* .* THE DUN ' VOLUME X. ' __ _DUNN. NORTH HARNETT COUNTY RAISES ITS QUOTA Quickly Coc« Over The Top la Noor Eut Relief Cam paign for Funds UHinor,, June 4.-—Harnett coun ty'* quota for Near East Belief waa naiacd in an enthuaiajtlc campaign which netted ever $1,800 Sunday, announcement trttR made today by Marthall T. &p«an, prominent young of the Harnett county bar, county chairman. John M. Yonan, of Charlotte, a na tive Armenian youth, who was in the trench** before Baku at the age of fourteen, spoke at thr«* places in Harnett county Sunday and made vivid impression on all who board him. At Angiar in the morning, he spoke 4i> the High school auditorium whore $81.00 waa raised from a vary small aadiaace. The meeting was conduct ed by William Morgan, assisted by W. H. Stephenson. At Duke, a union aervics in the old High school build ing, netted $421.07. Arrangement! *t thl* meeting were m charge of E. H. Boat and T. W. Hick*. The feature of the entire ram* nalara wa* the large crowd that, atten ded the afternoon meeting in UlUng ton when over 1200 people packed (Ju IsTM lent wka,u __I: _a n_ mond Itawwnin* wft conducting * kcrtm of revival armies*. Something over 91,100 waj subscribed this meeting Mr. Browning turned over Hi* tent and stroke to the cause and introduced the speaker. Young Yonan told of the almoet unbelievable sight* he bad seen be fore escaping from Armenia and stat ed that it waa a miracle that ho was not killed Hiaaaclf, but that he ascrib ed It to God, who had saved hUn for a purpose. He -called on bis sodlonco to give for the take of the ^faster it, •rdar to carry on His work, and pre vent the extinction of Christianity in the Near East, which is later to Chris Harnett county's quota is 92,200 •f which 9720 Is sasignad to Dunn aa a separate unit, and 91.900 to the rest of th* county. Dunn has already raised Its share and the campaign yesterday put the county over the top. Mr. Spear made announcement to day that there are many who Have not given but who have expreesed their intention of doing eo and it is his purpose to continue the campaign for another week to take care of some of the orphans which other counties have failed to provide for in their campaigns. MONTHLY REPORT OF PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE Following is the report of Mias Agnes Harris, poblk health nuns* In Dunn, for the month of May 1928: Prenatal — Individual instruction prenatal care, 8; prenatal visits. 7; esses registered with State Board of Hnalth. I. Infant welfare—Visits to babies under two years, 9; babies examined bv ehvsiclans. 1. Pre-school (2to 5 years) — Pre school visits, 17; individual instruc tion to mothers, 8. Schools—Home visits to school chHdrsn, 18; visits to schools, 37; weighed and measured, 173; pupils examined, 178; number defects found, 373; corrections secured, 15. Tuberculosis—Bod side cans and in struction in Hemes, A. General—Pi ret visits, It; demon stration of ears, 23. Miscellaneous—Nursing visits. SB; Instructive, co-operative, etc., 44; survey visits, I; treatments givsn, IB; conferences, interviews and office vis its, IB. Public Health Education—Hygiene and heme nursing classes, one each week; little mothers* lssge classes, 4, attendance, S3; pupils receiving little mothers* certificates, 83. TO MARRY A WOMAN HE HAS NEVER YET SEEN Wilmington, Jane 6. — Wliming ton's police chief, Claude C. CaahweU, Is to he married on June 34. Hie bride Is Mlsa Louise Moore, crated In gram, wai Dot obsarvad bj I pamengvn and train cmwa pan ini . the point for two days. It wm taker , to Statesville. TAKES ALL THE »»A“F GETS THIRTY MONTHS I - i New Verb Mao CeavUtad Of Vlo latlag State Hotel Law in Twta City Winabon-Salem, Juno 6.