that the fainthearted and the emak “Vp **! Dm wttk *n« . jj«-wi- t ... >u M« .1*fc 11 Of « «H U> to i - ■ S$ r.V & & i I 1 s SiV Si4; i % % ): d ■SfaaSau baa Im toM to k baa a wild i u to lift foe world Into m wne Um voice beard by tmZrimmt ***** of we are mart tiodd Many of aa they vara leader each i aM oar people end _ . i where wbo ton a* that we. ' la or-' > Inter on ■■at ehap oar eoaternctian for fear too much work wtn *} that era amt carted bank la order to keep people from . _ tbe thlrv*» which teed to bo The iadhtdaat neon might parbapo without cowardice individual;/ ekeido mat ft 6odd, or not to boy. If he that be could not do i*. to a! a cation, tach at meurcM end pOflDiU - I ofl _ i ^ (uj uwakhbo etataomen. and wow of ita would-be financier* unite to *aj- that Ibo only way to fewmnty k to go back (town toe hai late the Slough of, iblpui, end then dewly climb tbe bill again only to bo knocked down into before iwaefaiac ita commit, we •hall Have lam all Titian, til tour UinuUWVTION VOTES TO DISCHARGE PASTOR Warn. Jut IS.—Tha eaagmga tlaw of tka rtm Cato rad Bagttst hasrotud ky a majority if km ratas again* tka reUntfon of its »aatar. Bar. tout A. Msbaau. The majority faction rocoatty oooarod an1 Injaoctton rtstniotag tbs yaakar from oafiiriag urrVa until tbo matter cowld bo voted oa. Roth faettaaa claimed a majority, ■»d Mp Boer ordered that a yell bo takaa <a aa ordariy manner. This rooaltad la 144 votaa beta* caat for the retention of the pastor and 114 tea against Ua retention. Only mamkeva tehaoc names are on tha rinmek book* wore allowed to rote. ONSLOW COUNTY MAN KIH.PI> BY EXPLOSION Now Bora, Jana IS.—Nat Bytroe •d farinaly; Hagk Vilas, young book hooper, h believed lo bare boon fa tally injured and Pori Patrick, Brs riririrumaif. seaMed, whoa a 141 bamapowoi aUaa bwB.r raided ad aad wrecked dm Banks and Thom as |h wd we nOI si BfcUandc this moraine at H o'clock. It was learned boro over long distance telephone this J. G. Anderson, of the Anderson Motor company, of Rock Hill, S. CL, writing to the Manufacturers' Record, declares that he has been amased at the ignorance manifested a visitors to his plant from the M-th and West Practically all of them, he says, "on tbeir first visit show that they are surprised to nee that we have a town with sewerage, and that we arc not burn ing op from the hot son and that alligators are not crawling around the streets." It is indeed remarkable that there fhoold be snch ignorance on the part of people coming from sec tions where illiteracy is not as out standing as it is perhaps in the Sooth, but the experience of Mr. Awderson is not an uncommon one. Anybody who has occasion to come in contact with Northern and Wes tern people who have not been and seen at first hand conditions in the South, find them ridiculously ig norant of actual conditions. The moat illiterate Southern man seems to be better posted at to con did owes In other sections of the cowweiy than are some .of the col Imp imnAipIb aI »kw Mnvtk < Wert in reference to • the Sooth. Mind prejudice in in the final anal rata, perhapr largely recountable lor the condition—Kinaion Free Preaa. aMMnnnnamanHHnnn DUNN. ROUTE ONE The part ant ha* been ena at KWMSjM IlllSll •W» onnk from ThoaaaaviR*. arhen k*. ha« iniytoi a poaklea aa teacher si *• Orphanage cehool for 23-14. Hav. Samuel Lamb, of Wake Foret*, attended eervicaa at Spring Branch fkuday. j M A. C. J» nkpna. ntndeni at; Creek apent the aroek end at heaae. Rev. M. W. Naler attended tho Ordination of Casper Warren at the Baptiat chareh at Dunn Sunday even Mina Bvetyn Rodgart. ctudnnt at. Baleb Creek, apent the week mill »Rh Mina Lucy Naylor. Mr. Barnett, of Dana, in tnarking a ciaan af Sunday nchool workma at' Mingo chareh thin week. Mian Verne Jackson apmt Sjixiayi in Fayetteville. Mr. J. 8* (Dover, of Durham, vi< Itcd hb father Rev. W R. (Hover, the pant week. Mr. Henry Aman, of Talnon, vlnit ed hb brother, Mr. John Amon hero Sunday. Rev. G. A. Bain, filled hb rugu' ir appointment at Me Elam Sunday. Mr. Charlie Ray Carroll, 0f Angler, vbltad hb aunt, Mrs. O. D. Strick land, Sunday. Prof. H. P. Naylor will tcaeh the Bereca clean at Spring Branch Sun day. the cabinet being ‘ Chrwtian Ed ucation.” All the members arc urged to be preeent. THb in a timely eub Ject. SIMPLE SCRIBE. June IB. 1913. Cotton Latter Now York. June IS.