^.■UMakjNMarafltoWUto Ja* t .art Itot ItoiJKMtoL £flty m» tto* jiiyy Ezfzi tto oW taws «r Fajratterlll. h, *■» aM* la tto past, tot H’a wfato »tototor. ^ Ha atttaaaa tow wtato a*r/a r* a atoat.al that ea~'.•1 lb* people bare ao quickly for gotten too roeuita, auy of which arc •tiB ilamii, of too pace they reach ** tt»w yean ago? If “g*** time#" mtarn, aad there an indications that they an on th. way, will they b# abtoad aa they won in 1919-30? Th* day* af prajparMy during, aad fallawtog immediately after th* cion •f th* World War, prwrwd what mgbt b* tamed a con* to away people. W**F "“<*« money aad spent 14 foal bhly. When .th* re-action came to 1**1 it faaad th* public generally unprepared. Everybody mid they «»acted th* “drop.- but not m •arty ar so ruddaa. Somebody has charged that the coaaty was “drunk on prannuity.’1 What wo wanM warn «pl^e j, anatom- “*roo.” Don’t aBow yerar aalf to forget what has happened to th* pm. or nrrmusT to all lam* recommend on* thing and sen# another, but Stan la only on* Wo* way to grow cotton under boll waarS eooritUnne. 1%* government haa gnt miUiona of dolton to an *«or t* And that oao beat method, and it is that method that will b* captained at th* mooting of farmers aad liurfiiii mon to be hold to to* tapal open boo** tomorrow (8atur day) afternoon. In other word*, too “•stood that has proven to* moot ■wrrimful in all roramment toots will b* outlined. Shrmem; ws an told, are spending money freely far machiam and otoarj aa-caMad boll woovtl nmadiaa that1 have am ban thoroughly triad out af tha## ar* meatolaaa, ao Th* chief tmp.a. af th* aaOad far tmnroa fa, toe! that an known to ha tha boat and! Ml to waate their mane, on fake srhsmaa. It wAl take unit, on tha part «f tha cotton-growers and bmi-: aam man to win tha Aght against th* holl waavil. Tha meeting tomarrow la of la tenat to both farmers and buainam man aUka, aad the bgainam man of Dunar should “turn 001“ to toe-« tag, thereby shewing Urn farmers that the, are Interacted and ar* w® iag to co-operate with thorn in wag ing wwr agminot to* cotton enemy j THE DUTIES OT A CITIZEN 1. Tm unIN and with thorn IdamU pvtaNpiw embodied «n •wr MMUNM aad lawo which «c pariaaaa haa Am an oavrattol to *• mariatiiu of ni Ubortiaa aad Dm pmEha of pood nntaaiiiil Jd *• dafaad thaaa priodpUe apaintt E Tojafona ajialf on aE paUfe aad aa the character, record Md piatfana of NI oaadidataa far «fc* aad to rnert acUroij nj infhi onto ia favor of ana aad aeaam to which I kalian. r 1 -g^gggs— of nnin to tho pod*. 11. lb MeomtK good men to •Mor public eorriee tad remain there to by retoiiitiet too faithful per foreman of their duties ud by re fraining from critaeUm except u U fo ended on o home lodge of facto IX. Ta mek to promote goad feel tog betwaaa ali group* of my follow eitiatoe aad to caabt aa totodcal to pabUe welfare all partisan aCotto to •«dt* race, rctigtooa, dam and aoo tional prejudice. IX. Net ta think alum* of ohat my gwrentaicat can do far mm hot atora about what I can do for it. 14. Te inform myaalf whh rao pect to the proMam* which confront ay country to tu foreign relations, nnd to support poUcias which aafa ■unid its lagHtoanto inureat* ahrood wad which raeugaln* the root.. tie* of th* Unhod State* « a »*m ; her of International society.