THE DUNN VOLUME X. DUNN, NORTH RAILROAD HAS NOT ACCEPTED TOWN'S LUCKNOW OFFER In Spite Of Persistent Rumors To Contrary, Matter Still In Dispute Coast Line Claims Property And Streets Town Seeks To Compromise And Has Offered Company Use Of Southern Half Of Square If It Will Abandon Claim To Northern Half_ Godwin £ Williams Confer With Opposing Counsel Th« Lucknow Squire controversy apparently U no nearer settlement thin it was two weeks ago whan the board of town communion*i» inetroo Uil its counsel to propose to the con tending railway company that It ne crpt the soathorn half of the prop rrty as i passenger station ute and , •bandon it# claim to tha northern half which the town desires to can* vert into o public perk. •II .pile OI persistent rumors lor the lut few day* that the railroad company had accepted th« prapml compromise, there has been no rath acceptance, according to Godwin A Williams, lawyers, who an rspraaaet Ing the board of commissioners in the matter The Lawyers went yes terday to Fayetteville to confer with Atlantic Coast Line counsel eoaeern •ng the compromise and won Inform ed that, although the counsel would be glad to reach an agree moot through which tho present emit could be abandoned, the railway officials had not as yet reached a decision. The latest proposal mad* by the board of conuniaaio(.un followed MM made by the railroad company. Th* company laid claim to all of th* prop erty, that part of Caaibortaat Itroot which divide* th* two Weeks and all of Dm (treat want of tho square, but wte not avano to tin ae* ef the romralKiionrrs haa received, and, ac cording to coansal, that Is el that the company haa given any informa tion that It would concede. SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS CO OPS Hands Down Opinion That Co-Oporetiwe Soiling Contracts Valid The Tobacco Growers Co-operative Aiaociation yesterday area tram the Supreme Court, in affirmation of conetitationmlity upon the statute under which it was organised, ap proves iu machinery ef operation, and endorsee H aa “tha most hopeful movement ever inaoguated to ob tain justice for and improve the financial condition of farmers and laborer*." The opinion in the cnee, entitled “Tobacco Growers Co-operative A» toeietion v. W. T. Jones, was written by Ohief Justice Walter Clark, and it an elaborate recital net omly of the contentions in tha action brought by the Affectation against a member! for violation of the co-operative eon-! tract, but of the history ef the eo-i operative movement. Tho defendant, W. T. Joust, of Nash, notwithstanding his eo-apera tiye contract, according to the fast in Uie case, sold part of bis ltft crop ef tobacco on the srnrahouao floor and announced that he would1 not deliver any more of hit tobacco' to the Association. The action srat brought by the Ataociation for H-' quids ted damages covering the to-' bteeo already told and for aa in-! junction to prevent farther branch of contra**, and the defendant appeal ed from tho order for an Injunction issued by Judge Prank Desist in Ktth county In October, IMS. AHegod A** Uassaathettoaal The defendant contended that the co-operative marketing net it unoou ctitational and void and that Urn eoav tract between tho plaintiff and die defendant it invalid beeaase fat re straint of Inter41 tats and Intru flute commerce and, therefore that the Injunction was ImprorMontiy granted. The plaintiff Amos tat to* sou tend 'd that the to eperatlye marketing Aet is constitutional and that a eo epertdve marketing aaaciatlea or, gaalsed for the handling of lit mem bort' product, .ply It tatMed to aa iajaaetiou against tho grower mmm bar who threatens to breach hit mark TOWN PRIMARY TO BE HELD TUESDAY A Mayor And Fonr Town Conmluiootn Aro To | Bo Nominated As has been stated la The Dis patch, tha town promary will be Iteld on Tuesday of next week, April IT A mayor anti four commisioners an to be nominated, which is equivalent to election. Two candidates for may or are to b« voted on, while there will be a contest for commlaaionei from all the four wards except ward No. 4, B. M. Brewer being the only candidate from that ward. J. L. Wade, incumbent, and J. W. Whitehead, are the candidates for