Mix Hjrrtlt Pope la ipending th (lay In Fayetteville. John Wataon, of Wilson, araa i visitor ia Dunn this week. J. A. Hockaday of Angler wai i Dunn businoss visitor yesterday. E. I* Cook spout Wednesday am yesterday in Richmond, Va., on bv incus. R. M. Warren and J. L. Hatchs •pent yesterday in Fayetteville o> basin ax Recorder and Mra. Albert Noble o Smilhfleld wore among tbc visitors ii Dann yesterday. And, this is Friday April tbe 180 —what the superstitious would cal two unlucky days In one. A. Pel d man went yesterday t< Ahoskie to visit relatives. He ia es peeted to letarn tomorrow morning J. R. Smith, contractor, has Jusi returned from South Carolina, whert he closed a contract for four millior foot of tindier. Geo. K. Grantham, J. W. White head, R. L. -Godwin and J. W Draaghon are spending the day ia Raleigh on business. «. d din, iop«nnifnnem oi ■IrreU. it making noted improve menla in the itrsots north of tha Durham and Southern station. The highway between Dunn and Duke Is being plowed up and when the work haa been completed this stretch of road will be greatly im. proved. Alton Muikr left th's week for Charlotte, where he haa accspL-u j position in Liggett'* drug store. Tl>* Dispatch wiahao bins much surreal in his new position. Pear**’* Bakery ia offering two e»*h prise* for the heat essays on "Why Bread la Your Beat and Cheap est Pood.” The contest is explained In un ad in today's paper. A large portion of the cotton crop haa been planted In tha Dunn Dla triet during the paot week, and the ahowers which haeo been falling will prove of great benefit in sprouting the aeod. Agatha, one-month and lft-rtay old daughter of Mr. and Mia. L. 8. Stewart of Duke, died last sight Thin was the second of twins to dla, the 11 ret only living a abort time after Us birth. M. L. Tucker haa moved into hia new bungalow on Granville street recently completed by J. R Smith, contractor. Mr. Smith is also Anlta . isg£p hjn gurk ou a cottage in South Doan for Mrs. J. G. Goddard. ' yumn nomr. retag; fSTSS heee a highly respected ettissn of Harnett county tor twenty yaan or more, died at hia homo noor Dunn on April 7th. He had been a Baptist ministar for forty years. He wss 7« years of age. A fair-sixed audience witnessed the play, “ Prof. Pepp.” given by the junior clans of the Dunn high school in the local opera house Wednesday evening. The door receipts totalled about *100. Those witnessing the play declare it weB presented and highly entertaiaing. The show window at L. P. Sort**' *tor* on Bast Brood street is at tracting a great deal of Mention. Ho has in it sevonty-dlv* baby chicks that seem to be enoytng life immensely. They are about ten days old, and are being fed oa the chicken feed which Hr. Surics recommend* no highly. ■RIGHT JEWELS The Bright Jewels of the Method ist church will ohoorrs their no>7 hoar Sunday afternoon at S o'clock. A fell attendance ia dsetaed. ». Y. P. U. PROGRAM Monday, April L6, IMI. I pledge tny allegiance to ray coun ter's flag— Why not to the B. Y. P. U.T Lot's make eor UNION a “PLEDGE MEMBER” anion; Hear It diareseed Monday night In B. Y. P. U. Group Na. t. 1. Plano dost— By Mias as Annie Belle Nod and Bailie Naylor. 2. Scripture lessen—Mrs. Sara Broughton. S. Sentence prayer. 4. Introduction— By Mia. B. D. Bunn. S talk—The B. Y P. U Pledge— By Mr. Ivan Bally. «. Talk—Loyalty to Christ and the New Testament—By Mias Lele Strickland. 1 Talk—Loyalty in All TWnga— By Miss Rath Taylor. 5. Loyalty to the training servlet —By Mia Sal lie Naylor. # Lay* tty to the privilege* and oppertanitJe*—By Man C. N. Jack son 1*. Poem Qod'e Boa*—By Ida Mas Pittman. 11. Solo—By Mr*. Osear Strict land. It. How to keep the pledge—•; Mrs. Roger Breaks. met AND health BoUlgh. If. C April 12—“Of ill peoyl*. these livlag la the eeantri ahauld ha the meat heaRMal. Thai should ha strong ia tody and atari —-u—I-—1.-L-_ _gw»^ I Duke, Apr. ».