THE DUNN VOLUME X. DUNN, NORTH CAROM*A, TO HARDSBRFACE DUNJfDUKE ROAD Contract Will B« Let Next July' Say* District Read Com mi as toner Hill Contract for hard-surfacing tho stretch of highway between Dunn and Duke will be let in July of this year, according to • latter re ceived recently by ex-Congressman H. L. Godwin from John Aprunt Hill, highway commmixxioner in this, the fourth, district. It had beer, exported that contract for this project would be let earlier, but the delay raeckj from a short age of stone and cement. Mr. Hill indicate* in his letter to Mr. Godwin. Hr adds that tho money for hard surfacing this stretch of road has| boon act aside and will not be spenti for any other purpoea. A committee from the Dune Cham-: bar of Commerce had planned to go' to Durham yostarday to see Mr. Hilll relative to the matter of hard-eur-1 facing this road, but tho trip was: poetpoaed after tha receipt of the letter from the highway cotumis • toner. The increased travel on this stretch of road that will result from the erec tion of the new 40,000 spindle denim mill at Doke makes It all the morn important thkt H Ibehard-surfaeed, and this encoaraging news from Mr. HJil will be pleasing U the citiaeas of both Dunn and Duke, as well as others. _ i Tbo way to uvr moisture for tbo mntrn is to keep the soil loos* on top by frequent, shallow cultivation. COKER REPLIES TO FRANKLIN SHERMAN Citrus Hk Version of Bod Weevil Control Witk The Dispatch has received the lel ' lowing letter from David R. G&*r, of tho North Carolina Experiment Station published in a recent lasee of this paper: March 30, 1823 Editor, The Dunn Dispatch, Dunn, N. C. Daar 8ir: We have Just received from a cor respondent dipping from one of the county papers of a latter from Mr. Franklin Shsrman, Chief of division Ten Drunks To Answer In Court This Week aad S«»mI Other Offenders Te Feee Recorder R. L. Godwin On Thursday Thursday pro mime to be a “llvo" dug ir> the local recorder’s court. • wiu* to the foot thut Recorder R. L. Godwin hud to be out Of town last Thursday there wae no court and Saturday night and Sunday’s arrceU In Dunn totalled ten, all for being ■trunk. Of this number six were white, four colored. Theae added to the eases continued from last week make up a considerable docket. Chief of Police B. A. Rowland, Policeman W, K. Nipper, Deputies Mclcod and Tan and Special Officer A. B. Adams are co-operating in an effort to break up blockading in and around Dunn. Saturday night these officer* raided four places in an tf fort to round up blockader>. How ever, they failed to And any "spirits" as 0 result of the raids. STATE LEADS IN MAKING TOBACCO Manufacture* More Than Any Other State in Union As Well A* Raise. It Non than onr fourth of the manu factured chewing and smoking to bacco produced in the United States loot year was manufoctared in North Cotollna, according to statistics an nounced through the Department of Commerce. New Yotk is next in the line with 20 per cent. North Caro lina is credited with 27 per cent of the total manufactured tobacco The number of factories in the Slate Is not given, but New York Is credited with 843 such places where cigarettes, smoking sod chewing to bacco were manufactured. The In dustry in North Carolina is largely centered in Wlnston-Salam and 1st Durham where nationally known brands art turned out. The num ber of factories in th* State is Basil according to reports mad* to the Bu reau of th* Census, th* value of pro ducts of establishments engaged pri marily In tiie