Bom. TuoMtev sight, to Mr and Jlr,. 0. E. Kl.lri.lgc, a ec.v Edwin B. Co«|>ct ietur.,ed Monday from a trip : u Jarlcaonvillo and Tam pa. Fla. B. M. iePhifun of Dunn R 8, **“ among the vi.itoi* in 1m Wad needay Rev J. A Keylock, of Miami, Fla, U aaixiing »<uml day* In Dam. on biiafneaa. Capi Filaiugh Whittle... wt'll knuwn Clinton attorney, wv, a Dunn ' iailo. yet ter, ;*y A Ad*Mem1 convention will b.t giv '•> in the opera house in Dunn Fri day t vor, intr, May IStl. if you want a good laugh, don't fall to «c« IK, jeter and court fool on Lucknow «quBrf Tuesday* Hnvi you voted for May Queen? The ballot clous Monday at 6 p. m. Co to Fitehatt'a Drog Store today. Boi-n: To ilr and Mi>. Norman Yatea. Tueaday morning, April 2uh. at tl.eir home In Dunn, a Ane boy Mr*. J. C. Hodges has returned to b». home in Fayetteville after spend ing several days here with relative*. F.vun MoU>cr Goose und be. little tribe wiU be represented at Ui* May »>ativol on Lucknow squire TorsUy. A. WcimifIn of Lumbcrton in«i II Wi'tnaieiii of Fairmont spent Tu*» day night here vititing A Fehimnu. Home farmers who planted thosr cotton seed in Marco ami tarly in Aprft are having to plant the .croud tune. W. H. Jarkaor. D able to be out again after being tymAte.l to hi* room for two weekt With a lev err Can you .*o the Hiptiland Flmg and IrUb Jig? Rec the Camp Firr Girls Tuesday. ami you will think you have visited Scotland and Inland. Mi*a Hendrix has returned from hie home in Columliia, 8. C., where *hc waa callatl last week on account Of tha icnoo. illness of hei brother. The Dispatch is requested to state that those who have book, they wish l?;.d°D.“U^U *hc li‘,r*'T may phone Wisa Blnnciu- Grantham and the books will be called for immediately. Housewives! Don't worry about sup per Tuesday evening. Tbe Camp Fire Girls will have delicious things to cat for the whole fatally, on Luck now square, from 0 o'clock till 8: SO. The Kpworth League Of tbs Dunn HaBodlat church wOl have a bonfire nppar at Rhodes' pond tonight. The Hanots*awaasr at «: SO o’clock. C* E Kitchett ottended yesterday In Greensboro the funeral of his grandfather, F. P. Flenton, who died W wines day. Deceased waa 65 yean old and had bacr, m ill health for •vversl months. The remains of Xrv Frances Byrd, *‘•0 ’bed Tusaiay at her home hi Hurley Mount of influensa-pneumonia were interred Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock «t Bunnlevol. IWsraacd was 27 years old. Ralph W. Williamson, 7 weak* old son of Mr and Mrs. L i. Williamson, who live at Tilghraan’s mill, near Dunn, died Tuesday night The i-e maliia were taken to Cerro Gordo, Columbus county, where interment was made. FORMAL OPENING. (Contributed) Abend/ the town of Donn. " The live* town under the sun.” Can boa't of a Hospital well equipped, with the ” cgg-tholl of activity ” al ready pipped! Next week wv open our door* -not for fun — But to help keep Dunn the livwst, And never the deadest Town under tha eon! So to th* people ef Dona. With heart* ao sympathetic anil true, W* trtend this Invitation T# conic nod »t what we aim to do. On May 4th, from 4 till *, Let’s showsr the " Dunr. Hospital " with rood wiMm, And et the esmc that Brtnr along a few dishes. Dots sad pan. for tka kitchen Would be quit* bewitchingJ And —canned good* sad jellies Would Ml empty— (shelves). "o let Weed Ha. 