—School I of Garararoant and Oitiaonthtp, Cei i tog* of William and Vary. I __ A** YOU FITT I believe that bo naan is really 01 to bold a public ogee, or aay other ! which depends on public iaeer or 1 hae I# do with touching hr any form. I M he ien’t capable of oarau* hi* Uv I iag ia kun other wwy If-y I Thak “V eound a little atiu»t« at but 1 believe that there bo I no real freedom of sincerity in any | public service uniaae the men in it are I perfectly reedy ho assign or bo find at aay time for their opinions, I can | «nre them an a writer that 1 have I frit ever ae much happier and freer I oince I realised that if the worse came to the wont I coahi possibly qualify as a taxicab driver in Now Tort City. Mr. Uppman, in his address to the Stats literary aad Historical Ann otation. CYCLONE STRIKES WEST HARNETT CO. Bseidsace sf Veaa Aad Other Brildlags l*w< Away By Storm Mention was made m Tuesday's Dispatch af a wind aad hail starm which struck tha western part of Har nett county Saturday afternoon. ..a. *’•••«" ' Harriett County News It U '<•■ ■< that tbo home of Needham •car Angier, wai demolished *; - clone, as arses all tha other « r-a on the Vaan farm. While '■ • Vr. tn and otfvar matahera of his >• tore la tha house at the time, V • '.aped with oat injury. N nr-roaa tobaeca bams ami other •rat-houaoe la the path of the storm wa'e swept away and on tha farm af B. M. Cants tn tons of fertilisers was dusted to Iks winds Tha storm waa narrow In Ms scope, dolny tUo «reateat damage In Neill*. Creak and BJnek Riser towruMp. Nature tries all of us; she is cun tinually Iran tiny our weak points and teeing them to breaking, *mi the atruag are subjected to the more an.l barter teats. OBITUARY J. Lawrence ifeaith, a prominent cH««n of Harn.lt county died at hi. country boot near Linden on Sat «»May, April flat. Mr. Smith wai in hia aaventy-elght yaar, and wai tho laat of hie generation of a largt and influential family connection. Hu *aa the ton of William Turnei Smith and Mary Campbell Smith, ol Santhvllle, Cumberland county, hav In* boon bon. on 4b father'* pUnta 55.^ F"' *•»* Wa ri^,uT,*C’UOn by thu CiriJ War, a. . ^ h, £ of Northern Virgil, p.. taelpaiing ia aom. of the moat .an rurnory baUloa oCthe war, bchiTirw wiH> conapieloua valor. He bore pa U«"tly the depreaaiane after the war, «nd marked the development ot the “** ***** *Hh keencet Inter**. He we* a pood ehixen, a devoted church man, having for nearly fifty yean been an oOear ia Sardia Presbyter lan church. He ia eurvWed by hi. widow, who waa Mlaa Whaiftad William. ol Cumberland county, three eona, WU «am T. Smith and Dane W. Smith, ef Harnett county and J. Lawrence Smith, Jr., of Poftaunonth, Va., and four grand children, Ouyten and Lawrence Smith, Margaret and Dor othy Smith. Hia a arriving nephew, and neleae ate T. A. McNeill and Mia* Mary 0. McNetB ef Uunberten, Why Millions of People are now Using PRUNITONE The World’s Fruit Tonic and System Purifier i. i . ... — . —4 Ur tUa mm w. hav. --»_. •a mntl plan af caJlinr U. hr m|.,i __ . . “ la Ihi. -a.TL 7 * T*1"* "* •“>«“*». agent In aa«|i p|M. , 7,, *h,“7* ***"r*J T~>Mu pifdm a *" ran will am ha Wual mm. laUriar-Uj wtlTua ... .7.1 daWm may .ay !■ “Ua* aa *a«4~ .Imply Uu,H fc. --L-, . «7~_77"" P—dt aa tha INFERIOR REMEDY. ** m*r* to "*,d* Prnnaa which am knawn a. "Fr.lt Baalth." They contain Vitamin.#, bon and UaatSvTVnmLaii i 2. “ Mac been added Root, and Herb. to aid *- WMK.^Sd r***?re dha ton-down imoM condition to lUhJIjLi.- 2?"*** **• bnild ,p vitality, JS * Ire. <-ornoarU^"f7?,w°*" .*dd4d **d la traacf.rMng tha whit, ljfa _ ta rich, red one. ui in Hdc wnjr puafom thin. m]« . ,77? MU he found bcnaficlnl to eld aad mm nu — • ■ haan hmt thair atr.ngth and energy, Urn aadhTcint LiThEEST k"7 tala wondarfol froH tank at mm and if tranhlod with IT-J.in.iV_ 222*JEX ■w " "W KS.STnti XgagmS wotfacm ^77^ y*»T- Afle» N« hav. tnkan ErtmHoae f#> a I!Zfai7ll71 tETMIiiIT y, *■* J7» «>»U before you ..... jy*" ***“"**, *» ««me teat antU yen have regained ?pw noraul etreagth, energy aad carta mate. " rer pnta, wank, oaneurWiad ahtkiren nah... hj n_.._ MMI vMMW tMMr ill aidlw to tlto MW «f ckMrtn who ohtmli ho use rrunitone nils tor Umnc Consti pation nUMTOM LABOBATOMU. BOTTOM 4ft. MAM. For Sele By Wfleoo A Lee aad Mr*. June* M. Russell ol Al lan**. 