manuufacture uf cigars, and cigarettes amounted to 9*06, 749.000 in 1921 as compared with (778,882.000 in 1919, and 8814, 884.000 in 1914, an increase of 4 per cent from 1919 to 1921 sad 188 per tent for the seven years’ period 1914 to 1921. "In addition to the amount shown for th* classified ladoatry. establish Experiment Station which wa here with quote in full: "Weevil* Invade the cotton field* (experience of 1021) in late May, but no eggs are laid until square* form,” lays Mr. 8herman. By thia time the overwintered weevil* are! dying off, and the new generation does not appear until about three' werfu or longer after the egga have' been laid. On June 27 and 28, 1022, 1 entered in my field notes that (even to nine hoar* search had not found j even one adult weevil In Union and! Scotland conntlea, and thoea notes, made at the time, state that (hi* waa evidently the nataial interval beJ tween the overwintered brood aarf their progeny, “On June SOth 1922 a printed' statement was issued by a grower in South Carolina (name omiWad to avoid controversy) that by certain treatment he had reduced the weevila In hia fiidda. Ha waa iaaaing this statement in the midst of this nato-| ml Interval, while wa were noting the same scarcity of weevilp* in ficldij where no treatment had been given. “This same eater*] interval de ceived many farmers who bad been burning their fallen squares. They! felt sore, from this practical faet' of U«( waarile that they had th« weevil* under control. By July | to 10 however tho next feneration! w*i coming on,' and thereafter the brood* overlapped and intermixed ee that there wee not another no tic able lemoning af waavila.” Although Mr. Shaman doe* not1 '•far ta a* hy name, era cannot nl-| law him to epflta any af a or gone with1 thia camouflaged attack hamate ha! daatraa to avoid a peruana! contra veray. lot ue Aral unra Mm that wo will aot allow any contra** ray with hh> ar airy oBtor wail nlng man to dofeaemte to a perronal koala. la the Ant paragraph af Mr. Shar min’a article ha atotaa facta which are perfectly wall Intown On ***** th* caiMial attadamt of the Ilf# hiatory of th* hod woooil. Be, howwrtr, a*** hi* ahaaraatloM of Jana 47th and 4Ath to aombat oar aUtamonU a* to oar »xp*rl»nao and abaarvetlona at a ital* two to faao wuba pro*Iona ly daring a period when the old weev il a had not begun or had joat begun to lay cgga. Let aa aey to the farmer! of North Carolina and to Mr. Sherman that If they will proparly apply a Mix ture of oae pound of calcium araon ate, one gallon ef water, and one gallon of aiolaeoea, at the rate of on* gallon per acre, to the bnda of poung cotton a few days before there are any aqnarae on the young cotton and repeat thoee application! at •eehty Interval, for two or throo wooka, there will be no weevilt to amount to anything on that cotton four to fly* week* later. la the compete of this lotto* wo cannot go Into detail* at to method* of ««(«n control but wM be glad to aend. without root, to any cotton farmer, copy of a bulletin by the writer giving oor own experience and that many other farmer*, on weepil control. Let ua aay that WO regret the air thud* of aouao government expert* toward* intelligent feraser* who art trying to do arientife woe* They •earn to with to dtceredtt aU agrieaW tpral information except that origt : noting from gorewunont aoarce*. , The WlUtaamn plan of corn produc tion am* atttaehcd aad ridiculed ky many government expert* but It la now univenaUy nmd in vary large aeotion* of the eastern and central cotton bolt and ha* added to tha com projection of aevoral at*tea. Attempts have boon made by aame part!