l ' *? ' U 'l B y t i* > i “i - «« ***• occvrreo an dap of the tragic eUpiog of hie fa. *b«r with aa an on April IB, pad *ha ether foar dapa befare the kflliag, { •h* defeadaat elated. Hie wife, who •tee ttadfled, corroborated al her! knhand laid, ladarfag that her tea] f 4 •• - ■- V o &,*&: -:v.vr« V+rrt _ AOMlNISltK OATH —.. 11.—With a view ef from Oev ; ’■*&:*3 '■ tte U. ■ • w ww. of the United State* a panakp of , r, “ or other panea oath* law of the Unite! or five h certificate •haU knowingly ' ' $4* •' . . it ie declared bp! < of Internal Booe-'j fat addition to bp law, win man far , . . of th. Mtbarttp for aap of the effanee, aad in the for dlemlaml from ■m ■ - | ’ MOM FACTS ABOUT .1} TIOMU. WEEVIL, Bjr F, H. j«. i; Editor .V. C. Agricultural Ex maion Service White thr mire program of ag-1 jj ricnltnral extenainn work m the cot. j " ton COemlie* of North Carolina i» f tergriyAoUt fur thi- year ato.mil r the control of the Cotton boll wee- J vfl, the worker* of the colttge and • depnrtmenl are m addition Irving JJ to dnirmini name anecific fact* a thorn at mil method* of hghthnr the I* MML The* IK virion of F.m ontology, ' ■adtr the nforbioa of Mr. Frank J * ftwwn, ha* eaaMUha! • Ml 5 riation at Aberdeen <0 the Fend- • hide aad at Damt fat the Ccaetal a PWn area. At Aberdeen. Or. R. £ W. Lefty, with aa aaeiaiaat. »» ik> ■ fa# enaio eeieatidc investigation for 5 tha parpoae of teeth# the vario-n « aaetbode of pni rowing the weevil. 4 Dr. Ldky trill ate lir an armnita 1 iai eWfaadna of ifaa dnartnw method t aa advoratad bp Dr. ft. ft. Coad. Z •# the U. R. rx-iwioaeat of Agri- * cafeam aad of rhe Florida method 3 aa advocated fair Dr. WNavai New- « «•. Dhacaar of the Florida Kvper w Dr. Lribo wil atady dw'Rle Ma- * earrof Rwhal waevflaad ohaerwS a> Caen aboat ha wpeadaerion. nd- 2 yodan. aad wm of daefrayiwe * iitbm ft la Ml tbal ibie atadv 3 w« Ibewtr aaafc Rate aa dke loll ft way# yearilonjw Norfh Ci wdaa. ^ % e . Mr. Brace Mabee. in charge of the boil weevil station at Dnsm. will conduct a series of demon Strattons in cooperation with county agent* on a number of farms in this terri tocy. At present he hm outlined two large demonstrations in Samp son county, two in • Cumberland ttnintr, three in Harnett county, two in Johnston county, and has made tentative arrangement* for another in Lee county. All of these demonstrations are located cm farms within a radius of twenty five miles from Dunn. Mr. Mabee will make a careful demonstration of the dusting method, and will also give some attention to the Flor ida method as applied tn North Carolina condition*, lie ha* in mind also toting some of the va rious |>rqiaration* and commercial mixtures now on the market. While Mr. Mabee1* work will not be of the strictly scientific itivcfti gation, as