■ - — - I. II. William* of the local bar la I upending a fca- dxye in Now York on| legal holiness. Mr. and Mr*. David PranutH, of Southern Pines s|leiuy of milt a v|iune* in Iris cotton lido*. Mim Florence Holliday hw arrived home t'tom Greensboro, where the wi< a storied at the Giecneboro Col lege for Women during thu Iasi terra. Misers UUiel Lucas and Helen Far in’ i and Mr. Bill Bledsoe spent Sun day in Chapel Hill visiting friends. They mode the trip croei.coinil.ry. Mr. unl tit* Hold*horo high *rltool. Rev. A. T. Mattox, formerly of Wilson, ha* accepted a call to tht pastorate of the local Chrivtiai church. He preached hi* first «er moti last Sunday. George Bnead loft Sunday for Rulltmorv. Mr., where he will work for the Baltimore Oceanic Steamship Company. He will sail ai an early date for Europe. There will be children's day exer cises ut Long Branch Frae Will Bap tist church, near Dunn, next Sunday The public Is Invited. II. M. Tillman spent Sunday at Knee Hill. Mr. I'itunan icpoilr l>ro&t>crDus condition-- prevailing ir that section, due to the vale of slrawbcrriv*. The fir* elertn ws* sounded about 3.30 yesterday afternoon on account of a bUse at Poarce's Bakery. Tit fire started in a pan of gaaolma mat was extiugoiehed before any damage was dona. \V. B. Mabee, director in charge of the local Isoll weevil livid station addressed a meeting of farmers at Clinton Saturday, and yesterday h •- rWsstfd an addrrsa ea st UhajW—O.i rug in Stnithfield. Miss Agnes Harris, local pub Ik- health nurse, returned yesteiilay from Raleigh, where last week sht aiteoded a meeting of the State Nurses' association and also a meet ing of the public health nurses of the State. Mrs. Mattie Washburn moved to ilay from the residence owned b> Mrs. M. B. Williams. Divine street into the Gerald residence, West broad street. Mrs. Washburn will continue to conduct a boarding house. _ R. L, Pringle, a representative of the American LaFrsnce Pin Engine Co., ep«nt Saturday In Dunn and while her* inspocterl the local fir* truck. The truck in found to be in eplendid condition, according to Mr. Pringle. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Register Mr and Mrs. LcRoy Register and their small daughter, Doris, and Miss Martha Register, of Cliulon spent Sunday here visiting ut tin home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Card ner. West Broad street E. R. Drnaghon who lives on B. 6 from Dunn, w*s the first farmer to report h kVLO cotoon square to ana Dispatch. Ur. Draughou, who wae among the viaitora in town Saturday ■totod that he had squares in hie cot ton Hold. Miaa Marie Turlington returned yesterday trotn Washington, D. C. where Saturday evening she at tended the marriage of her brother T)r. H. C. Turlington, to Mis* lri. Chappeltc. An account of the mar riage will Ite found elsev/here it today’* paper. Jno. W. Draughon, Z. V. Snipes, £11 ie Goldstein, H. B. Taylor, J. W. White head, M. C. Taylor, J. B. Lee J. W. Thornton, L. B, Pope and H. C. Lee, local shrlnen' are attending the Bhrlac convention ia Waahtavtaw, D. C. Messrs H. C. Lee aad L, B Pope are members of the Shrtns band. A regular scheduled bus lias acr. vice between Dunn aad Clinton wui Inaugurated Saturday. The bus la bo Ing operated by W. I. Baaa, who op orated a Uha service last aumiaar. Ai International truck, equipped Dm carrying twelve passengers, ia la uae The hoe makes turn round-tripe daMy leaving Dunn at T a. aa., and 4 ill p its. Beta m lag from Clinton the ho la aehedslod U ranch Dunn at ltdll p. aa. aaid »j4* p. aa. GODWIN 4k JERNIGAM DISSOLVE PARTMERSHII The taw firm of (iodwm k Jtr nigan has been diaaofved by mmua content, M. M. Jcroigun, jooie THE WOMAN’S CLUB There wa« a called meeting of (he Woman's club. Monday after noon, ir die club rnoiil. .Mrs. N. A Townsend, president, presided The pur)site of the meeting was to elect two ladies to lx- recoin mended to tlte Isunl of contmis sioner* on Monday night, to lx: elected by them in till any existing