—Beginning on Apr ! lari, the Erwin Cotton Milla Co., le t catcd hero, haa announced a very tub atantiai incrcaae in waget taking trf i feet on the above dote, for their em. pieyeaa. Tkia action waa taken vol untarily on the part of the company 1 and ita announcement haa caused ■ widespread fraling of approbotior throughout the town. Tbit company ■ haa always taken the interest of it employees to heart by their policy oi being always ready to help. Material ia arriving every day now for the start on the new mills to br erected here. There arrived today 1 part of a shipment of 1SS new looms which will V installed in the present plant. Also the work on the new dwelling* haa already begun, ai enginesce have been at work laying off the streets and planning a new town. Severn] operation* have recently been made at the Oood Hope Hospi tal here for appendicitis. These have all been successful, and most of the Patients have gone to their homes. There ia no doubt bot that the hos pital here It an Indispensable insti tution of tbe town, and the eitisona at * whole are proud of the great work that It ie doing. Mr. and Mra Robert Barbour, ot Fuquay Springe, spent tha week-end here with Mr. Barbour's mother. Mrs. L. E. BUncO. Mias Minnie Ryala and mother spent the week-end at Benson with relatives. Mr. and Mra. W. M. Pate and son. W. M. Jr., were week-end visitor* at Fort Bragg. Mra. Dana Johnson and daaghlrr, Miss Robena, attended the burial ef Mra. Johnson's daughter, Mrs. Jeml gan. at Falcon last Saturday. Mr. aad Mra O. F Jemigan mo tored to Fort Bragg Sunday, where they apaat the day. D. H. McGill spent the week-end at Foar Oaks on business. Douglas Parker of Richmond, Va. >peut the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mra J. W. Parker. Rev. N. M. McDonald, pastor of the Bales Creek Methodist church, conducted service* there Sunday morning. "The Modern Prodigal,” a pageant, was gives Sunday evening by the Bp worth League at the Methodist church, to a large audience. It was splendidly rendered, and the entire tart aeqaitted themselves by carry ing it eat without a hitch la the pro gram. la the main, the play showed the work which the Epworth League out In the future. Thia work has been only going on for a year, as Sunday marked the Aral anniversary of its organisation here in the local church. West Durham va. Duke In a bowl iag and checker tournament is tha announcement appearing on local bulletin boards for Tuesday night. This is exported to draw a large num ber of enthusiast* of these popular winter sports, which have a goodly number at devotees hare. Duka and West Durham both pride themselves on their bowling anil checker teams, and It it expected that both outfits will exert thematlvas to the limit in ar. ef fort to carry off the honors. t Thousands of unwanted children have lived to write their name* in flaming letter* m the Autograph of the world. in mind. They spend their life most ly in the open sir. Their food Is the fraitt of the eoil yielded from the retorn of their effort*. Many nod varied may he their diet By (in fal and wlee planning the farm will provide food At to serve the moat ex acting appetite. Many farm folks eajey the bast of ham and boeon. and have plenty of butter, milk, cream and collage choose provided by the family cow," says Dr. Hal verson, Nutrition expert for the State College and Department of Agricul ture. lie eaps ‘The all-the-ysar-roand garden will tarnish salad green* and <r*#h vegetable#, orlop and groan, freshly picked. The fanner's wife does not know the wilted aad shriv elled vegetable* familiar to the city women. She has the choicest and freshest of greens and phds to adv ert from. "Plenty of eggi and poultry pro vide additional tempting food for the •ver-hungry, growing children. "The bony patches aad orchard will famish the necessary fruits and berries In season. AO the family may •"Joy luscious strawberries, dewber riss, peaehe*. pears, plums, grape* aad apples a* they ripen. With some effort, to he aura, the fanner, hie wife and children may have the beet Of meels, tho beet ad fame and thla In retom will be repaid by goad health and good vitality. Tho young atom eon have the glow of ruddy cheeks. Substantial bra and verted dlot furnish muscle and brown. The fnthrr aad rnothtr are well-preserved, hale and hearty. Umbra I* Us* satis faction and th* contentment of hav ing produced something asm than a sla*e orwp and In not Hvlng out *f tin suns aad small packages " | DEATH OF MRS. J. C. DAWSON i On Monday, April 8th, at her home i *° Eureka, Mr*. John C. Dawson, tt*i> I Mi«a Myrtle Goff. <Uod after a brief I Ulne»a, Shu wan thu eldest daughter | of Rnv. and Mr*. II. H. G«ff of Fal | eon, and had been married a little over two yoara. She would have bevu | twenty-three yuan of age had she •, 'Wnd till the 30th of this month. Her death was a shock to the fam ily and friends, who had no intima tion that she waa Ul till messages wore received telling them that she wae at the point of death. Her father was at the time hi BcnnatUviHe. 