I • I _ THE DUNN - * - I. -’ . VOLUME X. 1 ——__ 1_ DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA. STUDYING BOLL WEEVIL PROBLEM Local Cbambar ot Common* latere* ted la How To Moot Situation Plane tor overcoming Use boll wre vil were (Her use mi at Ungth by thi director* of the Du an Chamber ai Commerce at tSc'r 'cjnJar monthly meeting Friday evening. The tjiv renn* of opir.io-i was that the ,nc»i mmportam step which the farmrri of the Dunn district can ukt is it plant mare aervt In food and fot.l trcpe, thereby getting away from the u it cotton system of many of iV lar ger firman* The question of going Into the trucking business also cans* In for discussion. Those who expressed in opinion on this wen Inotlnsd to Utlak that farmers shook! undertake truck ing only os a small seals In beginning. Tobacco was named as on* of the best *»nsy-erop sabetKots* for cotton, sad H sms pointed ovt that s mini her of farmers are growing tobacco on a small scale around Dunn this ysar. The results of the efforts ot those who ora trying out tobacco for the Hist time wth be watched with interact. If they make a success, then the Chamber of Commerce wM ad vocate a larger acreage next year, j The Chamber of Commerce realise! that the problem of Sleeting the boll weevil atustlon U one ot chief COD-I cent to both the farmers and btai [ neat men of this section. This being true, much of'the attention of th organisation during the next fry months will be directed to deterala i»g the best course to purses When tail has been dHomintd then a cam paj«n for putting the program Ink effect will bo waged. THINK NEGROES DIED FROM DRINKING LIQUOR ftnlthfleld, June Iff.—A report cornea from Selma that two negro boys have died there daring the poet week and two mere are degerataly 01 aa a neat of drinking wtdtt light ning -whiskey which H is said toe •*3aat5re!roy^Wwrt,^<rmTl*,**M^*l>*1 One af the negro men war Way tea Jones who waa the firet victim. Weyloc waa employed far twelve yean u a porter at the Selma paa-| ■eager nation and wee well known. | He died after a very ehort attack ef1 what waa ooppoaed to ha acute hull-1 gmdon. The other dec need negro went home from the brick yard sot faring severely from what vu thought to he colic bat ceHc remadiae <ttd him no good. Be' died very nook. When Robert f ittlur the third negro, gait hie work at the ymnl and went haute! desperately 111 fallowed very soon bv[ the fourth, suspicion was aroused sad aow the talk among the colored pep elation of the town la that thareh something down at the biek yard that's “piean.” NOW MANUFACTURING ICE CREAM IN DUNN - I Dona now has an tea eroaai menu-1 factoring establishment. This addition1 to the industrial life of the town waa1 Installed last week by M 8. Dike I The plant haa a capacity of tan gal lons off cream every fifteen mi notes. The cream maawfaotsrad by Mr. Dibs wffl he known as "Doan lee Cream." In adapting this name, Mr. Mbs had' la view the advertising of Donn along with' the lee cream. The cream will ha said hath ratal! and wholesale. The pane ■ siJTHJy in ojonroon m IktM who ten sampled this Dane product declare that it te "Jest as' coed” M that made elsewhere. Club Organised At Ceuta Costs, Jane 17—On Friday night, Jane l*th, the young people met at the home et Mies Trims Psttereen’ sad organised the Jinks Serial chtk ! The fallowing ettcere were sleeted: Klee Annie Keene, Fred dent; Klee Velma Palis men, secretary; Mtea Cm1 Keene, treasurer. Others present srere Miens Idas Beasley, Otyde Par-1 Hek, Bde Langdon, Bril as Stewart. Mss Johnson, Mildred and Lama Hal Casta. - . After the meeting a deHeiepe las eearea was aeread. The cl oh wfl meet aem Tharsdey night ai the heme of, Mbs Annie Keene. • _ The old hog wallow ie an* ex pensive hath tub (or aD hogs, and more especially the young pin on der (our months of age. Young pigs are susceptible to parasites and. filth-bora disease, any extension J worker* of the State College and Department of Agriculture POISONED CABBAGE IS CAUSE OF S DEATHS Wilson, June 16.