1(1 MEMORY OF CL W WHiHEK TOM , Th* ud thought of death and . «»tn»tao*» of heaven wa* brought I near us when our dear Father of hea ven vitti outstretched arm* took from our midst the moot beloved on* of this community. Hi* presence eras ever sweet lo all those who knew him. His kindness was greater than no.rls can expreas. 1IU heart must hare him pure in spirit and in truth, , fee he said to his friend* that tho j only dread of his departure was just ! ‘he sting of ileath. Tiler* is no one whom could be so greatly mixaed at home than ha. But God icwee the lif* of his dear ton I and placed him on thot beautiful throne that those who follow Him can over stand hy his side where there is no more sorrow or pain to endure. Brother wn* dear to oa. but on Tuesday afternoon, about 6 o'clock April 24, 1923, th* angel of heaven came to his relief, after he had suf fered for many years and trod the narrow path that toads to rust in that glorious home on high. Bo was « member of Uir Free Will Baptist j church of which he loved wonderful ly. During hm last days stay on earth I he had services at his hemp on Sun ' ih-'/s where it was mors convenient for him to hear the words of God i spoken hy those whom ha loved. I Rev. Dock Johnson and Rev. D. R. Fnrtieh. both Free WUl Baptset . preachers, conducted the funeral aer | vices at hit home before leaving for I the interment, which was made in I the family burying ground at tho I old home place, about one mile from l whore lie lived. The body was In charge of the e* I teemed undertaker, Mr. J. L. Hat ' rhar of Dunn. The pallbearers were. Lawyer C. L. Guy, of Dunn. M«wn !— I Here s a Business for Dunn good roil $6000 to $12000 Yearly I An insurance man In South Carolina, h farmer in Winronnin, t bocehtr in Minnesota, other* ail over Ac U. 8. —tJienc men wanted to own ■ ion) monry-makin* borinaia. Blectrik Motd Boko oho pa gave them th*!r opporlon >ty. Today they and many others own their own prosperous I Blectrik-Maid Bake Shop*, without bavin* known a thin* about the bakery buainaaa before. You have the »ame ehonco H*ht hex*. A each boat no**; no chanrea; no diiiverla*; yvur profit* in th* till every night Every •ne who oats la a cuatomar. Budnao* good nil year round. W« iapply all ^»Ti demand ing continuous car service at low cost, and with comfort and convenience, are IH taming to the Ford Coupe in greater i|) numbers than ever. I ill So great is the demand that a shortage is certain. List your order now—cover III it with a small down payment — the balance on convenient terms. .iTSm. |( tk»M ITT DUNN. N. C. ——■—■mtm Every Woman Should See the Lovely Line of Spring and Summer Goods at— JOHNSON BROTHERS We handle Quality Goods only, and while you may pax a little more at our store, you get better styles, better patterns- and quality that en dures. IN THE LONG RUN OUR GOODS ARE MUCH CHEAPER We have Just received a new lot of Dresses which are now on dis play. See our excellent line of— Erarfaat Wash Fabric* La Porta Fabrics ZaigUr Shoe* for Woman Coat Suits and Coats Now Pattarn Hats. People ere realising that it pays to buy the beet quality of goods and our trade is increasing daily. Our customers always come back be cause they are satisfied. Quality Considered, C Prices Are Lower i __i II JOHNSON BROTHERS I DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA I • '