** to dtecroriit am advice oa weevil control by Inti mating that wo wore not entirely alntermtod la advocating certain method*. Tha promoter of one af the patented or emwet mixture* ha* mad* the atate. ment that we are ‘‘advertising *ad •elling” a mixture for wewit control. We are not advtitlalag or selling any mixture for weovil control ex cept In tha aense that through our mercantile eauMiahment wo are aup plylng tha local (armor* with ash rtum araanst* and lunlaaaaa at a priaa as law or lower than they can got them from any other aonrto and are at our own oxpenoo, aondlng out thousand* of hullatlao advocating i method of central which ha* proved i eneandmgty efficiar.t on ear own plan tart ion, and many ether* la thie mo don. menu ausignea to oner cjunea tions, principally ‘chewing and smok ing tobacco,' reported, production of eigare end cigarettes to the value of 119,992,000 in 1921 112.608,000 In 1919, and $6,694,000 in 1914. "Of the 4,149 establishments re porting products valued at |S,000 or more It* 1921, 843 were Iocs tod in New York; 775 In Pennsylvania, 450 in Illinois; 268 in Ohio; 226 In Wis.; 171 in Florida: 156 in Michigan; 126 in New Jersey; 111 in Indiana; 107 in California; 101 In Minnesota; 96 in 39aasachuadia; 93 in Missouri; 80 in lows; 78 in Connecticut; and the Qimairing 467 srere distributed through the other Slates. Baaed on valua of products. North Carolina and New York wore the loading Stale* in the industry In 1921, and repotted 27 per cent and 20 prr cent respectively of the total value of products ’’ CAMP FIRE GIRLS TO HAVE CARNIVAL Will Stage May Day Festival On Lucknow Sqaartf May First Come, (.sente* and Lada, Take trues of your Dade. Away to the Vapotc hie." That is the bidding oJ the Camp Fire Girl* to cvcrbody in Dunn. A spectacular May festival and esrni rai combined will be given on Lock now Square May let by tha Camp Fire Girl* for ths purpose of raising funds for a real camp at White' Lake this summer. On this day thr cotton yard will be roped in, beginning at sis o'clock in the afternoon and a small admis sion fee will be charged for the privi lege of coming In and witnessing the festivities. Among the moat inter esting featum, will be an Old Kogifcb May J'ole dance folllowod by many other charming interpretive and folk danret In gayiy colored raa tumea. AM these festivities will cot ter around the grctfl event of the afternoon—the crowning of (fee May Quern. For one or two weeks before .Che fete. M ballot box will be placed in prominent placet down town with a list of thr nominees, who wdl Came from the High School Anyone in town may vota as many limes as he for his favorite at the very low pcice of ■> cants a vote. After the dances and music, as dark comes on, salads, aandwitehaa, etc., will be said to thane who wiah lo stay for supper, and after supper there arill be many booths and side attractions for both young end old— 'Alluding u department of games. Kememkrr the date and the pur pose and be sure to join In this eels- I btatioi, of thr advent of rummer. ORGAN RECITAL THURSDAY NIGHT A rnr* treat is promised to the ruse* lovers of Dana by the Wom en's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian and Methodist churches on Thursday evening, the l#th At the Methodist church an organ recital will be given by Charles Gililorsleev Vardell, Jr., Dean of Music, Flora McDonald Col lego. assisted by Mrs. Bertram Rob eson, violin