in the case of Dr. T.eib>. hi* demonstrations will be thor oughly looked after, and every fac tor entering into boll weevil con trol svill be stutKed in detail Most of the plots, esfiecialfy in the dust ing testa, will be in five-acre plots, though some of them will be on a much larger scale, taking in most of the cotton planted on certain farms Mr. Mabee reports that already in Harnett tcounty farmers have ordered twenty-three Ions of cgj oum arsenate, which they will use in dusting cotton according to the government method. Most of this Arsenate was ordered through ef forts of Countv Agent H. A. of Harnett county. Mr. F. Grover Britt, secretary of the Dunn Chamber of Com merce, is thoroughly behind all of the work of the Extension Service >n the vicinity of Dunn, and is giv ing Mr. Mabee fine support Cmrsful Crossing Campaign Tb# public In gsasral win be much intonated 1% the campaign to be in ■nguiuted siidcr umpires of the Am erican BaOway Association for the prevention of aeeldcuta involving ao tsmoWlte and other vehicles at grad* crossings. Tha campaign will be ns t ton-wide is its seSpc and will extend over a period of foor aeatbs. from Jase 1st to September 10tit, im. Handsomely ill astro ted posters, strongly ducting whet--Ian ere fad to axereiee proper emotion. ,r» mtm displayed in «very public plan la aU cJtiw and tow**, at wtU aa (■ tba vtelaKy of grade crossings la tba ratal districts. It k believed by many people that tba safest plot, k ta Mag, leak sad listen. before at tempting to cross railroad tracks at grans. k 4a hoped la view of the many ■shout accidents jrhieh have occurred at these crossings during recent yearn, involving loos of Ilfs sad prop, city, that ovary person ops rating an automobile will realise ths sarloasnoas of the asuutisn and rasotvs to farther the campaign by literally following the slogan which hat been adopted “cross crossings cautiously." An amusing story is told of Win jIoq Churchill, England's home ■sec retary, who ha* made Scotland Yard give tlte press access to tome of its secrets. On* week no iewer than forty-seven American corvrs pondenis called on him at the board of trade oflfkc* for an interview on Ihe American tariff, ami as none of I hem had sufficiently' good creden tials he refused to sec them. Fnal ly, a correspondent came with a let ter front Mr. Lloyd George and him Mr. Churchill saw gladly. " Ho you know, he said to the young man, “ that I have refused to see fortyseven of your com)patriots on this very subject ? ” lought to know it," the cor respondent answered, “ for I'm the whole forty-seven!Fourth Estate. A Sign In A Rural Poetoffice Ikeillieljr no letters will be deliv ered until received. If you don't get your letter the day you expoet It .have the postmaster look through