mayor. Mr. Wade served the town as mayor for the past two terms of one year each while Mr. Whitehead •erred for two terms prior to Mr. Wade’s election. Three candidates are in the race for commissioner from tbs first ward—R M. Warren, incumbent; G. W. Butler and N. 8. Lee. Two are "offering" from ward No. 2—P. A. Lee, incumbent, and P. T. Maaecngill, while n like num ber are in the race from ward No. •9—W. H. Newberry, incumbent, and We Joy B. Tiiompaan. The campaign so far has been “a mild affair," but new life expeetod to be a/lilad during the remaining few •layp before the primary. The names of the candidates are presented and now the choice is left with you, "dear voter." CHILD BURNED TO DEATH NEAR WADE Eitke>Y«ar>OM Daifkter Of Mr. mmJ Nn. O. H. Houe ton Fatally Bamid Nellie Belle Heeetee, 8-yeer-e'd daughter of Mr. tad Ma 0. H. Houitoo, who Ur* near Wad*, died Tuesday of hare* r*o*lv*d tw* hoar* earlier when the fall Into an *p*a (Ire-pUoe. Tha child waa la the IT At. AH the clothing waa burned from tha _body and the child wai horribly burned. Tha mother, wha wa* attracted by the acraaam of tha unfortunate child, had her heads bad ly burned In trying to extinguish the flense. The funeral was conducted Wed nesday by Her. Mr. Broker of Wade and interment woe made la the fami ly burying plot at Bluff church. MRS. ANN MASON DIED TUES DAY Mrs. Allle Ann Mnaon, eg* tl years, died Tuesday at bar ham* ii Sooth Dunn. Deceased had been ii 111 health for some time and hei death waa not unexpected. Sever* children survive. The funeral wa | conducted at Uic grave Wednesday afternoon at 1:80 o'clock and in lermcat waa made In the family cemc tcry, near Falcon. SEASON'S FIRST CRATE strawberries brings sss Wilmington, April 8.—The flnt crate of ilrtvkrrisi appearing on ve market at WhitevtUe, Columbus county, today sold for StS ami the grower Duff McPhereon, won a |10 reek price offered for tha Ant crate. The second crate brought In was told by L O Sellers for flE In nil Are eratoa appeared on tha Whlteville market today and were skipped to a northern market. Published state menu that the crop had been sere re ly Injured by the Eaeter frost and freeae have been vigorously denied by growers tn tho Chadboum berry bolt, who declam that the fre erne cat what wool4 have proved be be an enormous crop and really waa a bene fit to them. A well laid ant and wall tilled gar den la one of tha roost attractive part* of the farm. etiag contract it not In restraint efj Inter-State commerce or violative of any Federal uti-trust law or tew agains tmooepoltos and daaa not vio late Ait statutes, public policy or | cenetiration of North Carolina. The eaes waa bandied for the plaintiff la the lower court bp Aaron Repim, nationality known eoepera | thro export aad attorney, Uwimca B. Levy, hit aaeerteta. Burgaaa * Joyner, Jamas H. Pan and Stephen C. Rragaw. hi tha Maker carat Lewrvnee B. Levy and James H Pao appeared. Attorneys Jar the defenoa Incbudad U V. Baisiti P. E Sprain, aad Jeasph H Tiitiii)— Raleigh News god Obasmr. A Tuberculin Te»t Of Harnett Cattle Georgia Farmer Charge* HU MM When It's All Too Lata — j A signed statement by Mr. Odum, I whose whole family was infested by ' onr cow. Mr. Odum, of Columbus, Ga., for I raerty of ValdoaU, Ga., nwd ths milk v( a tubercular cow for his family | to prove that ho did not bollove in it* • existence In cows ten years ago, and which dispose cansed the death of hU, 1 wife, the permanent disability of his i *un, and the hospitalisation of hia | two daughters, now believes that tu-j berenlosit can be contracted from i rows. Ilia aUlrmeot follows: ' In tlu? fall of 1912 the dairy herd uf Mr. O. H. Hightower waa tested for tuberculosis by Or. W. M. How sll; two cows were put out of the dairy. Onr waa slaughtered aa a re actor, the other was called suspicious. This one waa taken to my farm and milked, the milk being used by my family. This cow waa fod Just aa Iks other* in the dairy were fod. In one month’* time die looked so bad that 1 was sfraitl to milk her, consequent ly 1 ret anted her to Mr. Hightower. My eon, Jesse, developed tuberea loti* the nest year, end has had it until the present time (about nine years), and my wife, I believe, con. Iractcd it from the boy. The boy was kept in the ficottmh Rite Hospital for Crippled Children •t Decatur, Ga., for four years, for ii»re months oa hi* back, where part of hi« neck bone was removed and replaced by part of the leg bone, part of the bone from a sheep was n rs H to replace the leg bone. At present my two daughters are In in utebert ualrh rohfaT ctaain shrd the tubercular hospital at Alto, Ga, and I believe they contracted the die. | rase from their mother, who was , buried here today. 