Mil* Pauline Hell is visiting Rev. and Mr*. J. M. Water* at Arapa hoe, Charlie Ford, of Rchertonrille, is spending the week here with rel ative*. Herman Came*, of Raleigh, »pent llie week-end here with hi* family. C. A. Hailey spent the week-end near Selma visiting relative* and friends. Joseph W. Wilson, of (irccne lioni, »|>enr ti e week end liere w ith relatives. * D O. Smith, < '.onion Hell and Eddie Cannady *|>em Sunday in Lumberton visiting friends. Mrs. Stuart Bondurant of Leak.* ville, was the guest of Mi*.* Evelyn Bridget-* Stmday and Monday. Mr* C. L. Moore, of Burgaw, was a visitor in the home of Mr* T. H. Bridge-r* the past week Ralph Warren, of Sanford. Fla., is here to attend the Warren -Cn*f win wedding which lakes place to night. O. E. Iiklridge and family moved yesterday from IJnnn to l<ock\ Mount, where M r. Hldridge Ita* ac cepted a position. Mi.** Rosalie Hooks ‘returned Saturday to her Home at Carthage, after spending several day* here visiting Mi** Helen Parker y 1 Shell left today for Oufx*l Hill, where be will attend the com mencement exercises of the State university. \\. 11. Msbee, director in charge of the local boll weevil field station, addressed a meeting of farmers at Raeford Saturday. The condition of Mrs. C. L. Wil son, who ha* brien ill for several days, is reported somewhat im proved today. Mins Marie Turlington, assistant secretary of the Dunn Chamber of Commerce, has returned to he post of duty after taking a ten-days' va cation. Mr. and Mrs. I.. H. Alphin were called to Goldsboro today to at tend the funeral of Mrs. 11. F. Bartlett, a sister-in-law of Mr*. Alphin. Henry Pope left yesterday for Richmond and Petersburg, V'a., where he wilt he for several days. He was accompanied by Miss Lou ise Pope. Tbs regular monthly meeting of ths directors of the Dann Chamber -ar-CoWSwee wOrbi W evening. AH membem of the beard are urged te be preeeivt. □ugh Prince went today la Chapel Hill te u^aod the commencement of the State university. Mr. Prince will attend u reunion of the etom of 1»1S, of which he Is a msmlThr Mr*. Herbert McKay ha* return ed from Goldsboro, where she at tended the Sixth District meeting of the D. A. R. She went as a delegate from Cornelius Harriett chapter. Geo. K. Grantham, Sr., left this morning for Chapel Hill. Mr. Grantham is a member of the board of trustees of the State university, and will attend the university com mencement. The rain which fell hereabouts yesterday afternoon came at an op portune time, as crops and gardens were beginning to suffer from a lack of moisture. Crops generally are looking well, however. About one-half of the loading plat form on North Loeknww Square was demolished tale Saturday afternoon when a freight ear waa derailed and drugged for some dManee alongside ™ platform. It w01 require roasid •rablt work U pat th« platform back m In rood eor.diOon. The trustee* of the Dunn graded school district met Last evening, though no matters of importance weTe pasted upon. Mrs. C. J. Smith and L. A. Tart .two of the three recently elected members, were present. J. A-. McLeod, the third new member, was out of town. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Waters and little son, J. M„ Jr., left Tuesday for their home in Arapahoe, after visiting relative* and friends here for the past several days They are returning from Nashville, Tenn., where Mr. Waters was a student at Vanderbilt tmiycraity the peat year. W. 1. Bssa recently began .op erating a, bns Kne between Dunn and Ctinfon. Two trips are made dally, and the fare ia $ ISO for one way or |2_50 for round trip. Mr. Baas baa a conveniently arranged and comfortable bus, and is being patronised liberally He also picks up passengers along the route. Tbs starling point 4s the A. C. L. 