I I THE DUNN VOLUM* *■ ' BLOui_WD FINDS HUSBAND Of Bridge too Farm* I Despaired Of When Ha Left Hama New Bora, April 18_Ending a day of anxiety for the family of tha man. a bloodhound late last night lad a party of searchers to Ed. Gas kina, well-to-do Bridgeton farmer, who had disappeared from bk homo in tha atoning armed with a shot gun. behind a tree some 400 yards in ths woods back of hi* farm. Mr. Gaskin, a man of between 56 and 80 years, had been in failing health for several weeks, and when bis family learn ad shortly after 10 o’doek yesterday morning that he had gone off Into the wood* with hD gosi they became alarmed and began a starch. During tha aftsrnoon evsr a handled relatives and friends gathered at the Gaskin farmhouse, two raiks west of Bridgeton, ami took up the hunk Late in the afternoon the report of a shotgun was heard in the direction which Mr. GasWns was thought to have taken, and it eras concluded the _a. ■ - _ -wtMTTu. vrncn renew* ed .ffortj to locate him failed a bloodhound was ordered from Wash ington. It arrived at 10 Jo ami In Uoe than thirty minute* after it had born given the scent from a piece of th* loot man's clothing, the dog Ud the marcher* Co Mr. Osak a* creached behind s tree. Mm. Gaskin* who wai near a coMaps* whet, her hanband wa* foond vh unable to account for hi* action*, further than chainring them to hi* meats! conditio*. Member* of the Marching parties also warn unable to explain why they did not • find him a* they ocootod th* wood* through th* aftaraoon end night. 11 concluded that he had evaded them. He told his sec, Lao Caakiiw, . who wa* Aral to approach hire la th* Ifc wood*, that ha ore* loot. n*#l Am.ri.ao PrieoMr Of C.rman. Triad Oo Uguer Charge Std(f«ville. April 17.—Edgar M. Ballyburton, world war veteran, the fir* American soldier to be made primmer by the German* was op be fore Judge E. Yate* Webb in P.,1 eral court jreaterday charged with transporting whiikey. The evidence *i*®wod that the young ex-ooldier vu» with another man who had in their possession forty gallons of U ouor. Both had a hearing before the lucal authorities and bound OV9T tO| the April terra of Pectoral court which convened her* yaotanlay. HsIJybur lot.’* companion in th* difficulty, who had been la trouble of *hi» kind be foi#, failed to appear for trial. Hally* barton’* conspicuous part In the world war, hit good character and the fact that he had never faced a similar charge before wa* greatly in iiia favor, the presiding judge 1st him off with s fine of $180. WOMAN FRUSTRATES AM ATTEMPT AT BOLD BANK auauKi A1 COUNCILS | Wilmington, April 18.— An at-1 tompt to rob the Bank of Connell, •t ConneiU, Bladen county, enHy to day, mi frustrated by Mn. A. 0. Holme*, who attracted by a sola* It, th* iear of th* bank baJMJng, flashed n lijdrt in her Home aero** the atraet. f i intoning th* robber*. The in trad on broke epen the outer door of the boilding with axes atoion from a aee tlon r banty and battered th* otftcr door of th* haary aafa before tb*7 were frightened away. A time lock on the inner door pro teetod the ror.tonU of the vault. Bloodhound* have been brought fro* Fayettovtlle to trace the yegg*. A BUSINESS CHANCE The Same* 4 HolUday Company Tuaaday maxed their famdtana ataak from tha building now owned by yiaietowaa Broth*n Co , Broad (t. Into the building formerly need only to a herd war* deportment end into the company'* warihiaii A fumi tar* toew roam haa been arranged in th* warehonae, which will be oend f*r toot porpoee utl awn* tukabl* qaartora can ba aceurod. Th* riaiahman Brother* Company wiB begin at owe* to remodel their baBdlng, which they wfll urn far their department them dm k baa bean tboroaghly overhaalad and convert, ad Into wbat will be an* of lb* moat modern atom building* In ttdo port •f th* State They expert to move Into toe baildlnt nest Ml. MGOUGAN HEADS