th« railroad *i <« injury U n toltlw Cacti ru J. *• Mch Win to atop mmj br coaaidered with th* ether facto in th* aaaa fat dataradaiog whether th 'toaa guilty of contributor) •very railroad or la " " jar iaaa to* aay track lateeeeefieg « public •uad at grade dhal place a alga-boar “* Ucc tfcaa tea feet Crow du . aa Ike right aid* ef the read, i by dfty lathii, eaa haa c rowing. which k rad lettering, to «f the prtodwty of gafity gf a __ •eaiMlea af ride act ehall he guilty • bMnmw, aad apea cowrie toaatoll ha fined not more thaa tea balk, latludto^e^rt <- That thla act dull h ia force froee aad after the dm day . af My, eae ttiencind nine hundred aad tweatp fhiee “to the Gaaeral Auemhly, reel i Ibia* ttaaaa aad ratified thlt the Stll i day af Koto, iMt" TWaririkaaaaM being a flat placa i ad legtoltotea. aad aa* that will, if i adhered to, greatly -educe the sen i bar H grade ■ leering accident*. ar < today ef which pro** total. Let, U 1 th# law la net ebaamd by the pah- i b** thaa it wilt pray* ef no value, \ •**' r good lawe that ere t mtt i “ th* law Jmn i toll aatll the flat day eoau are < ■•d# that It want f *»to it* ratification. I W«tl have to admit that we deaX kiww }mt what aon of weak thin weak h. bat what wa seed swat la a “warm weather" weak. Wa taka it that Governor Mor* •oah la tart ut ia aot apart vad by at laart two North Carolina daihee Tha Kalslgft Nawa and Observer and the Gcaeadbeve Dally Nawa. --—o— ■— RaporU from Washington woui< indie sc* that Deciding would lik« to aanxi tho linvestlg^ti^ comndtttee for the State- prison system, which In our opinion, if asking too much And. now we understand why the row in Ku Ktiu headquarter*. The titles for which William J. Simmons founder of the ardor, was flghclni calks for a salary of $1,000 ths month. Worth fighting for. UnX ItT Under the court order, Sim* mono will draw tho $1,000 per month for life, while in casa of hie death, bis widow ia to receive a Ilka sum. AN “OFF WEEK." AT THAT While h* Intimated that it wan an "eff week" ta hit official activities. Depity Sheriff C. H. Batdall *1 Comte Hand county, last weak pour ed tel M barrel* of beer, arrested • feeders and 4 drunks, so he stat ed to a mspatch reporter Saturday The four men arrested on the charge of driving aa auto while Intoxicated were Used $50 each and cost - J A QUESTION T Doe* toe mCk your ehUdrea drink eome from tubercular free comet If not. why not? There is an important moral side to too milk uuseti.n which matt not be ignored. W* may have the right —a very doubtful right, to he ex ato—to neglect the dangers to which w*. a* adults capable of judging and acting for ourselves, are aajaead; hut we have absolutely no right to jwStefw5rgi“jvi§i I" IBnfl—wtfl a mt% mBk for children, at leant, la within reach: *f every mother, may bo ehamcteri “d aa barbarous, if not criminal In difference. It is an offense against toe 5"*°*“*. UB«|woetloning confidence whkh ehildiea repose in their adult Friends. WHY THE ILOWNEUi Tha international attention teows bat rwy little, if any, imprormnent, ttoaph it is new nenriny #T« yearn ■Me tha eieae af tea World War. Tathaya tee only mason that Pranas end Germany are net eoyayed ia ae taal warfare today, is the fact that 0,Tr"r *** “* aaWsioatly rocor «ad from tee results of tee World War. Wo doaht tho f—th-y v-*—TT1 *• *ww nations is marc hitter today' Ma it was whoa the anaistlee was «%Md. Ihe Allies wan tee war, bat' Mad te wta the ywet wUah it was1 hepad weald follow. I ^hora is a cause for tho ismrH1n1 ■ that exist, sad tha ew«a, “ m>r nphrioa, Jo bobo other than the failure of the United States to hw' • ■Mtr of te# Lee fas of Ka-’ Unae as fonaalated la tho Park Peaae Conference. In other wen's, > we bsflove tho Hams for tha axistiay ! Mali xjpmm the pwtfMi i UtkJ*“ who aaer to mash of Wood- } raw Wilson