Rax O. Jonoe of Richmond, Vx •pent tho week end hero rliitlcc hi parent*. Mr. end Mr*. W. P.'Jonea. Mr. and Mn. A. C. Barefoot a Angler epeat Sunday hore rlMt.Bg ■ the home ef Mr. and Mr*. J. R. Mai phy. Miu Lillian Orawley of Litticto arrived Sunday and U a gueei at th home of Mr. and Mr*. E. L. Coot Eait Edgertot. etraet Chief of Police B. A. Rowland Sun day "nabbed'’ leveral who were v'.o lating tbe townM epaed ordinance They wRl be hailed Into court till week. J. W. Purdie and family move Saturday into their new brick bom an Towneend Height* They format ly lived In a reaidmtee owned by Mi Purdie on Wtat Brood atraeC C. A. Baker, manager ef Young' hotel, returned Sunday night fro* Baltimore, Md., where ke (pent lev eral rteyu undergoing treatment un der Or. VMIrieh, noted fpecialiat. Will tbo time aver come in tbi country when the women will rule th buaiaem and profeeetoool Ufa af th. nation udriie the own etay home u keep horse and attend to ike barbie#' See “Mn. and Mr. Polly Tkkk" a Opera Home Tbo reday night. Saver*] hundred people witneeee the public concert given on Lock nor Square by tho Dunn Concert ban. late Sunday afternoon. A number o •election* were rendered by tbe ham and the large crowd precent waa de lighted with the program. It It now time to display new towi license n ambers or automobiles, sc cording to Chief of Police Rowland The taw requires OUt town iiumhen be displayed upon the front of thi car. Has idvic* is, that If you don’ •rant to got “pulled" to put on you. new license number now. Tbe condition of Mn. Julius M Lee, who lost week underwent si operation at trie Pittman hospital Fayetteville, is reported as favorable L. O Bisssll. local building Inapec tor, Inst week tamed a permit to W P Johnson for tbe eroottan of. a 6 room residence to cost approximate)] $2,000, corner Elm street snd fed gertor, savaaa. J. K. Hudson, well-kaewn farms: who Irvae la tbe lfingo section, way s Dunn vlrttor Saturday. Mr. Bud ton staked to a Dispatch reporter tha he finished “laying by” his com ero] Friday, the 16th. Be also rajcita crops looking w«U an this oeettoa. Mr Hudson was accoapaaicd to town b; his daughter, Mias Kola Hudson’ am has sen, Herman Hudson. Walter Jackson, colored aectloi hand, was painfully hurt Saturday afternoon when a trailer attached u a rail rood motor cur run over hi< right log. The accident took placi about two miles south of Dunn who Jackson f«U between the motor ca and the trailer. He was brought U Dunn and his wounds dremod by Dr B. L. Warren. Ooorgo WitHasss and lauial Chance, negroes, won bound over b the Federal court Saturday by U. S Commissioner E. Lee on the char* of manufacturing and selling whia key. They made bond in the sum o $100 each for their appearance li Federal court. Julius McLamb wa before Commissioner Lee yesterda: on a like charge, but the action wa dicmlsMd. Paul Strickland was advised las week that he passed successfully tb examination given by the State boar of Bsnbalmtra. Ho took the exan las tlon given recently during tha a*»u al masting of the North Carolim Fn nrral Director's and Embolmem ai la at present employed by J. L. Hal eber, who conducts an undertaken parlor la Dona. There wee sixty-four ettendaata a the Tabernacle BMi claaa last Dor day morning. This claaa is groada rapidly In numbers, and Mr. Hood ! potting all the saraestneae of hla am in teaching the lemons. Subject nei Sunday: "The Bible, the true Woe of God." If anyone la not a man bar of soother Bible cites, a pta welcome awaits you at tbs Taberni rl* at 9:44 Sunday moralnga. The local office of the Cardin Power and Light Company was mm od Saturday from the Lone buildlig North WUaen arena*, into Uw no Loo building, Bast 'Broad street T> Ant floor of tho now bolldlng la o< r up led by the badness and soles o Asa and the owiteh board, while M second floor wAl he used so ■ ato ago room. Now and madam office Si tores haws boon installed hi tho boa nooo often Dr. J. M. Morgan of Omensboi baa opened an aftea Koto for (he pm tiae of ablropmatla. Ha will oceot tho asms eftu* formerly oerup'i by Dr. W. H. Sen nett. North flat of the rtret Notional Baa* boSdin, Dr. and Mao. BoMWtt tolk Soterdi night Aar Poos