all the boxes, and In the cellar else, It ought te be there eomewhere, and he Itkeo to look for it Just to please you. If yp«r frienda don’t write of eourao, the postmaster la to blame. If be tells you there to no mail for you, pt on grierod expreeel on aad eay there ought tf be some, he to probably hid tag your meii for the pleasure ef bar tag you cell for ft six or seven times a day after every freight or hand ear paaaca. Ask him to took again."— Exchange. SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES l'iu srto* -»• *» pen* a.. * > ** Ha>—ttCoanty Courtboo— to LUItoytoa. N. C, ito 'oJIewat preparty to wtkfy Usm do* tto County ml Har J. w. McAJCTAN, Sbariff Harnett Count,. ta: *3JSa a*n«r. ££•. ftfli T'lf—• M-A. JuaiMT. ftl.at P-.F1 ?* *1 «•«* Rl»ar. fl*l« W. l. i i at imi. SSftA?* ’Tte-.rsiT f ,m a- » * Jwj-MhrA Mina. 110-A. D. «.d a r. l*. t lota, ISM "•«»•*. M-A. niAck &ST/' rM.* c:%is»rr‘M,,< Vta^h. k. Ooa*. M-A RJack R4v„. SSSr-f&TR- aVT sw-it,n' 5X122- jj ^ V.“ * 5* V* AlrcJaJA- J. r.ll-A B R, IIT.U HS&uVL nt4 WW* mmr Nr* BHVa *«•«». Jaka M-i •ral*a» C H. 1 •'fcxaoo. Lanatej. Mraaa. A. T. n , »l --aaa. lira o J «W, R C 1M-A I____ '«» »*.j t » tot* IMM* . T****"‘ OolAataiaR r M.” VmtV- F M‘ * «» * «4 C U SSSaft wit 1 V.lM i *■ M«-a T. C SIM M w - * *- MSJ*. ; iVusVm*" r% •R. UMIa M-a. R. R |S4.Sk. MBIJa M-a R I* SYS.IS. r»K M. » M-a. . K 144.4* Yak*. »• C & Mt-a, r r. «. SIT* IS Awart. r. D. HS-a, R R a<M Coat* HUN. koarl Willi* V. U-« * r a«i«*. Military fi t. & R $14 7* . {gjMt, Mtr«tr«t i lot* JA41.* . ywirt, taiiu i«-«. a r m m "VlftS. HarwooV 1T«. McN. R 5*^*. Mr. Aqoltla li4-a. I« U. 174 -a. *• *»-*. 11 IL 111.11 pSifiTL* A.'- **«• NVkolaa Load tint. T*«rrlrh WttArr It *. D. $ a A U3tt Bnrlaa Taylor O'A JMlMt SIAM. IBM tAIM TOM UBOTH TCWlBHIP ttrrjL CkaxIlo F 1 lot. »M U ,H,r Hnrbavir. R. W. <4-a. 11 1! Jotoaoa. Jullua M-a C F a 110 (I S^LTjTiii^Tc- j„Vm* Hutirtrd o*. i2'i tw ■Vphau^u. Si VTL , fcj’lfc7?-. lainaira. J. J. | lot **.71. Js-^r4-, N. A. 1 Tot. tan. JifSSMVl ft:.! iSr.it *’44 H,*w*rL **t. MoUla 1 lot IIHh, Joa,m a. o’j'RJim? ro" '» »ai'JiV »« » "5- rTa *vb*‘ ^4 o'SiftSyiiu g£££ w.Wi4-.. m tuISrLo' r."l ?'?' «».«s. 5* t i* n-t. ns.ii. gSftl: SVi J.V.tiV"41 SS2V‘te«a^1 &M gauicp, Trank Jl-a, J7C.ll. Rpa W. C. I lot JS] |». Hanualt. A a.. 44-a $72.7.1. g*»? *"< Toiiu* i Jo, JUI4. Boot Robb Hmlth 1 lota 121.11. “!»»•'*• la U. I tot U1M Rlaokmaa D X. l a »l«.(4 troll. 1» 1*2-0, J 14.22 Hollar, Or. Jaa K. t lot a tints -dO-o. |1.4ti. _. „. aod (Vat 1 ln« ll.lt/ >>«ta tka Hath 22.. $41.24. 2 Jbok. J. 1. II 1-2-0. Uodwln land 111.24. 3raaa J. K. Jr. I lota ytT.41. j. *:i wt *17.71 * ■ S&iTfn wvr/.r •“» :<ltruH w e. I tot Ml •*. 