to tea Treaty. The desire ! •• defeat tea former Preeideat was ‘ m toreoy that aoma awmtero ef ths Metes Senate sms srllkm to •to*** *w^t***e fat order to defeat Wreo now what President Hardtop has-eama set" fer the World Coart, \ * "» be aeeenal cl. Waited States srlil I I I moved entirely from our mind. The lemoeal of the doubt was duo to a recent convene*!oa wKh « oi BmUm. Umm. Leaning that he we* • cltiaee of the New England SUtea. wo made it a paint to aak him if tt! wore tree that the textile mennfec-1 tarare of hU home aoetion ware go ing U> move to ti* South. HU anew*/ waa emphatic In the normative. BrelMwg what this auu to Ua vortlon, we team that if be fait that Umm report* wore not founded upoa tho truth,-then he wotod deny the tlie truth, then he would,deny it Ir. f*et w* lather expected that he »ouH deny the troth of it, even if !( were true. V«t when he v*«* quicx aiMl punitive in hi* earner, and eras gulag ao far a* to Mato aom* of the reaaena why tt it good bmhmi judgment far thane mar aluccuror* to eeme South, tt was then that we wore convinced Shtt th* report* are baaed upon the tenth, the whole truth and nothing hut the truth, b W« are now fuHy convinced that not enly U the South the cetttbfn daeing center of tho world, bat dwt era long tt will rank ae the eetteo man ofec taring center of the world. And, why thouldnt ttt CONCERNING INSECT* N. C, Kay IE—By taemmM At the insect survey which Franklin Sherman, Chief of the Dt ▼iaien of Entomology, la new in North Carolina, ho reports that It nay ba poaalbla latex on to gtaa ad mnea notice of opldsade outbraaks of raoh peats a* the Groan Bog, Chinch Bog, Hessian Fly, Gnafeop pvn, Cotton Leaf Worm, and ethos. Mn. Sherman is co-operating wMh the Federal Buraan of Edhmxdogy ta compiling records of insect oathmaka tV ntanimux of Lie u.<ectj, mh!ether items of Information. These findings go in to Washington whose they are compared with findings from Mi fee other fits taw and the w then returned to the different , Mr. Bherman ia I complaints of insect i _ | to fete office from that to Mw. ■*—e-g the past twenty years. Ha fimk froaa tha thousands of coaglainta raeaisad that certain poata ara at tbstr want in definite regions aad «*io>r lajoriae confined to certain porta of the iwr. To help in this work/Mr, Sherman ataUs that tatarasUd farmers and county farm agents could render a distinct service by reporting aecar tte observations to him, firing about the following information i Whoa was the peat first aeon for fee ? When does it first become . on fee plants that it attacks? fa it more destructive or lorn doatrasttre '» * ■ •** All of this information, wife apoclmona of both fee new Insects, will help in * l omplote insect survey of the gtata. A epee I mar. and a record ef aO fe1 oaeta will give information about which there can bo no doubt. Ho safe fanners and others to ce-ooerwta with him In this weak. TORNADO TAKES HEAVY TOLL OF HUMAN LIFE Irirrod In Path Of Sialera Killed Aad A Hoadrod Tree* Storm , Colovdiio. Tenon. Miy U— * d ,0° injured were reported ‘H a» » "'"It of the wbi.h ;>,« throurh Mitehe'J ecu v. _e'i»h and eau of here early today j_hc injured are in the hospkuil. reket, evi many private home* 1. bnir.o were hurt eo seriously - i tmmmm 5. 1*11. ;■;* •tut *' 4 ,•.■ • .*• j-. ,j.*\ 3 .1 cwagV :r>.-r* *i j \ ..'• • *■£1 -r *■• • • '* death and Injury In it* wake ' •• • >ityeH» w*rv /r",.r r « •* farms. Due tc Mi* dl-t* . . - farm* gpd the d<*arv-;::!*'i': ' * •ommunieatinn, it whs ex* Petted her* It would be rr.a.:. t • '«f>H the entire district could fc» heard front. ■ Cfiuom of town* near f>r r:o*m Isna and relief auppl ee for the vie Heta. SOUTH KIVU COMMENCEMENT The Saab of tfce apMfc Mror high aehool will taka place on Tkarwday aad Friday of'tfcla weak. Hay IT and 18. FaUowin^b <b pragmas! Ikoreday, May 17. 