FORD NOT AFTER WIRE BOOSE JOB l[ifh|lilli| Mm, June 18.— “ 1 have vo desire u> be the President of ike United State*,” Henry Ford said, utile stopping oxer the week end hrrr on hi* wav from Provi dence. R. !.. to Poughkeepsie, N. Y. "* 1 am too much occupied with my owe affair* to become the next PrryiiWnt, and I do not intend tn ran. All thi* you hear about my name being associated with the Presidency is newspaper talk. There is nothing to it” With the meeting here yesterday ior the first time of Henry Fun! and Governor John M. Parker, <■! I ouiMina. prominent Democrat* in the Connecticut Valley place higt political significance on a confer race that rook (dace in a local ho tel. The two men. both of when hare been mentioned as possible Presidential candidate* for th« Democratic I‘residential nomina lion, met a Urge delegation of Den octet* from thi* section and tin all) were closeted in a room for son* time Neither would admit tha po-'ltic* with reference to their cyan chance* for the nomination hat hten discussed. Mr. Ford took occasion to deni hi* reputed sympathy for the Ki Kiux Klan, taping that be not onb wa* not a member, but belonged t< no secret organisation whatever. After tlw conference, (Viverno , Parker west tn Greenfield, when /he ►poke at the dedication of ai Elks Memorial statue. There h wa* hailed a* live logical candidat fur President. A tlecided boor among the 10.000 person* there wa evident for Parker. - _____ WILSON COUNTY PEOPLE HEIRS TO A LARGE ESTATE IN TZXA Wilson. June 21.— Many year ago Je**r Johnson, white, on »c ctnrnt of a child born oat a matrimony ami being charged wit being it* father, fled this count and located in Texas, where he put rinsed many acre* of land. Seven year* ago ml ura* discovered on hi estate, three wells were sunk whic proved tn be gushers, and soon h he grew immensely rich. Not Ion since at the advanced age of 92 h NO EXTRA SESSION BEFORE NEXT YEAR Coventor Morrison docs not an ticipate calling a special tsisinw of the General Assembly before 1924 even if (he report of the committee investigating the feasibility of State ou-rxwi and operated steam ship lines is favorable, he indicated yesterday when be stared his belief that the committee will require at least six months longer to complete its report. When that report is completed and submitted to him. Governor Morrison said, if it is favorable it will be submitted to the members of the General Assembly. “ My action then." he said, " will be determined by the advice of the members of the General Assembly and public sentiment as 1 find it at that time.'’ The investigating committee, the Governor said, has hardly made more than a beginning on its task. The members of the committee have viewed the waterway* of the State. ■ Rut the business of getting the de tail* necessary to determine the ad visalatity of the State's entry into shipping operations involves, ac cording to the Governor, a great ■ deal of work. No members of the i committee, who are busy men, are devoting their whole time to the i work. " In the only talk I have had witli - the commission,’' said the Cover . nor, " I told them that I wanted i them to make the most complete re . port on water home commerce evei . made in the United States. I wil , he absolutely satisfied with the re i port when it is made. I befieve tlx people of the State will be satis fied with it.” — Raleigh News am Observer. , died without leaving a wilt, and i ' develops that beside* the three ui wells his estate is estimated to bi i worth $7,000,000. Mrs. Zcb. Wear - er, a grand niece of deceased, am f several other Wilson county penpli i and two fmm Johnston county, di* f tant relatives, have employed legn - counsel, and they will leave to 1 Texas at once to get a line on tfv f big windfall. 