vacancies on the school board The following were rceommend ed: Mew lame* Clarence 1 Smith and J. W. Whitehead A committee app.mt.cd by thr president to presort resolution* drawn l»v the **1ul» to lx cud of cniu tr.issioiires wa« ns folio as: Me* dimes I. J*. Hickx, J. J. Wade. one Mias Jessie Smith. It was voteil that the Woman's dub go on recoul nnlorsing p. ti lion for Sunday blue law. Tlti* lx ng the only business, lb. rlnh adjourned. member of the firm, having recent ly lieeu elected nvnriler of thr Ditnn district Mr. Jernitjau nil! give his atlentintj to such matters as will not conflict with his duties as judge of the recorder's court, while H I.. Godwin, senior mem ber of the firm, will continue fits general practice. Bo 111 memlicrs of die old firm will occui»y the same ’•flier as heretofore. PEOPLES SUPPLY CO. IS IN BANKRUPTCY Owing to an involuntary petition in bankruptcy, the l'coplc* Supply Company, of Dunn, wa» closed Sri day of last week. J. W. Whitehead lias been named temporary receiver by Judge IT. G. Connor This com pany, which did a wholesale gio cery business, was organized some five year* ago. I*. S Cooper is president and Edwin B. Coo|>ci Wee-president and manager COPPER STILL CAPTURED THREE MILES FROM DUNN A posse* of local officer* ysttcnlay captured ■ copper whiskey adit ol 20 gallons capacity, near Gainey*! bridge, some three mile* south ol Dunn. The worm of the still and i barrel of brer were found at tlx hoist of Gconrs Council, colored, and hs was arrester sad placed In th< town lock-up. Th« atilt proper *u found near Council** home. The of fleer* making the read srers A. B Adams, spsetal prohibition officer Deputies H. H. McLeod and L W Tart. JESSE JONES OF GODWIN PASSED AWAY SUNDAY ’’t"1 w — *"• —* Jsas* M. Jones, aged about 8< yean, died Sunday about noon si Ms home at Godwin, doatb rrsukini from heart trouble. Deceased hai bsen ill for several days and bli death was not unexpected. Mr. Jona was well sad favorably known am t* survived by his ascend wife am several children. The furore! wa conducted from the home this after noon an 2 o’clock and interment wa made in the cemetery at old Biol church with Masonic honor*. Deceased was one of Godwin’s boi and most-loved clUsens and In hi death the town and comsnanity sui • taine.l a groat loss BIZZEUL-BRYAN Newton Grove, May SI.—A ver prrtty and attractive wadding Wj solemnised at 10 BO o'clock Wodnei day at the home of Mr. and Mr J. W. Bryan, of Nswton Grove, whe their daughter, Mias Pauline Elixi both, became the bride of Mr. Prk OUen Bisxnll. Rev. W. J. Jones, t Salrmburg. offlelating in a moot in press;va manner. Prior ta the ceremony Mrs. C. ( Carroll, aant of the bride, rweet sang “At Dawning. ” aeeompaniad b Mrs George Herrinc. The weddln march from Lohongrin, rendered b Mrs. C C Carroll, wa* used as a pn rotsional and played softly dor!* the ceremony, while Mendelssohn «u uNd as a recessional. Immediately after the cersasse the bride and bride-groom left U Wadilr.yton. D. C., and other nortl ern eittaa. CONGRATULATES JERNIGAN The Democrat congratulates ii young friend, Mr. M. 3d. Jernigai of Dunn, upon two notable riistirx tions that carte to hhn last week. 1 the first place, as superintendent t the Baptist Sunday school of Dur he lias made such s glorious tuccei that several pages of the Sundi School Builder ad illustrated magi line published by the Southern Bat tints at Nashville, Tetm, gave se eral pages to a writeup and pictun of his church and school. In the se ond place, he was elected judge < the Harnett county Recorder Court. Mr. Jcmigan is a native < this county and attended school he several years ago Accordingly, h well merited distinctions are mo ' than gratifying to his many friers 1 here end throughout the upper ha of the county.