MEDICAL SOCIETY Wall-Known Fayetteville Phy •ycian Elected President *1 State Medical Society Asheville, April 18— Di. J. Vaace McUougan, Payct U villc. was elected pmlilont of tiic medical society of North Carolina and Ralrit^i was se lected as the neat meeting place of the soenty st its session here this morning. The report of the committee sub mitting nominaalone for all offices and committee* was mads to the hoDtc of delegatee of the orgoniu tion shortly after that body con vened to take up the bu*m«oo mauen of the second day's netting of tire doctors. This u pon was compiled at a meeting of the committee last mght anil was placed before the House By Dr. Albert Anderson, it* chair man. It waa unanimously adopted, which was equivalent to an election of all iiomitteo*, and the selection of the neat convention city. Theother office** chosen were at follow*: Or. J. L Spruill, Sanatorium, flret vi re-president; Dr. Eagene B. Glenn, Asheville, second vice-president; Dr. D. A. Garrison. Gastonia, third vico presilient; Dr. L. B. MeBrnyer. San atorium. secretary treasurer. Forest Protection Week April 22-28 — Harnett Canal? la Nm Ca op.rating ia FtfMt Fir. Provowtloo Fnfna — Pora.t Protection Week. April 22 been designated and sot apart by tiir President of the United Sti.tr* and endorsed by the Governor of North Carolina for th. purpose of impressing on the min.li of the people the nocoaaitjr of protecting the forest ••ode fro* deatraetma by fires and tho need for this work. We have •i’vaya had an abundance of tirdbor bat the fact ia that if Ahc present rate of eat and the forest fires con tinue in fifteen years oar old tim ber will be removed and the State will hardly be arlf-nippo thing in the timber Industry With two-third, of the State now potential forest lead there it no reason for such a condi tion except that forest firo* are ba tid ing up Treat treat of waste land where should be stands of young tim ber approaching maturity. Every year through tha thoughtlesancsa and caretoasneoa of th* people the State ia losing over a million dollars from forest fires, and with a shortage of timber almost upon as we must atop *bc firm or suffer the consequent tim ber famine. Th* North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey ia handling the co op, rati be fire prevention work of the Slot. and National Government. Work is conducted on a county baa la, the Survey supplying as much as the county for the work in any county. At pruoent Inadequate State funds have delayed th. work, but the la* Oenoral Assembly slightly inersased the appropriation and more counties will he allowed to co-operate uftcr July 1. Counties now cooperat V nivorauigrv, ounromcw, Bdrkf, Cildvdl, CMorobee, Cloy, Columbus, Craven. Cumberland, Har nett, Haywood, Henderson, Madison, McDowell, New Hanover, Pamlico, Pender, Robrion, Sampson, Swain, Transylvania, and Wsutwugm. In co operating counties work is conducted by an organisation of local fore* warden* under the supervision of the Porettry Division of the Survey. Harnett county is cooperating with the Survey In fereet Src prevention vd the Internet of the people io grad eally being a reused to the work. With the present limited fund* it la more ■ *•*« of what can be dene with money rather than what should we do. The forest wardens in the county are making the money go a* far as puettble by working hours for which no charge la maria and every month more paupie arc careful with Area. Ao tha intern* ef the people inereaa cu the number ef Area riecreaaea. It ia the duty of ovary person who does urwiarttand the oecoaalty for fore* !J¥***«on to inform those people who do not yet understand and it la also tha duty of every person to help Aght Area. Every Are I* very email at an* time and aomr ana sect nearly •vary Are whfla it ia aautil and cowid step ft with but Htti# effort. The odetleo af