DEMONSTRATION AGENTS MET IN DUNN TUESDAY Me*ting Called by W. B. Mabaa la laterest Of Combatting Tha Boll WmtU Agent* Were Present From Six Counties Duatinf With Dry Calcium Ar senate Declared To Be Beat Known Method of Weevil Control. Speakers Warn Against Buying Untried Ma chines and Poisons and Pic ture Danger of Indifference. Dusting the cotton plant with dry calcium srener, was held up as the boat known method of growing cot ton successfully under boll weevil condition* by tht firm demonstra tion agents and other members of the State Department of Agriculture who met in Dunn Tuesday The confer ence of county agent* war colled by W. Bruce Mabee, who I* in charge of the boll weevil field station here, front the following counties being present: Jiamott, Lee, Johns ton, Cumberland and Wayt.e. These era the counties in which Mr. Mabee will conduct his weevil-fighting cam paign this year. Mr. Mabee Spook* The conference was held in the Chamber of Commerce rooms, and ^ Elite Co detain, p re aid • ns of tbs W Chamber, presided. Mr. Mabee *e the Ant to speak He elated that he was here to help the farmer* u hest he can fat meeting the situation with which they are confronted — thnt of coosbatting the bail arcevU The apsakor warned agmiMt (he farm era trying oat now and noiried plana •f defeating the cotton enemy. Every mdlyidoei. he aaW, hag eome ppwandl pHn * that he believe# will a amend,, me* effective method, however. Mr. Mabao warned again* the baying of nomerooa new mopping machmaa Wing offered the public. any of these, h« (aid, am not ueed at al) in the (ecliona whore they are manufac tured. They arc offered for tala in (action* where the farmer* art not acquainted with the weevil, as throe are the one* who (pend their money for fake machine* aj.d remedies Rosalia Obtained Mr. Mabev told of the (uceaaa with which the Government teat* of dostir.g with dry calcium armonat* met last year Testa were con duct# J In varioue eoantios, and the rviulla proved that an aver age of SOS pounds more **od cotton per ecrv wa* grown where the • It-yuaruold • ran*, farm damonetratten agent ta 1 Johnetoa aomaty. The Dstaiwa* attendants at the moating warn entertained ad dinner r at oangk ids) by tha Dunn Chaw > her af Commerce. At th* afternoon ■ amMaw th* vMtara tendered a not* ■ af thanks to th* Chamber far th* ■ entertainment aaaaadad them white • ta Cnmn. Plan* far 8m mark to be > dan* ta the mrtau* cauntlaa ropre > seated warp dsiiini by the agowta, I together with Mr. Make* arte tba » other Departmaat fepreo*ntatiraa. at i th* eftumnen aaaaton, aad no doebc f math goad wfi] raeoit Mam the mast, t lag. tha chief purpose gf wtitoh was l| ta argnnim far a waited fight again* ■ tha eotton enemy. • I Bla* Back. Tka atfgi aehoaia did not participate 4a tfccpMdi, bat ven tiveo bob dap far 1ba dap. LOSS OF $100,000 IN FOREST FIRE Lata. Raporta. Sknr. Craat Paa«|a la OMarhad Ami Hamatt FapatteviMa, Apt* M.—Aa ferfear n«wi awarpe la Croat tha area omouidorln* from fee hip doraat ftp* which devoured a lame part of Ceao berlard and flora tel eeaatiee thk week, the itemapo wr.apht bp tha flaraaa ptari WUla the area eeu ered bp tha blaaa dMa not aeeai to have been aa lat* aa aa re ported at tret, tha dnmi aeeord i«r u> reliable Oaeiaatoa, will ha par hope ten thnaa aa praat aa bu brat ippntMM nn K«dM X. W. CtaleUaD, who tod the *fMg MM again* the Ore, yleeee the lea at $100,000. The dtarnation of crepe to nraeh mom earioaa Loyd TMocy aewight with drew the warrant tented bp bias Paw WMhaag^