'n;** *• *-«. jii.u 1 V. 1 lot JfT.M . [tewxm. Mr*. Nancy I*. I lot 1401*. ItoaittM. lull* K. I tot Bll.fl. >i*u«*«i, O. r. I tot lltn Etoivor, 1. W 1 tot 1IJ.M. Hunt OH Mill Co I tot Bit? to Dunn DnrloMMil Co. il tot*, lift It. i •onto. M. r. 4 tot* 14.4*. Pair* tot ti it a ii inn. rnimvr lotto* 1 lot fli.iV IftgttJ/fc-.CTuBH lltrr»r, A. M. li t 141.14. ■ Bo to. a L 4(-o. | lot 1*11.17. ■ if. O BlT /S ’Al II ■ Wrillir I lot B44.M Mlto J tot* Ill'll to. 1 lot 11*1.14. y$~W„ , ' “Nto (M o IK to r”*A jilta WT* PtfiTA # IaiIor M. K 17 s.|.(, ttl.vl. LartoR. Haase) i 1* t 1 a «».* /«*' T. I <T»e| | lot } l *<•«. r\ A. IW. -fllS N. II. M , lull. • 3. |S. l* •*. O A Fat *f-a. 4R • H. »va. iS4.lt. . "* "m* l«"'<l/lai»' l lot it aa C D M a. MUI. aa. N. r. M-a. ?t.H •"era, U*. J iua.1 A. 0. *« a * *-h •'«*». nianrts R t Iota fit 7» •ura. A R 1 mi H i* T A l k>i lir.ua. Wi'aa. M. K « i. Its 41 Mania R. n. 11-A III « Moara. Mm Casals 1 lor lit It Hoars. J. T. li t fills McKay. H. *. I Iota 111 • I. XaKay. Mlaa Konlra 1 lor flail Will Allis, R W. _U-R HIM •Saylor. Mrs Cl V: 1 loi M< II NS/lar. A B. 1 lot |7t II MtblMrv Kara.nl t? n M1K Horn a. Arabia I. 1 1st tills. Norrla. Vra. Ctacr IS*A fi ts Hearts. C. A. •-*. |1S.S« Morris. A V. 17-<|1T.ST. Xarrta. A. V. nhdfc A. II s. »} *». Morris. t\ L. t1lTlll.ll. Vorru. J R 4« >. (71(1 Norwood. O A. 1 3ft* IS Hi. Bearaall. Mrs. R X II -R 11*1.31 PaaraaR R K ul 1A1.ii Paaalsa Rnnulr OcTi V.t 1*77.17. Plaaeart W. C. l»l tll.Cl. fORR JlOy. w.lllajl lot 117.75. h«h t. l is-r un Badtatar. J. A. I lot 1*17*. Htarat, W A. 11-a. 111.44 Surat U IX St-R 151.14. Handera Ashler 1 lota lull. • •hall. are. Callts A lll-R 1 (ala 117.71 Smith. C. C. It-a m.ll Smith. J. Walter,! *r lu ll Smith. B. a H r 11140. Smith, n. F. 17-r lu.Il horralL Hretry TS-a. IIS.IS SorrelL Mlaa Ila It-R HUi Stats Bank aad Trmat Co. I lot 175.11. Stawart Mrs. C. W. 11-a. HI M. Stawart. o. w. 14-r SSl.Tl Stawart. Mr a Minalls IIr 1175. Stawart. lira Florsees. li e |17.7*. Stawart. H. M. 14 a Sll.ll. Sarlsa U !• 1 Iota SIT7.lt. Kories, C. M. I lots loir Sorias Kohl. K 1 lot 111 IS. nn. wtBirrad ll-t, fil l*. Tart. E H I loti IU.M Tart. W M. | loU Ili a Tart. T. P. Il-a. Ml.44. Tart. Paak 1 lot HIM Ttomu Madonna 1 lot lit.10. Trualov*. o. a 41a. IJi ll Ttu-aagt W. t>. and W. j. Joaaa I to! Tart. Jaaa* lSd-a. I lot 1111.11. want w. ». i lot, fll.ii. Wad*, w. P. nr. I-a. |ll It < Wado and Pardla Plata 144 TO. ■ Wade. 1 A. Il-a. ML 17 Warran. J. A 1 lot Ml.I*. Warrrn. Dr. H. L» M-a. 11(14.74. Warran Rm*. Ilia* fill 41 Warren, n. R ITi-a, 1174.4# Waaaar a ad 1-arrlaA 144-a, ll.M Weatkrook. Paul Hr 4 lota $*4. II. Wllaon. .laa W. Il-a. 1 lot* »71.fl*. Wilkliwon. I. C. I-lota tilt* < Wlktaaon. Sira. L C. I loi »J7 1A Wl aon. 1.1. IO-a.-ft7.il. W1 laon. J W 41-a. Vlota IlLOR Wood. John O If-a. mm. Taonr. A. P. Rat. M-a. I Iota fill 74. APmlMRS. Taylor. Vra. T. R 1-a. Mil. Ilndgva. a J. 17#.