>. ■ si*, m § I I i I JUDOS BOSTON AND CHATHAM COUNT Judge Horton ia fhc kind of Jnqge that S -will take to _dnjbxgr but he ia daltnalatd to mate oat justice to I it if it is in his ■ to do aa. The fact that he discharged a kary bodily with the injunction that he wmll not need them any note, ie not toftciyac to criticise him. The jnry eras, PHhape, honest in ha con kt Fkb-1 ! of a residence pnttat e upon so briety ad good behavior. This is not Jast baranee it was a good so lotion of the probitm if the eontid eratiea given the defendant oper ates to the beat advantage, and if H does not, then the law wdl be vin dknted by any judge that any fol CoRow Mr. Horton. Altogether the’eoart was a good examine to evil-doer* and it ia a fact that the law violators avoid as far aa they can coming into Mr. Hortos's court, uodcr the nrotcni . tion of SoRchor Clawson L Wiil iams Cbathaia Record. DM* b eas ed 1AM betas to s tor teas ed-’a half a hflRea tstore, ti tUNtTatoVto aaweeS Cm* tottogir. whs awasd the Had hy vto tea ad a great, seU ta a tsilld far 1M year* « *• No exhibit** w« bo allowed to wte wot* than OM county fair trophy bt OM yoor atfarcd by this aaaodo tlow 4. Baforc the priaa b <Mirmic4 ta: to* aoccaaafal exhibitor the bom and I record aantoar of tho atra and daai *4 4bo litter; data of farrow of to* litter and tot boom and oddraot of tb* exhibitor wfaimin* tha prise nmat bo aate ta to* oaasatary of tola atso etttton. b. IV* prise wW not ba awarded owleai tool* arc at lacat two ashlbb taro axbtoitiac far tha mm. Far farther iafarwotlau write t* I. B- Ffbadar, Secretary. tooHa, D VmIc. ruuua gives ADVICE TO THE OWLS T-U. 1Em N*t T. Ihnr'UMU Tip At* AM* T* 1 assert Nr* York, May M^-OirM should ■at warty watt *Mt to npyut rtwirl ItoMWt United State* Senator Fw fta. ml Michigan, atMasd Um giito la toa gradaattag eiaw «f Um Faakwd) bag for away (nn )vat fathers to bay auythiat tbay waa> few a aafe ty pin to a pawn. Mya» bat* As* tearaad to aapport j tinaall and yaar baahaaA y*a wAI ammr aacd to bag. Yea earn jaw raadnd yaw bsWsrni that yea can at any tiwa pa amt aad and he will gat uya yea to re . WHERE SALVATION IS oaflertina fhu aad that heraafte* eehblyew win not be iliettnfced by having the offending article thrust into their meditations. His argument is that the public offertory is an unnecessanr evil. , p»e Florida Christian Advocate factitiously quotes some one who suggest such a plan could not work in a Methodist church, since an of fering to the Lord is an essential element of worship, and that “where two or three Methodists gather to gether, there the collection plate is also.” - Rot the same paper tells of a Methodist congregation in North Carolina which has not "made a col lection in three years, nor assessed nor pledged a member, ret it has carried a budget of $17,000 without a deficit—Dearborn Independent HOW TO BUD A FRUIT TREE Of. C fctudis Seretea.) Salaigh, trnam L—If ysa mat an HANDLING thmwht potato (Wdcaales Borrtco) DaWgh, Nay N -It. boot aoS tar svaat yotatoaa it a tight, ml dtaiaad candy loam with a «iay eub ■•iL TUe tight and wifi giro plenty a* ream Me tha propax growth at tta potato aad product oaa that U Tha day cubed! ecurf la thaa on tha tight aad im Me loads ad the trap. Theee axe an ad tha eagfceMom about tha klad ad coil to ■aa dor swot potato growing aa ra rooa*aada<t~hy