1 bring dishes Along with their good wiaheal A ad kitchen utenriit for Ward Ns. I Wauhl be grsatly apgi csisPcd tea. Ter Weed N«. I, hew nice towbls weald bel Tor It tabes oh! so many, yuu see; And Ward Me. 4, « fail* 4a your let Owr empty pastry to etacb. With a hearty weleem* we'll greet And premies net U beep yawl iicoaotrs count These hears of yesterday's semten »f the laaal rseeederis eOwrt wses need la trying to deefdt who le the •waee el • certain bird deg. Alter1 all that time bed been tins mail fa * I ‘•w *W of the MM. Recorder R. L : Cadvili WM unable ta- thi ii*ktfiil owner ami the aaaa wm dio rnt»w4. Ed Parrtah and R. i. Had •vn bulk claim the dug aj their own anil «• it likely that tha matter wil be taken la the Superior mart. Two Juhrctoi county citinea*, whi were arreeted recently by Chief ol Police B. A. Rowland and PoUeomar W. P. Nipper* an tha Clinton Ugh wny, **ar town, on the chary* ol bdtag drank and driving an atftc mrxma wnwuvnun Sunday School ' Lessonf sjs5? MWe taoUiale *e ctlaM «**»«*«. il* »nun-m uu* —■ LESSON FOR APRIL 29 RUTH THI FAITHFUL OAUaHTM LWmhjm TEXT—Baob mt Both. UOI.UEM TiXT-nr people shall ba -J p-H. aa* Wr Wed mr Ua*—Bulb i'MIXIABI TOFIO— Tba Mary ad Bulb. J L Mob TOPIO— Bulb bad MaomL IN I EKMBDLATB AMD bBMIOB TOD. *©—Bulb a ilMHa and He Uabeax TbL.HU PEOPLE AMO ADULT TOP IC—Tba ferret el Malta Hehie Uta. I- Ruth's Cannae tie* With N banal (Chapter 1:1-U). on account af famine In UatiUi-bam af Judah, Naeaal wtth hw Luabaad aad two aaua so) earned la tba land of JJoab. After tba death ad bad liUaband bar twe auoa married lab * -men. After a time har i etna. After tba death of l Naomi taeoHttf la return ta har _ land. Larins heard that tba Lard had riatlail HU I wo pie to firing them bread Tba/ uaat ta Moab ta aorafia troaMa bat aol/ gat lata mare, ft waa not until Kaaail was than Warn tiacd that aim raanlrad ta irttra Naomi bad tba r«il aanne to racagHtna that the hand af Ua Lord wan npoa bar for goad. \v haa the due far har to go Moth aad Orpab aecoom pnulrd liar, far a distance. ThU aba permitted but datcnulnad to place be fora them frank)/ tba dUBcattlaa which would necessarily confront them It una tills frauk prearatbUou ad the dlf acuities aad bar rvprated urging thaw to go back that called forth from Rath tin- expression of har nobla chalra. IL Ruth's Neale Cbalaa (l:l«-lg>. Much aa Naomi lorod bar daaghtara-la low. aim would not bare them go beta UU iimiter blindly, aba taM thaw the wont that canid coma upoa them. ThU principle ought to ho canted but bj ua b> all our relation* In Ufa. la bwt aeae tba aptrit of fraakaaaa Would ba maaifaat. At ' 1 * •an for whom aha oould watt. la that da/ to ba ua married waa the paataat disgrace hodety dUfarad then from auw. 1 Bba MUM Raowsci Bar Oeda Har ldotetroui warship coaid Bat ba carried on U tba lead where Ood'a people dwelt. Tble waa dallcaMg touched upon when Orpab want back (r 15). Orpab want back whan H waa ptAlu there waa ao chance ta gat a husband. Now Naomi put* an addi tions I last upon Hath, that af gtrtng up liar retiglou. Roth una equal to the occasion. licr mind waa fully mads up. She waa wtlUag ta accept aa bar Ood tba owe who waa able ta produce la hie subjects the nobllttj ad character aba bad observed la Naomi MnamJ'i eery frankness m dealing wtth har caused Ruth to ba more datanninad