*. 1101 1ft Vtowora. Qeo. 1 lota lllit, Hlnaa. Pannl* koLl 1 lot IS.II Ivay. T. A Eit II a R» 41170 Imlfao. W H I St III 44. Altman. N. T. 14-a. Ml II Alderman. iMt R C 1 lot ltd 7d S l i taCMl.4* Rryan. W. O fen. M-a. R R. fi t* JH ’I. J- A. 1 lot IM.lL narafoot sir,. BU* 44-a, 111.71. Rarorond. a. Alta fd40. t'mroliBa Tal. and Ikl Co. L lot 171.fa <5p»tn- “r. Alloa It*. S ft. t:i II nupt-oo. lira L. C. »»■*. liaa is Onldataia. Utllao S»a. Ill Cm Ion*«. L. W. ld-a. Hi *t •Irnlrao. Prod I Htla ttfl.ft. •o'kr. A R I-a, Ml It. tarot ran. Prod On 1 lot !*• 1*. lohnann. Mr*. sn* tt-a. IM.7A U#. A V. If-a. III.M »y.s*. 4f-a.tlf.lf .oca*. Claud* E X lota M tf. 'tartin. Mia. U M. 1 lot 919.98. •drora. L M *~a. 13.49. 4i-l.« n«l«, J. M. W-*. f 21.21. MrUsmb. Hattio ta-a. Ill It Mr#. Mai I to I lota I1U. 'no*. Mix F U. I lota 9171*9 four. O. It 7-a, 1 loin 11*1.40 tN»P«- Un. X. Y. tS-M. *»3 J#. I'lNHM. a. T. P4-S. |T« »J. •imvw no«viu. is-». isi.is. *tn.BOI. Ilios. Wka. I lot 4-71 r.s T«rt. L, W. 44 ». I1S.1J. Wada. Vn Vnrrnit 1 lot 14111 WilliIna. W T. U-a. tilth. Mattox. Mra J. H. I lot fit. St. ooi-onan Barnaa. Mary Mol* 1 lot 14 If. Plaaell. Joim. I i-i-a. in <4 Burn##, waaley t lnt#« |1T If. Oamaroiu J. D. 1 lot fj.Ct. Carlar. Adalla 1 lot ll.il. Onv. In 1 lot ftf.ff. Cox I»mc 1 lot 97.lt. CVvIagton. J. )*. A lata 92t.ll. Bv«rttt. John 1 lot 1121 G*ndy. Minnie 9 lata fif.*#. Orady, John 1 lot ft.lt. Ham. Car lax l lot |7l.41 Hartafteld. IT. IS. l.lat 99.91. Hax tad eld. Jake 1 lot HIM. /nor*. "Walter I lot 917.10. WtUsm. Just to* 1 lot 99-90. Lee .Annie I lot til.It Maaaic. W. *. 9 lot# flO.IO. Moaoa. Alex I lot 917.9s. McKay. iJllla 1 lot 15.10 McKay. Milton J. 17-a. Ill.RI McKlthan. Clyde I lot 17.6k McXoll*. Grant* 1 lot 13. to. Rarnor, TVkjK 3-a. ff7.it. RyftfX W T. It a. IS* At Smith. Connie Dl 1 lot 911 7t. Smith. Lena 1 lot 911.7*. Smith. Fills* Rat. 1 lot f2f.lt Toon. Don. 9 lota I7.lt. WllUlne. W. E. 1 lot |I9.1t. WUltimy. Flora 1 lot ItlH William#. La art* B. 1 lot |1MT Will lame Karl 1 lot 111.99. Womack, (lei* 1 lot I19.TA Chance. Mary 1-a, 13.7*. Draufhom Lauretta Rat. 1 let ftif. Oalna#. ft G. 1 lot If II. Smith. A. K 1 lot 9* 711 Shaw. Gen.. 1 lot. Ill Jf. Onndmaa. O. R. I Iota 917.04. »*» TAW* rott avKitAXAono ^ M TOWSUMP Cullrxn. Mra. Haiti# > Inta BIT to Rod Ban. J. U Ufa. 1197.11. Irtuxnao, W. It. 1 IOl ff.tf Shall, rita. O P. 1 lot IUC 11. Shall. Urt U C. 1 lot fli.il. | Godwin, n. I., ll-a, sllv.Ti i*M wm voat uaovK nwann |Baraaa. Nina D lll «, IIH7 | Haaalrr. V. I> 1*1-a M9.ll. I Praia, waller JO a 117.I* IPr'rrlnth. J. O. i*a tlO.Kt. f*. «l»* t.-A A. J.. t» A 979.99. Grooae. T R. 1 lot 91.49. Pollard. V»a J. T. 10-A 919.95. r-oiNo. P P. I kilo 19.49. ••••..■•I, a P.. 19-A Waddell tntnd. 