'MAY ENLARGE IRE | A luck of laborers I* tbo only thing that is retarding tfaa growth of the Dunn annex of the Durham hosiery mills, according to g. B. Ter rel. manager of the local loepiw plant Now machine* will bo added can be aeeucrU, said Mr. Ferrell, when seen by a Dispatch reporter Wednesday, who added that ho coaid ore at least live new operators each week. Only girls between the ages of 16 ami 25 years make good oper ntort for the looping machine*. Sev eral new operators Have recently be gun work and last week was a rec ord one for production at the local annex, according to Mr. Ferrell. ( It might be added that tho Dor , ham hosiery mills are the largest In the world, and thair product. Dur able Durham Hosiery, is nationally advertised and worn. Knitting mills are operated in several North Caro lina cldc* and towns ami looping an ( ncxn* arc operated In a still larger number by this well-known concern t If enough Skilled loopeiu can be *e 1 sured here, it srill b* only n mattci | of time before a knitting rail! wil be built in Dunn. i wmiy-iour looper micninu at*' »ow being operated at the plant in North Dunn ami it ia expected that1 this number will be doubled. In' fact, there are no doubts about tbs plant being enlarged If Isbor can bs secured to operated the new me rhlaea. A slight wage Inert see for opera tors of the plant here went into af fect thr.s week, in line with the ad ranees made at the Durham and oth er plants of this company. Young girts who desire to work would do well to sdsll the plant here and In spect the werk and (he working con ditiona The plant Is kept in a strict ly sanitary condition and a wldo-u wake girl ran command a astlufae lory wage. It was through the oflorti of Iocs eltixens that the annex was built hero and K will bo U> the in tec set of the rttlaena of tlto taow.i to lewd their In flsencs la making It poaalhls to on largo tbs mill, which edTI mean an ife creased weekly payroll. Alter TIH With Wife. Treoobor Throws Baby sat Wlodsw Nashville, Toms., April I.—After a quarrel srtth hia wife, the Boy. I Billie Watkins, former Baptist min Mer, threw hit otto year aid baby ] oat of the boose lu the yard, break ( ln« Its noth and killing It instantly | at Morris shape], Hardest county, ao ’ cording to reports knee. Ha Is wn oar arrest. » I I Other M r»uii», April ,f f onii victim ildent af laat when a Foul of the Cap* David R. rar, had hi* akuR fatal irjuriaa, expire iap math IntcnnaBt araa U1 unwind Mr aftemaaa. The other prove, eo way wipe than the Todd waa able to Thunder. •ml Hr 'ravr the when It irepoadeq* hoepltol, dM Pate waa P-oerhed the not, rowing wax only time the Hi rough chine, taking through dioudler. it :n 40 abort O hit way lhro< aitorlo be did. Uftlrxg the car, which bad tamed turtle, he called W the other* to got opt, bpt they were un able to do ea. He thea pulled the proetreto lonn of fate fro pi off hie von. who hod hl»-naek, lege and ana broken and hie ahull craehed, bat tile waa quickly 4Wng away end tho • on d>d in tho father** anna in a (•or momenta. TWf Is aH (hat he ra member* aj hie week iPod CO edition c;iu«cd him to too* all re me gab ranee ! «f thoj* who had tap chad the eceoe. The »arrlror*,aB of whom are now expected to recover, are eery to i phatie in that the bridge ihoald be made aafe. ’EepeeieOy the plan whirr the ear made He fatal plunge, aalhere in note rapport on either tide, wnleh make* it doably dargeroaa fee machine* to paee, with Imminent dan j e*v of rut.ning off tho embankment I It ulieuld be remedied. Mr. Owirge L. Sewell and Mitt Ncttio Colville war* quietly married at the home of the bride Tneaday afternoon. Rev. K. C. McCall, pester ef