—A few days age Jeter Ward, janitor at the Wilson negro graded school, his wife and six children became nauseated and began | to vomit after eating heartily of cab bage, and soon tha old man died In agony. Another member of the family died lam night, two are out of danger end four have been removed to a hoe piiaL Wl He the caret have rot m yet been diagnosed, the physician iti at tendance eays every symptom has tha appears nee of arsenical poisoning. It is the opinion that calcium ar •’"«»!*> which had been appj.-d to n potato patch, may have beet sprink led on the cabbage nearby, which caused tha death of father and chi d and the prostration of tbc othen of the family. CHICKEN CAUSES NEAR-FATAL ROW “Lm* Annie" Carter Loom Uft Ana As Result Of Mix-Up Aanle Carter. aagrees, better known hereabouts as "Long Anris." la minus her left arm as the read! ef being find upon by Tom Byrd, also colored, shout *30 o'clock Bnaday afternoon. Byrd used a shot gun and the load of shot shattered Annie's arm between the elbow and tha shoul der. She was taker, to the Dunn hos pital and it was found necessary to shoulder. The (booting took ptac* in the yard •* Byrd’a boar. Booth FayetUville atieet, and followed a row oboot a chlcfcon which belonged to Annie, it i la said. Immediately after the «hoot Ing Byrd came ay town and annon dared to Pohrotaan W. P. Nipper. Ho ii now In the town lock-up awaiting briaL Ho admit* flrfcig the Mint, bat data* self-drfens*. HU ronion af the affair I* that Annie wae advancing upon blip with h largo aad dangerous loobitg knif* wWa bo fired. ^BomUJrfjttBfeMumHi total police ba* brought a knife Into play oa ■rvural occaatona and it b Mid that ■ho oaa wield it offcctlvoly. She ha* attempted to carvo at loaat two Dunn police men when they wore sweating her for dbtarhii^ the peace. WOMAN DRIVES CAR SMACK INTO STORE Oxford. Jane It. — Mas Maggie Burnett, of Providence, while drtviaf on Main itiuat today, loot control of her oar and ran into the front win dow of 1. Robert Woods' store, break ing the plate glaaa front and golrg three feet into the More when the car damaged $S00 worth of furniture before stopping. Aa it dashed late the store it picked op and carried with It the little Avo-year-old ton of Bock Tiiloteon, who was standing in front of the (tore The litlb follow was badly Ht I STILL AND BEER WERE CAPTURED SATURDAY i < A galvanised whiakey-making plant j erf 60-gallon* capacity was eaptaiod , in Sampson county, twelve rails* eart af Dunn, Saturday, together with S ] barrel* of boor. The otm was not in , operation when located by the officer* | and no arrest* were mod*. Hie raid , was mad* by Officer* A. B. Adams, , H. & McLeod and L W. Tart. Th* *ame offfecn captured throe barrel* , of boor about II mile* north oar* of Dana, la Johntton ooozrty, aa Mia um* day. Paleon, JFaaa A. Cnlbrnt:» la today moving hia family to Ka Mcb. whan thay will tha tom mar meatha. Mr. Calk rath held* 4 I poaitioa la tha oIm of tha North Carolina Cooperative Ootton Maftet my aaaoclaUaa. Mlaa Mania Wflliama waa taken fcmday /to tha |M|mM hoapdtal Bapattorflla, where tea will andcrye aa e pa ration far appeadloMe Fraf. A. C. Hallaad, principal af < the Palaae Mph eetiool, aad family aad hie Meter, Mice Bathar Holland of dketeee, & C. baft yatearlny far , Chapel H», where Prof. Hollend aad Mtea Mar Holland will attend tha aaWarrity rammer aehaat. Prof A D. Meatoek. principal af lha Booth Btver hlph aehoal, aim laft yatoaday far Chapel HIB 4a attend commit rchaal. Miea Mary Thrower roaerdly en derweat aa operetta* at tha Rlfh emltfc hoapital, PayattevflW, aad her ceadNJca la rcyiricl aa CaeroraVa. Qalte a aatahtr af IMtrrhi am •to* katep dripped bp Carmen af (hia ▼wily. FORMER HARNETT