—Prank E Thayer, of New York, tried fa municipal oourt here yesterday oa the doable charge of violating the hotel laws of the State and register* ing in a hotel with Mary Elisabeth Young, of Marietta, Ga., as man and wife, wea given thirty months on ths county roads Through two volunteer friends, eitisens of Winston-Salem, be gave notice of appeal to the Superior court. Hl» bond was fixed at 11,000 and not being able to furnish the esc art ty he was remanded to Jail. Thayer had no attorney at tbs trial, and la a brief statement te the court he do | Hared that he atone waa to Mama and that he wished to bear all the penalty Which the coart thought pro par In the case. Accompanied by her father, Lovfek Youag, the gtrl left here this afternoon for her Georgia J>ome. MR. J. DAVIS CARTER OF LAKE CITY DIED MONDAY Waa Father Of Mr*. L Durham Tay lor of Doan Foaaoal Toeeday J. Darla Carter, father of Mia. *. Durham Taylor of Doan, died early Monday morning at tna hocaa In r^a pest two yean. Tti ducted from the home Tuesday morn ing at 10 o’clock and Interment waa made in the family cemetery. The fanarai waa conducted by Her. Mr. Bailey, pastor of the Methodist church »n ink# CAy. of which ctoAao eH waa a loyal member. Both Mr. and Mrs. Taylor wore at the bedside orf Mrs. Taylor's father when the end cam*. Mr. Taylor ro tornod homo Ttneday night, while Mia. Taylor will spend oeveral days at the old home before rcturwing to Dunn. WILSON SERENADED BY GREENVILLE, S. C. NOBLES AT HIS S STREET HOME Washington. Juno *. — Woodrow Wilson was serenaded at his 8 Street home today by a flhrtner patrol from GreonriUe, South Carolina, which sang "Dial*" under his window and then, at hia request, followed it with the “Star Speagled Banner.” When the singing waa aver, the former President smiled and waved hit acknowledgwaeat and one mem ber of the patrol shouted: “wo are 100 per cent for you in South Caro lina." Ha thoa led his brother Stirin era “in three cheers for Wilson.” Cultivate the gnrden after every __t.ki.. - dome Diary eehoola. At this time, ha continued, one hat not aeeu enough of what Umn ia lit Ilia to proynly choooc Choir llfo’a work. Flnt of all the atudent ahould lay a broad foun dation, than ha, or aha, can make what they dartre. Boya and girls who are trained into the proper cjierae tere and poreonalitioa can taka care of thema el to*. h rioting hia addraaa Dr. Brewer declared that pn education ahould moan more than merely preparing ana to make a Ihriag, adding that J1 f dwell prepare for aarriee to Ood . and humanity. The ciaaa valedictory, delivered by r Mica Zlaanor HaUhcr, waa ana oi i the piaaaing feature! of tho gredu . atlng program and brought hearty r appUuac from tho aadlenee. Member! of the ciaaa who reoaiv. . ad their diplomaa wore: Miaaec Bath Yeuog. Katkarim I Butta, Baby Crockett, Lactic Cruel 1 Lillian Beaen, Ibrnar Orimaa, Klee - nor Hatcher, One hath Davie, Emil] a Grantham, Emily Newberry, Mildrw ■ Aon, Bearte MaasengUI. Boat# Wil • David Clifford, Offoa Dowd, Al thar Hobha, lame! Farrell, Bdwar t- Hodgaa, Baatom Parker, WOliai r Paarea, Charles Rk Inner, Oort Wilma • Allan Lea, John Oataa Herrin. Richmond, Vi fornc will bo clock of Coal and hi* •tore-hooper < Coact Hoooo. •met km BUrderik gt Soptkt •nu indkotod C. Garrett ataUmmt at to the killing He wild that akvt bp the rer and opqp ■hot Mr. Plena he had taken the fnntloda, through the rn* ins were of the eight o'clock to L. C. Id the vicinity of from Cumberland .fleet that it occerred in front yard. The to here suc cumbrd toon after being »h m rush "d to la this city for wound m the s <*•*• Id that ho had or. Hi* brother • According Ic L C, Garrett, Mr. Pierce preached a scorching Mian Sunday morning about the ‘'lawless ness of the Carrets and their rat ing the oounty like • Cur" and be and hit brothar la tor umaiwtrutad with the minister. He also said that Mr. Pierce had made slanderous re marks about hta (Garrett1*) wife dur ing the aennoTu ' Pslitteal Feed The shooting It believed to have been the direct result a< a political fond in which one of tbo faction* was headed by.tho Garretts. Mr. Pierce, it was loaned boro today, had evinced deep interest in tho ad van come nt of educational work in the county and to Me efforts to this direction la odd to have run coun ter to tbo Garrett faction. He woo in Richmond tho first of loot week and while here is reported ta have told friend* that one of the Garretts had threatened hU life. He attended a mooting of tha Baptist Ministerial Union and bofsr* Issuing tbo city bought 11,*00 worth of bonds being floated to rebuild lovornl unite of Fork Union Military Academy, which were burned some months ago. Rev. Mr. Pierce was originally from North Carolina and received bis early education at Bole'a Crook Academy in Harnett county, that State. It wu understood that ho later attended Wake Forest College. Before accept ing the call to Cumberland, where be had a circuit of oevoeal ehureboo, he was located at Maooedlls. Va., Booth Norfolk, Portsmouth and at Wart Durham, N. C. He cams to Cumber land from Wert Durham a few yean ago. n* waa about H yean eld and la eurrteed by a widow |sad eb children. The widow waa hia second wife. FUNERAL SERVICE OF DROWNED YOUTH Psyettorflla, June L—Pea oral ear rteoa were held at t o'clock Mendaj afternoon for Jaha Brers*, Lakedok youth who waa drowned at Mfcrei . Springs swimming peel, naar toe To Isr-Hart cotton mi Its, Sunday after I noon. Lomle Pause*, a postal Tele I graph hoy, waa tha only wire ms a the drowning and toe esuae of th I fatal eertdeat la rtfll a mystery. *1 , arett dlred from a eprlag hoard an \ nerer came ta tha eurfase again. AJ ’. tar making a rain effort ta leeate kii I Fence* ran far aid. Beam* was dee •! whan his comrade and helpers I Ms Jrody ta the surface. It is belWrs - that the sedan of tha lad’s heart wr I stopped hp tha abash af tha said wi i tar. Tfcers ware ua lajatrm to tod . oata that ha had aUuth a rath i other obstacle to dfstog SMITH FIELD APPROVES BOND ISSUE FOR HOTE Southfield, June «—SwiithAeld w ten today approved a bond laooc ( 176,000 for the ernctioa of a bote Tha luu racalvad 61 am than JBajertty of «he reytetmUon. Tha k • we ia cendittoned aa private tadtW aale invoking fifty thonaead deilai to tha project The eatin Kiwaa Club backed tbo andcrteking aad ela women aleo aided la tarrying th •lection. Thera waa a akaep dfvfsto of opinion aad much electioneer 1x4 pro aad can. ROUSE A CANDIDATE FOR KITCHIN'S PLAC1 lutiMtlaa Ae To Mill. KiteUo Aa raptakia If Cemaaittoe Ap. pravaa It KSnMen, Jane 6.