Baptist church, performed the cer emony which made the happy pair as one. Immediately after the wedding h r and Mr*. Hawaii left far Durham, and '*111 alto <pend several days in the western part ef the state before they return to Dak*, where they urW be at heme. Something new In the price of ed (nlaslen* to the movies here has been In rogue for the peat two wtahe. The Dec educational pictures which are being shown bora weekly, are new being shown for a ncailaal charge. However, the prim la not In araif, but halt week were tv* empty tin cane, and tkla week It war a can of broken gtaaa Tkla only applies to Khool children, who have poetically iratWrd up every dray aaa and bR of broken gioca they eoaid bod.] Ariel ta arc Kill being admitted wMh ] out any charge. Thee* novel plane hove greatly enabled the wagon to got the garbage at mm oaatrel placa and cart H away to b pine* wham it waa burned. It waa only a email part ef the intonatve Clean Op ported that Oak* endergoee at tbto ttano every year, and at other tnqncat he tervoVr. With every dweRiog hi town receiving a freak ranting ef paint Mtd the rtreats being rirtoa&y free of rab btrh, the town baa tohen on a now (look In appearances. The meaabon ef the fradbytorfa* church gave their peat as a pounding Wednesday night at Mo bam at Ua Cooper and RoMurk Charged With Frud Warrants lssaed At Tbs ■— -T Of J. T. Cvswdsr. Csdbr Of Wamlngton, April 10.— Follow, ing receipt of wasrams hero today] from Magistrate. J. Loyd mWy, of! RelolKb. Inood at the Instance of dJ T. Crowder, cashier of the Fsopltf1 Bank of Apex, Thomas K. Cooper,1 former president of tbs dsfaast Lib-! erty Saving bank, of this city, aad' J. C. Kouark, former raskier, wen! arrested and held la the slum of' ft,000 each, with E. T. Burton, law-' yer or this city as surety for their in Kelcigh Saturday be-! rur MsgL»trate Tilley. Cashier Crowder, of the Apex In stitution, alleges that on er about' November 28, 1022, he gave to Mr.! Cooper a cheek for $8,000 for a ear-' ciAeate pt deposit of ghs Liberty! Savings bank, tlw check being paid by the Merchants’ National bank of Kalelgh about December 2, 1222. Ox] December 20. 1P22, the Commercial; National bank her* was closed aad February 2, 1*22, ths Liberty See.! lags bank was closed, the two iaatt-! tutions being associated. The eerti-j Aeato of deposit became due ami payable to the Apex bank on Feb-! ruery >8, 1028. hut. It is alleged, has! never been paid, toe Liberty Savings' beak having been closed prior to that data. Mr. Crowder allege* that he Is in formed and believe* that the money was net deporitod in the liberty Saviags bank to the credit of ths Peoples Bank of Apex, aad there fore charges Mr. Cooper with fraud in handling the transact too. Cashier touark is brought into the case oa the allegation that he issued the rtiBcatc of deposit to Mr. Cooper without receiving from him the Mr 900 which Cashier Crowder had paid far it, thus becoming a party to the alleged fraud. MR. DAVID R. PATE DIES OF HUMS David R. Pate, driver el the 01 : fated automobile, which rsa at a Id-foot eaibaakment at tha southern cad of the bridge which spaao Cope Fear rirer, fear natlra wast at Dana. Seedsjr afternoon, died Tanadar night abdut 10 o'clock. Mr. Fate died at the flood Hope hospital. Daks, when he waa taken soon after the accident, of interns) in furies m eelred is the crash. Ha waa M yean eld sad unmarried. The fanaral eras conducted at dm ■rave Weducaday a/terbeaa at IJO o’clock hp Rev. Albert MaOal, pas tor of the Baptist church at Mka. of whleh docaaeed was a member. Thli was the second death Mart i»r from the auto aocidewt, Robert Norris, a 4-yuar-eld child, hartnc been inatantlly kitted. As waa rioted In Tuesday's Dispatch. Mr. sad Km I. W. Norris, parent* of tha AM killed, another of their children and Mm Bother Todd, a airier of Mm Norris, were all ear lenity kart, Mr. Nerrin probably fatally. Between mother** bridge partis* and father'* poker {eight*, tittle Slady* mad Baddy kart to ba intro- 1 laaed to Dad and Mam every wa*te rn d. ___ I lion. Along with the local ehnreh, the Other charge*, erbieh iaetedes Batata, Plat Breach, Bunnloyol aad Wata mi inter choreh, whom