P. S. Cooper went yesterday ti Mullins, S. C., ot visit relative*. K. Honeycutt, of Varlna, was t business visitor here Wednesday. Mr*. C. A. Coarh, ot Red Spring* >s visiting har moth.r, Mrs. M. D Parker, in Dunn. Osesr Britt ot l.umbvrton span Wednaeduy nn.l Wednesday night ir Dunn visiting rsUtlvis. Gam Thomns, manager of the Plftt Avenue Shop, wus a business vVtoi to Rocky Mount this week. Mr. and Mrs. W . H. Barker, oi Goldsboro, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Alphin. J. A. Johnson, of Danville, Va. spent yesterday and last night bore ''(siting his brother, W. B. Johnson. Marguerite, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Satton, is recovering from an attack of whooping rough. U J. Beat of the local bar returned Wednesday afternoon from Raeford, where he attended Hoke county court. Jomea E. Eldrtilge, former cashier of the State Bank A Trust Co., went yesterday to Raleigh, where he turn accepted n position as office manager fur Scant'* bakary. Circle No. 4 of the Methodist church will meet Monday afternoon at 3: ao o'clock with lla U A. Al phin. Every member is urged to be prswent at this meeting. An infant ton of Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Stephenson died Wednesday night a short time after it was bom Inter ment was made in Greenwood cerae lory yesterday morning at 10 JO o'clock. The iDunn Family Laundry will open for buttoeas on Monday of next week, April tS. This new steam laundry ia located near (he plant of too Dunn Ira 41 Fuel Go. Tha laun dry 'phone la 104. Miaa Agnes Cximady want Werlnc* dxy to Gresnxboro to attend a meet ing of former graduate* of the must eal else* of the North Carolina Cal U«i the flrst to hare '.a monument placed over ft —and The Dispatch ia guilty. ! A few day* ago Ponder's ran a | !»**• advertisement on the local ; l**D °f Thg Diapatch. Over the ad another for the Dunn Marble Work* in which M«nin B. WillUim : the proprietor, aaked. “ What Dec, a Monument Menu to Vou?" The ' WlUlanie a Alt** Phili p* (iom Dunn. WANTED _ mam wrra cam tc *cll ruantateod Cord dm WB rrninnr aoUrjr and OMMM «M rlyht man. Oard-oJVnm Rubbai Ca., Id# W. Jackaoa Bird., CW cu«0- Pi- It pn COWS FOB SALE—OKI OF MV Uouala. Tern Daria, Dok* No. I Imt oarenu froah coin for mU danne- J. Smith. Dana, N. C. BABY CHICKS — WE WILL HAW a bo it fit Broun LMfcoaaA aka aercial hum)rod w3a L**hom rWfU for detfvpry April idth. *,S ,° P'r knmirad, **ah wtte or tier. Will have ••**0*1 kviidml White tc*h#rn cBioka Nor iklftary each five ikjra after 'April HU hint cheek* *dt the Mdefcn How ard Farm. Dunn, N. C_M ttc SEWING WANTOI^UM .OB Fancy Photic Hl-f. TCI X. Brawl St. Mm. Mary Maynard __ 17-lt-pd 9K.WI nu—KWH nuw oprn o»i-r A. and p. Man. Mr* R. W. Pop-, manager. It pd MONET TO LOAM ON FARM land* in »**»bU (raa* 11,000 U |.'>0.0r>0 far 43 ynara.. Godwin and Jrmlraa. Attorney*. Dana. N. C FOR RENT — TWO OR THREE non apartment. Hat water and K«t>ta. Apply at 007 W. Broad RL _ M tt c FOR SALE — NINE MOUNTAIN EagU Fit Oaaaa. If in tamated •tp A. R. Maynard, Dana, M. C. IJ.tfe. IMPROVED PORTO RICO POTATO plant*. Million* made far inan diatp ehipment. |lj| par tkaaa ■n.l. Onr 10,000, *L00. Cato with enter. B. J. Head. Alma, Ga. Apr tO 17 pd wrw rn»n FOR an. |-r*m on Irna. W. H. ParrtaR, Dana, N. C. 10«tpd. MONEY TO LOAN OM FARM PRO pprty —43 yuan Mm if wanted. Ajroanu «P to 300,000.00. Saa . S'Imh and MrLarad, Attorney*, diini, N. C Jan 3. dr. DIAMOND FOR SALE CHEAP.— Aildra** Soy 171, Dana. N. C. _ 10 «t pd. WANTED.—POPLAR AMD CUM lumber. Baa Newborn Bfutfcan • •■d Cowell. Dann, C. U tie. I BRICK—KILN RUN RR PEa CRN' WL lUfMato within 41 hw i ft-asa-1® j barton. R C_Dulli FOR RALX—NICK R£SU>1 NCI 12* *5 w2ckJ" ***•»1 u»«- Am | « rlib ido* lari week In the Bowline Tour 'int&ent held here, winning hy Ike wide manriti of Atti point* hal ibe Weat Ourbam roati|||tva| yot nvi-u-r afterward* when Lliey turned tin- la. blca in thr til n-t-ke r TwourrHftuirnt. which they won by the wort or DC G to 8.3. Much Into rent wa* manifested n the tournament* here, nnd an rxun larrc number of apectator* kept the into rent at tho boillnir point with their 'nriy rheorinpr. Mickle " O’Quinn, curve ball art of the O’u.'iaboro baaeball rluh. M'ent the week-end her* with hl» par ent*. Mr and Mn J. A. O’Quinn. Wldle here he Minted to hla numcr OII* flier*la that the Patriot* have a club which will make the other mem ber* Of the Piedmont wheel Lake no tice of thi* season O’Quinn hi heftinninjr h> third year with the Owle City eluli, nnd he is rated a* on** of the mow dependable ho Hers that Carroll ha* under hi* winir filellar mouixkrrmn lhat lie is. "Mictie ” is a very unostentatious chap, nnd it I* n very hard thine t»| ret him to talk of hi* own prowc-s* I Lt.caj fame nro evnanlInv a a**.ai I «on for him. A’l t>»¥>>'‘oetl¥r run,lielate< for tlir benrhaW Warn *r» requeatr.l to report ct the ball park on Satnnlay after noon for preliminary practice. Every olayor la promise<1 u fair ihowing to make good, an.l thla rcaaonV team '* to be pickml aq>tardy on their mer it!. Manager 7-achar, statei that re*. •Ur peart re la to be h» wlJ1 urtialiy make you nor* awrooy. KrtH Cr-tr-a-JJ* •J*MU to cow for ■ month. Krtp a record *4 tW milk aba 1*^, w Two don't g»t — rr milk or Um*r milk, if yarn mtr oo* •Wllnlr ft't*e4, yrm Win bt nOMttf nmy c»w you yowl lot tb« »«4 Ow 4«oH, from Dunn Package House I"**1111 mm.lllll M'lnrvm,.... Fertilizers and Sgda — in order to accommodate our trade. 1 have on hand, at my warehouse on Dumam & Southern Railroad, a supply of Standard Brands and Analyses of OLD RELIABLE 9 ACME and CON-ES-TEE FERTILIZERS, also Nitrate of Soda, to be told for 1 am still prepared to make prompt ship ments to carload buyers of fertilizers at at tractive prices—both for cash and an time. R. F. Jemigan DUNN - NORTH CAROLINA .... liiiinnmmni—i—m—n—■— r~' • • \ Earn a Cash Prize For the best essay on “Why Bread la Your Rest and Cheapest Food” we will give a cash prize of $5.00. For second best, $2.50. Essay must not contain more than 300 words, and the contest is open only to those attending the public schools in Harnett, Sampson, Cumberland and Johnston coun ties. Papers must be handed in or mailed be fore midnight of Monday, April 30. They will be judged by three Dunn busi ness men, who will name the winners in this contest. t * Pearce's Bakery Bakers of Mity Nice Bread DUNN, —NORTH CAROLINA SPECIALS HINDS’ Honey and Almond Cream 39c PALM OLIVE SOAP 4 Cakee for 2Sc The Fifth Ave. Shop Dn, M. C At Colonial Theatre | Dunn, N. C. Kuna Continually from 3 p. m. to 11 p. m. Tomorrow — Saturday \ j William Farnum la “ Without Compromise ” Also two-reel Fox Comedy. “ leap Uvaty, Ptaaaa ** Special — MONDAY — Spodal Thu pidun1 that makes the old world young. Mar* | -.t' •hall Neilan present* “PENROD” With Wesley Barry. Booth Tarkingtan'i Famous Story hi 8 roots of Joy. NOTH: Matinee starts promptly at t •’dock. • Price* 10 and 80 rents, plus tax. COMING: The World’* a Stag*. ■nttiimittmiiiiimnnuiittrnutttttitnuM i ma^mas • ' . . . _ * . ’’•Z" •• Jt y v’ ' •* ’ w 'vJ THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DUNN I With Total Resources of II $761,237.48 I _ is Resdy. to Help Fight the Boll Wssnl II To assist our patrons who need foods with which to | • diversify crops and to provide means for combatting gw boll weevil, we will make loans commensurate with the needs of our petrone and consistent with safe banking. We do not feel justified, however, in extending loans to farm* era whose sole dependence is o~« cotton and who are not ;! jj j willing to use approved method* ::: fijhtir2 the pest, jl ! N. A. TOWNSEND, Prsttfewi J. M. SHERWOOD. yiwPr.iilie H. a TAYLOR, Csskisr " I I