Antler Wlllianw of AuLryvllle, was a bus!nm traitor in Dunn Saturday. Mr. an dMra. Herbert McKay and J. W. Tumagc are spending the day in Raleigh. Eugene Parker of Rockingham, •Pent the week here with his father, F,. L. Parker. Mr*. R. B. Jrrnigan ii ir. the Pitt man Hospital, where the wa« operat ed on last week. Mr*. Rowland Slone and small «on of Tampa, Ptoiula, are gueeta at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Britt Dr. T. D. Wilson of Cleveland, Ohio, is spending aorar time in Dunn the truest of Mr. ami Mr*. L- J. Best. W. H. Jackson of The Dispatch force, has been confined to his home on Sooth Laiy^on avenue for the part few days, tie Is still unable to be out. There i» y»« hope that all the poaeh crop has not boon killed aa a renult of the cold weather, It ia said. Quite a number of peaches are atill on the tree*. The town ia extending lu service water lino* on 8oath Fayetteville •venue and on Wo*t Divine etjcct, to the reaidnnoe of J. N. Creel, 8r., and II. A. Black. Sophronia, 7H month-old daughter of Mr. and Mru. J. L- Starling, who live near Godwin, pied Saturday morning. The eauac of the rhlld’e death has nett been Isarnrd Rev. G. T. Adams, pastor af tha Dunn Mcthodiet church, is attending in Greensboro today a meeting of the board of trustees of the Greensboro college, of which board he ia a mem ber. Yesterday was the birthday of two well-known Dunn citisvna—E. Loo and V. L. Stephana. Tbs Dispatch baa not been authorised, however to stale which Of their birthdays It marked. Mra. A. M. Floyd and daughter, Mise I-oil Floirt, and son, B. L Floyd, all of orrum, Robeson county, spent • Sunday here visiting at the home of Mrs. Floyd's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Geo. U Floyd. The regular monthly meeting af the directors of the Dunn Chamber of Commerce wlli be held In the Chamber of Contras fee office JFrl day eveamg of this week at 8 o'clock. All members are urged to attend. day noon or, account at a blase at the haota of Sill JalWj..Jawa.baiad| the town Unfits on nut Bread street. The (Ira was extinguished before th# Are company reached the scene and very llttie damage resulted. There will he a fiddlers’ convention i in the school house at Godwin Thurs day night at 8 o’clock- There will b* buck and wing dancing,, ragtime hits, and a musical concert after the c on test. Cash pries will be given the winners. The price of admission will hr 20 a<ln 88 cents. Mia* Dorm Barbour of Dunn, Is making a strong rui. for ths fra# trip to Portland, Oregon, during the summer, which is being offered by the 8mithfield Observer. She is sec ond In the race and Is doing some splendid work for the Bmithfield pa per. Miss Barbour would appreciate subscriptions from any Dunn people who care to taka The Observer. Rav. A. R. McQueon, pastor of the Dunn .Presbyterian church, and D. L. Pridgen, a member of the local church, are attending in Fayetteville the FayettevHIr Presbytery. The meeting openod today and will prob ly last through Friday. Geo. Hob son is attending at a delegate from tl>n Grove Presbyterian church, of which Mr. MeQuaaa la also pastor. Dr. O. P. Owen, Federal twine Inspector, le expected to spond tome lime la Harnett county about th* Aral of June, according to H. A. Edge, county farm demonstration agent, who was a Dunn vfcRor yes terday. Dr. Owen's work deals with hog cholera prevention sad Harnett farmers who wish his advice should make it known to Mr. Edge, who Is trying to arrange for his work be fore he anivea la ths eoanty they an buying the poison. How ever, large numbers of the farmers are not buing any poison, according to H. A. Edge, county faim demon stration agent. Fai-mer* who with to buy calcium urmuata would do well to confer with Mr. Edge or W. Hruee Itabee, who is in charge of the local boll weevil field station. THURSDAY AFTER. NOON BOOK CLUB On iho afternoon of April the 12Cb, the club met with Mr*. J. W. Thorn ton. On arriving the guests were served refreshing punch by Mra Earl Barefoot nnd Mrs. J. J. Lane. The club wu* called 10 order by the president, Mr* N. A. Towiwemd. The minutes were read and approved. The topic for the afternoon waa: " The Irish Dramatic Movement; Yeats, Lady Gregory and Byngc." Mrs. Townsend gave a most inter eating review of the formation of the I:loh National Theatre, ita progress, the distinctive characteristics of its organisation, its acting, staging and “ nmntear " qualities. Mra Goldstein told