ta cast her lot with her. Rath's pouUisu was so deflalta and unfhltaitag that the very trpraaalooa hare coma darra ta oi la worde which “ao pastry haa out-drilled, and no patbea ban aw eroded, and which baa gone through centuries with tba moMe that wtU not let them ba forgottea." Bba waa da tarmlned to share Naomi's Journey, bar borne, har lodge, her lot la lift, aad bar grace la death, whatever that would be. Ta crown it all Bba would re nounce bar heathen goda aad warWIp Jehovah, Itl. IlMlxn Waleh Attended R 0*1*0 FahMulrveee. Ruth waa tern many far bar choice, baceuaa 1. She found the True Ood (1:1«). leeteed of her heathen foda who war# aaable to help her aha aaw had a Bring Ood. the Oad ef Iareel. aa her Ood X She round Human frleadn (Chapter 2). Aa ehe waM ta (lean In tha Bald (be wua lad ta tha leM of Root, a mao of wealth aad grata. IX* oerraote of Boon treated her wtth torn Wderutloe. Bren Bona gare haina X A Good Hoobead and a Happr Hama (*-*). She oof tmty aattwad a haahand. hut a man ef Oed wbe had aa ahoadanee ef thta wartd’a gee da. A Aa Honored Plata la tha laraal Blah Matlaa (4:U-1T). Thaagh MM had to fareola her awa people Mm Ip X «be HeeaaM a Ldhft M the Chain ef Ohrtat'i AaiHf (4:BB eemgaiu Matthew 14). The aea who taUg da cMaa tm Chgtat aad fire* ng all far Mm than gg| g imlnl IMd M tMa Ufa aad M Mm wgiM Ip MR nharaM * PennoM mlado rtlaM aaaMat Mdg ■S9ME9S=SS5S=S whH* in a drunken condition, won > fined $14 each ar,d the coat. Judgment war suspend.J up0I payment af fu in the case of a loca litnoy driver, charged with using Wi into for immoral purpose*. A genttemn of color waa fined ISO and the cost on tin chnrgo of carry, ing s pistol, while several defendant, •barged with being drunk were id off with small fines aad costs. " Horiar Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Aloe W. Norris, do ers sod, tale of Barnett County, North Carolina, tMa It to notify all parsons having claims again at the estate of said deceased to file them with the undersigned an or before the 27th day af April, 1*24, ar this notice will b* pleaded la bar of their recovery. AU persons indebted to said c-etat* will please make Immediate payment Tl>ls 27th day of April. 1M3. JOHN WILLIAM NORRIS, Administrator of Alee W. Norris. Apr 27 May 4 U 18 28 Jut. I pd Want Ads BROOOERS—WE HAVE JUST RE eoWsd shipment of Famous Buck eye Blue chick brooders. Have 204 and 804 aisee. Buy from os at factory price* and save frotght. Will have White Leghorn baby chicks for delivery Apr. 80th. May Sth. 10th, 15th, 20th and 28th. at redoced prices. Howard Farm, Duns, N. C. 27 tfe MOVED MR2. R- "w! POPES sewing room has been moved to Room 84, First National Bank building. Itpd WANTED—MICK YARD LABOR sn. (load wages. Bern working and living conditions Steady work. Apply to A. 0. Rickman, Rape. LUllagton Brick Co., Lill ington, N. C. 27 2t c SOOA—40 TONS JU2T ARRIVED and ready far dalivory. Smith A McKay. Jtc > LOST SUNDAY—A BUCCY ROB on Dunn-Bcnron highway. Tbs* will pleat* return to Will Sari* (tor* or to Mr* buna Barefoot |_ FOR SALE—SOJA BEANS, VE1 vut Beam. Chofaa, Con a Sard, eta Howl A Gnu.thorn. S7 44 SODA—SO TONS JUST ARRIVE! anil ready for delivery. Smith i McKay. SU BASE BALL GOODS AND A COOC line of fWiuiu locht* far luy fob for sole by ifood sad Grantham. 71 4* HOOD. A. GRANTHAM. STOCK Ponder None hotter. God foi •II stock. 