the fore* Area menace ia then tb* every person mutt Ar* •tart no Area and second that every parse* Arnold go to a Ire at ones and' atop H. Negroes To Hold Garden Meeting! M»e«in*» To Ba Held At Duka Aat Ullingloa On Tuaaday, Af.rU 34. A mvcting for coloro.l people will be hrid at the colored acl.oo) build Ing at Lilllngton on Tuesday, April 24, «t .1 o’clock In klip afturnoon mil ft the colored erliool budding «t Dale ft 7 o'clock In Uio evening of the ramr day. The meeting* were called by Are D. Herring, colored farm demonstration agent in the Dunn Dla trict, in the interest of the "Live At-Home program now being waged. Thr meeting* wj]l ^ addrcaaed by L. E. Hull, colored diatrirt dem onatrnllon agent. A* has been eUUt) >n The UUpolrh. Herring it orgarua tog a "Negro Garden Clab," the mot to of which .. “Live at Home." Tha puipos* of the clab ia to encourage every negro family to have a garden thin >*•»!. The Week of April 22-23 ha. been dewignatvd ae "National Cardan Wuek” and the following plan for ob serving the week haa been outlined: 1 Clean Dp—Got rid of all rub hiah. broken down fence*, anti other unvightly object, a boat the premise*. 2 Brighten up—JN.hu the build ing, plant the barren *pota with gnwa, flower* and *hruba. Define the avenue* of travel. Give the (dare neatneaa and order. S Plant .hade true, of aom, good r.atlvr THnety. 4- Plant a good all the year garden to verve vegetable* fr,-ah from the mil den every day. 0. Keep it Up—Don't Mop when the week ia over. Thif ia juat the beginning Plant perennial flower* and shrub* These bloom or live OVftr V0»U a fa as r una» W*a.l a a «» they grow older. Toko Kind core of the whole plan tation. HR. ALEX NORRIS PASSU Ale* Norris, aged about 74. yean, died Wednesday morning at 4:30 o'clock at hie home, two miles sooth o^aM^sf^Unt^HOmuttkM^i^^s^ end was well aad favorabl , known' He was a member of the Primitive Baptist chrrti in Duhn, anil wa* a gnod man. Interment wna made ye* terduy tfUwi-oon at 3 o'clock in the family burying gtouud. Girl b Held On An Incendiary Charge Thrice Ktdaappwd 13-Year-Old Edna Eatmoa And Tmdim. Held Undoe Heavy Bawd Wilson, April IX.—Edna Salmon, the thrice kidnapped 13- yoar - old daughter of D. 11 Ealmon. of Old hold* township, who eloped with 18 Tear-old Richard lEvnio Tomllnaon, and was married at DiUou >t Feb ruary 8, is again in trouble. Monday night last her father's home with contents was reduced to a*he*. supposed to be the work of incendiaries. Tuesday afternoon she, with her husband, waa arrested and brought to this city, where she spent the night in jail. Arrangements had been perfected to send her to the •tots reformolory, but thro morning • warrant was sworn out charging her with aiding anil abetting In the burning of her fathur** Home. Sh* 1* being held in default of a f.i.uou bond. Young Tomlinson is under heavy bonds for kidnapping. Lrniii Thomlinson and his father havr each awnrn out warrant* against Mr. Salmon, asking that he he placed under peace bonds. T. E. Cooper Again Charged With Fraud C. E. Bethee Alee Named Defend set In Pelt Breuyht By The Beeh Of Pemhrehe - I . luieiyh, April 17.—T. R. Cooper •ml c. K. Botheo, formor oflkero of Ihe He fond Comm err ini National Bonk, of Wilmington, an charged with fraud ia a mill brought by the *•«* of Pembroke agalnat them for «he recovery of 12.BOO. alleged to have been obtained on falae oocori* tion, it waa leemed at the atato hank Ing department today. The Mdt he. been Pled la Rebeten Bapcrior court and ia erhedaled far hearing May It. Cooper and Bethea am alleged In the proceeding* lo bore given aa arenrity far the yt.JIPg loan a aenlrd envelope, containing etoek in a bank liquidated aavara) yean ago. Tbe envelope woe not opened, >t wm aatd, until after tbe failure el the Commerelml National Bomb. I WADENOMNAftD AGAIN FOR ifOR OF TOWN OAONN Defeated J. Tueedajr’ Vote Of F« Board WiU Two N«i •ay B. W. H. Ward — “Frteedlr bow Sqmare i I.. Wad. !