us something of the work of Yeats and 8yn*c, showing how the folk-legends of Ire land collected by Lady Gregory had •been used by them In writing roman tic plays. Mia. Whitehead then gave a comprehensive resume of ” Riders to the Sea.” Here Synge pictures a tiagedy showing man's defeat in the struggle against the forces of nature. The hostess, assisted by Mra Bare foot, and Mrs. Lane, served a de licious salad course, followed by cream, rake oi.d nuts. Club members present were: Mrs. Town»*nd, Mrs. Ed. Smith, Mrs. Piu-gersld Mrs. Mattox Mi*. White head, Mrs. Goldstein, Mrs. High smith. Mr*. Tilghman. Mm. Jeffries, Mra Frsd McKay adn Mra Butler. Other guests: Mr*. W. .8 Snipes, Mra Z. V. Snipes, Mrs. Earl Ban foot, Mrs. Cart Barefoot, Mrs. J J. Lane ami Mra P. A Lee DEAN VARDELL GIVES RECITALS Thursday, February lfith, Mr. Var dcll gave an organ recital In tha Cen tral Methodist church. Albemarle, un der the auaplCM of the Wotley Bible Clara. We quote from the Albe marle Prtar: "Albemarle had a rare treat laat Thursday, when lfr. Chaa. Vanicll, Jr . Deal, of the Conecrva tory of Flora McDonald College, gave an organ recital in the church. U* waa introduced to the large sodl cnee by Bee C. M. Pickens. Hit coming among ue waa dirsetiy dye to tha efforts of Mrs. J. D. Bivens tatflor ftspol. srs-^rs), wbo «w a friend of Mr. Vsrdoll and also a pu pil of hit ntolhcr. Mr Vnntol) is of striking personality, and his rsadi neat to respond to encores showed he loved hi* art for its true worth and was willing to divide hi* great talents with those who lovi-d niuae, but not as gif till. Quite a crowd gathered, music lover* from til over our city end several nearby towns. Judging from the splendid attention and unusual apptauM the beautiful tones of the organ, under the touch of such a genius made impressions that will not toon fade away. Hit selortioiis ware from master musi cians of the very beat, and chief among them were hi* own composi tions, which repeatedly called for encores," THE WOMAN’S CLUB BUSINESS MEETINC The last regular business mealing of lha Woman’s Clab was bald In the club room Friday afternoon at 8: SO o'clock. D*spite the rainy weother the attend sene was good, twenty-fonr responding to roll call. The meeting wme of unusual Inter est, as the yearly reports of officers were given. From these reports It eras seen ; that the clob hen done much work daring the paat year. The treasurer, Mrs. Butler, report ed that $48fi.S7 had been paid into the treasury sine* last April. Out of this the club ha* purchased a piano, kitchen cabinet, and hava had an electric range installed In the club room, thereby almost entirely M aevenil donation* in cn*b and • rood number of book*. Mr. R 0. Prini'oM ha* recently ■ionaiad an odltiec of Burn*. It waa with regret that the club had to are opt the resignation of Mrs. Fmd McKay a* president. Her work has been faitbftuly and willingly dis charged, and It was largely due to her untiring efforts that the dub has jcron.pliahed what it ha* during her 'crm past a* its trailer. In raplac ing her the club will not And It an L-asy matter, for ahe ha* certainly de roted the greater part of her time to the work of the elab, and this mean* a great aacriAce that few are villint lA maL r TVia pink w. w» U*. McKay a heaity rising vote of thanks tor her service to the club during the list year. The election of new officers for ■he coming year has not aa yet bean completed. The following were elected Friday to comprise the Exec stive Board for 1928-24: 1»t vice-president, Mr*. . B. Tay lor; treat., Mrs. W. B. Thompson; recording secretary, Mrs. W. 8. toipcs; corresponding secretary, Mm. I 8. Farthing; chairman music de partment, Mrs. W. S. Coltranc; chairman economics department, Mr*. Carl Fltchctt; chairman civic* dc partment. Mrs. V. L. Stephen*; sob 1 chairman, civics department, Mr*. H.' L Godwin; chairman way* *ad means committee, Mr*. J. J. Wade. A foil Iwtof officers wilt be give* lit an early date. After the election of the above of ficers the club elected frera the fioor a nra nominating committee cou poned of the following: Mm. J. J. Wade, chairman; Mr*. W B. Thomp son, Mrs E. M. Jeffreys, Mrs H. U Godwin, Mm. C. W. Harris. Tim meeting was adjourned its JO to enjoy a social Hoar with the haste A, Total .—*766.474.74 LIABlLtTIU Capital Stock paid In.._$ *6,000,00 8ttrpJa* Fuad.*0,000.00 Undivided Proflu, lea seer frtit FxptnMi iiui Um P«W .10,466 34 D*no*jU<iuc Btnb,0iak» rr% ami Trast Coa. 13,161.