THE DUNN DISPATCH rcTSPAuT YjtV Vrida™ | u BusKE ran Site-—— ■> ' ^ ■r||—• 1 ~ wwcmtiiok uk-rcai 1 -1-5 CAJB lnadyance” Haw that the tawa primary ia aver, iM’a aH pall together far a bigger •mi batter Daaa. Dwrt forget that oar af the bra' —*- it aP--irlnm him m make It to tavaat ia Dirpatch adeer tMac. | Kegardlcm af whalhar or ate tta tawa primary raaaha araia ea yawr Ekiafe don't kick, bat pall for the After reading the roparta of the •«Whe af the “whipping bam“ in th** hrfma. wo barn na da •Ire whatever to become an tnmat > •f that bjtitotWn. Somebody baa aU the hate way ** woHd to Matter aeon la to telegraph, telephone aad taU^wo mmm, aad ia aw opinion, abo greater ^ *htea b toll t'amto. We might add that dk J. _■_1__ .. moot to tho t nm.. Adda bm being tha third work A*ri* ^ to "»w*et Potato Wook” «od ”Co«,ta«j Wook,** aad w. duat • I™** ia* other kinds of wwtfc* ** to ho. Any way. we t cautwai, •very wook. I too* tho nowopopoi a tho daqnt brought »bo Mato prison authority, ra reporter ta . -bo ta attonw*. *****. M***~* ™*tojna'. Tho new— tort toto bo 4a inform the pdMle of what tho feoaotjgaeem fln I. You'D hare to giro tho iadim oiu.1 ko taom yrk. ’ — T7 -1 haawath Yet. we’re laaraod that if tho “dlaaof Du«n aro fur you politics'iv. W*« aottlod, aad tha aeiao if thoy*rr ***• fcDt * * •“*“•«* “«*'»• Hava yea mad* your contribution for food tag aad clothing too more tbaa IMAM AmaU, .^nu iu Amorieaa orphanages? If not. han.l or mad H to Bor. A. R. Megue.,,. rhaimaa of tho Naar Boot Belief in Duan. America hoc kapt them alive fit ftva yeaca and new they mast »ot »• "tamed out** to starve aad frerxe t. ‘tooth, Hka tooumad. af atWr, ir. that country hare deae. UD WOT IN SIGHT Indicatlee. er. thrt it win yrt -s a iaa« tins* War* the country (ally over the reaction that follewrl *• **" h#,h •* U,# taa* prosperity. -which was enjoyed for a •eaten darts* aod fast after fh* rtaee of the World War. Many of the hack failures. eras of L.U awatJu, are direct rosalta of loan. ■a«te daring those days. Loans that worn hached with property at the la ***** **** „"***** ^ haakew. k^kr. ttle tadWkhitarTlod^ «aay of the leant were oaeoflecti Ue and as a reoolt the banks hare ■Mriodor. . ... —■ * tell m - m i fk \ r'-J rt*apwf : ->v ' y* mmm M# _ - -a a _ • mi III# tM Wl 9m Mf Hi \ *'v'Kr~ ■ ■ hmwhwwmw ■ .1 NEGRO MIGRATION Am the negrooo of toe Dean Dio rfet migrating ta the North? The of Tho Dispatch roevsdy ro oiMd aoeh an Inquiry from a Pso ra! organisation. Tho question was "CWOrwl la too negative. If the nw !M papnlallaa of Ihio section Is leorr m for the North or scy ether sec ton. we have failed to not* their do wttare. Tot, It U true, aceordlng to re torts, that too nigra ee are leavlr* ** *ooth In large cambers and go ng North. Why tide la Iron, v> are inahto to coy. Chances are, how rrer, that tho negroes who leave the loath wfll treat to return and will return in a very short time. A noted MgM speaker recently made toe rtaUaaent that the people of tho North loved tho negro as a race, hut rand nothin* for him aa an Individ act, while ho cold the people of the lawtV cam nothin* for the negro aa a rare, bat only eared for the indi vidual. The speaks* added that be would rather live when the people care for the Individual negro and named the South as the best home on earth for the negro. DUDDINC STARTS SOMETHING Ooo E. E. Deriding, head ef toe Prisoner*' Relief society, of Washli* too, D. C., appear* to have started something. Ia letter* seat to North Carolina prison authorities he points horrible pictures of the ill-treetmcnt of prisons ns, and goes so fsr ss to soy he ooo prove that the charges. Including that of umnorelfaUy whip, ping of woman