MAN WINS IN PRIZE CONTES Ib a recant *«atart, announced i Tb« Saturday Bvemop Poet, Durwar *. Dixon, formerly of Angler. Hat aet* county, N. C., ie announced 1 Th« Peat of current dale, and Th Richmond, (Va.) New* Leader, a one of the successful contestant*. Th follow** |a taken fom the Riehmon Near* Leader. "Durwurd R. Dixan. Jot* Wes Mala dnrt, waa announced today i prim winner In the "Save and Sur face" campaign, a national co opera tlee organisation of paint, vnmieh •<*d allied brtereata. He look aa hi aabjeet historic old St. John's ehareh whore Patrick Henry made his itnraor tal utterance an March *0, 1776. Mr Dixon la an employe of The Newi Leader. “Entered in tho contest ware land marks, ahrinaa and baUding* of In terest in every state in the anion Ala*x, Canada Mexico, Porto Rkc and other countries. Tbe first foul winner* were "Onatle Philip**" at Tarry town on the Hudson, over two centuries old; th* birthplace of Noah Webetor in New Haven, Conn.; the houao an Prince street. New York, where Preaidant Monroe spent his last peon; and the eld “Parson Raton” meeting house, HarpeweH. Maine, bx#t la 1767."—Raleigh News sad r>i WHEN IT WILL PAY TO OUST WITH ARSENATE (Government Bulletin) It will fay to duw If the woevtt* are really injaring fvwr srep aenosaly, and If ywor land is nuArimtly fertile \o yield at loam one-thin! bale per wre with weevil Injury eliminated, md If your farming *rgnr> tea Lion U laeh that you fool mamma that the] miaon appBeationi wflt be made at ho right time mad In the right man-, ict, and H you are wflUng to rpend .he klU amount noceeaary to prrvidc in deguato (apply of ducting mae'.dnery *d«mW | hie conditions mm to be from 2001 o 400 pound* of need cotton per' ere, but owing to variation in <*#-! Toe of waevtl injury It ie ho* tafc o expect modi more then the lower Tore. Consequently, you ihould not duet ( the coot of the calcium annate he coat of tho labor to app'y it, t n.li he depreciation on tho dutUng mo-! hi net wtfl total more per acre than be current value of 100 pound* of red cotton. Hand gun* ahoold be figured a* lepreflating 60 per cent m a iraeun nd the Iprger machines about ‘J5 per out ’• MEN INITIATED * INTO THE KU KLUX Gold*boro, June 16.—Local room ier* of that organisation stated In lay that 76 newcomer*, folly two bird i of them from Goldsboro, wore nitiatrd into the Ku Klux Ktan at ■at night, following a parade through he principal streets of Goldsboro Nueh Nrvorsble comment baa been •and her* today concerning the ex reme ordertlaoea of the participants a the proceeeion, which was feat or id by the pretence ef fully 10,000 peetMors. It la Mated that Jadgo Horry A_ Irady, of Ctintoa, was present, bat to eairflrmatloa orf this rumor could w obtained. Gwttiag Things Dow W. Biwee Mabee la another Cxten don worker of the Division of Eato aelsgy who Is getting things dare teas days. Pram Ma field station at >ana be la wotUag la (he earroar ri ng territory mad has alroady anitg •d for sewers] demonstrations in boll oeenrfl control for this season. The Dana Cteadbor of Commerce, the leosrty agents of the earresndliv isuntlea, and the farmer* with whom ** la wertdng are aB according him ha beat possible coops ration, end lndi melons are wow that bo will have wmethteg ad internet far the eott-m rrowera pf North Oarotlna this fall. —Extension ftm News. A <7 omarotu Gift “ You may tuty what you like igamat young ministers, hut 1 have nothing but praise for our young Hastor, the pompous Mr. Brown renarked, as he passed out of die church “ Nothing but praise f "So I observed.'' dryly retorted the daacon who had passed the pbtt.