apart. Iowa wham (hi wW spend soana time. Dr. Morgan a native of Ha matt a sooty aed h ■any fiiando In and era and Dana. I to a graduate of the Palmer school Ohfropceelia. Daraoyoct, Iowa. , * I • ft iMr. and Mrs. 4. C. Hodgu | Fayetteville, axe visiting relative* 1 Dunn. | Editor Creech of (he Red Sprint , Citiaen was u business visitor In Dee 1 Monday. Mite Beulah Temple ha* gone I Chapol Kill, where eh* wtU attend tt ’ Summer School. MU* Lucile Kennedy, of Clinton , * pent the waek-end here the gu© | of MUa Evelyn Brldgvra. A line rain fell here Saturday a temoon, though It did not reach oi i very fax into the country. ■' Master Edward Broughton ,! 'fending his vacation with relsttvi In Edenton and Hertford. Don’t miu it. Mis* what? Don’t yo ■ know everybody in talking abol . ’Mrs. and Mr. Polly Tickk. J. Wad* ha* arrived home froi : Chapel Hill, where last week he gnu *, uatod from the State univenity. Vt. It. Parrish left today for ID lc.R.1. where he has accepted a pok tir>n with the D. A S. Motor Go. I Mis Lurde Owens and MUa Ceoi , gi* Monde * re spending the weak i . Richmond, Va., visiting relatives. MU* Josephine Thomas has retort ad to Damn from Rockingham whet i ah* ha* bean for the past seven i weeks. Mias Helen Askew, who has bee ' vidting Miss Beulah Temple, lei Monday morning for her home I Ahocki*. I Mis Claudia Conrad and Mast* , James L. Conrad of Durham ar I go rata at the home of Mr. and Mn . J. S. Farthing. Hsesil and Josef Privette of Sortn •| Hops spont the week eiul here eivtln at the home of their grond-fjithei : H. McNeill. West Broad street. Mias Blanche Oran thaw weld Sal JTHsy to Smithftelii, whan today ah attended the marriage of h*r roaeir ' **l“ Eul* Parrish of Smithflrid an. W. M. Pugh of Sanford What do the poopls want? Ns on (hae STCT been able to answer the question satisfactorily. You may gt soma idea from “Mm. aad Mr. PsH Tie**” at Opart Bouse The rods night Mtm Loaiae Brewer returned Horn today from Raleigh, where she span some time risiung Mias Margarc Puasell. She sms accompanied hom by Mias Puaeall who will spend com time In Dunn. In an nd in this issue M. 8. Dfc 11 announce* that he will give absolute ■! 'r fr»e a con* or diah of ice emu : *» *»*ry person who calls at his otor I Thursday afternoon between St hours of l and S o’clock. flvniyt» any aorfoMty about th ' future? Would you Ilk* to druw said the roll and as* what ia in Nam fo j you? Consult Dame Fashion with he I crystal ball in “Mr* and Mr. Poil TVkh“ at Opera House Thu rad* i night 'j Mr. W. 0. Watson, local cottoi ■ buywr left Monday with Us fanail 1 for Johnston, a C. Mrs Watson an. the children wHI remain in Jobnato; ’ daring the euimnrr. Mr. Wstooi. wfl rotam to Dunn In o fow day* to rt some hia work. I, Nancy, 11 -months-old daughter o > Mr. aad Mr*. W. B. Hawley of Dub ■ died Saturday night of colitis. Th ' funeral eras rondooted Sunday al ' ternooa at S -JO o’clock and Intormen f was mad* in th* family cemetery 1 • Sampson county. 1 A meeting of th* Sunday echos ' council win bo hold leusnadiately al 1 ter the weekly prayer mooting sarslc at Dhrino 8trees Methodist church tc I morrow (Wednesday) eeenlng. A ' members of the 8unday school ecu 1 oil art urged to be present. Her. Casper C. Warren left th! afternoon for Loatwvills, Ky., wh*r he will reran* Me studio* at th Southern Baptist Theological earn ’ nary. Ha will (top over tn High Polr to attend the annua] convention a : the North Carotfaa B T. P. I association. 1 Misses Kathleen Holland, Anni Boll* Noal and Bail!* Naylor and Mi 1 If. M. Jeralgan left this aftanvoo * for High Point to attend th* anew | meeting of the North Carolina B. 1 P. U. aeeoeiaUon. They go aa roprt 1 tentative! of th* B. Y. P. U. of tl J First BajrtUt ehoreh of Dunn. A ford touring ear driven by p. 1 Nunnery wa* turned completely on and badly damaged Sunday aflarnoe 1 when etn*ck by a Ford truck drive ' by Oerauliu* McDaniel, negro, at tt ’• Iwtsrasctiso of Pa* nail (treat si 9 Wilson avenue. Mr. Nunavry *eea) * ad without sorious Injury, Th* negi I" was emoted won after the aeeidai on th* charge ef caret*** aad rad * less driving aad was lacked up default of bead for Ms appears* I' before Recorder