—In ihc llrvl fortnight la Juno the crop outride of Turn ha* deteriorated mom than it ban improved in l>uit State A most unusual event nunng uuj moa‘41 or summer when one usually expects weather which will a<lvanr« the crop to the heat condition of the a"usc«.1 In Texas, the crop shows an excellent Mate of cultivation, with a good Up toot which will enable the rrop u> srlthaUnd much bad Weather do-Inf July. In the remainder of the oot toa bolt, the crop s si above <-.atari, in a poor condition. I A* a result of the pause In the' thought of the merchants, thorugb out the country, tire demand for cot ton goods has been inactive, with the rreuh that the stocks of good* in re tailei* hands is believed to be smaller than usual. Of coacae, the late an 1 rainy weather bus injured th; spring trade. So we sec the mills without protection against the coming win ter trade demands except in the slock which they arc carrying: in excw. of last season. Manufacturer* point out the difference In price of cotton sow1 and the quotations'for thu new crop deliveries, as tbs session that retailors art carrying reduced stock of goods. Therefore, are have on one hand a growing crop which uow looks to be Inadequate to meet the expected re quirements of the world lor next sea son, even with the use of tlia small j carryover, and on the other, thu trodc, as ws know it, net buying ahead as in other ysars. There is also' not the same invuatment demand —V I —■ %>■ eh 111 IMAMU,* uf ,*nt* »uppLo«, bays cotton to bold for ■ long period. JNnribly mu m lecturers doubt thuir •hil ly to lib.lrihal* good* on • higher ha'i* than that bow ruling, and this ■»> affect the mind* of Uioee ••»rurc pi-cneur *• who are usually loosely culled speculators, bat who do ao iaigr; a port of the world’* economics of enterprise. • Thou the march of Ceratn appear* to point to an iccini Ution of the factor* which in other years, at umo time and at tome price, have led to advancing price*. Whithor It will da to thia osteon It it too sou a to piudict bat from tho present outlook, the prospect of an adequate supply of American cotton :* not promising. HL’BBA'RD tilt OS. « <50. Aincrifg l.a< alwuv>i |m-f cried In! ial<« her ;> men front (he soil. Untidy has %he bint I her choice «m theme nourished Where city pave ments separate them from the mo ther of us alL— Calvin Cooliilge. FORT BRAGG AIRMEN RETURN FROM PACIFIC Liaialeaaat Gatov* sad Svryeeot Hil ton, Pathfinders, Given Royal Wei feme by Comrade* Pn..uU-„nT.. Im. t A V I_* * n Gaines, transcontinental pathfinder of the air, and 8taff Sergeant A. J. H:lton, hi*, moehanicaii, completed their round trip giro«j the United State* at flee minutes after i o'clock tWa arternaon, when they landed at their home station of Pope field, which they left a little le># thou four weeks ago to taap out a southern coast to eoASt route for future air travelers. Thry left Boiling Held, this afterneon making the last leg of the flight in something like three hour*. Wright field, at Fairfield, Ohio, was the last stop before reaching Washington late yesterday. The trans continental fliers were given a royal welcome when they landed on the Fort Bragg flying field, a large num ber of fellow officers and soldiers and u big delegation at friends and ad mirer; from Fayetteville were pres ent to greet th* returning heroes. General A. J. Bowiry, poet comman der, was the fiiwt to shake hands with l.MKilanant Gaines and Sergoant Hil-| tin and congratulate them on the achievement, eacces* accomplishment of their great task BEN50N MAN WAS AN UNUSUAL CHARACTER Benson. June 14.—L. M. Mungo raj who died here a few day* ago, wu a' irmarkable naan. Bom just before the] War Between the State* he never had1 the advantMMof an education, his; entire rfffi^f^amavering bat Sevan I days. Nrveithdrw he acquired a good' education. In an article aboat Him1 Dr. G. K. Parker sayr: "Mr. Mnngum was a natural born orator and could speak as intelligent'1 l> and with as much eaao as moat any man I ever saw addressing an audience. On on* occasion th* annu al Christian conference was held with tae church at Pleaaaat Hill, and this being Mr. Minium's home church, he was rhoeoti to deliver the sdilreee of •rekomc. In the audience were sar •ral D. D.*e, and college prefeasor* and many others of the vary beat tai *nf. <rf that denomination. At the cleaa ®f hk editress, ao I am InfoKued, the pivsident of Klon College was heard to remark that H» had never heard ths equal «f that address fall from the lipe of man. * Yoo could read his life as It was reflected In his face; a man of great monarch and information.'1 A SNAKE 'TALE.” Kinston. June 13.