Bar. Mr. Qfbk* •err#*, ware there with many (aad thing* far him. H was a ganaiaa wrpriw for tha min later, aad ha rirnwod hi# apprechdea la away ways at tha unexpected serprlm ghran him. Contract has boea Ut for too cen etroctioa *f seven now Baa day school room* to ba built at tbs mrtjtailaa church. Work wtB bo hagea *a them Monday momlng. and it la inpailad that th«7 will toon bo aotepiotad. Tb* Presbyterian Sunday school bars baa bad a wondrrfal growth in tha lata year, a odor tbs sSUIant walk Mug and bla able corps at aadrtawta aad tb# roam* are aecaeeary for tho cure at tb# scholars. Tb* * rgea taction of tha leu) bao* bafl team la t* ba hold Batarday. bo shown. Other plana will ba dla raaaad bp which it la hoped that Date will pat a team tat* Bm Bald Brit1 year that will b* oa a par wttb ttmj woadorfal aotBU that year eftor year wo* tho county nbamplsatalp far a* ataay aiaaana Paan bare an pasta lead a team thU poor Bat wQ eaaao thorn ta att op and tab* nett#*, and aha ta b* prood at SYRIAN TO SPEAK IN DUNN SUNDAY WO! Tad Of Aa wae patch, tha Near Eaat wfll bogie to tha people of of eoaditieaa aa they _ ia that coon try. It It aM ta kt an riagaaat apaakar and aa daabt hi* ataty af tha terrible eeaditioat uaang tha Ch nation people af An. mania will ha amet [ataraatlin. IfeM ia aahed ta Mfee |TM af tha (10#AO# whiak tha State la eadaar •Hag ta raiaa far tha ptupMa ad tar ing far tha 1UAM 11 pint tbUdaea pa ran la af thaaa Aiaakn rhMitna were mania had biraaaa af thair re. fatal ta maaiM thair faith hi Cria tianity. Baa. A. B. pao lor of the Dana ia chairataa af tha __ Mat only aheeld the - of Da an attend tha meeti^ Bmdtf uftcrnaoa, hat they abaald nha Hb nal ttahhathaa ta aid ia thta giaat liamanttBriaa aair that af r >ng food, alathiag and r the uafertaaate child re a af i flame ehildraa daat aaa thair pa> raata aa often aa they aaa h« kae ■an. KAY MERIT A GREAT FORTUNE tntgeatlas bM soar AUeatcs to tot Cage Fear Hear, ami Dock*17 Allas, whe Ueaa eight milca tram Lstotor taa as taste i. aagi to tasHaStota Haa Jim Bator left Babins and recall* that to laid to waa going te California to gat rich. Sfaaan. Tyaar aad Bhaatar art haetag tha matter iseeatlgatad, be ing certain that thalr ancle, Jim PBBo»| nil OEaC OI InC EME FMEYiM to asd that they eaa eatabliah thau elaiom to hatog the aaoeact reiatieai and lawful bain. BUIE'S CHEEK MKABS PBOMINENT SPEAKSW Buie’. Creak. April 11— BaleV 1 Creak Academy haa baaa fart—ta|' in haring had la tMa aal-Bp taw great addmaaei recently. The aacm-' Inf of Mr. Many L Strickland, Son day aehoal aperiallat, aha gaca taro, fraat adlraaaaa. area aa aaaaalaa ad| great rariwriaan. At the alaae ef the aerriee rix aaada pabHe paaCaa rioa ef faith. BcaageUat M. T. Han, maw eaa. daring serial neetiaga at Tayettd rille. with Me areas illaHi peaty tend acted ana acvriee hen laat amah af prefaarime. Mr. E. L. Mid*ten, Mata Saaday wheel cocrriary far Narih Caielma Sapshdi, la to ha ban April SS, tl and **. SEUSA WILL UT NEW UMWW PAMWOtt STATION Tha Sapnai i eeart Witoiatop «y held the haato af toe Stole Car po rati an Cannriaatoa. whan K dtoaat. | ed the Atlantia Caaat Lha ad to! On Km*, atffct, April *4. at the mrttli., of Um Board of Dimot Z^tri«4M*M.aK? ?i“cS*J<£ MJ™ * r*pw» * dw ««rk of Ik* to iwt much MUM had’bara M** Ammg * thin,* ■>Hinid h kh Npnt. H wan mat* that daria*tfc* yawr from April 1, lilt, to dp* 1. ittt, thera had b»aa in Mm hasaa aa lack* wm»f nnmrtnirkif af tb« Jut Mr. Cslbntli waa Mnb4 bit war to tb« ft* «bkb pwltyh«had^lapmiwirttri My r*f ,*"*,*** '*■■* ?* Sr^SriTSyjft? apmJm pwn and apply to* aurploo to tka iad .ktr Isaac. part at wkiafc waa to ll tfgffl m S»| ©ClSag AaaMca eaat of food, inchad iar toK-aM mppifei of fam ... (Ml Avdrage eaat af dotting, nat incfedlng namings of *a children from coma pick in, last fall . 14B Arerage co*t of operatic (pal SB SM Twal coot monthly par capita N.M Accurate accounts are ka^t of tka coat af faming and dairying.*** aop pixi uacd hi tka kamaa art aha ig ail op aa thay am and. and tka tom *0.-k ah owed a pradt af MM o*or caper act. Orer 1400 gowta af fmit and ragetabiaa mao mtt af tthfcfc artt ttlni — tka fern.

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