97 4U SODA—SO TONS JUST ARRIVES mid ready far dt-Utory. Smith A .VrKay. 3u YOUNG LADY ~S TENOCRAPHER and bookkeeper dottrea position. Inexperienced but ooahflod to grva rood service. Address Root* 2, Box IS, June*boro, N. C. SODA—SO TONS JUST ARRIVED and ready for dolieory. Smith A McKay. St* COWS FOR SALE-4M OF MY tenant*, Tom Daefc, Duka No. I, has rovorol fresh bows for aale. Clarence J. Smith, Dana, N. C. -t IMPROVED PORTO BIOO POTATO plant,. Millions ready for imme diate shipment. SIRS par thous and. Over 10,000/ 9100. Cosh with order. B. J. Rood, Alma, Co. Apr SO 27 pd MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM '•nds la a mounts Rom 91,000 to }80,000 for J> rears- Godwin and rrnlpa, Attorney* Dana. N. C PHONE YOUR GROCERY ORDERS to 143 for prompt doKeory. North Carolina meat* • apseislty. J. M. Lee, at Sen Jolumob old otablaa. • Apr 34 St e sea gg 1 1 . m a. . 1 — I « I i t » i i i 4 I I !! I. i ! NOTICE *__ Trade at Dunn's new Har ness store where you can have your harness, aad all Idads of leather goods repaired prompt ly. All harness bought here will be kept In repair free of J charge, something unknown la ■ this section. Come aad look over the stock—splendid riding saddles on sale; eoUhra, better than can he bought for same money anywhere. So with harness. N. Clinton Avenue, neat doer to W. J. Jones A Son Grocery. DUMN, N. C I i'gjKSfSj*| MONEY TO LOAN ON LOMO. t**m» **«nr*.l by fara Iaa4s; m ■•Z"SXS?tt2Jnm J .mmmmmmm* / 1 Painting and Upholstering 1 wish to announce to my friends that 1 ; have opened a shop in the Henry Johnson I Garage building, opposite the Poetoffice. 1 am prepared to repaint, upholster* or ; make a new top for your car and cau give | you satisfactory work. Have had I 1_years i experience in this work with J. W. Thom | ton in Dunn, and know how to do it Well. I WANT TO SERVE YOU V S. H* Ethridge .i ‘1 Dunn* N. C. • i JUST RECEIVED ; ’ f ’ Solid Car Load of ; ■ - i American Field Fence i $ % Any Kind You Want V » r I .. —■■■■! , '■ , Barnes & Holliday £o. | Dunn, North Carolina aaaaaaaaa imoa-ma-a_a^a-aaaa-a-a^a_a-a-i_a-i_M_^ ...... At Colonial Theatre Dunn, N. C. Hun* Continually from 3 p. m. to 11 p. m. SpmUI Katharine MacDonald 44 THE INFIDEL M A Dtum That’* All DMWmI N. Mvucf m PrlM. COMING WEDNESDAY . 44 Till W* Meat Afain" HHi _ _- ■- ■ —- — ■ • -- RESOURCES Loans and Discounts- $571,548.90 Building and Furniture_ 56,670.39 5 per cent Redemption Fund__ 2,000.00 Federal Reserve Bank stock_ 2,100.00 North Carolina bonds a ndstocks_ 3,750.00 U. S. Government Bonds -..• 40,950.00 Cash on hand and in banks .. 136,587.58 , 9 * ' Total.-.-.$613,606.87 LIABILITIES Capital Stock.$ 50,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits. 31,546.% War Finance advance___ 40 722 72 Circulation . 40!000!00 Rediscounts, Federal Reserve. 149.391.26 Dediscounts, other banks __ 12,300.00 Bills Payable, other hanks_ 27,500.00 Deferred Credits, Federal Reserve. 14,420.73 Reserved for Liberty Bonds ... 5,400 00 DeP°~*». 442.325.20 ..>613.606.87 Ki A* TOWN8END PrmiflAnt J. W. DRAUGHON_2. fet«^“;;.;v;;.v"vv.~ ^"-Sgg J. O. WAKKXN.... . .V.'.AiuuJit'CaS£ _ .Of *£•rtrongth of the above statement, the Flm National Bank, the Oldest Bank In this section, soHdta jrour account. *

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