco aj add Stewart* line N. *9 W. 13 chain* to a etake In Me comer; •hence N. M C. lfjthalaa to ■ ■*-»• Joeet McLain be co&c; thence u hit fre X tUX. it JZb* to lout Me. Lowho Conor oAn eld tiro kiln bod, contain!ns V* Jr*t room or loot. The ■ ntge.t of 9/aurtrui dead ooeort v out of I Marta oot of the above deocribed trftt of land. Thlt the tTth day of Manh 1913. A. & HUDSON, Moitfafee. Jamet Earner, Attorney. April 10 If 14 May 1. EH m ■ 9 i r* t-, * . 1 - K/ **.< i m I 5* I-. ■ " T - 1 Protect Your Buildings V ith ACME QUAL pamts Paints for ♦ , y Purpdae. • We carty^** complete line of plows and cast ings. : 1, Let us your Hard N. A. Bell Dunn, — 5 ! •' ,r ■Ju *. .as. I JOHNSON BROS, i 9 . ♦* fm, — i /■ »■ -t • * / t ^-v.ATTENTION to builders WE HAVE DONE ROOF ing for somo of the Smoot - > buildings la the city- hw J orty owners who roe Ills the f importmi.ce of reliability mi. most Invariably seek ear ssr ■ vieas without comps titiom. ' - They know wo nea only She heaviest sheet tin end em ploy only shilled help end too that every Job Is thoroughly well dene. Alee that ear bill is elweye as moderate as wo can make ■it- :: i We also carry a general * line of Shtngtee In Rod. , IOrovn and Peach Bottom < > Blue Black, including the 1/0blast. All those goods are Super Quality. Sea us before yoa buy your Bool. DUNN ROOFWG^AND CORNICE CO. | DuflU, North Carolina ♦ . * ~~~.. >+♦$ A $5 Bill and a $10 Bill IF YOU SAW THEM LYING ON THE GROUND WOULD YOUPICk \ THEM UP? f ^ g^ ) Of course you would. Wett-thtftia ex actly what you can do if vou do your buying at Butler Bros., and pop cash for your pur chases. We will 0 to 1 5 per cent off on each pur you make and pay cash for it. Save your —you have worked hard for it—ape: it at the place that you can get the most r it. This reduction eludes any purchase that you make in our __tire stock. BUTLER BROS. ^^JaMthe place where your dcdlara gQ the wort to tbs boms Writs for booklet of hate ful hints. Foil directions in IT" == Condensed report to the Corporstion Commission of the Condition Bank of Harnett Duke and Coats, N. C., at the close of Business April 3rd. 1923 RESOURC^^-. Loans and Discounts__$442,723.50 Overdrafts -$v---JT.-__ 170.53 Furniture ana Fixtures _ 2,200.00 U. S. Revenue stamps . J-__ 25.26 U. S. Liberty Bomls and Jp. S. Trees, notes. _ 104,100.00 Cash on hand and in otUtr strong banks 206,460.43 Total . . $755,679.74 \ LIABILITIES Capital.\1..$ 35,000.00 Surplus and undivicfcfl profits_ 39,455.34 Reserved for taxes _U_ 439.1 ft Deposits: V Checking.L.$312,989.21 . Savings and Time CAtificates. 320,346.01 Bonds and Trees, notes_ 47,450.00 Total deposits-1- 680,785.22 Total . _ .-.---I.$755,679.74 I OFFICERS B. N. DUJCJBT, ...-• --___. ly—idont W* A. ERWIN,_JL__" VliisPranirlanf *• ..-_vCSSE£ C 8 --....Active Vice Present 1J. CLARK. JR.,...;_CssUsr J. C. GRAHAM,--— ---- Assistant Cashier ^ *be of the public is respectfully callsd to tbs above ’ be pleased to have all persons who are saabltis s •sf* place to deposit tub active or idle funds, to call on or writ# as. , • i. . F. t , « / » ' . ' * , • HIHIEIEHBflHBfliEBHHlB

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