prisoners, an true. 8ome of tho prison authorities ap porawUy wish to pass the charges of Duddlng, who is himself aa ex-con vict, unnoticed. Others think the matter toould bo sifted oat to too satisfaction of a bewildered public. While we pia bat little faith ta Duddlng ar hie sensational charges, since toe matter has boon stirred to too extort that it W, It might be well to do a little investigating. Wo don’t bclive In tho iahomoa treat ■eat of prisoners, neither do wo be lieve In makirns- tt Son nWaso* i.. theme who km been famed guilty of violating tho law* of tho land. Primal are not intendod for ploa (UIO resorts and thorn who go there expecting to find them such arc asaal ly dlsappaistod, as perhaps this man Duddingwaa Wo happen bo know that a number *i convict* in a nearby county “•track” recently and refuted to Uav* their cage or to work for tore day*, la fact, they never did begin to work until two or three of the •trike-premotor., or iaadom, had boon whipped. What could bo used as a •aboUtate far a whipping In earns of this kind? --—•- ■ * dQpmrfiaw mean* horn* beaatlfi cation time—a few vinos aad flavors planted aow wit make a vast dlffrr enco this summer in tho appearance of tho bouse and year, says home demonstration workers of the agricul tural extension service. PENROO SCREEN IS HUMOROUS REVEL FOR GROWNUPS AMD CHILDREN (Prepared Review,) For year* the cynics have declared that Booth TaiUngteo's inimitable character* of American boyhood, in volved la his " Penrod ” stories, could never be tocceoefuliy brought to Uio •croon in one complete featore pic tare. They pointed oat the Impassi bility of getting the Juvenile actors that tho story colled for, the lock of consorted soqnonco between the epi sodes snd tho absence of counter ac tion to nuke a story of dramatic solas for tho aerooa. If -III X>««pUo their protest* R ha* U«n tea., ter “ Penrud.- th. riwt Na tthrad attraction produced by Mar teaB Ntilan. which will be ahown at the Goto ala) Theatre Monday, to one Of th. mo«t (enuiimly human, ap peaMaf mat inUrrstlnf picture* that hM .rur been seen. Th* director bM taken Booth Tarktoften1* char ncter. and fir an them a Ufeliko In terpretation breathla* the very *m *•«<• «f youthful rnacanlity nod ro Cuiahnom. He haw taken the aapn rated episode* of Penrod‘a trlrtsnrs and moulded them Into Oh* coherent tfory. H. ha* preaarved f.r the wreen the one a lory that ahauld Men be allowed to disappear_(be •pie of American boyhood. It i. tue«l lr humor—«ne which every-' one vrCf enjoy. If the picture lulu villain, and counter action U ii only because Uj dcAl* with juvenile, and to ao far more aahilary ami entertaining than j 1 ' ■ ■ — unn iMirArvn, APRIL lit) ——1 "I =g=g—■ * fivtt ileal of lh»* dramatics material i •t theve days. Penrod ScoAeld, < wha has acquired th* reputation of i bofag the town') orfulloat” boy ( toco tiirough his «. ps In learning tr ■ dance, in formfi.* Um American Boy*' Protective AifoWadou, In via itlng the circus, leu nlng tba ravages ef driitiq from u or.e-M^tt trawl troop*, patting on his own drone with disastrous effects. ROBINSON U NOMINATED Payette Wit*, April 1«._In the . diosciaUc municipal palmary her* today H. McD. RoMnaon detested J. C McRae far Mayor. Aidarmen nominated were J. H. Pluanoar, E. w. Pereival, J. R. Uarrlaon, J. R. Tolar, Jr., X. H. Buckingham. Q. b. Pattemon, (R. D. Jones, and 0. J. McConnell. Pat the board of aodit and A nance, W. W. Horn*, D. U. Sandlin, J, H. Culbreth were nonri Nomination la aemMIaat to laetton, aj thorn via bo ao oppo- ] Itioo In tho regular akotioo on tho trat Monday in May. NOTICE ■ _ Trade at Dunn’s new Har less store where you can have pour harness, and all kinds of