—Sampson Democn Ambassador George Harvey, wi ’ 21 trunks, was a recent guest at tl White Houec. That's a lot of ba gage — heg pardon, luggage —-1 I a man who wears knee pants me ref the rim*. I CLASS EXERCISES HIGHLY PLEASING Portrait of Late McD. Holliday Proented To Tha Dana School* •\u audience that filled to over flowing the Mrtrn)M»liian opera House but evening witnessed the class day exercises of the graduat ing class of the Dunn high school While the occasion was one mixed w>th loth sorrow and gladness for the twenty-five member* of the class, the exercise* were altogether • 'elighlful j-ixl brought much ap plause from the audience. The exercise* were opened with the clcss *«mg, litis living followed in their order In the following pro gram : President’* address, Carl Wil s«n: our colors, KHcibcrh Davis: our flowers, lintilv Xcvberry; song to trvshmen. In class; our motto, Orrcn Dow d : class history. F.ntily ('•rantham; das* Allen 1,ee; da** statistic*. Katherine Itull*: song to »o]>honw)rcs, by class: pre* entationa from scrap lwg, T .ttcilc Creel; a|i|ittcsl them selves well, with credit to both tlte individual and the teacher* A nicely framed portrait of the laSe McT). Holliday, who at the time of his death was a merolicr of the board of school trustees, was ptv senlcd to the .school by Alias Mil dred Shell. In presenting the |«>r tcail Alias Shell |>aid glowing trih •;tc to the deceased member of tin. school board The imrtmit was ac cepted on behalf of the school am! tlte school trustees by Y. A. Town set>d. V!r Townsend also spukt words of praise for tttc talc Mr. Holliday, referring to him as a man who was a friend to everybody and one who knew not an enemy. Mr Townsend look occasion in mention tlte great interest which ?..r. l-lolli day took in the Dttnn schools ami education generally Mis nithiciic »till lives and v ill cos tiriw to Me humanity, mkI Air. Townsend, who in conclusion likened bis subject t> one who lived in a hon.se by the sidt of the road and was a friend ft roan Tlte finals of the commencement will take )ilare in the ot»era house thie * vesting at 8 : .10 o’clock, whe T>r. Chas. E llrcwer.. president of . frnnarihh railage Balmgh. wili-do , liver the annual literary a been in ill health for some lime, is wnrtc what improved. Miss Martha Ann Hall, who has r been an invalid for the past year * has somewhat improved. h Miss Ivetta Mae Sestoms spent *• the afternoon of the 27tli with hei B parents, Mr and Mm. Pascal Scs r soms, in I,into Coharie, near Autry * ville. Site was a student of tht * Aulryville school during the jicist - session. A protracted meeting will licgir '■ tl»e first Sunday m July, to be held » two weeks, by the pastor, Rev. Joel y S. Johnson, of Cedar Creek B The official members of the An V tryville Sunday school this year are ►- as follows: L. M. Cooper, snperhi B tervlcnt: S. J. Faircloth, assi i w ..I,-..., —— ror card chte; A IlieClor; .Miss Me (SUM; Mi<* Mary lary ami trenttitrer. I . ' They rIk) have a ill. Y. P. U iK'clinc every Tharaday night 1 iiwWm- lhr manage dienl of the i**frr. f BRIDE KILLS BROTHER IN PLAY WITH PISTOL Inapt Weapon lapt.nl Ta Hava ■m. U.U.M A Hit Fata Paring A Aw*o Monro#, May R B. Rata, 1 !8 yearn old, and a bdUe of II days, xreldantalty shot and killed har bra lh#r, Vamon Wens, ZS years old, ■ while playing with a'lovsi.ei from 1 which the thought aba had extracted Lhr ahcli# at the Wonts heme, eight luilna from Monro#, Friday night. A neighborhood crowd had con gregated at thn Wests home in 'anre township and the bride daring hr roans of Che overling went to e bureau erxl took therefrom a revoi rrr from which the moaght As hail ixti-artcd all tha shells before abo mapped the weapon in the face of irr Lrothcr. There wie one hah atm n the chamber, whlc^ exploded with fatal result A coincidence La that this la said t« he the same weanon with which her brother-in-law. Matthew. Rots, ihot and killed the mail carder. Chambers, for which prim* ha Is near in JaH at Monroe, end on which rharge he is scheduled to A tried at the term of evert to A held next month. Mrs. Klete is eel4 to have Am warned not to henrlls As revolver. -THE LAST Knr the of lbo