instructor in that insti tution. Mr Vardell ia a young Bwmiclan of note. H eis a graduate of the Danirosch School of Music, end ia now winning notional recognition as a composer. His ability st the organ I' attested by the fart that he was organist at one of the leading New York rlisrehea during hia four years at Princeton. Mrs Rohr son Is quite a gifted art' iat from Nova Scotia. The hour of the recital is 8: 80. Cost of tickets, SO rants. All are urgre-l to come out and enjoy the music and help the auxiliaries. ELIZABETH CITY IS VICTOR IN DEBATE Win* Dmuuu Ovw Wileea la Finale State Triangular Can tee t Chapel Hill, April IS.—Mitt Ellca Mailtclt and Wa Mary Dollar, rapra rrn ting Ehanhvth City and upholding the negative of the question whether Congreae should provide for the en foreereent of the deriaiona of the Railway Labor Board, defeated An* demon Boswell and William Ander een, pi Wileon, in the (Inala of the high school debate here tonight. DUNN L« A Native Make. 0 Di Raw. In an facta reletnro rountrloe «nH now dour, a Bleed boa** tion of Armenia hand Mr. rlefa run Doan nouscad nations III* day it la ITM, •manat rltinana of Any who •ml lie Dm meniaa in* to My. Among tho «eic the i pane high school, tlM; Min l.onlse la the serenth grade, Wright's class of the young ladies' i nan Sunday Bible BocMy of Sunday school, elsae of the school. $21. Wio and sahscripdoaa (ha total to 1630 were at tending the Mr. Bad door had In ^aakar declared that not an Armenian in the aa Ar menian In (lie * ——— fc»" »re bailor# la ieraa Christ. Bo af too eaity history of the and Tnric ■ ■Vi 71 if inna miMA aV- km moninn nation wan the oldwt Orlt tlan nation in tha world. Armroia, hr eald, la a State tea ataa of Oaor rla, and at ono ttgst had a yoyalo tion of 7,00$,tOO.' Tha Taibs ware daacribed aa the eninay at Christian ity. Mr. Saddear ;«eUtad aoma of tha earilaat maananae ad the Ar nwnlani by tha TtaW and foDawara of Mohammed. Al an, tin 78,000 yeanc Armenian pm won baited te their ahoaldari aaf^tean trampled Va death by tha Horace of tha Tarbite army, he uid. *■ Thr apeaker theg^oU of hew 1*0, 000 Armenian aoltetei hold the Baka oil flelda daring th^Worid War. Had the Hermann aaaoMdad te taking theae fields from tte Armenian. tha war would hare Ifcted at laaat ate month* longer, and would hare ra (ulted In tha ilanMBir of themaaada of American ealBira who won aparad to retorn la tha baaaa tend. “Thera la no Otobthalg or ha manlty, where thnfa la yaMtea,” da cUred the apeakaa, te ha told of the allow the Turks te marder tea Ar menian. and athe? Christian yaoyit. Theae nations sate yaUtteal (torero. ; ha roatinaad. adding teat It in left 1 **•«• United Bteteo to pretest those I Christiana from Wo more than 400, 000.000 “ ‘ ■ | Amarlca ia naW/oodtnp ivary day , 110.400 orphaa AMte ddtdron , whoa*. paraMa warn MOad hjr tha , Tarfca, haddaa 444,404 aU aa id , woman. Tha raaaaa of 114,004 Ar manian (trio fra* 4>a fcrattafc Tartu WOO plrtarod hy Km piKir aa ana hy tha mr^MM paayla'ta'Znw! CM Ballot inarm Zh Ma appaal far Km aatortmota What laVaaWrWmfaZfa^te to try eklWT Ttitre U Joy, ko aU, la •avtat tht Ufa af a tMM. b want Vo Iko ckarye tkot tko moMy •» trlkotod dooa not nooti tko oafarta I noto, tko ftfltt Port prod tkat M .tento oat of ovary dollar 0voa ooo , <*iroct to tko mootho of tko eMldroa. Tko oayoajo euiot total aoro tkoo | • yor ooot, Tko (foakor woo ftvoe raft obon Uoo ky tkooa rtfwdlwy tko wnttin and tko oiooawt of tko doaatloM ■ado to tkfc wortky ooooo daoi Bo Matod to o Dtafodtk