—Harper's. < « r BLUE ORDDWCE ; TABLED BBOARD , May Dr May'NofM Paaaod Al *j N«*t MNtmA Tow* , A* yet it will be pBble to guoncn your thim for cold A|o, Ice crcaa t and the like in OS m Sunday. t Attorney N. A. ToBgnd complied eo fully with (Jje uA,( the town father* to draw • iBy blue oitll nance that would be^Bre high. bull | *tron* *nd pig hghtIBat the board balked at pawing itS th* meeting laat evening. Afu-r -jBprdinanrc ha I boon mad before thaBaard and Mr. TWwuood had r rylafcil Juat how draatle it it, oome nlnben of the board decided that tlj would rather wait for a ape!I beftu voting for When atktd if ttakaedinaoee aa dawn would be roqBtatioaal, Mr Town tend eta ted thaBhe aamr had been held *o by the sBirme court of Xortb Carolina. Thtlrdietnci aot only would prohibit B aalr of cold drink*. ier rrram, cByt and other a»-eallad luxuries o^Kaaday, hut would make It uaj^Bl to nil a -r-r*. v.,. vj.w (WHii, scr^rninr | to Mr Townsend. In eobavuing the^Bdiaanc* Mr. Townsend mode it p^B||iat he wo' not favorable to so dl^Br t ueasure, but that be hail dnw^BsuonUi( to instructions from the Jgrd, The mat-' | ter came in for ronlfbUe <ihwaa-' Sion and finally It WfBBbtnd qatil a later date. I Following is given ^^Eyr#poerd or dinance which the b^jBnaji or may not pass at ita rast^Klng: } “Be It ordained b^Ke board of com ml mi oners of ShaSffa of Darn;' See. J. That H dKfo* ua’amfal for any person. tlraB* corporation srithii. tkr town of B^Eto keep his1 etore, .hop, or other of baalne.* open on SuiifUjr fa^^^b parpoM of buying, selling or ^^Eartmg rny bow nets. Ser t That It a^Ha unlawful for the proprietor, or e'er* conducting any ruM^B". shop «r| other place ofbj^^^^ha^n J employee In such amahHshnwat to1 enter any inch atom, •hop or other! place of bus morn oa Sunday. i See. I. Nothing In this or-Humce "hall be constructed to prevent the opening or entering of any diag aturv , for the purpose of sale ar purchase of drugs, medicines or surgical aup-j plica only, nor ahall tha aasne prevent any cafe or hotel from famishing meals or lodging to bona-fide goaatv j Section. 4. Any violation of th>* ordinance ahall subject tha offender1 upon conviction to a fine of $M for, each and every offense. Sec. 6. —Thia ordinance ahall be in force and effect from and after ita adoption. The board passed an order provid ing that Chief of Polite B. A. How land be empowered to employ anoth er member for the local police force The additional officer it to be employ ed only temporarily, however. Other matters claiming tha atten tion of the board srert roattce. THOUSANDS OF STILLS DESTROYED IN STATE - I Federal Dimeter Malm. Keg act ef Acimtm rer zz Month* Salisbury, Jun* IS.—Cnptiaro of WH planta, 22,17* gallon! of liquor and 2,024,4** gallon* of malt liquor* together with 2<J9 ram running auto-! mobiles, ronztltats thi cream of the •etiritie* of the Federal prohibition egro’t*''operating In North Carolina' during the port 22 ntontS, according tn a report compiled by State Pruht-j bition Director A. B. Coltranc and ■ubmitted to . Federal Prohibition! Comtnimionor Hay on*. The Agurc* date book to Jniy 1, 1*2!, rannbig through Apil 30, 1*22. { Ten prohibition agent* were In jured in the performance of duty dur ing the period, but nuno woo hitlcd Th* total oppuioad oolue of prop erty Mined ami destroyed Woo *751, 5*5 AB, while tho total appraised vahia af property ooited and not de ■troyrd won IU1AM.M. It coats approdkngtaly *1*0,0*0; n year to enforce tho prohibition law In tho Stag*, according tn tho report.; Fine* and money derived from the Mies af aatomobBoa total *120,000, I oaring tho nant eodt at around *7*.