m am dgpaich Bank than appears to be ooo hpoia in Rowan county. , Prewknt Hardiqg hu reaffirmed »» position on the world court. H he keeps h» position intact mux «* He party leader* will likely . throw a it." - a Tbe (act that Governor Horri a* never must.* a chance to take *™P * the press is one reason why the press takes *o manv raps at the governor. • * t home mea start life with an in herited fortune and wind np with •“♦hiag, while others begin with ■ethtag and wind np with a (or tune. The difference is largely a ■utter of right and wrong manage Brain and muscle properly mixed trith Eastern North Carotin* soil always brings fair return*. A fanner who cannot make a “ good Bring" on a far min this section of the State would perish in the attempt In many sections, where natural advantages arc not to be rtuigwiad with those of Pjutcm North Carolina: / Jfcwhers of the North Carolina " Co-operative Marketing Associa *n the sixth district showed food judgment in'etecting Felix M. McKejr of Duke as * director of fit association. Mr. McKay is waH fitted for the office, lie is a progressive, and yet conservative, fanner, trim believes that the *ai ntiom of the Sosiktrn farmer He* at co-operative market irgof their ft fsat. He succeeds' B. O. Townsend of Derin, who declined _—_"wS5i _ I • railroad train in the Stare of Oregon teaches something »l whar can be accomplished by a Operation. Think of what’ nr.. worm alone could do towards -top ping a train. Vet when er '"ornot banded together upon tit-; railroad tracks, the mighty cetr.: engine was suited by the «.-ir. Creed on the put of maiuf*. hum of building material h?» placed a check on the ** bciiii m: wave *• which was .prcadhu; throughout the country. A lood contractor inform* u* that a rv. tfence that three months ago would have cost $3,000 would today cot at laasl MjOOO. As a result if what i otald teem to I* an uncalled for advance i.’ materials used in fcoildug, the public has “ struck " for lower building costs. Even Many building projects th.-jt hail bean begun have bom halted a* a result of the increase in the iirirc of rar:/rials. During the World War profit, that had never before been drear* ' of were placed upon • piraokafy everyth lag '.J»i was bought awl sold Recent development* ht th< twarhet world world indira'e that there is • desire upon the |«n of some manufacterrr* to bring hull the profits of ok I Rflpnrtft from die tobvcoi-frw h|g NttioM arc that the pnwpect far a good crop of the weed I* * tafghi. That mean* vary little to Ttaeo ami the Dmm dhtrict. be <*at af tha fact that very Kttle l°htM h grown In tide Mefkm. , Widow a few week* farmer* who grmr tdano wifi begin to reap the Ota rnwardi of their effort*, while ta the MCttana where cotton U thr otdy “ money crop ' Jt wil he mv e*H woab* before liuwnr** will “ptefc op. ' That the farmer* of the IWn dhtrict earn grow a (ml gnufr of mk bahamo. wa have no dnofdt ha tat if waa aravaa a .few year* ago that the mih of thh taonedhfr ■atffan am of a type that wil pro 4na» a «aod grade of tdmero. TV 9 —gu—HI IB —I Commission «m June 27. Contracts for hard-surfacing to be let oo that cate will total (4.W mile*. and in tins will he the highway between Dunn and fXiki-, acmrditig tn the Bulletin. This is known as project Xu. 43# and is listed as 4 mile*, "The bard- surfacing «{ this streh h of highway wilt mean much t tu both thion ami Duke, as well as | the traveling public. Traffic be tween the*e two towns is alnu>*i equal to that on a city street, ami naturally this link should he iu eluded in the hard-surfacing pro gram of the Highway Commission. In this connection; it might he stated .that the highways in Har nett county maintained by the Highway Commission are now in ■mod condition. IMten ]KU|ik see the results of money spent for -nad building and tnaiiUcuans'e as !« now visible in this section, very ’ittle complaint is hen is I from those who pay the taxes to finance the work. a CLEAR TWO BROTHERS OF MURDER CHARGE hCwmoer*. Jury Fiudt Kit*., O lh|r» Piurfier Jw ■ . " Fayetteville, June 14.—-Gus ami Maim i*aty, well known -young farmers of'Cray's Creek township, charged with kitting George Marsh, •egro preacher and farm hand, and von Wing W. U. Goats, wealthy 'r.ndowner, yesterday morning in s pistol battle that Mowed the l*aies’ refusal to allow Coats to enter their ham, were freed by a cor '■oer's jury here today. The jur ors. after 'hearing the evidence a» !«• the Wiling of-Marsh, returned a verdict of justifiable homicide. W testimony was taken bv the coroner i "n the shooting of Coats, as his wounds are not liketv to prove fatal. Greater' weight of die evidence “ended to show that the Pates were not the aggressors, though Coats 'wiiwii, K^iincn utn 1 r»i*t ' The elder Coot* .