'depol in .Dunn. „ • Representative N. A*) Townsend Mr*. Townsend and her mother Mr*. J. J. Wade, went today te Chapel frm to attend the com wfpcement exercise# at tha Stall . university. Mr*. Wade’* too. J J. Wpdt is a member of the grad “ting class at tha university thii jraar Mr. Townsend le a membei of the board of trusteea of the uni v srdtr. The ordinal inti of Casper C. Warren a* a Baptist minister will take place next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock at the First Haptixt church. Among tliosc who will take part in the ordination service* are: Dr. W. R. Cuttoui, Wake Fore*t; L>r. J. A. Cnmpbell, F.nie’x Creek; Rev. C. A. Main, Dunn; Rrv. O A. Keller, Denson. The public will he welcomed to the ser vice*. D. II. Hood left this morning for Cha|iel Hill, to attend I he .com mencement at the Stale university. Hi* son. ‘llioinas K. I hard, is a member of the graduating class, re ceiving the Ph. G. degree. Young Hool is only 18 years of age. hav ing graduated from the Dunn high school when 16 year* old ami com pletcd his course at die university in two years. He expect* to return to the university next year, how ever, for a |iost-gradiiate conr*c. The study of pharmacy and medi cioe is second nature with Mr. Hood, his grandfather, hi* father, brother and four first cousins all being pharmacists. He is one of Dunn'* most popular and talented young men. REVIVAL BEGAN SUNDAY AT GOSPEL TABERNACLE -«— Large congregations are attend ing the revival service* which be gan Sunday morning at the Gospel T*bemacle. A* lias liccn stated In The Dispatch, Rev. A. G. Doner, doing the preaching, and the meet ing will last for two weeks or lon ger. Service* are held twice daily —9 a. m. and 7:45 p. in. The pub lic is invited to all the services. • ICE CREAM SUPPER AT COOWtM The 'Ladies' Auxiliary of God win Presbyterian church will give an ice cream supper at the Godwin high school auditorium on Friday evening, June 15, at 8 o'clock. Ice cream, cake, sandwiches and iced tea will be served. The public is cordially invited. . GIVE ELECTRIC COOK ING DEMONSTRATION Quite a number of ladies and a good sprinkling of men witnessed the electric rooking demonstration put on by Miss Emma A. Purdy, a representative of the Wettinghouae Co., in the new IV A. Lee building on East llroad street yesterday af afternoon. A like demonstration will be given this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the same building. The /If nh Sulratinna an* Inina .taanl ham sandwiches and other rvfnedi menta are served immediatly fol lowing live demonstrations ! ‘Miss Purdy gives practical dem onstrations in the use of the elec tric range in preparing foods of various kinds and the ham served is prepared during the demonstra tions. Quite a number of local cit izens are already using the electric range, the use of which is said to be both labor-saving and economi cal. An electric percolatot is given away free at each demonstration to the holder of the fncky number. Mrs. Annye H. Young was the win ner yesterday afternoon. HOW HE WILL FIGHT THE BOLL WEEVII (Humberton Robesonian.) Mr. L. H. Townsend, of St. Taul, has a method all his own of getting ahead of the boll weevil. ITe has 250 acres planted in cotton and say* he it going to plant com in between his'cotton rows. He is not going to-pay any attention at all to that com until the fourth of July. If by that time it appears that the |>e*ky l»U weevil is going to ruin hi* cotton, they may take it and he hanged, and he'll make com; bnt if it appear* that he is going to make enough cotton to fool with, spite'n the weevil, then he will plow up the com and make cotton. Hp figure* that it wil^ not cost him over ten cents an acre tn plant the corn. He if going to take out insurance. It is an experiment the result of which will be interest ing to learn. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPBtt At the District Convention of ft* North Carolina Cotton Growers Co. operative Marketing association held at Rpleigh, May 22, 1925, tlx following resolution was nnani mously adopted: Whereat our associate, Mr. B O. Townsend, has faithfully served us as a director and also as sec re tary tn the board of directors of our association since its organiza tion, and Whereat, in the discharge of bit duties he ha* displayed marked ability and has been an untirini 345—•North a etaohuhrdlucmfn North Carolina Cotton Growers C* Worker m the interest of co-opera tive marketing, and Whereas it la unanimously sir oified by this convention that Mr Townsend again serve si a dlrsc tor, and Whereat, owing to the many 6th er responsibilities devolved upoi him he fools Unable to again a* some those of a director of on •MocUticm: N«*w, therefore, be it unanimous ly resolved by ibis convention as sembled. that our gratitude be hereby expressed because of U* deep interest afnd unremitting ef forts by Mr. B. O. Townsend in behalf of our association as a director, and that this association has much regret because of his in ability to again serve tts in this im portant capacity; and Resolved further, that a copy of tliese resolutions he spread upon the minutes of the meeting of this convention, one to be imUishol in the “ Cotton Grower,’' and a copy presented to Mr. T). O. Townsend. T. F. TIDE DEM. lv H. MAT.ONE, * O. 8. YOUNG. Committee on Resolutions. GODWIN NEWS! Godwin, Juno 7.—All th« girts at our town who havs boen assay the past winter hr school havo rets mod to thoir Ho mss. Tfcoy an: Misses Johnnie Me Leon and Irons Lucas from North Carolina College for Wo men, Greensboro and Mias Msrgusr. Itc McIntyre from Flora Macdonald college, Sad Sprites. Mias Madia Lucas la taking-a short course ia homo economies in Raleigh This coarse is under tha dir action of home demonstration agents of vari ous counties. Mist Eunice Dunn, of HunUrsville, 4uu returned (a -tut* iunu affav oriatr. ing a few days in the home of Mm. Annie Godwin. Eer. J. Woodrow Heatal, • re turned mlslsonary from login, visit, mi In the home of Mr. end Mm H. McIntyre for a few days While here Mr. Heeeel mode a very interesting talk on Jili work among thi Jape. Hi* talk was very inspiring and showed the need of more volunteers on the firing lino. Mn C. W. Spell and son. Charier Connelly, spent Tneeday In Dana shopping. Mina Clare Belle Bdgerloa spent Tuesday ia Fayettovislte shopping Mm J. D. Hemingway and daugh ter, Lois, am spending several days in Gadsrln with Mrs. Headagwey's permits, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fepa Messrs. Wilson of Angler and Corbet ef Darham spent Tneeday in Godwin with Mr. and Mm. E. C. Ed gertoa. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Markham and family spent Friday in Baleanbutg with their daughter, Mrs. Haywood Howard. Mrs W L McPhaH, of Wthmlng tOB, is spending o short while with her parents, Mr, sad Mm. W. M. Ftps. Mrs. M. E. Burling nod Mfaii Kola Mas motored to Fayetteville Satur day, shopping. Mr. and Mm. J. H. Jones will soon movs into their bungalow an Main street, which ia now nesting com. pletlon. Quite a number of the children of Godwin have measles .They art all on the mad to recovery and the api demie as sms' to he on the wane now. Mr. Albert Lucas, of Wilaao, spent the weak and in Godwin with bis pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Loess. Mias Baby Turner spent Friday in Derfe shopping. Mr. E. C. Hemingway baa accept ed a position with the Burroughs Ad ding Machine Go., In Haleagh. exMttZMXjaxuoocQGoav&aoGo MRS. m. U. AMMONS The funeral of Mia. B. B. Amxdonr, who died Monday afternoon at hor home, two mlloa tooth of Loan, waa conducted at the pire Toeaday af ternoon at S o’clock and interment waa made in the cemetery at aid Bluff chareh, near Wade. Mta. Amanoaa wae about 40 yean old and her death rarotted from parorronla. following areaalet. Her hothead and rereral children rurriee. JOHN A. COGOELL John A. Cogdeil, a well-known elti ! ten of the Newton Otero erodes, dW< , Wednesday, folio wide an iUun o •wretsl month* Deceased is ■ arrive hy several ehlldrea. The (wucral wai eondsetad from the hone yastsrda] afternoon at « o’clock and to tense* ws« mad* ia th* family eomaUry I near the homo. 1 Herman, J1-months-old ton ol I M«o. A. F. Martie, who Uvea tore mile* north-west of Duns, died Wed "•orlsy morning of moaele*, follow. ln« pncirmont*. | ________________ Arthur, 7-n*o*rth*o»d (on of Mr sad Mrs. Usury Godwin, who Ihro o« K. 6 from Duau, died yesterday ol pneumonia, following smarten 71m funeral we* conducted this sfUmOoa ■wd Interment wee made In the fast. Ily cemetery. Mr*. A«iuil ilyrri. aged 25 yearn, <lied Sunday at ber kunte in Eleva tion township, Johnston county. Tlie funeral was conducted yester day afternoon and interment was made in the family burying ground, near tbe home. # The 6-days-old daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Carvey Jackson, who live in Mingo township, Sampoon coun ty, died Sunday night. Interment was made yesterday in the fatnilv cemetery. 