—-Jaaei Boone prominent local attorney, teddy aa oounced hhnaclf aa a candidate fa the attend dJauiet Mat In Coagraaa Be aaid hJa action faHowod confer •■cm with friend a. Mr. Room aaid the eaggoMiea tha' Mltla Bitch In, aaa of tha iota Reprv aantatlva Kttrfcia. ha named to fill Om unespired term of hie father with tha aadarHaadlag that ha would aoi ataad far nomination far the eaaaiaj fnll term waa acceptable te hhn. If tha executive committee approved tha Idea. Ia that event ha will “ehoerfnlly await the will of Um voter, ia thfc mgnlar primary to 1M4. Candidate Kerne u a naUve of La aoir county and farmer mayor of Kin.ton. Be baa bora active ia State Democratic politic, many yean. ■ ww ■ fNur | w STUNTS FOR SHR1NEKS ' Th^"**-***1 Visitor* Washington, Jans T.— (Capital News Bonrieo)—fa addition to throwing all tho mat Gwvornment activities of the Army, Navy sad Ma rine Corps. Timas demonstrations wars staged that as many psopte as possible be given a comprehend vs idva as to Jut what tho armed ser vice* of the country are, da, and moan. The Navy report* tho Navy Yard, Naval Gan Factory, Air Ration, Urn* destroyer*, thro* modern nob mnrinao sad tho V. 8. A "Morey" Ho grit*] ship open to visitor* Naval planes wort packed amend Washing ton Monument, with a bluejacket to explain. On Tuesday the "Laagisy" was attacked by a egaadrea of Ma rins Corps Martin bombers, sanding oat pianos to drive off attack, fallow ed by a Navy aeroplane tombat over Potomac Park, using amoks bombs, smoko oeroens. and dw—ny torpedo** An address by radio phono was made from a Navy plane; photographs ta ken of crowds pictures developed and printed and dropped asa crowd. Tbs Army showed a battalion si infantry with tanks, a troop of cav alry, e battery of Sold artiUsry, and the Army Band la a model U. 8 Army Camp, Onstrsting life of three mobile arms ta tho Bold. Urn Army Exhibit sooth of I Street N. W., wool of Monitions Building, showed a cam parry Bom Ordnance SpociohstO school. Coast Artillery Oocpa dstash mont, a Chemical Warfare Sorrieo, i track, white the Air Berrios ohowo« a bombing plane, a small passu* plane, and tho T-t which made On recent trans-continental trip botwau New York and flan Diego, Calif., ate aircraft ogatpaaaat and aerial phots graphy la taata. At Bolling FI aid worn various type of aircraft and ogalpuaat of asms moat photographic and radio aaldbMi The Bsvootooath Bagteoooa operate o lithograph!* track doom town, dli Iribating maps showing tratte rail for the wvok and at novoral dtf fores The Marin* Coryo not only playo ’ hoot at their Qaoatteo, Va., oam| 1 dartny an oaearnloa of Shrino aMctal ’ and their ladloa, hot eoUhtlahod • Modal Comp, opan for Mm hopoaMa • of olaitooa, with a band at tM yioeo • a rtfll ary drawn by tmotara, and ant I aircraft Mneb fona I , _ ■ ROWAN COUNTY FARMER » TAKU HU OWN UP ■ aailMnna ■ SaMdbary, inai I.—fan Stone i **. a farmer lMny Mr St. Mattboe t eharefc arrornl atilaa aaat of JUi\ djbory Itfllod hi mat If tfcla mraix 1 a Mowing ant hla bialaa wMh a rhotya •- A aaaa of kbfhwana aoeoral rnontl h' 150 had loft Mr. Manor to htThoah T He la aarvteod by a taaaSy of ola lM’LEAN STANDING , BY VOLSTEAD ACT L k • LumWrtcn. Jan* 4.