•>!»*»> of Dune la ever J. W. critlnir 4*9 vote* tit I M. Bated u ward ever hia Lac and G. W. received 1*7 rcrt Mr. BnUer fid. a majority of It «>*•. f. A. aa romml ■toner word over P. T. racvieia* 547 votai rill lit. Weaky nominated aa >hinl ward over ramberA . Mr. sit vetaa and diving Mr. 8 votoa. I. M. noted la the ormomiidhfi 13 bent, did not A total of Ml lie tration of Ml *f th* nondbcr woman that of the and thr-dr “ x» getting oat paaaed off wbat might ba An will coot— of tho primary won the primary results ■ lection, the regular will bo lirl.l on Too winy, Kay It when tha nomir.aIlona will b* ootatniaad. The now board of maitaoiaiin I Will he composed of two oM-*•— and two new. Tha —aben holding over are R. M War ran ndP.A. Lae. while the new mernbem «{Q ba B. M. Brewer and WooWy R Thomp >011. Mr Golds torn, who did mot offer for rr-eleetioo from tha fourth award, and Mr. Newberry who eras defeated by eight votes, have both unrad on the bonrd for a number of yaaia and have served the town faithfully, al ways standing for the progressive meararea that praaaatad tin—aim far conaidrratioa by tha town fnthvra. A primary or election wUhoat an :wu« would be a vary tame affair, in deed. The issue of tha recant primary was Lucknow square. Jut bow thia matter became an Jwua only tha trained politicians ices to know, bat It had its weight. The unuaually largg vote cart by the female voters was another fut ure that >a hard to aeeoaat for. The 'r-d.es became intonated and show rotoil end voted strong. Recorder’s Court Member ef Levr VkUtm Freed Reeerder Cefefa at Tee lefby’i India A number of cases were “aired** before Recorder R. L. Oodwin yee Incnlay. moit of the defendant* ba ll f charted wKh dotation of the pm hibitinn laws. Bl«bt defendant*, itx whit* and two nigra*a, ware feuad pailty of being drank. Six of thorn war* fined ffl eaah and the coat, while two whites won allowed to ga free upon payment of the east. Other eoaet disposed of bwladod one white m*n found polity of lutes— and taxed with the coat, an# n««re found gutlty of aaoaaH a poo aaothar «f his eolor, fined $10 and toot, and ana ***** woman foand gallty of im moral conduct, who waa taxed wiJi the cost and required to (lay oat af Dann far « year. Hoary Ford (not ft* ana yaa>a hoard to modi .boat) waa foand not traiK of eatieiag labor away from tha Tltgkiaan Utahn Oo. Alton «o»»*l| «f Doha tiwafty forfeited a $10 bond pat ap laaaaUy far kfa appearance In eoaet fa anowar tha chaiga af being drank and an ta rn alt. Six of the eases appearing an the ilnekot far trial a* paste rasp's sea •tea wart eantfaaed mM Mart Tfcart 4*7'» “tana." 1 Serious Shortage Of I .a hot In South M f—Florida ».d AU k*“ "ted Hut. ,rM Wark Meyri Atlanta, Ga. April 17. Aartoaa ahoriapt of laW la indicated for al ***** except Florida and Alabama according to the oarai-mogthly crop *oport today af southeastern itataa D» the United States bunas of agri cultural economic. Excessive rain, hare dalaycd fans **<>011. th. report .aid, oapocially of T* neaekr laadt i. th, upper put of the bolt aa normal prognaa haa Wn made in Florida and tho south "" I***1 of Ctoigta. Com win Kara to be re-planted in some sections due *« failaie to obtain stands from law temperature* and henry rum. ■arly cotton prospects wars im ported ‘•goad*’ in Florida, extreme •outh Georgia and Alabama. Plant ing and preparation have bean *oari ooriy dalaycd threughoat the balaace of tha territory,” tho report smarted. Tobacco t ran epUs ting eras mid to be progressing in Florida, booth Carolina. sad aoutb Gaoigia with octiaa preparation for the crop it. North Carolina. Inc re mad acreage in peanut* was indicated in Florida and in north CootgU. Tho situation ia sooth Geer *<* WOO described aa “spotted." Mors pvuwa vai ar Mr. Hudseu. wn