17.ii "titer, laalah II I Weovor Ld 117.11 Will lama. V. R. 97-a. flt.ff. Wtil'tlnsion. J, A. 47-a 949 *1. 1900 Dmi TOWNSHIP NO NR 19*1 T4TRI POP AVKRAlMntto TOWNSHIP Pullor. Dr. .Tan. K. a hi In llvta. I'amiadyYoiinK and Boat l Ini |x.]9. Creel. J. N. Jr. 9 lota faa.sa. 4lodwln, R. Lv 4S-A 9197.9*. lark non. 11 W. II A 11179 JeT.eyr p J. t«|.a 9199.17 Jtlnlean. R. p. i lot. |I] 41. Johnaoo, Henry P 119-a 914.*1 Monde. W. T. and 4N>. I Ini fill 94 JlOOde. W. T. 9 1-« A 977.411. Mrl.en-b. J. T. 10-a. 111.11. Paikar. n U ll-a, IW.I7. Smith and MulCay I lota 9117.11. Pnpn. I* H. a ad Rllaa 1 lot. 149 99. Shull H !>.. S lot a 9111.97. Shell Mh. ralltA 179-a. » lou. 9MB.H. Smith A McKay. 1 InU. 1711 41 Sorrell. A T* 17*.A 4 lota 110.110 Warren. Dr. R. L ll-A lltl.lt Warren Prne Ma-a. II'9*0. Waervn. R. B. 179-a IM0.lt. Yoons, A. P. flat. 19 a « lou 99K9.M. Yoump anil iranaady I lou 171.91 Porrlvb, Alonao M-a. 1119.7V (IIABRJ) m xr mi son TANjn POP DPKS TOWNSHir tlarnea. W n. H-a 910*11. ... -- turn**. V. 1| >1 v tlM.14. Pawlar. Mr*. 8. c. W-a. H*a tlJUt Ondwlr. n at Ufa. Ron* Plae* lit St. JanUaaa. C. U. l»-a. JL R. 4IL4T. , ■ - ■ ggBSMi Jaehaan. K. W. 1*-*. >71.li. M l «*7.44. >•** JJ- ». IM-a. RaatdaM* 171.11. ‘’•R*. cut*. »» *. m. R. IH.M. J. Ik H Apt HER EXwiW North Qkrolin* Undertaker apd Licensed EmbdfmesXA Pron/.&rvk* (g^M D»y or Night • Phone No. 16 T USED'Cartfol for yean and It £d dm more good than aqy medicine 1 ever need- writs Mn. M. C Raiadala, « Port ^owton, OUt, “I tyad to tidier with I 1CARDUI1 The Woman’s Tonic H ‘ , J i .7# m B^^3 <• ' ._T_ 1 r“r Dollar* Decrease in the Pocket They increase If dif&aited in _\ the Commercial banm. InterMb^l fH at four per eent Is Mmpoundufl \ * quarterly; your Allan ke4p j \ growing ertry dfy and nlgHt. sH J Moofta the Socket is nor«v<-— • Malty Mnt if tilings that . W fire k°» A benefit or nal pianette JifA the bank, it la : withdra AjAly wten needed. 5 ll<00 #w start an account In thia baaEAtefular aartag will make H par. The Commercial Bank ou"*. mowm cAaouNA * o -i... r # ‘ * e * it.-f' ;» e # *• t tTtttl tHIIIIMMlIllllimtttHtlttlllMMUl I JUST RECEIVED Barnis & Holliday Co. ; Dunn, * North Carolina """"1 ==■. ■— . ==—— i "7 l"" 1 . 1 1 *" —— With June Comes Hot * Weather (0 Now ia a good tpfne to put in that new Refrigerator that you need. have them in . several deaMna at moderate pricdL f BU T L E. R BROS.' I ^goo R JltOTcOg II $^.00 ^starts you to- ■ any type of Fcrrd I ^ar/Truck or Ford- I J son Tractor. H / We will deposit your J payments in a local I bank at interest. You can add a little « every week. Soon the payments, plus the interest, will H. make the Car,Truck or Tractor yours. Come in and get | , fajl details. ‘I I

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