-uliniiie.l that the T’srtc brothers had served a laper on him forbidding him 10 en ter the ham, which i* located on hnd rented from Coat*. PENDER PURCHASES 17 PKSGLY WIGGLY STORES Norfolk, Va„ June *14.— Fur tha.«e of seventeen Piggly Wiggly *1or«-.< in tidewater. Virginia. J»y the l>. Fender Store .Corporation, wa* announced today by D Pen.ler, t-rruident of the corporation, uiion hi* return from Meir|>bi*. Mr Fender said the deal wa* made with , bead of the and •« . . -j- *buring the |>asi week r.urlingtnn. Pinelmrst, Graham, Ramvet.tr, l-'ny. etteville, Sanford and many other towns have had representation at the meeting*. Many of thirse from a distance arc pcopie who ltave 1* fore heard Mr. Drowning preach when he was holding revival* in their communities. One of the most impressing fe;u ttres of the exercise* is the musical organisation that has Itcen perfect ed by Miss Carolyn lio*ford, or dained Baptist minister.. With Mr. Rufus Perkins to lead at one piano there is a second piano ht acmt npa niinent played by local talent. The choir of over one hundred voices led hv Miss Hosfonl has developed into a most efficient singing organ isation. fliiss nrfeitornx solos arc much enjoyed by the congregations. A consecrated Christian woman de voting her every Energy toward carrying the message of salvation through her song, she has furnished great inspiration for local singers to follow in the best voice in or der to help and center the strongest influence that comes from music over tiicntc who listen to tlte spen did sermon* Is delivered by Mr. Browning. Already there has crane to l.ill ■iigton. it* Christian population a.* 1 well as to those who do not profess religion, the greatest good in the v ay of )minting out die Christ.a.l1.) duty and also in aiding those with out the fold to take into .c^iotis consideration the welfare of their souls. Many have gone forward for prayer, many have expressed their desire to become identified with the army of God, and it is be lieved that before 'the meeting comes to a close there will lie quite an addition to the local chttrch luemlwmliip. gibbon. They worn silver slippers and carried Colonial bouquets of aprtag flowers In a bine Wee frill of laven der, pink amt ewuot |iw, fnpbi not*, w.n— _i_.- lri ^ ***** larkspur. freeWo-aud yelldp sweetheart roses, tied with paatol Little Mianee Rcboeca Godwin, cousin of the bride ami Mery Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.*R. Q. Tap, lor. win flower girls. Thay were dressed in ankleJength Colonial froeks of pink georgette. The entire skirt was in tiny ruffles. They carried lowers In bonnets, which wers tied to thalr anna by long streams of pink ribbon. Max Ekl ridge McLeod, small eon of Mr. and Mrs. John Allan McLowd, wjwi ring bearer. Ha wore a long troosrreil no* of white satin, maria wlth sn Eton Jacket, while a pleated crepe de chine frill formed the collar and ctrite. He carried the ring In a white lily. The bride-groom was attended by his brother, Ralph Warren of San PUWM DIIPAT k, JUNK 14. 1*73 • ’« ( F.a.. St I »t-mnn Ttie «more I -**«n were: Wl Is Newberry, E'iw'n ilcoper, Kunlt k Dowd sad Lewi. Dtt-.uag. t;> ushers were Hcib-rt Taylor. Herpi ‘ HolIkUy. Richer.) reylar, Jr.. It | James Dario! They rorr iioutonalfre’t of white Valley lilies. . | Tho mother ief the bri.ic wo;e a gown of black drepc meteor, .rimm si with Jut. Her mace was of lave «• dir rod white i len peas. The bt:.!i gloom's motbei ware a (own of bU;< hwe. with a « pact of white sweet pea*. , J.* The church Im artistically decor ated for tho be Irion, the decorations being largely if palms, funis and potted plants, he lorgg church au ditorium was Ifldd ta overflowing and man/ war viable to fmd room in the bmldinf during the marriage ceremony. Thai vary beautiful and useful present* rith which the rawly married eoaplg ware ah ours red show in a degree tho rpopularity, not only lr. rVssrwm Wee4 , a *4ku.-- - -4 _V _ Btata. ] > Imc eillauty after tha ceremony tic briila and | worn toft far ■ ctom roan try bridal 1 iw of Western NerMT Ch. talma. Thai ride wore j modlib travelirg tux, with hat and cape of harmonising hhada. The bride to the third dajghter of ex-Congraasmudl and Mr*. Hannibal LnFayatto Godwin, of Dann, and to a Boat charming yaung girt Her marriage will to* of Stata-wlda liT leroat Ska waAdneaUd in Woshlne-I ton, D. C-. udj^a her father repre eented thia the. ninth, Congnwionel district in CrBrtn, and since re tamiag to Doft baa taagfat ecbool for two yeaia^Stae* tha announce ment of her approaching marriage she has been Attained extanalrely. The bride-croam to the eon of Mr. and aid*d Warren, of Dunn, and to a ycionjgjhan of abetting eh*r» Twtcr and wcWgl H* to Batotaat cash ior of the Mi National - Bank of Dunn and hag«Md* circle of fribmli westered thrwtoout the State. Mr. and tfym Warren will be at home to thehr'MIeoile in Dunn after dune 25. ** .