rofortoi oftw tko aaottec tkat ko did aot gat ow { foray tor Mo work oad woo ytvta Mo Mao to dw aaoa kooaaa of U loro tor kaaookf ood oofioloBy tki Cfcrtottao foofh of tko Boar Boot l FIRST REHEARSAL WEDNESDAY NIGHT The flrtt mooting of too Dunn Oow eon Band, which «u recently ro ©rgnmaed, win he hold tomorrow (Wedneeday) eeening at tho bond H amber. of tht band art as poctod to taka their laatramonto to thia meeting far practice. OOema of the nearly ergaalaad band am: Menace ri, Jim Farthing and I. a Godwin; oaeretary-tiwaaarar, T. V. Smith, Jr.; director, Mika 1m Member* who hare already joined the band and the part they win taka «m: Cornet—Hagh Prince, Bam Far raU, L. Baabaa Pope; AHe-Jin Farthing, Q. M. Long. g. C. Godwin. T. V. Smith, Jr.; Trombaao—Ser mon Hodge*, A. L. Bltngjitor, Howry Lee; Bam Bay Brown, Oib Jack ana; Clarinet—Back Gay, Jim Ad lay, W. H. Jack ton; Saxophone— Cane Lao; Drama—C. F. Bollard, Harper Helliday. Othan who wi* to join the band »h«dla attend the meeting tammiaa crewing at • o'clock. Dnnn baa pHmty ef toUpt far a Baa, wide awake tail — - - -■ . ..* . of bead eqalfment, and there la aa toeaoawby titotown ahaaU Wot hare *»"* •»»»**.•. band plana to glee froa *BPB concert* later la the tiie town who-min the-< rmiderad lent mmmar wfll gladly wei caam the time whaa marc of thane eeacaru wft ha fecthcoms^. a--— Qmiaty Agent Grow l>li« of Ma hay lfO roll* of erira fanrl^ far pao ^mp at a not oaring ef fiU. 1—" 1 J*me» Bert Kildey rereired o ee MMBt. Wkinter, and all. which he hardly expected, though he had tew plied with the noadttioaa cedar which k waa ta he aent frace Miami, hi*. Berne night* aye Mr. Bart M listened In " an a radio concert braadcMted fram Miami. At tba cloaa of the concert H waa annoancod that all who heard that particular eai.eert weald be ami a iiatira racoanot tf they wooM only apply far it Me. Baal applied, aad Friday the cocoas at came In through the Lai tod Btatoa mall, tko addaca* clip being parted or the nakod 'noL “ ll it good to LetT " waa a qocw lloa put ta Mr. Bart by tba reporter, lie a neve rad in tka art nna live. hot. raid he expected to keep the aocoa not a* a eoaeaair from Miami. No doabt realty of the aocoaaott wont mailed cut ai a molt af the prapo eitlan nude by Uw breabeaming .Ca tion. It raqolmd 1R emu peetagv ta ernd the rocoanet from Miami to Duan, it not bring poeeiblc ta broad eart the nuta by tsdla. BAGGETT STRINGS RAILROAD STORY &*)«:*>, April 11 Baggett, of Mama to Raleigh today wtthaateeyof Hen ry Font** interact ia a n bread ran ging tbroagb North Carolina to the tea and eeaawrtiag with oeol miaee In KoaCack. . .% cool to the roart foe " and ho recast? offered ninety doll am for the Virginian Harnett aenaior reported. GEN. W. B. HALDEMAN - HEADS VETERANS New Oetoaaa, Apcfl lt-Cnwl William B. Haldeman, of Louisville, Kr-. waa elected Gornmaadar-te-Cbief •f tho Confederate Vetocacs at the rloalaff buaneee season af tho annual reunion hot* late today, and New Phi*. Tenn.. waa aalactad aa the 1M4 re-anloa city. Three name* warn offered for the post of Cnmawndar-tedtetof whan nomination* wore celled for. then of Con. Haldomaa. Oaa Wm. A. CoL Iter, of Memphis, aad General E. W. Kirkpatrick, of McKinney, Texas. The name of Gen. outer wm with drawn before tho voting began, leav ing tho Bold to the Kentuckian and tho Texan. General Haldomaa pollad TTI and General Kirkpatrick BBS Only Memphis and DaUaa wan ia the roastest far the next reunion, aad the Memphis apeak era war* rate forced with a petition more