8 p. m. . Operetta..A Hid Summer Night New .r--HU SUUn Pby-Sowing for the Heathen Friday. Map It, 1S.M a. m. Heeltation and Doelaoutian cos ta eta. Address--Dr. W. T. Wtaker Dinner at gfkaaL --...-“grlan p. as. I Praaentstltarof flag and Bible by Junior Order. I* P* ■». Play-No Trespassing Ifc* boms town paper b more than paper and ii^ 4b n part of your* | community life. WILL COBT'VHkBM TO FEPAt* BBOKEN DAM Hopo MBta. May II—It b estima ted that a vriB taka |100,0»0 to to* pines tbs dam of Mill No. 1 which tooka bat Oaafcty. letting bom a flood of water. have potatoes to aeU from the ta.t tr* letting theirs go at from fifty to seventy-firs easts par bushai. THAT HOME YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD I WHY The longer Let us better, homes. * . " I PITTMAN AND HAIR ■*l™“1 11 ^ J. A. McLEOD AND ft. F. McLEOD «/ •ri.ii that they have formed a partnership , X for the praettta of law ; iin(W the name of y McLF.OO AMD McLEOD^7 *l;h ofllcos on s&oid floor. Shell Building Dunn rToilli Carolina May 1st, 1323 mm * m ——1 —Hmmam————— --- __ ^tm Your Success ( • - i < * ■» „ ’ r < > < i The aervicei fi thia buk ••an be mada ary helpful to yoor aaceka. i f you have no bank accoAJ era, open one today, ^ < « i -rr- , i ' • 4 i ' . # < I The Commercial Bank ...I TAXM'Atl WHh'rKMl) fS Wll.TV. - AT JORDAN RlJvcrd Tilrudf* Wrack* C*k In Waking Thrilling Leap ~ | A iccna rot called fer la the script wet enacted during the Aiming of Wildcat Jordan, the Tabnadgo feature Wednetday at tha Colonial fratwrc Thurtday at tha Colonial theatre. It norccunry for Tal madgu to make a quirk getaway frem a eecond rtory window and onto a potting rah. In making the leap, Trlmndge Jumped for a halyard hanging from a flagpole, twang out Into the atreet ami letting go junked to tho top of a taxicab. Tha action wa* timed perfectly before coarpict ing the leap, bat on taking tho arena the dr.vrr of the cab waa a eecond alow, and tnatead of landing on the front of tha cab where the roof wae made of ahact iron, Talmadgc Jomp ird onto the wooden framework, erauh ing through to the in.dde. Luckily lie wa* nut ecrlooaly injured. Thie 1* jcut one of the many thrille and * tun la In •• Wildcat Jordan." Trade Jneqcaaes JRte wealth aad glory of a country; bat ha real rtlength aari itaalna are to bo look ed for among the caWratoru of Ike land—Lord rj..**.. w Legume* feed tho coil, build fer Mity and maintain it. Enry farm that bring* in a profit at tie cad of snrery normal year grown owe or more. The uniererned home awaima with danger of diaaaaa. line of Ginfkun end ratiiwi weak drum — |&c from $2.00 J $10.00 mFF For thiaWeek Aly, we will I'ive $1010 offfn every aprlny cont an it. \ If au need one thii* i* yonr oplortfnity. The ^fth Ave. Shop dunr; #Tc. A total of 1,484 Mt tan* war* turned in by the children of 11 aehoola in Chowan scanty M a M> I *ult of a "XU Tha Bat"-rr'yiw pat on ky County Ayant N. X. Bow «U. [Royal Cords Rank First II United StatesTires I ® are Good Tires || | J. W. ThORNTON, " Dunn, K. C. ■ E. R. THOMAS DRUG CO. Duk*. K. C. I I Wearing Apparel ihat Verifies the I for Late Spring at— | JOHNSON BROTH --* Spring has descended upo/us, not only does the fashion calendar Myio but our/aried showings of beautiful ap I»rel truly ps<W>s the frightnes. of the season. Colors that are brilliantf abricJm a wide array. Extensive selec tions—yet not edpensha. DELIGHTFui EJjhlBITS OF WOMEN'S AND IV1IJSES' DRESSES In fabrics that areLj and clinging. Patterns that portray e ety e ideas of The b£*t quality at prices you can not duplicate. Youllfind it a pleasurable task to select— suitUcoats and capes a p’y w°nderful array of the Seasons If You Want (Lality and Service at a Rea sonable Price See Us. JOHNSON BROTHERS I 3 »v

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