R. F. Payne at tha D Meter. of Horikukure, State Col lege ud State Department af Agri culture. Ha advisee a fertiliser analysing; t to t per coat phoaphoric add, t to • par eaat altrogaa aad 8 to 4 par aaat potash, applied at tha rate of from 400 to 1.000 par aero. About half of thk application Mould ho — .. ,1 applied la the raw at planting l:mc.' Te transplant fee all pa er draw*. I ,.4r. Fayne suggest* feat the hed be' horougkly moistened before the dents are pulled. The pianu are hen wrapped with eapWee of hurls: UMI far beat remits should be pa : -tied la a tab containing a quantity of clay and mao are before being « t m the tekl. Mr. Payae suggests that e cloudy day bo awr) for the Iran • planting and at leant on»-bail plat enter aaed around each plant as lit la being set. “The plants ahoald be act It Inch** apart an row* S to • 1-1 feet elh Good results are obtained from high ridging, a* this give* the roots plenty of toons to develop. Tine cuttings are aserc profitable toqh draws since they give a .larger patoeolaga of mar ketable potatoes,“ MiH Mr. Pays*. If any one iloubujjhe Republican toe trine that high prices make If., prosperity, let him jsltt a look a the profits of the (Sugar Bartini since sugar Itcgan tcsrite to its pres ent high level. j POPULAR ENGINEER OP I SOUTHERN A SUICIDE * _ c Winston-Salem, June W. A. , E gLsr, for >2 year* on employee of 8 dm Southern Railway doromitted auh- 9 tide in his ioom in tbs Jacobs build- * ng this morning by shooting himself through tbo head with a 82-ealibiw eistol Me was deed whan found by a * friend, who called to are Zigiar or* • business engage moot The coroner’s |ury rendered a verdkst that the de moted run to his death from a pistol •hot flnrd through th» brain by his jwn band. No writing or anything dsn was found in the room which would laud to the discovery of the cause for the rash act. An examination of papers found in the room of the deceased rewoolad his will made on February 22. oa wall aa other valuable popart, but nothing was located that threw ony tight on the matter. Zigiar vat ** year* old and unmarried. He was popular and regarded ona of South ern Railway'a moat ofSciant engineers. There is n chance of becoming loo stingy, even with jniblic funds. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under ami by virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust : executed by Dwprcr and wife UIHe May lWrje\u> L R Williams. Tnittw, lywnlW i\Han»«U County In the offlfrr oLOi*- Register o4 Deads in Bool/124, gjgo 1 u, default hav-l rag bwA modern the pay meat of thej note tlfcrcbrtrfec a myoud the under •bmed \ truoteo haying been called apon to\(orec]o^V.e trust, the un dersigned u aatfo win offer for sale •t the court house door, LilUngton, N. C, at public auction for cash, at, 12 o’clock M., on tha 21st day of| May, 1922, the following described: two tracts od land: Two certain tracts of land lying! and being in HirsStt county, 8tate of North Carotin* bounded and do-I scribed aa follow# Finn Tract: Mkginnlng at a stake and poiwteis, formerly Dr. HudOoa’sl corner ir\B. FSmith's line and runs aa Smith\Hn#N. 19 1-1 W. 18.19 chains to AiHic In Smith ajjd Basal Ferry Room Rwnce aa the said Toad N. 64 K. iAOT chains to I. W. Tay lor’s corner,%e*r the gm lot; thence another road 8- 17 3-4 K. 8.83 chains to a stake in the Went aide of the Road; thence South S Weat 8:18 ehalna to Sugge’ comer in the ditch;1 thence as hit has 8. 