* • • LEGAL ADVERTISING ADMINMtAtOK’S notice Hasnlg qualified as admintotrator to the estate of .0. R. Hedge, da ce** *d, this to lo notify all parsoas haring claims Aatnn said aatato to present ***** t# the undersigned on or before the !«, day of June. IP24. o. this notice will b« pleaded in bar of ihclr.recovery. All persona indebt ed to said mate will plea** make, immediate jettlamsnt. it- « Jane 1, 1823. M. T. HODGES, A.im hlrtrator of eetntc of Q. R Hedge*, deceased. Jane 1 8 22 28 Jaly 8. , EXECUTORS NOTICE The undersigned basing qualified a* executor upon the eetate of C. W. Whittsnton, deceased, lata qf, Harnett county, this la to notify all parsons basing claird* mi«n the *ald estate to preu or before the lot ( or this notice will of their recovery ’od to said cat* immediate pay This the 1st T. Kxccutor of Guy and Pa Jane 1 8 IB 22 NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the posrer. of aale contained in a dead of trust executed by L. C. Dupre* and wife. LtUi* Kay Dupree, to l R. William, Trustee, recorded in Harnett County in the office of the Register of Deeds in Book 124, page 111, default hav ing been made in the payment of tbs _UQtc thereby secured and the under aljllvd trustee -having been called upon to foreclose the tyuat, the un-l dei signed trustee vdll offer for sale at tha eouit housqfdoor, LUlington,' N C., at public lion for cash, at ’ 12 o’clock " tha 21*t day ol May, 1822, llowlag described two tracts of Two certai lets of land lying: Mi bsiag in rnett county. State of North i a, bounded and de scribed as follows: Kim Tract: Boginning at a stake and pointer*, formerly Dr Hud ion's corner in B. F. Smith’s line and run* a* Smith’s tine N. 18 1-2 W. 16.18 M m • m chains to a stake in Smith and Bass Ferry Road; thanes u the said road N 64 E. 18.06 chains ta l W. Tay lor's, comer. near the gill lot; thence another road a IT 3-4 K. 1.83 chains to a stake In the West side of U.c Road; thence Sooth 5 Weal I-.nf chains to Suggs’ comer in the ditch; thence as his line a 17 8-4 E. 3.40 chains to another corner of Suggs; thence a SO 1-8 E. 1011 chains to a stake, formerly J. W. Wade and L W. Taylor’s corner In J. W. Lane’s UftSJ thence as hi* line a eg 1-4 W. l£*0 (drain* Co the beginning, con taining 14.68 acres. Second Tract: Beginning at sr stake in the Beat Ferry Boad where the road going out fnjbi Dunn aa Main St., goes into itilming L. C. Du prees and Charles Johnson’s comer. In a M. Pearsall’s Una. and runs as L. C. Dupree and CharHe Johnson’s ime N. 1-4 E. 10.88 chains to L. C. Duprees aqd Charlie Johnson's corner at the head of a ditch. Utrnco as their line and ditch. 8. 80 7-S E 81.78 ehaina to thenca aa hie Hnn and L. C. 11 utim ———u Tlupvoc'e line 8. 30 1-4 E. 18 chain* to the middle of the Dunn-Newton Grove Road; thane* aa the eald road 8. 82 1-2 W. 1| chain* 8. 81 W. 0.40 chaini and 8onth 88 W. 8.46 chain* to the beginning, containing fotty ■ mae and 86-100 acre*. Tbii 17th rimy of AprH, 1618. I R. WILLIAMS. Tni.tee. L. C. DUPREE. In ooneideration of the fact that the rtddencc of L. C. Dupre* wan destroyed by f I re * today night, May 1<|, 1828, the a. j pal* I* again continued until Juni B, 1828. _ JbilJSth dgy oj rnmy 1811. I. R. 6W8, Truatae. U C. __1E. In conddarJBon of the fact that tho residence of L. C. Dupree waa destroyed by fire Saturday night. May 26, 1826, the above eaie la again continued until 18 o'clock noon, June SO. 1823. Thin lllli day of Jana 1921. __JjR- WILLIAMS, Trotce. “-—TT c. DUPRES June 16 22 29. E ‘ * > t x> i & © © © © ffi © § | More Horsepower 1 I For Less Money I i balanced, scientifically prepared /i' Xh vv'.lT’Jn^ I him the utimnt in horteimwer fcXevcry dolb.- 'pent digestible form. felly and highly I oatt. It coats ten^per fe^Jmd deliver* more in actual trH* why. Ask us for a cZy. u*«lo Primer H rnday • Saturday $1.95 for baby silk quilt, hand-work, with silk embroidery v Baby silk rubbers, ft and small, pink and white. " “~79c Lady Maderia handkerchiefs, different designs. $ ~ ~ Silk Crepe de e Teddies, trimmed with quality lace. $7. r Itadium silk nigflt gown, orchid and flesh, goodVrear. The fiftK Ave. Shop DUNN, N. C