- ■ 000. President Harding toy* he’* tah lug n» Into five International Court bwl keeping na out of the League of Nation* Thi* natement is re ceived with reservations hy Renat or» Borah amt La Polteite 1 11-1 I i I BOLL WEEVIL AJULA bpmading IN STATI Juno 16—Uvi boll vtn [U have boas received by PranHii Slicrman, Chief of th* Division a Entomology far the Stats OoHegc am DopaiSmont of Apbiltan, fron counties as far watt aad north la tht »tato a* CloroUnil, Mecklenburg, Co ban- j., Lav, Barnett, Lenoir ani Beaufort, it was announced yootei day.. No weovilm barve been sent li from eountloa tort*, of chete but «p - rimcaa should toon amp it vrai stated. "A number of cowpeo pod wocvtl* ' an young cotton are causing much concern among farmer* who autpecl | thi* weevil of be tag th* cotton pool." i Sir. Sherman stated. “However, the eoaaon bull wervil vhouid sami b« ap pearing ir, all parte of the cotton | rrowing area and with Ke appearsaeo wUI come the old questions: What •hall I dot" Shall I poisonT' What method* of potsan shall I *w and whoa?* 'The general problem of ball wee* vil central is given la extension cir emtar 1X4 The dost peiooo method la faSy doocrlhod In extei.tlon circular 1ST Jam issued to North Caro Has far* »>rrm. Bath of those circulars may be bad front local county agent* oc by writing to th* editor, Extension Scr view, Palrngh.** Kr flhomma said ho bedevso th* •lust poison method la th- bcM for •« iiMi uk in tuning uia wtfivu. "We considered the daw-po rt,* me thod ao th# standard and or 1 - pooorv j !'■* method which wo at* Justified in! advising yet for ear farmer, to d.-j pewd upon and It* limitation* am. dlf fteahiM or* plainly dUcu-aed la the circular," ha continued. “Thi* la ta' line with rcaolutidni af Soothers Ag-' rloudcaral Worker* at MempM la February, ami with new. items of Uuted States Department of Agri-| culture in March. Ia aecordarre wita; those pronouncamenta oilier poison-' ing method*, Including the adaption I of the Florida Method, are bv'og’ tooted end etodled in this and other' •late*. “Th* question of when to begib dusting lo no diem aped In oar ctr cular aa ta allow latitude of judgment ¥&??Z~£mSr H aim* ot economy aad dfocilvsaooa Borne farmer* may aae other methods ar may dast earlier that, we Indicate but that ia on their tvs choice, la giving advice for general adoption we feel that we aaaat be conservatively safe. Improvements are of course poo *ibU, aad hoped for, a* time goaa' on." POLICEMAN KILLED) SLAYER IS LYNCHED Miami, Fla.. June 15.—Charles R j Bryant, town m&rahatl of Homestead,! near here, arm* shot to death thia af-j It moon |n a pool room ia the negro quarters of Homestead when ha at tempted ta make a liquor raid single handed. Thirty minute* later a negro known as "Gray Eye” Siam.out, hi* alleged day or, -was bound to a tree by a crowd of white men and riddled with bullets. SAY CHILDREN MUST STOP DRIVING CARS Chief of Police B. A. Rowland has been Instructed ta rigidly enforce the law which prohibits children an Jet 16 poor* of ago from driving antoreo biles. The law has been frcquoaUy violated in Dnnn, it i* rail, and H moot be itopped, tape the chief of police. Children who bore oot attain ed tho age of 16 penis m .y especs to get "poled" if they vnVura out, according to infarmotto i given oot hy the police department CLAYTON GIVEN 90 DAYS TO STRAIGHTEN AFFAIRS Raleigh, June 16.—W. R. Claytoe well Known Fayetteville automobile dealer, who was late yesterday son J tented to iva years la the Fedora ’ prison in Atlanta after being eon ' Hcted on a charge of having rocelr ! ed automobiles knowing there to hove keen stolen, today wee slowed M days in which to straighten oot Ms boehiem affairs before beginning Ms term ia prison. \-T. . ... i Bert belay Celebrated 9- M. Warren, who ihrw about 16 rellao seat of Dunn In Rare peon eooa *y, Sunday celebrated hta Bind birth day AD Ida children, M la number, end It grand ehidron, gnthered at the old home piece for Dm —ft*— A aamber of other . tdsiliS and f Heads ware also present and a boun tlfal feast of good thing* to out warn aoswod at tire noon bear. Tho dinner wu spread oa a table provided la the grave near by the home, i C. West, attorney of Dana, delivered an ad dress appropriate to Dm ooeaaian. B5aHK_E=B!Ha=MB IB DUNN TO CtUMATK I ON JULY ThHoSwH *• Dumi to lm a rr'r^riHin < i Ji*f tomrtt this purl ' Conunaree