60 GALLON STILL CAPTURED FRIDAY <■ A copper whiskey (till of 60-gal Inns capacity v*s captured Friday about three mile* north of Dunn. The (till was set up ready for op eration and 300 gallons of beer found near by indicated that a “ run " was about to be made. The officers watched the ad* all day Friday, expecting the owner to ahow up, hut to no afaih The still waa located and captured by Offi cer* A. B. Adams. H. H. McLeod. L W Tart and Carl Matthew*. The same officers, with (he ex ception of Mr. Matthews, yester day found some parts of a still in Sampson countv, some six mile*, east of Dunn. Two barrel* of beer were also found by the officers, but they were unable to locate the stilt proper. SON KILLS HIS FATHER AT JAMESTOWN HOME Flak Irm KUed «!■ He Cm Peugfcsw Aa4 »M Ta — Greensboro, June 11.— Pink Brown, white, aged 45, was shot and instantly IriUedlthis aft—noor at 6 o'clock.Bg.biMp^Ckgh^cpwn, aged 22, at their (Syne at James town, nine miles wgl of here. The father waa making an effort to choke hi* daughter, £lara, aged IS, it is said, when the son fired the fa tal shot with a pistol, the ball go ing through the «$der Brown's heart. The daughtet waa upbraid ing her father, the report is, be cause of his alleged misconduct with women, said to be of bod rep utation, and he mdde the effort to choke her. The son is a cripple, and was sitting by-a bureau. He (wiled the pistol out of a drawer and shot. He was.taken tb jail at High Point. The dead man had a younger daughter aid wife, Mrs. Fib Drawn. CATERPILLARS DELAY FAST OREGON TRAIN Albany, Ora, Jam T. Cettrpil lata delayed the Atoeny W—port train on* boor and twenty-flee Min ot** late law alpM. lie emterpOlai army we* more than *k Inch deop or the railroad track* and toe Imieimi were aneble to ran Ibn *eb tool* Una The inject* pit* imparted be to doraetatiag tb* eeeat Maaatnbi redes between EddyrU* and Modpet or the Albany.Jfewporl ml On* ma i* reported to bar* bean Mm trait hi* hdme near BddyriU* by tk* tn eeeta. . . EPISCOPAL OAROTMAM AT WASH I WO TOW KILLS HIMSBLf Wjjhinyron, May 31. — Dr Jame* McBride Sleryett, 76, wide 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 I ly known Episcopalian t-icryymai ' and univcrtity Wietnxaor, shot aw I Wiped himself here today, i Dr. Sterrett was rector etncritui I of All Souls church here, which hi foundori. He had nerved in varioui churches, and had been a hrctitrei in ethics and philoso]>hy in varioui educational institutions Tiver the country. Until a few moment* before hi< death Dr. Sterrett had been seated with members of his family on the veranda of their home. He com plained of being tired, went to bis bedroom upstair* and fired the shot winch ended His life almost in stantly. nut we would not forget, there higher there than anywhere else mi the world. When home duties call, DR. E C. BROOKS ELECTED HEAD OF STATE COLLEGE XuMgh, Jane »—Dr. Hagens Clyde Brook* superintendent of pub lic lnetroetfon iIm itl*, m today unanimously elected president of tho Nor* Carolina Mato CoH«C* of A*, ri culture and Xagtnoortac. Bo baa ac ceptor and will formally ha inducted Into office when Governor Mniitii oAclally appoint* A. T. Alien, new director of teacher training la tb* department! ef education to auccaod YOUR Checkin Account HERE YOUR checking bank is somel venience. As a . you acquire a community. • • ' ' ‘ T _ \ ITT I it. — Crane Now! Our Sale Is 0 kW | i • I . II % 1 I * III I —'—'—J

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