M. M. Jomlgi V Thoruday. Rev. G. T. Adeem, pastor of tl * Method 1st ehoreh, preached a spool S sermon to the members of (ho Doi 1 Fire department Sanday ovoaia ° Ssuta worn tooarvad far tho mi ad; I ,r of th* local tra dapatssant aad i X- worn proaoot am apt two. The pi F tpr*i sermon was aa lu^ylmMoa r the bays aad awubaaad the odod* ■* th* coagrogatlaa to to Impartaac* m ah so hit* so *p station with these wl la art avor ready to rMc todr oil wt* if fangor from Bro Ithitwi to has or to tram, ■t Mr. Mul Mr*. Polly Tickk » When the curtain rises on rt opening scene, the audience beholc , Fattier Time and Dame Fashio n discussing the *[ipro*ching f«sf ions for men and women, i-'atlx Time read* in his record Imok c o girls in hoop skirts and polk bor 0 nett as in the days of long xg< Dame Fashion seif* in her crysti rt trail men in rtt/llcd trousers an tt frills — all of wliich will t>e |NII trayed in an ensemlilc of mtisi composed of die entire cast. The time is 1975. The wontci * since gening iho ballot, have take the rein* of govenimem and gradu ■ ally exchanged places with the met * The women now dress in maiini* clotlies and attend to practically a die business, leaving the mm a * home to do the housework, scwiu| * darning, nursing, etc. Tke marrie i men dress in frills snd furbelow: « and seem at the lieginning of »h .•play to have lost all their masculin habits and In have surrendered a! of their male attire except tliei ' punt*, to which they hold with bull * dog tenacity. In die first act. the women go ol - to the lodge, leaving the men be 1 hind. The neglected husband* gr together for a knitting party. Bill LawMin, who still retain* his nun. culine dress, drops in to chide hi ’ friends about the shackles Ihev ar wearing and is told that after he i married he will surrender his free i dotn just a* they have done. Thi I. brings on an argument, <hiciri| lj which Sulivan O'Brien rushes ii • urtfk * kw *« sviUm/i *1_i il. women are planning to send Dais r Ann Gray to Congress *o a* to pas the Anti-Trouser Bill. After ih meeting the "Ttmancipaled Women march in armed with brooms, at* in military style present them ti the men. The second act open* with an m scnthlc of music showing 9 house cleaning scene in which Tickk is a* sisted hy his married friend.*. Whil they are in the midst of the scrub l>ing, in come* Billy, annnuncini that he is about to start a move ment which will overthrow this pci ticoal government, in which ydai the men join heartily. Just as th house - cleaning begins, Sulivat OTIrien breaks in. anoouciui; tha Senator Zella Highbrow. author o the Anti-Trouser Bill, will speal to the women that evening, where upon the men devise a scheme ti keep Senator Highbrow fnim rh meeting and at the same time stag their revolution. The development of this nhrm comes in act three. The voting pre cioct wltere the women have planu ed to bring about the climax o their triumph is stormed hy tin men. Then follows an exoitini controversy. The result of this w< cannot disclose.'bin suffice it to «a; all end* happily^ The grand finale is a beaut if 11 chorus featuring the enure cast. M6 cures Malaria, Chill* ta Favor, Dengue or Biliost* Fevas It destraya th* germs. All la "Tha Christian” I If you can't get to Tijuana. 1'ini 1 lien or Churchill Downs, you migh 1 look over the Goldwyn prodnchi • of " The Christian,’' which come to tl»e Colonial Theatre on Wcdne [ day for one day. Ii» it you will see an exeitini | horse race on one of the most fa . mou* old tracks in the world —K| som Down*, near lajndon, no De e by. Day. You will notice seven s thing* in contrast to American cir u timi*: Epson ■ is u turf track, for tx - thing, and lx ><)k makers ply the' r trade <i|>cn)y instead of r’eorvtl; f You will see Richard i>ix, in If i* title role, exhorting (in vuiti) tl >. heedless pleasure seeker* lit tor il front their worldly way*. Y«iu wi :l see racing where k is truly tli - " sport of kings,"" with a king v horse among the starters, and yo will *t e an English holiday crow i, at il* favorite itaxitme. n Xfa irfcc 'I otr nt-tir directed thi . film vir*ii;n of die famous lia i. Caine novel ami the can tnrlvilei i lieside* >ir l>ix and Mis* |iu*ct I I’hvliis Haver, farreth I furfur 1 Claude (’.iItaiywater. Mahlon Hair '’ion »»tr’ oilier* c^nally well known I Tile hahy clinic will bold its reg •1 nlar monthly meeting Thursday af tjtcniooo, June 21, at the library This organization is 'one which ■ -!onl> in its imaiKy, having had il ‘ first meeting last month, with a to tjtal ol twenty mothers being pres l fill thlfh fVw-iv —'- %«* .. ■ well, tvlio i* president of the Wo ' man's Community club, has thi - wink in charge, ami re«|uc*tj a fttl Jl attendance at the Thursday session : The infant daughter of Mr. am 1 '"*■ !»