17 g.-4 E. 3.40 chains to another corner of Sugge; thence S. 30 1-2 S. 1021 chains to a 1 take, formerly J. W. Wade and I. W. Taylor’s corner in J. W. Lana’s line; thence as his line 8. 69 1-4 W. 18.60 chains to (ha beginning, con taining 24.68 acres. Second Tract: Beginning at ■taka In the Rasa Ferry Road whom tha rood going out from Dunn as Rain Street goes Into it, being L C. £BHM> *8# Chads* Johnson* eor a* llrTL Dupree and Charlie John son’s line N. 1-4 E. 19.86 chains to L. C. Duprees and Charlie Joheoon’a turner at the bond of a ditch, thence aa their line and dltsh, 8. 89 7-8 8. * I.T6 chain* to thence a* hie line and . C. Doproe'e Una 8. 80 1-4 8. 11 rain# t# the mliUle of the Drain [ewtoa Grove Bad| thence aa the iid road S. W. 13 chain* 8. a W. 9.40 cWa and South 89 W. .46 chain* W the bpoianinft, eon liniuK forty-nlno and 86-100 acne*. Thie 17th day of Anril, 1918. I. R. WILLIAMS. True tee. April SO 27 May * 11 It. Ia consideration of the fact that th* residence of L C. Dupree was 4o*royadJft fire Saturday night. May 2*\jKS the above aala (■ again coarinudv until June IS. 1924. This 28th day of May. IMS. I. R. WILLIAMS, Trustee. U a DUPREE. May 29 Juno S IS. ' ' ..... N. C. State Col Up* a Cmmi for yrodooter of Stoei it for potete < roorMo. CtUhfM Apply for W. A. WITHERS, -' "■ '■ —J _ . . • * ... .'r"'" ' •’ The Greensboro Daily M;" tdaj y news-, natxn of the ital c liestions tatio i of the n any contro ighta and die indicates the inking public, rwspaper. A I wOnder how you have done without it. Daily and Sunday Six Months-r _$4.50 Daily without Sunday-$3.50 The GreenSboro Daily News GREENSBORO. NORTH CAROLINA « i. — . .—r.—4 .*... I JUST RECEIVED ^ * « of f v Fence • • j You Want * ] ; I -— i Dollars Decrease in the Pocket They Increase If deposited In the Commercial bank. Interest at four per cent ls,4ompounded quarterly; your/dollara keep growing every-flay and night. Money n thf pocket is more easily upenCTtor things that may gwe yfx no benefit or real pleasule.jCi in the bank, it is * witbdmyj only when needed. ll.Ov/will start an account in this bant. Regular saving will make f grow. The Commercial Bank DUNN‘ NORTH CAROLINA ==a==- . ---—_—-r,——_____ •__ • __ t • A VICTORY FOR AMERICAN MOTORISTS Tbo Credo Rubber Monopoly wookseod wfato H cum in contact wkb public sent!, meat Tbo prom of tbo country today re flect* tbo determination of tbo American motorist that tiro prices (ball stay at a S' - -a.- feral—and that America must yitksiom UTS TIRE PRICES I 10% -'i r —taaapaUa nrnpOihl, Mar 1*. wttkaat ■ alatf* Ur* (ailw*. ^>lritoM^Oii*n)t«i QgMk-- **ar ■Mr. Oar (Mr «r i««i at tka extra velaa ta rimtaai Oa» I Oort* fcr Mar—Mg tkatr ywekaaaa 1 * tka p*at atx miou. Wa ban ra ■ aaaar — a—ra Waacbaa ««Ck war* k—aaa. Wa ■** kar* 1M «atrte*U*s gat— wkiak ara iaHaaatag rtramaa Urea ta tk* a—a*Tear at tk* (mat a— M aw ktatarr. ratio* tk* tMa a* aa—■—I Or* barW *a*tp vttk rtaaataai Ou m—4 Oarta art laana wkat M«at IHaa garDaMw *aa*a a* Oat aaoi of tkaoo Oamo-Dippod Card a from amaaftha /»■»mia§ itatirai ' Smith Sl McKay Broad Street Filling Station • a Most Miles Per Dollar . r ‘ . - ■ I . ' r> ‘,f'i ' * •« , , . • < . . * I I * * * t . * . « '

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