than IN yards in length and bearing the sig natures of thousands of Memphians, asking that the veterans cento than. The document contained the names of 11.000 school children alone. It wm a nip and tack me* between the tare aa the balloting progressed, but Memphis always kept a Jump in the lead, and when the roll eaO had Won completed, bad polled (IP vet** to 111 for DsIIm. A number of tfco voter ana argaod that tbs reunions, hoc ante af the ago of tho delegates, always Btould he held te a central dtp of (he South te order that the journey might not W too hard on thooo Maid ing te the moM diatant eta tee. W. McDonald Lae wm re sleeted cornmander-ln-ehlaf af the Sons of Confederate Veterans ia eoaaian Wm today. Ha defeated B. H. Blehard eoet, commander of Camp Bmsh card, Now Orieaaa, by tho rota of I4B t« II. Loo was aald to have boon supported by the Ka Du Kina >) faction. > artaiatr um lw kuiNNM^Mj { GILLIAM CHARGED WITH MURDER DEPUTY AHERIPP W i naton-Balam, April IE—Oari (Rad) Gilliam, af High Point, to w> in tha Paiapth raanty Jafl. ahargad with tha am Mar af C. W. Haidar, dopaty ahartR. HaMar waa UDad at tha carnival groanda on tha artahlna af tha rttf abaat PiM loat night, gad GltHam, wha did tha ahaatlag, arimp ad. About tm thin morning ha wma faaad la bad at Ma kaan ta High Print. Dapaty ShartPa Nmoa, P»liman, Ckaard and Scott making tha arrant. Ha wn hroagkt hack U Whuoan Ralam and plaaad in JaiL Tha ariUrn raantg la «adap grtav lag aver tha laaa af aaa af tha bant cnnaty aod dty idcaa ovar aarv tag. ** Raahaw^V Haidar wm waU Ukad Qaa aktalaad tram M,pagmda ri •draw wlD penpal a tight iitmiHi *. «•«(. Mr* raw Hart, Mr* E. P. TJavt* Mr* Will MewWry, MmB. f- Warraa. Mr* Back Ptiaoa, Bn. » V. Bnlpa*. Mr* W. E. ColUana, Mr* J. L Hatch**, Mr* J. B. MB, Mr* Balpfc Wad* Mr* E. J Nokia* Mr* BataH Cnibrrtk. Mi* SB Smith, Mr* L. J Brat. Mr* Lay WBUOna; KUt Bern Barn** Ml** Pan* la Qrffc Me. Mr* R. M Warraa, Mi* Mihaa Tart, Mr* Barn Br»u*M««, Mr* V. Mi* B. U Oak, Mia* BaMe Mk, Mia L. H. Lee. Jr., Mr* Bak Bwala, Mra. J. J. Um. Mi* a P. PmQki, Mi* J. A. M*Lao.l, Mr* E. M. Jt* rta* Mr* W. B .Batpaa. Mia B. L Ortwin, Mi* J. D Stewart, Mi* N. B. Grren. Mr* N. M. Marrttt, Sr a D. Baia, Dr. Jwralgaa, Dr. P A. Bite art, Mr* 0. W. Gantnar, Mi* J. W. WIittrtaaO. Mr* B S Paata*. Mi* Oak Stephen*, Mr* C L Oar, Mr. C. C. Parker, Mn. Vara Tkarataa, Mtr. D. U PrM«*n, Mr* Baa Brew •/. Mn J. H. BaOaaaa, Mr* W. M. Thornraon Mr* B. L Cmaaitl*. Mr* I. A. Tartar. Mr*0a*.M PWr4. Mi* B. OeMalaki. A ^MBi /I IfBPM I^WI rile Cooperate,. Cm unary Aww* tkat It OMrfkaM araaad 1110AM la Ha farawr pairana iaat year. Maw I araek plaa* M waaU a aattan ' crap of tkk rakM Her* mail fw tkat terrttarr, eaka tk* NEAR EAST MUff" WANTS OLD CLOTHES to m4 |i«lr__ -'air 1® tie® Near Ka*t Baiitf ha® » auaiteriaa ®is®ai®ati®n. Mr. MrQwii a®iM®4 ®m that vhile w® vrm QimhHm viator «ivUi !*«•*• “J *5' k“*» li*a® hr an). '■”* **•*•*•**MaIf®<lM*»4 of puttiaa H ww to tha atoto a. ~(S2.Jsw&2ir!==‘s KOMly OTtr tbs Up in Intel of Jiwte, <• eSSte chairman Ur the peasant del to, and oaa the activo bmUum of fooaotea ltanM*. honorary State Oiairten. a»l Col. Goo. B. BoBamy, «tau eba£ nan. Governor Morrison has fun* HrWaU send a bna4U of warn sUCfe in* »o tbs Naar Bast Both*. *!■» *too| Uochanof this <Mr tnlfcf da____ _J eipb. noon's pool Is OOP j clotbiap la which tboro Is Palm boaph salts. last-- __ sdvos for Mbn, i__ rhownatis* simply for lack of l*«. _ DUNN WILL SOON HAVEAUBRARY

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