• Hawley diet! Satur | day fight. following a two-week. • dines- with rolitis and pun ti mail The remain* wet* carried to th • 'until) burying ground in Sampsm • Sunday, where thev were in terreil - Mrs. W . C. Moore ami non. Will ' >;im. are spending several day* hen tlw guests of Mr and Mr*. Wad • II. CnlTov. - Raymond and John Royals, o C (.renshom. mwui the week-end her with then patents, Mr. and Mr* ■ M \ Royal*. 1 M«: ami ".Mr*. John L. Godfrey • of HilMxno, xjxnt the veek-erx i I r»< with their daughter, Mrs. C t J. Carr. ulto is a patient in tht f flood Jlojie hospital. : > Mr anil Mr* D. N. Gedilic. o I'ayetlcville, yasit Stmdav here rhi • guests of Mr. ami Mr* It. C fled ; die. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Godfrey of Millsls.ro, spent the week-enf : here ilje picjls of .Mr. and Mr* • C. II. Ondfrry. Mr. and Mr*. Thomas 11. Weld I 9»*l daughter*. Misses Tajuise ant ' Ossie, of Concord, are spending : several day* here the guest* of Dr • and Mr*. W. P. Hot Torn, to Mr. Carr a daughter. RoO^^tother ant I • laughter are getting along nice!; in the Inxjiital here. Mr. and Mra. .John Giles ant =UJ-" - -- I. .. children, of Rosemary, spent the J week-end here the funtfy of Mr. i- and XI rt. C. VV. Giles. e Unbind (leddie,- of Rose liflt, is r spending liar hummer here, haring arrepn.it a )*->»ttiou whh the eke e trk-al department of ibe Km in Cot e ton Mill* Cn. He is an engineer II ing student of the nnirersitr. II Mr. and Mrs. Tdui IlMditr. of e Canton, sjient Stinduv here the > uuests of Mr*. K. C.‘ Getldle. n George K. Sewell, of Raleigh, t was a I mi sines s visitor here Monday. Dr. Clcnn Hooper, dentist, of s VYin*ton-Sal«n. spent the week-end I here the guest of hi* relative*. Mr and Mr*. Kdwrin H. Dost. Mr. and Mr*. .John V Raynor ,, and children, of Henson, were the . week-end guest* of Mr. ami Mr* , H. Lucas Mi** Xrtlie Tumagc left Sunday % fs._ U.'l_Ls_!t»_ ti . a . «* I will *! >«id a two-weeks' vacation. | Mi** Margaret Price, nf WUt f alter, graduate of the N. C. C. \V., I tin- |w*t year. ha> nerrpu-d a |«.d ) linn Itere a* stenographer with tlx Ha.-sel Johnson Co. Mr. and Mr*. H. M. Johnaun re ■ turned Sunday ftoiu \Vrighr«tville Reach, where they spent a vacation. « Mias A*ilea Ryrd. of Bttnnleve'. • if spending several days hetr with ■ her sister. Mrs. fV R. Simpson Tlx- local hasebell team cattily de feated the FJka' outfit, of the Ral eigh city league, here Saturday af i ternoon by the score of ') to 2 The I gaute w us fcautrclea*. unless it was the pitching of Fowler, who went | in for the local* wliea the game sat already won. Hi* work wa« of the itellar variety, and with a little. . more work hr will ilcvcktp into » f real hurk-r. For the Elk», " Kid ” t Hr<KK», the midget catcher. caught . 1 splendid game abaft the ntltlicr -md refused to give up nntil the last man was retired. T>ie local man . agrmenr hat honked the strong < Fifth Field Artillery outfit for a re turn game on the local diamond 1 Saturday. The Fort FVragg team • carried off the honor* the Inst.tinw . 'ktc. and the boy* are determined to get revenjje. E n *. .. .. ■ AtColonialTheatre “ , Wednes/ay Only l SIR HAIL CAINE’S e Christian” ■ Benefit of tnp ORGAN FUND of the new CHRISTIAN frlJRCH. At last the nttt famous lore story of all *i time comes to tM screen in a blase of power j and glory. Here is the Drama die world has been waiting to see. >1 ADMISSION ^0 AND 40c Buy your tickets from the ladies and help ” them out. - | YOUR Check [ Account HER VOUR •bank venience. \ you acqi communil

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