1 ■■■■ - c Home grown roasting ears an < being offered for sale on the loca t market. SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES tkm ftMmrimg pwywty f mtktj tmmm 4mm tW Cmly «l Hm J. W. MeAKTAN, tkmm Hmatt Cbuty. I tttrt. Arm urns. Un HAjnrooA II t. Mrt* R I un l M I M ff.M Ml.II. iitfl ■■'»)■. ■■■■ Win* Xi ’ an tv *, f t w. arc. U W. ltl-a. > ..!*»* kl »■ . let. talk./* • .X U. l». tiX|». r*r.. ■». .w< |r? t Iimoa. Mu !;•;» v.• fc. «. *■- p. Mt. i*l.*a •A. !:•-*» 10-tt. |. 4 i(V ktaj CU'ldir R i K't* *\*-‘ nrlia. Vfr. L. *. I lot l ilt • •i. I kl. »n «1 i V. a. 3*- I*, et.amh, Haul* r.*.« 1. f ->i • ylor, Mrr. Pain* 3 lot* ft • rtpa. \trr. * . B. 1 lot*. If, >*. ■■nr, <X lx t-a. » i..t« |ill.:. ox. Mr* V f. |] a •" <• l«rM.iti. o T. M-a, i •*»»*, kwoiu, io-«. »' i.T. tmlnole phoe, W|:.> I lot ft i» art. L. W 44 *. tu.ll (ad* Mr*. Naomi I lot tie.: 7 nuiaa. w. T. ll-a. 111.** ratio*, mm j. n i lot it?.: a. ooxorko araaa Mary Note I lot ilatMtlX John. 1 l i t. *11.11. onto*, ta oalajr I Into 111 1* •atom. J. ft I lot lit* arur. Adalla l lot **.>«. oa, Ira 1 lot 114 40. OX IttM 1 104 |T 1*. •jtlBfion. J. P. * 1010 111 11. :..#ritX Joka 1 lot 1!.I4 andy. Sflanlo I lot* *11.1*. >*dy. Job* 1 lot »» 14 rant. (Tartar 1 lot 111.41. larteEold. H. H. 1 lot 1*44 lartodoM. J*kt 1 lot lilt*, onto, Walter 1 lot *IT *•. (Itton. Justice 1 lot UK. •t Jtanlr 1 lot 111.**, laaolo. W. WX I let* 111 l*. [oooa Alan 1 lot IrKay. Mill* 1 lot 11.11. loKay. Milton J. *T-a. 111.II. IcKilOan, Clyde 1 lot *!.*•. Eaynor. Dock 1-a. lu ll lyTro. W. t. ll-a. *41.03. mlth. Coanlo a 1 lot Ill.Td with. Tort 1 lot til l*, rttltli. Ella* Bat 1 lot 111:« 'non. Don. I lot* rukln* w. E. 1 lot *11.11 rilllamn Tlor* 1 lot Pill lama, Lewi* B. 1 lot I1I.I7. nlllaaa. Earl I lot Ill.lV Cumack. Oeo. t lot 111 TO , tone*. Mary V*. |»Yo. I >ra«t«horn J-aoMIt* Eat 1 IM tn.t* lain** m. a. i let MU, A. N. 1 M 04.0* V Hit*. 0*0.. i tat. |t* ta. 1 loodmon. O. R, I Tata '•*• 7»txi tea tviM a aicwito _ TOWExtnr Til loin. Mra. Haiti* 3 lot* lit.I*. [odyaa j. u 170-a 1107.1;. lolland. W. R t lot li t* •■oil. rit*. a r. i lot «um. Ikell. Mra E C 1 lot 116.14. Todwlo. R u. 41-a till 70 ••• taxes rw man -raw a amp (amax. Kiaa R.lll a 111.47. teaalay. M. IX 1*4-a III 10. !nn<* Walter ll-a 117.10. Aalroloth. J. c. Ik. |ia«d tedwla A. J, 70-a 170.01 kruena T. B. 1 tet *1.40. 'Ollnrd. Mra J. T M-a *U.0». Pnftr. P P. 1 Into 00 10 tkell. (X p, 16-a Waddell Inn*. ITUS. Kent**. laalah M-a Weaver Ld. 0*6.00 William* M. IX 17-a 111 IX Wklttiartoa. j. A. 47 a lll li ltd* DUKE rOWXIIUp ■ OEM l“l TABES S— AVKBASnOBO TOWBimr lull or. Dr. Ja* R ■ lot. ||t.}*. Tanaadr-Yeuaff aad Boat 1 lot tt.ia >u*X / K. Jr. I lota $10.00. Jodwln. R L. 4l-a MIT.30. lark*on. E W. M-a 11070. loProya F. J. Ill * 111117 IrrnlKun. R P.. 1-a l lot. *11 41. roknaon. Howry P. Ill-a. *14.11 dnoda. W. T. an* Co 1 lot (III ■ < dond* W. *. | 0-4-a 117.*7. KcLamb. J. y. 10-x lll.ll. Parker. K L ll-a. 000.17. tmlth and McKay * lota *117.11. ibaii. a p. * iota man. Ikrll. Mra Colli* ITt-a t lot* kite M Imitk A McKay. I lot* tilT.IX lorreIX A. L 171-a 4 lot* ItO M Wnrrua. Dr. R f- »4-a. Ili*l'i Warrrn Droa l»t-a »»l».*» Warren. B. R «t*-a It’ll 11 round. A. r. Bat ll-a t lot- l‘.t< <* rnuoir aad Canaady * lot* *71.4i rarrlati. AlonaoM-a 1131.71. ■HEX last Sma*yV IK jSV*"W,IP rtamoa P. H. It-a lioltx r»y»W, MP*. K 4.147-a Raa lilt 'I Todwt*. H E da Horn* Ptaro **• *• •rMita. CJ.Wa R R |11*7. raekaoaJJ W. 10 * 17HX •'"wa WUllr J. M-a *17.ia ?’***■ K . >H-a Eotedoaa. 171 It Pop*, data M-a E. R w it UIV WAS IN A BAD FIX (£fdOM NERVOliy WMBESTIIIM >aaaaaaaaaaa ............ LEGAL ADVERTISING ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE liavaig qaallfled aa administrator to tho estate of G. R, Hodgem, de ceased. this « to notify an penoni baring claims against aaid estate to prasent same is the undersigned on or before the 1st, day of June, 1924, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persona Indebt ed te said estate will please soaks Immediate settlement This Jane 1, 192S. X. F. HODGES, Administrator ef as tat* of G. B. Hodges, deceased. June 1 » 12 29 July 9, NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtas of the power of sale contained in a deed of trast executed by L. C. Dap re* and wlfa, Lifllt May Dapree, to I. R. Williams, Trustee, recorded in Harnett County la tho office ef the Register of Deeds In Beok 124, page 111, default bar ing been made in the payment of the imte thereby secured tad the under signed trustee having been called upon to foreclose the trust, the un dei signed trustee will offer for ml* at the coum^HtfSm'WQor, LUUngton, N C., at-#ttbllc aumiofi, for eaah, at 12 e tjRk M., on pt list day ef Mny^^tia, Ube following described turcjdrscu of laM:\ Awo certain butts ,od laud lying beingKgJlafnrtt .county. State Caiyu, bounded and de i fouowi : : Jtginfsf at a stake formert# Dr. Hudson's F. Smith's Une and runs aa _ line M/lP 1-1 W. 16.19 tghaine to a stake in Smith and Baas Fbsrry Road; Thence as the said road N. Sr-*.' 16.06 chains to L W. Tay !or*a corner, near the gin 1st; thence another rued & 17 8-4 E. 9.85 -a-1— to a stake In the West ddt of tho Road; thence South 6 West 845 clustos to Suggs' corner In the ditch; thence os Ms line S. 27 5-4 E. 5-40 chains to another corner of hfai ihcnee 8. 80 1-8 B. 1021 chain* to a stake, formerly J. W. Wade and L W. Taylor’s corner In J. W. Lane’s line; thence aa his line 8. 69 1-4 W. 16.40 chains to the beginning, con taining 84.08 acme. Second Tract: Beginning at a stake In the Bam Ferry Road where the road going oat from Dunn aa Main St., goes into it, being L. C Du prees and Charles Jobfison's corner, in R. kl. Pearsall's lb*#, and runs aa L. C. Dupree and (nulls Johnson's line N. 1-4 R. 19.8# chains to L. C. Duprees and CherU#Johnson's corner st the neuidipf a witch, thence aa their line amiwltel# S. 89 7-8 B. 81.76 chains to theifce A his Use and L. C. Dupree's Hoc S» 1-t R. 19 ->■->— to Die middle of m the Dunn-Nrwton Grove Road; lUes as the said road S. 82 1-2 W. lKhulns S. 86 W. 9.40 chains and S0A1 86 W. 9.48 ebaiaa to the beginning, containing forty nina and 85-100 acres. This 17th day of April, 1988. L R. WILLIAMS, Trustee. L. C. DUPREE. In consideration of the fast that the residence of L. C. Dupree was destroyed by fire Saturday sight. May 98, 1989, the above sale is again continued until June 18, 1998. This 28th day of May, 1988. I. R. WILLIAMS, Trustee. I. C. DUPRHE. In consideration of the fast dial the residence of L. C. Dupree was destroyed by fire Satarday night, May 84, 1988, the above sale is again 1,1 1 J0SSS3SES .LLi-1.1 .i_Sia.m.j— continued until 18 o'clock noon, Jane SO, IMS. Thlc 14th day ot Jane 1S8S. I. R- WILLIAMS, Tmetae. L. C. DUPREE. Jane 15 St 8*. EXECUTORS NOTICE Tka undaraigned baring qualifier aa r locator upon tka aatatc el G. W. Wklttanton, dacaaaad, lota ol Hamate county, tkia la to notify al (MrnoM having ekdrfi egainet the Mid eetate to present them to me, en or before the let day of jane, 1934, or thto notice wtR be nlanilcil la bet of their recovery. All if raon. indefct ml U anld eetate jjfi pic* it make immediate peytbet^r Thle the Ian# of Jane. 1913. T. |rwHrmKTON, Kxecetor ofT}. W. Whltteaton. Guy end Parker, Attorney* I June llllli 99 inly 3. Oil —”al .Mil III II ■ I JUST RECEIVED I Barnet Sc HolBday Co. