V day a at Oa 8a •aU, , by the teacher, Following tfca pro **» ky th« primary grade# waa a *toy gives by lb* aeosath grade: "Too Mach of a Oood Tiring." JUmau Edge and Sadtb. teacbeta of the Intermediate grades. bad *«»> of the eternises en Friday »%ht. • ittodaj sight a play, " The Fas cinating Fsanis Browa," was ghrsa hy the atndewta af the principal, Mr. tdwarda. which waa mock enjoyed by all of the large audience present. Xaaic tar the closing eight was fantohed by ths Botler^acksoa Baad, of Dorm, which war Bruch ap gtaelatad and war one of the aMet eejoyable parts gf the rnaaincs If aDowed to roam at win, oaicic en* soon leant that a good gatdaa to a regular pie counter. Fence them' •*t aad save the pie for yourself ******** C. K. Hudson, Stats Ptia | Demonstration Agent. HOMO* THY FAUNTS h the Ten Commandments «▼• ted a batter ebaaca than they. AD great aad —Me men and vaatan bava honored (Mr parents. Mr. LUeela, It area, never loct an •PPoetanH,y to exprrse hie admira Oae far bla mother, laying on one ——tea. "All I aa w hope to he, 1 •wa to anr mother.” Mr. MeEJalaj, reflected Me ebaiactor to thooe about bim through bla reepact to Me par. onto Joeeph, the fanlUaea character of last floaday’e lea—, when be bad been— prime miawter of Egypt, never reseed to honor Us agad par ents. Mm sad Chari ae Wesley have Ota ban two aaatt—da with their InAeenre. bat (a an their work and writings they reflect their revereaeae for tbeir aether. And a host ai oth - Boye and girl*, lot u« honor our parents while ws have them with us. Da—, B. 1. Apr. IS, IttS. LEGAL ADVERTISING ■ones [ Under and by rirtae al power of eele contained In a certain deed of I trwt »Recited by Nathan Hawley to iCIaronto J. Smith. Traatoa, dated June tS. 1M« and recorded la Bar C*«aty,l» Soak i|g, page tS, default haring beta made la to i payment of the notoa secured tom : by and the undonigned traatoa bar l mf been raqaoatod to forodooe the Mud tract, the ondendgned traatoa will oapoer lo aaie at public auction for earn tu the higher! bidder oa Mar <6, IMS at 12:00 o'clock M., at to . eourt hooae door. Ulllagtcm, N. C. I the following described property: Four certain tract* of lead lyirm aail being ia Duke Towaahlp, County of Harnett, Btata of North Carolina and bounded and doacribed aa fol lows to-wit: Being a part af the land •' iginally owned by Mr*. H. V. Maul ion and L. B. Chapin, known a* the T. W. McKay property aa eurveyod and platted by F. C- Slum, & S* which map or plat It duly record ad In the offlea of the Register of Deeds of Harnett County, N. C., ia Flat Book i - . , —„ m : |M| 11 n p,,,, > - 1 f ami being Labi i • • • ur.dred ana two, < (• ' - -r l t.x*y.ene, (1(1) , > « :» tvo and (1(3) l ■h. . . :; .V.ee according to ! » A x) far a raor. | i !' ■' ' ’ • of said iota re- , '• • ‘ jv.art* tt raid mot, i crj’«t- , i Tima of udv: .- M o’clock M. i Dati of aalci Vij (, 1**1. j Term* af aalai Cash. i I’Waaa ef «al«: Coarthousa door, < Litlmgton, N. C. This (1st day ef March, 1913. CLARENCE J. SMITH, Trustee. April 3 10 17 «( May 1. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE " FARM LAND UNDER MORTGAGE Under and by virtue af the power ' of tale contained In a eenaln raort- * gaga ilead executed May 17th, 1*90 )•* T. A. Me Lamb and wife Mettle Mr Lamb, to A. B. Hudson, and duly : ccordtd on tha 14th day af Decem ber. 1*30 In Book 1*2 at page 171 _ •u the oIBcv ef the Registrar of Deeds 1 land, tn-wtt: All the Interest deed to T. A. Mo- J Lamb In a certain deed from Charlie ' Parker sad wife and others by deed ' dated November 3, 1313 and record- 1 cd hi Book lM.at page St arid de- - scribed as follow*: Beginning at a < < " ~ l *»*• *“ the road. Jamas onur. aad nun B Tl W. IT TB-100 :ha(a< to AalUey Bt assarts conar; Bant* as aaid Btawaru lias N. U W. I* ahalaa to a stake In hi* corner: hence N. 88 K. IT ehaine to e stake 'aaee MeLambs comes; thonee as hie law B. 18 E. IB chains to Jamea Me. ■mho earner at an old tire kila bad, ontainin* 14 acres more or last. The ate rest of this mortgage deed eorers 1 ort of « shares oat of the above leocribed tract of land. James Raya or, Attemsy. tprfl 10 IT 84 May 1. SUMMONS " Nertk Carolina, Harnett Coanty: a the geoorder’s Coart of Dona. AH *• TAYTOg A*D R. D. TAY LOR, 1MUDOM AB JAB. A TAYLOR A BON. VS. FRED JCRN1GAN. Tbe defendant, Fred Jarnlgan, will ako notice ttmft aa action has been •'•titwted l« At Recorder’s Oourt of >ean, entitled as above, for the re ovary of tho cam of fllS.OO, with “tercet tbereoa from the 14th day •f August, IBM. dee by note, tuI ot the recovery of 841 AO. das by leeeent, with Interest from tbe let lay ad February. 1811. subject to a credit of |73.00 paid on February 3, 19*3; that a warrant of attachment lies been baaed commanding the offi cer to whom same may eomo to at tach and levy upon any property of defendant which mar be found wradn the State of North Carolina to satisfy men Judgment aa may be rendered in aald action and tho defendant will take nortec that ha la required to ap pear before the Recorder’s Coart of ■ — ■ I ' ————»• Dunn on or before the 26th do* of May, 1921, and anawar «he compLalnt which hm been filed U the office of tiie Clerk of aald Recorder'* Coart or the plaintiff* will apply for jnd(mant o« demanded in aald complaint. Herein fail not. thia die flat day i »f April, 1922. H. U GODWIN 'Recorder. Apr 24 May 1 t 19 22 Odors TbOtH.rtnfa.doMa.oot hrm«M, we., require little OttrtlW whan Ban BKAL **• *• faep them hooMwutt in fay and dam k a lot better t that. Wa will tall yon many mhar wojtb to om Rxd 8bal l4b Send for booklet. Poll directions in can. J. L. HATCHER Dunn, North Carolina Undertaker and Licensed Embalmer Prompt Service Day or Night Phone No. 16 Charter No. 7188 linm District No. 6 WWW OF THE CONDITION OF THE riRST NATIONAL RANK ta *• #**u •* N«rtk Carolina, at tho dote of bwetoesa April 3rd, 10S3. RESOURCES Loam anil discounts, including rediscounts, ac ceptances of other banka, and foreiga Mils of txchange or drafts sold with inrtnraawant of **• b*nk.$Wt,917.87 8878,817.87 Overdrafts, unsecured ...._............... SM.48 U. 3. Cevaraaaaat securities owmedt Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value) .. 48,080.00 All other Dulled States Government oecuritieo (including premiums, if any)...____ 971.18 I «... To.‘*1 IT-.. 40.871.1* Other heads .stocks, securitise, ete-i ........... 5,84600 Bankiag house. Furniture and Fixtures_ 56,«6479 Lawful Reserve with Federal Reserve Bnak_ 1,434.87 Items wllii Federal Reserve Bank in process of . collection . . 8.734.88 team in vault and amount due from national bankj §6,992.19 Total of items...l. 74,719.01 Checks and drafts on banks (including Fedend Reserve Bank) 1 seated outside of eity or town of reporting bank.............. 1,898.48 Miscellaneous cash items___..._ 664.86 2,880.39 Redemption fund with U S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer _.......... 2,000.00 To1*1 . 8768.889.00 UA01UTIBS > Capital ijock paid in.$ 40.000.00 .TJ^r,c .^ VWfcH-d ... Circulating nott-j ouukaa4ii| ____ * 40 000 00 Amount du. to Federal Reserve Bank (deferred erudite).....• 10,1 ST.(6 Amount due to national banka___..... 1644 81 Certified cherts out standing_........ 302 96 Total of items ......._..... 16,101.76 Cashier's checks outstanding__ 6.096 63 < Demand deficit, (other then bank deposits) nh foot to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): Individual deposits subject to cheek_... *71 441 76 Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Rosary*.971,441.76 Tlsee deposits subject te Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings: Certificates of deposit (other than for money bor rowed ... ....._..... ......_... 8141T.M Other time deposits_.... .... M 833 84 Tots' of time deposits subject to Reserve_ 147,961.60 Bills payable (Including all obligations repre senting money borrowed other then rediscounts 60.TtR.T9 Notes and bills rediscounted including acceptances of other banka and foreign bills of .wieige or drafts told with indorsement o fthis hank. 169 717.61 Liabilities other than those above stated_... 236.96 s _ Total ---- 6783,269.00 State of North Carolina, County of Harnett, a: 1, H. B Taylor, Cashier of tbs above-named bank, do solemnly aweer that tho above statement it true te the best of my knowledge and belief. H. B. TAYLOR. CaahW Subscribed and sworn to before me thfc 94 k day erf April, IMS. „ J. U HATCHER, Notary Public. Commission expires October 26, 1926. Canaet *H—tt JOHN A Moray, O. r ORANTHAM, J. W. DRAUGHON. Directors. eg- 1 1 ■ ... — . --. r—■ U $5 Bill and a $10 Bill I IF YOU SAW THEM LYING ON THE GROUND WOULD YOU PICK THEM UP? Of course you would. Well that is ex actly what you can do if you dolour buying at Butler Bros., and pay cash for your pur chases. We will give you 10 to 15 per cent off on each purchase that you make and pay cash for it. Save your money—you have worked hard for it—spend it at the piece that you can get the most for it. This reduction includes any purchase that you make in our entire stock. BUTLER BROS. Is the place where your dollars go the farthest—spend them there. ( I I » THE BARNES & HOLLIDAY CO. ' » e 1 » Undertaker* and E»balw«r« l • < I A full lino of Coffins, Caskets and Burial Robes. 4 i Service any time, anywhere. ; ; ( i 4 i Day Phone 11 Ni«ht Phone 70 ! 4 » 4 ► 4 i i 4; A S A A A * A A AAA A A A A A * A A »AA a A A A A A A. A A A A A A A A A A AAA A A A A A A A A a A ” ttTTTTt yTT TTT^y PT? OOf f ♦yPT1TTT< ■ <; jfif «»*/ J *7/ f f i| F 4» ■I # " f^ I %'*' \ E. V. GAINEY ^•‘*—*> • * r arnlin* DRIVE AN OVERLAND AND REALIZE THB DIPPBRBNCB Condensed report to the Corporation Commission of the Condition of the Bank of Harnett Duke and Coate, N. C., at the close of Business April 3rd. 1923 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts___$442,723.50 • Overdrafts _ __ 170.53 Furniture and Fixtures_ 2,200.00 U. S. Revenue stamps_ 25.28 U. S. Liberty Bonds and U; S. Treas. notes. _ 104,100.00 Cash on hand and in other strong banks_*206,460.43 Total.$755,679.74 LIABILITIES Capital...__,$ 35,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits_^_ 39,455.34 Reserved for taxes_ 439.IS Deposits: Checking__$312,989.21 Savings and Time Certificates. 320,346.01 Bonds and Tress, notes_ 47,450.00 Total deposits. 680,785.22 T°ul. $755,679.74 , uf r B. N. DUKE,.PnidMt W. A. ERWIN...Vico-Pr evident . *• i davb.:: VuZSSEZ S' ?■ Active Vlee-PreaMent *■ J. CLARK. JR.....Ceehler 4. C. GRAHAM.j.AeeieUat Cuklr ' . . The *“®"t,®,» ®f H1* P®b,le U r**P««tfulljr celled to the above eietencnt. *>e pleaeed to have all pereoae who are tee kin* a aafe place to depoeit their active or Idle fanda, to call on or write oa. I