—«| w • »»—« *• teteMftaattaa of • VoliUad lav, u suggcetcd by Qw , «r>«r Saoltk of Nov York," dadmvd , A. W. McLean, Domoorstio National Goaaaittoomon for North Carolina, la reply to aa iagaby by a WaaMng ton acva agency, [ **I believe that ovorvholming •eat of tha poopio of thla Mate atl of tha United Mates is -g-‘—t say modification of aithor tha W[teaa amendment or the •' , T i 11 act and that they favor the ateistaat caforeo •oat of Mo lev ae It now estate." Mr. McLeaa said ha had boom re Uehly iafonaod that " a vary dotor mlaod effort" voaM he made by the aatLymbteitiee forcoe la variaa* •octtaaa of the conn try to obtain can. trot of tha aast Democratic National convention for the purpose of teeetV •ng a plank la the platform for tha modification af the Vetabaad act m ae to permit th* sale of light viaae and beer." This, he mid. mil ha doao by aa act of Coagmaa, olloolig •mb State to Is Jto ova alaahalte cants at ta accordance artth tee oaati nvnt la aaah State. ••o-pmiUMttoBM fame*. Mr. McUmm mid, wUl wbrin^ (V tempt to ■mnl—>, * cudidtU far. •rabte u> thr MOdlfkattoa of tea Volstead act •Kogmrdiag a (apart that tx-Preai daat Wilson was in favor of asodlft catioo so as te prah the sate of h*h» wiaos aad boor, Mr. mw^.. ■aid that while ha had a» dafhtite ia fenaatloB aj to Mr. Wiliest paMttea, had as to Mr. WUoao’s ilMlaili. ha did aot hsilsTi that tha (onaar Piw idoBt wwaid favor such a flash ia tha Democratic fistfsrm. SOME HOC CHOUEEA IN THE DUNN DUTiaCT There ia nonetdershls hap thsWre ia tha Dubb District according to H. A- Edge, county tana dwonstmtisa ageat who was a Dona vidtw Wad. neaday. Dr. f. D. Owt», swias ape cialist from the U. 8. Department af Agriculture, who recently spent two weeks ia Uw county, la sptihf to rstare about ld]> 1. All who rid to have their kegs vaccinated against cholera «how id notify Mr. ft dps before that data. WHITE DRIVEN SENT UP FOR CRUELTY TO ANIMALS Sulisbury, June 2.—Robert Me* inter, a white man from nut on th Granite beh, near Salisbury, wa» nent np to Superior court this after noon by F,*quire VV. L. Ray, whe iotuid prohablc cause »n a case charging cruelly to animals. It wa» in evidence that AJetimer, in trying to Mart a mule that had stalled oi ballcrd, pulled the mule’s tongue it such a manner as to injure it. and a surgeon found St necessary to cut six inches of the tongue off in at effort to save the animal’* life. OLDEST PHYSICIAN DIES IN NEW URN HOSPITAL New Bern, June 2.—Dr. Georgi . S. Attmorc, of Stonewall, oldeei member of the North Carobnr i Medical society and second Okies' . licensed physician in the State, died in a local hospital early today fmtr j injuries sustained in a fall several , weeks ago. Funeral services wll , be conducted here Into the OKve t house, in wliich the deceased wa _ 1mm, tomorrow afternoon by Dr Daniel G. Mackirmon. rector of j Christ Episcopal church, of whicl ’ he was a member. ’ Dr. Atunore arts 76 years old " and was one of eastern Carohna’* best known physician*. For tl> n 'past quarter of a century hr wa u the leading figure in political af ^ fairs In Pamlico county He was bom January 4, 1847 ss of Georgs S. and bury Taytoi Attmore, and as a boy attend* B Hillsboro Military aeadsmy. Afte die civil war, through which > r> served In Moody’s lottery, Nortl v Carolina troop, he entered the Col ► eg* of Physicians and Surgeons h 9 Baltimore, graduating in 1870. ». ... i a Mamie baa, lyatall IMa^ltr « k. Mr. aad Mva J. ft. »*Mt ef «ha Kw M tm Oraea natleu. Mad Vhdaasdag racMlhr. tad Mm Aaaia OVaO. af Columbia unworahj. _ NEW DIRIGIBLE IS mhiotkp by rm - _ Dayton, O, Anna i.—Tha Vaftad State. Army Barrie* tliMb tCA Q.U Jiui l! Uy fli. ailll| 111 H moored at WIIh«v VMM at Ax p. jb. bar* taedfht. Tha akt*. aha lac*a* at M* Mad In thie tiahy, mm d atroyed during a mm «W*trt«ni atom. It