going -o* ou Broo-i The Ford wuo piuc Heally demolished, while the Ceea Cdn truck was hot damayttf, h etrik iny tbe smaller track with *aeh lent “ *• hr'w It over. The Ford track **• loaded with condy^. which was scattered about the street. D. B. Ettmon’i Home Destroy ed By Fire Hi. ■ WJwo. April IT—TW low of U. X Potmen. in OhMUid towmddp, "* toHDy dotr.ytJ by flm toot night, tom SJ-COO. with no laonmneo, r**"**-* kwOy oatapod with choir Uwm. Berttoa the ntiitf edtoete. Hr. Salmon loot MM wMA ho bod in hi. yon to pocket, ft ft thought •h. dr. wot. of ‘-- IIqij oem. had poriohid to to. Mm. LSUr io th« day it waa learned that oho waj ot the homo of Rirbard Emeu Tom Haoon. the p»H man who Idd nappadher from achooi on Fob roery M, and atoped to Sooth Carolina, whorr they were married. Again ah. wa* kidnapped after being rrtoomd to bor father by J.dgc Krrr. fm. Bnie* Creek academy. TotnHaaon. W. ancle an,! . brathcrdnZTTra Botlar band, to oaowrr to ebargas of *f the young tody hao mom out p warrant for ban" ***"'* “’***' ck*rF,,l« abdor Dies From Injuries Received In Tornado HATTIE D ED MON. WIPE OP COL O»eo FARMER OP WEN DELL. ME$ AT RALEIGH W*n*n, April 17—Mattie JWd.l tx!r>.colored, wife of Jomi DedmoaJ *"e of the atom victims, died Man-1 *** ">«* * Apr, huepltal. from injuries received daring the rum win that recently parted aver this atc Uen. A luge piece af Umber was driven three feet through her ride by the wlad. She was iached to the heepital for treatment but pneumonia ■oou ret In and aha never rallied. **• T" h*r’* ?**.«*"? *VOnO. VhM, ■"■•■ uaaa of awlt a* Flora Mnftanrlit ooUrfo, Kad Sprinirt, gave a* oroao rrdtal. Mr. V.nJeli »u Mia. Bertram Kabrwn, oMIta tn ■ tractor at Urn mm Mr. Vartall aMl Mn. lakraaaTa •rtM* k ‘Vlr Ita*. and 4fca rocital — MfMy Blaadag to Uo Mm» aaowd hdHiktiMibatM *« Wo awat plroamr aawboia aq the •* Mr. Vartan* «»„ TV rrriul waa erven aodar tii* •arpiroa of the Vaau'i *twHU1m •I We Dunn SCothotfirt aad Ftaa Vtcrian churrhva ft war a-r-T fa r*U| rapart, bang oao ad *a r*ry boat — uMia 1 oaterteiamaat* «rar nradaaad ta Don. FORMER CASH IE R GUY or STATESVILLE GIVEN S YEARS feateevEle, April 17—Jaks IP 0»T. *r.. fetaer eaefcier af the TtrJ. National haak. ed Riateaeflk, vhm oor lenred here today to ant v ^ yaan la the Atlanta federal trnUary. • At the Jeaewy term ad eean Cay j t roan it of aa aWoniee of faadj end ♦ncrt“ in iho MWidoal railroad wara throe mile* - A eplit ■ witch wae We eaaet aatideat which tied ap mac ter -wtalhoaw. Me aa. vwt hi ovntf highs wist "o* SWAIA HIGHS u»i» piajrioy the eerend heme rrtar of the teaeea hnt Maw ala to three. The ftatam of the gaaw *« pi'ehiny of Stewart. allow iar ealy two hits anti faah'nji .Waive ra*n- The heavy hlttiny of 'he Dene to* »a a fee to nr, eat of the town bite only om wae e alack. Dow,I nra* •tom with a triple with two «■ »n the third frame. RSTHUNE GOCS OVU TO SUPERIOR COURT KMl+lmh AttHl IT._toitu_ thww. State college student, charged •Jth amasteagkter on two eonnte « tho readt of an automobile aecUoat In which two young Rate** awn war* kninl strcrml w«tb no, rity cwrt this morning and was Koaail aorr to Wabo county type iter roan far trial. Hs waa plaoarf under (I,MO bond In wck mm. Botham was driving an automobile which collided with another car difo an by Robert ChapelL William Nay lor. am of the anaaparta of Bette ne’s "toatoaa. waa laatantly kilted. and C>«»NI waa eo badly fcjurwd that ho <«M the following day. Thru- attar Meupanta ware neare or tea* aertewaty injured. MABATMON DANCUU ITOfKD by boucb or oonnbcticut Haw York, April I*.—The police •f Eaat Barter Chester. Own., today •topped Tom * Nme and 40 minute*. a warfare reV CM«f of Bollea Juki J Ye.Dry NappM aka danean after Ho w-l watched them for about 10 mbiutea ‘ Ckwf Nadtay aaid tho daneoia earn* teBart Barter Charts* an tardr own , baah and asked no om