eather goods repaired prompt-1 y. All harness bought hare will be kept in repair free of sharge, something unknown in Shis section. Come and look over the itock—splendid riding saddles in sale; coltkn, better than :an be bought for same money snywhere. So with harness. —. i WEIL’S HARNESS SHOP N. Clinton Avenue, next door to W. J. Jones & Son Grocery. DUNN, N. C. WOULD YOU HAVE A MONUMENT of aim pi* lino* and mnjeatic mien. *r uae of more ornate deeutn and eiab orata effect? We can plan and erect for yon either type of monument ai you may prefer. Yoo may ttolnct the kind of Hone yon deal re alto. DUNN MAAELB WOEK3 X. B. William*. Prop. HO Edyerton 8L Dunn, N. (X '■ - J. L. HATCHER Dunn. North Carolina Undertaker and Licensed Embalmer Prompt Service Day or Night Phone No/16 -1 I T - | M | |-j-|-| | _ _ ICE CREAM—Eat More of It. It is a Pure Food. Our ice Cream is 100 per cent pure, Clean and Delicious. Buy it for your Sunday Din ner and every other meal. The Whole Family Will Enjoy It Try Our Black Walnut and Other Fruit Creams DUNN ICE CREAM PARLOR and Candy Kitchen F. G. SHKAN, Proprietor Phone No. 268 Next to Postoffice ■■ GET YOUR SODA NOW! Two hundred tons to arrive within the next ten days. . PRICES ARE GOING HIGHER Johnson Cotton Co. DUNN, —NORTH CAROLINA 1 I I - > * r- - ' . . . NOTICE If you own a Willys-Knight or an Overland car you should get your service hero. Being authorised agents for those cars, wo are interested in the service they give and can furnish genuine parts at the factory list price. Wc have your interest at heart and will strive to serve you well. E. V. GAINEY DEALER Phone 156 —J— Dunn. N. C. ». -- < I I I THE BARNES & HOLLIDAY CO. ■ ■ < > Undertaker* and Emhalmers i » < • « » A full line of Ccttina. Caaketa and Burial Robee. '» < > Service any time, anywhere. < ’ < > « • Day Phone !1 Night Phone 70 i ( > i • - * t *: |44j |lla Aaaaa.aa aaa AaatAA «aaaa*a« « . » ....... . . . . . . _ tttv““““tTTTTT7 fVtf TtTttTftTt TT T f ♦♦♦♦Ml1 HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW HOOVER We cordially invite you to witness, without obligation, a demon stration of the Hoover Cleaner at our office, or on your rugs, at home. You want to buy the most satisfactory electric cleaner. You want the one that will remove all of the dirt. Then take the trouble to investigate thoroughly. There is a big difference in electric clean ers. Learn how they differ and why. Let us tell you why the Hoover is the largest selling electric cleaner on the market today. r ^ (^nC ^°^ar Puta t^e Hoover in your home $1 $1 Call 426 now and ask for Free demonstration in your home. No obligation. “tWe HOOVER ^ BEATS ... m it Swtcpa u it Cltuu CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO. At Your Service " Wherever motor cars are discussed, and that's nearly everywhere, somebody it sura to remark—“That Stude baker Special-St* is a regular automobile," The Studebaker Special-Six baa been on tbs market for four years. Kach year has seen added to it such refinements end Improvements as time hat made possible. Today there are more than one hundred and twenty-five thousand h» «very-day service and we don’t be lieve there’s a dissatisfied owner. The name was selected because com parative testa against all kinds of cart made this car stood out as something special and apart from the ordinary run of automobiles. It requires special merit to warrant calling any car a special— and If the valua isn't special the ear quickly fades away. Count the “Special-Sires” that have appeared since the arrival of the Btudo bakar Special-Sir. That's the proof of the value of the original Special-Sir. jS %: t

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