8.C., ' holding au evangvlietie meeting, and I the word of Iter Illness did not reach him sufficiently rlnar for him to real lie the seriousness of It until she had died, Her mother went to her hud. •Ido as soon ae possible after receiv ing the message, but did not reach Eureka till her duughtrr hud become unconscious. fin. Uaweon U earvived by her huaband, a child a little over a year old, and an infant of two day*, *lao by her father ami mother and ton brother* and *i*ten. aho wa* th* niere of Mr*. J. A. Pool* of Dunn. Tha funeral *ervirc* were held In tl*o Methoditt church of Karelia, the bunding being well Ailed, ami the floral offering* abundant. Mi»* Irene, a *i»tcr who i* attend ing college at Don, came to Dunn, and three automobile load* of friend* from Falcon jotna dher here. Thi* ia th. third lime Mim Iren* ha* b««>> enllrd home during her college life to the burial of a cIom relative, th* flirt being her grundaMther, th»n an unrle, and now, her mater. M*. J. E. JACKSON PASSES John Everett Jackaon, well-known Sampeon county citizen, died Tow day at hi* home in the Mingo tectioa. Deeaaaad had been ia dc tllnlhg health for wveral month*. He "m* 64 yearn old and i* mrvivad by hi* widow and aeveral children. The funeSal wa* conducted Wednesday afternoon at l:SO o’clock and liv teframe wa* made with Mmnk honor* in the family cematery, near 1 the heme. N. a a. Ta Aaaailaal Of Nahamiah Pendleton. WaakaviU. Maeahanl Elizabeth City, April 10_Niha nuah D._ Pcmlleton. a Weekavillc merchant, died ia a ho»pltal hare to FARMER! SHOULD PLANT OAK DENS What is a good garden worth to tin* average farmer? This fc a herd uuosrion to answer, but ovary ons know* that it is worth much mors than the time required to -'•He it. Now it is very nwcoesary for every one to grew what they oat, far there will be less money to hey food from the cot toe crop, sine* the hell weev il have to have soma of th* money Plant something to car., that you might have next winter instead af buying these canned vegetable* tram (he grocery store. It ie possible to grow timing the rummer very cheap ly. vegetables which might fas can ned. There ean be used when the v urctable* *r* being shipped front Florid* and rolling at high pries*. There i» little need for formers t) coming excited over the presence of the boil weevil. If the safe pelt ry of growing nil the food needed for the family, and the feed for th* live-stock is followed, farmers will live e* wcB or better then *v#r. It's a very poor policy to grew Cot ton only, and buy the food for the family ami feed f,r the live, ntork. It i* hoped that tha farmers of t;sc Dunn district will not mak* ti e mistake. Thus I am csdling at trrr-on to th* tluug«r af the one c.op system. Everybody should at tempt to “I've at horn*." TeU yoer neighbors. i wurw i IK un; *41 ccam ox int sirs* 4 tt, JAR. w. VINES, Prln. II. C. Training Reboot. I ARCS STILL CAPTURED A B Adame, local prohibition agent. Wednewlay raptared a copper whisk»y ctil of hO-gnSons capacity, together with ala barrel, of beer iu John*ton county. The adll waa a dandy outfit, but waa wot In opera tion when the officers reached it. No a.rciu were made. Officer Adam was accompanied on the raid by t'onatablc I* W. Tart of Dunn and two Johnston county officer.. •I.oy f, ora tha effect of a blow da llva-red when he was robbed iaat night He found lying in a pool of bicod between hia store and boarii -l>T boasc nod presumably wa. tob s-'tl of caah he was taking horns after closing the stare. He waa brought her* last night for treatment while in an onroaacioos condition. There U no due au to the Identity of Mr. HemUcioo'e anallant, but It U thought that he aiuat have bacn .Hacked by *ome one who *nw him reuut hi* money, pat It In lilt poekot a!,d lock up to