— Benny Scott, “ l»o keeps snakes for |i«ts when they are itt season, frequently caf • yuig several in hit pockert, has exploded the theory that a black snake will tight a person. Scott re peatedly heard that the black snake wa* rhc only American species of kitch courage. One tried to "bluff Scott. " The snake darted at me from behind a bush the other day." Scott said. It was the first time T had ever seen anything like it. I thought what a prize it would be,'and start ed after the snake. It wouldn't stand. That i> all bosh about black snakes coiling and fighting. That snake beat me across a 50-acre held. It nearly broke its neck against cotton * hills.' ’* Scott last year arranged a fight between a water rattler and a rat The snake made toward the rat. The rodent, quicker of the two, bit the snake under the throat The ‘ •t>s '• as fatal to the snake. Then the rat died of fright. LEiAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF LANDS Under and by virtue of aa order of rceaW made in * special proceeding* entitled Farquarri Smith, Administra tor at Doekery McNeill ra. Mhry Mc Neill, et-ale, same being No. 204X on •* CoaunMoner wlllr offer, for ca*. »t tho/oort hj LiUingtou. N. (f. oa Mmday, 26 th, 1X22 at £ o’citoAi.Uk following deecrSwd tfibta^er p of laud. ’ DE£ _ The two follow} . df land being in Township. FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a huckleberry true in Grady'* line and run« thence with Gredy'e Hue N. STM W. 0 chain* and 26 links Oo a and pointers In Stephen McKay'e cor ner; thence with Ills lias Ne. 60 chain* and TO links to a stake in the old MaDet line; thence as that tin* N. 61H E. II chain* and 75 Hnk* to • *J»ko »nd point***; thence 8. II B. 57 chain* and (0 links to a stake and pointers; thence R. 16 W. 40 eh*. to^tfc*J»o£aalag, containing 81 acre* | SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a i <*nka in center of the Doan and Lfl Uagtea road onpottt* a largo dead Pino pointers, doe. R Smith'* corner In the McArthur Una and ran* thence; R 14 E. 5500 teat to a stake, Mc Arthur and Halier'. line la the old plantation road; thanca B. 74 W. US foot to a (take; thanca N. 15 W. 4X5 feat te a Make and points**, a cor n*r In Batter** llae. thence N. 5 1-5 B 101514 fact to a (take, Hoary Da »*» comer in B. Cameron's line; thence B. 515.7 feet to a stake in Henry Davie comer; thence N. 5 1-5 E. 1048.6 fact to a stake on the •oath side of Dunn amt Littingtou read, another of Henry Dacia cor ner*; thence a* Duan and LUIlntgon road S. 040.4 feet to the beginning. I PBBW———P contain!a* SI acre* men or law. A dtpoalt of 10 m coat of tho Prtco will bo required of tho aoeaaae lol bidder, ponding c—fli—Moh by tho coart. Thio the nth day of June 1PU. CLAEEMCX l- nun. Juno It It. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTK1 Tho ondoralgnod having qualified ao AdnuniotnOer of tho idrio of John P. Walk hum, docaoaod. Iota of Bor. nott County, thla la to notify all pon aono having r Laima agoinat aotd aa tato to praoaot thorn to mo duly verified on or before tho 11 day of Jnna, 1114, or tblo notice will bo pleaded in bar of chair recovery; oil petooao ladobtod to void aotata will moke lmmodlnta mwit ThU llih day of Juno 1PM. , CLASKNCX J. SMITH, Adml Differ* tor. Jana It H tl July I 1« IT. MEN BETWEEN 30 and 40 * • » are on the average at their highest earning ability. That is tho time to set aside a part of their income for the declining yca£ To often r. i.ome stroke of fortune to make up :ht have saved only to be disappoint pect greater earning power which fi Those that the second half of life is better than" it i* not spent in penury. In vouth joys ai rt disappointments are also sharp and many. 1 _ eaken the body but the mind is as keen as be d stronger with Required knowl edge and expei Provide for declining- years by putting aside some of your « gs in this strong safe hank. The Commercial Bank OUNM, - NOCTH CAROLINA . ... 1.4 PORTLAND CEMENT— ““n ATLAS 1 fppiAMP CIMIItll ———q—— WEE* END TRIPS $5.7XWJUCHTSVILLE Eeaeh will bi k | each Friday and Saturday mi tad to midnight Tuesday foj wing. Round lYip Su er Excur sion Ticket* 7i i dally to Resorts in U\ite States and Canada. Stop allowed. Final limit Oc Slat ATLANTIC fOAST UNE Standard Railroad of the South J. W. Whitehead, Ticket Agent - -- .^ i MR. G1NNER— Do not wait until you in really to gm before looking over your gins and other machinery. Get everything in first class shape. We are headquarters /or repairs—Boiler, and Smoke Stack Work—we have *£* ~ ARC WELDING Hoe Mill Mws and accessories. Large stock mill sap* plies, pipe shAting, pulleys, babbitt, metals, etc. ITI^A PLEASURE TO SERVE YOU . The Jno. A. McKay Mfg. Co. DUNN, . ' NORTH CAROLINA s . ’ • I , _ l _ 0

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