*0 Ur pouts subject to cKk. 288,*16.64 Tims Certificates of De posit, due in lata than *• days ..._ 77,2M.l* Cashier's Chits oattOtdfe 9,801.37 Certified Checks_.3. 20.04 Tim.’ Certificates of De posit, due on or after *0 days . 1*47444 Savin***,4M.4» Bond Deposit* (Libsrty) 40,460.00 V. B Truss. Cart ill catos deposited by customer*. 7,000.00 Reserved for taxes .... 419.11 Total . (766,479.74 SUte of North Caro IMS, County pf Harnett, April 9th. 19fVT I. 8. J. Clark, Jr.. Carter of the »b<jT« named bank, do solemnly treoar that the above statement la tree to the best of uiy knowledge and belief. U. J. CLAB, JR.. Caakitr. Correct—A ttost : C. 8. H1CK8, w. a. Burnt, jr.. WR P. HOVT, • Director*. Subscribed and awosk to before •nc, this 13 day of Aprfl. 198*. C. H. KILLER, Notary Pnblle. M> commission irfitu May *1, 1924. _ _ 6 . WANTED—PLAIN -CM WW. T01 E. Branc Maynard. 17-St-pc TO LOAN ON PAftft a—oanta fro— 9MM U for dS yam. Oedwta aad Attorney*, Dana, N. C MOUNTAIN Pit Came*. If inter—U< . t. Maynard, Dana, N. C. FORD FOR SALE—CASH OS Urtn*. W. H. Parrltb, Dunn, N. C .Iddtpd. FOR RENT.—SIX-ROOM HOUM on Wt« Broad atrnet. Call ai phone Dr. T. E. Dardei., Dana, N MONEY TO LOAN ON LONC term* teemed by farm land*; ei ihcrt tern— aecarad by Warn prop, erty. Clarence J. Salih. IS 6t< FOR SAUL—WHITE LEGHORN <Y3C», It.OS for netting of IS. Spe cial price by the hundred. Ed. B. Warren. Dunn, K. C. Kb. A *tfe SANDERFORD'S HOME-MADE —a—ge, beet yet. lea ataeh can »■ —ad you 7 Free—aa*a Caab Qrocery. ttla. MONET TO LOAN-AMY >—M aa long time. If lataraatad aaa u* at ear*. Wa— a—d Want, Attorney*. IS tft. aaaaaaa—amaa—ammma— MONEY TO LOAN ON YARN PRO* party.—It ytan time ;l wanted. A manta ay ka IM.OM.M. tat Wltean tad McLeod, Aittmryt, Dann, N. C. Jtirtfi heady FOR SERVICE.—I NOW kata a lot rafiatcrw' black jertry ball ready /or terrier. Price 18.00 to advance. Worth M. Ptpa'a Dairy otic. DIAMOND POR RALE CHEAP — AUdrttt Boa ITl. Dana, N. C. 1__10 4t pd. p «. Karlen, R. C. Dec 1 « Me. YOR SALE—NICE RESIDENCE la A it. bUck In when t lira Any aiM. K<< R. M. War?an. I tic. WANTED.—POPLAR AND OUM lambar. Roe Nawbany Brother! •i d ball, Dana, M. C. tt tic. rwmiiiiinimuimaawwwniwMniiiHiiiiHiiiininiii»iwiiiimiiiiniiuitnmm» Fertilizers and Soda In order to accommodate our trade, 1 have jj on hand, at my warehouse on Durham & 1 Southern Railroad, a supply of Standard i Brands and Analyses of OLD RELIABLE 1 ACME and CON-ES-TEE FERTILIZERS, 8 alto Nitrate of Soda, to be told for cash. I am still prepared to make prompt ship ments to carload buyers of fertilizers at at tractive prices—both for cash and on time. R. F. Jemigan DUNN - NORTH CAROLINA FOR RENT—IN Atf&U. N. C.. iwMtorj brick loca tion. living iinfMEbNtr and lighU. Apply to J. tl. Laytaa. Route 3 Dam, N. C. 17-Pt* At Colonial The Dunn, N. C. Kuna Continually from 3 p. m. to SPECIAL WEDNESDAY* IRENE CASTLE SUM SHOULDERS America’* Be*t Dressed Woman in her or Parade, displaying Special Gowns setected Castle in Paris. ' THURSDAY if* Alice Calhoun in "Closed Doon.” FRIDAY ' Frank Mayo in "Caught Bluffing.** COMING: Wesley Barry in "Penrod.1* r-- 1 - l, \ rt ■ v Earn a Cash Prize r' «r For the best essay on "Why Bread W Your Best and Cheapest Food" we will give a cash prize of $5.00. For second best, $2,50. - • * Essay must not contain more than 300 words, and the contest is open only t&those attending the public schools in Harnett, Sampson, Cumberland and Johnstod.coun ties. i'% Papers must be handed in or maSed be fore midnight of Monday, April 30. ’ They will be judged by three Dunn busi ness men, who will name the winneniin this contest. I * . V*' \ it • a a .. t c • y* Pearce’s Bakery Bakers of Mity Nice Bread • DUNN, —i— NORTH CAROLINA i V. i — M' i THE FIRST NATT BANK OF DU! With Total Resources $76 Is Ready to Help To iMttt m J?_•£__ diversify craps boll weevil, we will n net _Jb willir.g to use approved N. A TOWNSEND, PrMidmt J. M. SHERWOOD, H. a TAYLOR, CukW ■ . —i————1 JJ J-JK set* tfc* »oft, i -avIW freer of a 1 I • - trof.bUfoLpaiat ' w** eecfcaM^ahip ^ vk.d»*n. b*“J .rnflraHaaHMa IvG alone Yet, there's style— Long wehit Comfort! the very newest—in Economy! The result Kirschbaum clothes, of tljouMndi of stitch* But they offer more es, each guided by than perfect goodness, one —quality! no to *45 E. L. Parker 8C Sons DUNN I . I ' ' »——— MM. -~

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