mm at • •'Hack It ha* Wen tha nnlaa far pui i h»*t to hold • celebration on Jal fourth in Dana arnl HI artpo favor •imilar ealobnaioa thlo year art n quatted Ia be preterit at the meetint If the day it te be fittingly ohoerv* ' bora thii year, at la tha past, me Mm ‘ in to be loot In arranging tha pn ' Brtm, a* only taro woeke remain ft ' making randy for the occanioa. TWO BOYS KllJJfl AT BAIL CRQSSPK ^R^h Tralw HsUWagwi b an effort to ear# their mulei paralysed with fear In the path « an mconlac paoaeaper train. Tkoaa Arthur Hodge, aged 10, and Jowpi Hoke Hodge, aged 1*. wore fatal); IrJared yaaterdajr morning bccwoei Auburn and Gamer, udien their In her wagon «u tsnaek and ilimelidia l»y the Idl Southern train fraa Ooldeboro to fcatolgh. The boya won PeW ap by the tmii* crow and nidi ed to Raleigh, but the little bedim were terribly mangled and the beyi liwd but a abort time after enter lag Rex Hospital They were the aoaa •f Arthur Hodge, prosperous formo< of tbe Rbeoeatr section of Waki county. The bodies were taken beaut Tee ten-day afteraeon after aa iafor mal invertigatien by Coronor J. R Ows.ua. The fonerei win be held to day. oncoming train and balked. 11m boys remained ea the wagon in aa effort to gatthl moles off the track, but wore uesueeessfel. The ^engraoei rroumi on his brakes, but the big to eomoti^c slid into the wagon, reduc ing the load ef lumber to spUnten instantly killing both mutes, and fa ulty injuring tbe beys. . The train crew area a race wi'h dnaah to get the boys to medical aid in Raleigh, and both the iajnrod were •Hr* ^wn they were transfer!*.! from tbe bnia ta a waiting ambu lance at the Union Station, Utile Thames, aged 10, survived Jets than tea mine tee after reaching the hos pital, and in less than an hour Joseph, the elder of the two, had sweeuabed to Ms injuria*.—Raleigh Kewws sad FARMING UNDER NEW AND UNUSUAL METHOD Jon Beasley, who Mvao one milr •onth ef thane, ie thia year tbying ad ■ near plan on bit farm. He b at tempting te grew both n cauan ami corn crop on tba camc Und.,{lr plant ed hlc rotten in inn marc than ccoea feet apart and within n few day* h« plans te plant a raw af com ana »o>a baaaa betwaen the cotton row* If the boll weevil gete the toon be flgnrae that he will have bit eor* crop to the treed. Parkor-Paed C. C. Packer, weD-kaewn attorn*) end eat letter of the local recorder1! court, left Satorday night for Balti mete, Md., where tkia owning he ii te be married te Klee Selene Past oi FhHltpehwg. Pa. The marriage el Idea Nani and Mr. Parker will marl the cadmium ion ef a wartime re manee. It waa while earring la da Army daring the World War tba Mr. Packer met Mb* PanL They wil ga to Ocean yiew, Va., Inwaadiatal] after tWr marriaga. faker* they wfi •pend a few day* before comiag t. Dm*. Baity in Jaly they wttl take < trip with ex-Ceagreaaaaaa and Mn H. L. Oedwla tbroagb Wtwtevn Marti Carolina. A Re|aiblieatt municipal admini* (ration ha* been overthrown and t Democratic mayor elected in th principal cRy of the Rocky Moon tain ration. While the doralnan issue* in rmmicipn) election* are to cal one*, *tlli the people *bow a <B* position to turn Republican admin i*t ration* oat af office every ch*nr .they f*( and inetall Democrat* Can grain I at ion* to Ben M. Stapleton Domocrat Mayor elect of -Denver. » CASPER C. WARREN : ORDAINED SUNDAY m > ■ — I ► B A* ***** ***** • r**k rtmmXtry* Bftftkt A Ntr p—raw Him wNa—d *m C. of C«HT C VMM u a f ■*** MhUatar at tha Flat «1fnt ■i *"-*2 v rssrsiTs J aha n*. r ‘■■i *a - - - - ~ ,1 taat MM, “Aim I haaad a raiaa £ I Nr MU aa~—Aata MtM. Tha aar «nr NVMirtata ta tha aa J aaaion. It had haaa —r m m Dr. r V.LOdlM^VNINBtN . Mar taatar «f tha —— - church af Daaa, MMmld vmN N « •Mm. hatdM mm MtwIMbMtN *d tnm j "f _ Ban, , | »" 1 MWMI NBasA Taylor, *f tha laeat eharah, wfcBa tha N N X A.

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