ye home. Mr. Pendleton waa unmarried. He U cuivivod by a brother, H, D. Pm. •Helen, of thi* city, ticket agent of the Norfolk Southern Boilway. Many a woman'* ulaa at bom* I*. li<*; that U the place *ba may yo whoa <he want* to change her trade. Business Local MONEY TO. LOAN ON FARM '»»*» la iroanU from 11.000 to *'<0,000 for JS run. Godwin and Attorneys, Dana. N. C rOR SALE — NINE MOUNTAIN Layl» Pit Game*. If Interested sec A. R. Maynard, Dona, N. C. 13-lfr. NEW FORD TOR SALE—CASM ON unm W. H. Parrish, Dunn, N. C. 10 4t pd. ONE OF MY TENANTS, TOM DA vir. Duke No. 1, has several flash tows for sale Clarimc* J. Smith, Dunn, K. C. IS EU FOR RENT.—SIX.ROOM HOUSE on West Brnad street Call or p'km'o Dr. T. E. Dardcr,, Dana. N. C. Ml. MONEY TO LOAN ON LONG torms secured by faitn lauds; on short terms secured by tawn prop erty. Clarenre J Smith. IS Ste FOR SALE.—WHITE LEGHORN i cr*. *1.00 for setting of 16. Bpe riul price by the hundred. Ed. B. Warren, Dunn, N. C. Na. 4. Otic. SANDER FORD'S HOME-MADE sausage, beat yet. 11 ow much can *i' acini you? Freeman's Cash Grocery. 9tfe. MONEY TO LOAN.—ANY Amsuus on long time. If intended an ar at once. Weet and West, Attorneys. II tfe. MONEY TO LOAN OH FARM FRO peity.—38 years time if wanted. Amount* ay to SS0.900.00. Sea WiMoa and McLstd, Attorney*. Dunn. X. c Jam 8, tfe. READY FOR SERVICE—J NOW hurt a fine registered black jersey bull ready for service. Price 81.00 in advance. Worth M Pepe's Dairy Farm. Otic. 11 ■" SALESMAN WANTED.—TO SELL • (wtint scrub kroon*, b (M<n Um W-.Hr/. t-.-.ubs and drier a Os#/; wimout a map. ri.th and wltAaat •tinging, kneeling or Mapping. It is u vU-an float actaasOy. Mu ; **»vrujirf. Who a .Hiant wsatad, it sails itself. Agent* making Stt.Mi i to saii.MI a day. For .tonritoty write J. L. FrankJhi, Oanaral Agt. ar..l Watnet Manager, Dona, N. C. Apr.l 0 IS pd. FOE SALK.—PRACTICALLY NEW Eddy-Coop an.l a baby MmL trimmed. If iatametd phana atd for t Jrt.ier iafarmalian. M tfa. TT* HE® ■ U«|i r 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 :; Runa Continually from 3 p m. to^l 1p. m. ' MONDAY ONLY [ King Vidor presents «! “ LOVE NEVER DIES * ;; A picture of love everlasting, a picture thAt is bi* as !; your heart j . • ;; No Advance in Prices < I _ 4 ' > 4 » « 1 ][ COMING: Watch for Date. Miss Irene Castle ' J America’s best, dressed woman, in the ! '< • nicture most beautiful ! “ Slim Shoulders " ;; COME TO THE MATINEE I | 4 . s-ss,. . .. vvsTisee^ee■■■■ssaassa^ss* — ...... ^ TVVTTTTVVVVVVvvtttf^VTVVVTTVTVl m ■ ■■■■ — Earn a Cash Prize For the best essay on “Why Bread la Your Beat and Cheapest Food” we will give a cash prize of $5.00. For second beat, $2.50. Easay must not contain more than 300 words, and the contest is open only to thoae attending the public schools in Mamett, Sampson, Cumberland and Johnston coun ties. Papers must be handed in or mailed be fore midnight of Monday, April 30. They will be judged by three Dunn busi ness men, who will name the winners in this contest. I — Pearce’s Bakery Bakers of Mity Nice Bread I DUNN, —NORTH CAROLINA --— ■ i PENDERS YELLOW FRONT STORES Wonder Seif-Rising Flour K45cK87ciJl.70tJ3.40 —i- PTnrT ff y ffrnla ftp No. 2 Can 31c pies, large can 14c Blue Ridge Sugar Corn, No. 2 Can_12 l-2c Atmore’s Mince Meat, Pound __17c Minute Tapioca, Pack age _. 12c Kingan’e Corned Beal Hash, 2-lb. Can 16 2-3c Libby’s Foster Br. Lunch Tongue, No. 1 Can _2Sc Rice, Fancy Bine Race, Pound - 8c Argo Starch, 12-os. Package _ __7c D. P. Extracts, Lemon or Vanilla, 2-oz. Battle. 25c D. P. Oats, Carton. . 10c I B :: 1 1 Star Soa Cmka 8a STOUT DRESSES Sizes from 42 to 52 1-2 Good Styles Come and Look Them Over Priced from $24.50 to $49.50 The Fifth Ave. i Dim, N. C. D. P. COFFEE off ^ The World’. Beet Draik XJ| M* In One Pound Seeled Phg. W Yellow Front Coffee, lb._Jle Golden Blend Coffee, lb._25e A Treasure of a Car The public lv.:s -j 'i| tiiQMir vlt>‘re honor ia due. (ltrttt.':v .»1 n.l .•. .1 .rr.k-i mure worthy. It is better !«>/.* . . : i. i:*.rre .l^>—d« able onj vc>ih;*-iJ;-.|. V V ituliuiu it M tha greatest maens; !.;!i i,» ilk..- wuj id. And as back it up lo limit i.l u;r 1 iMiurcus. W 1tk Id UNflnu.ul la H> ^rrifrrf fat

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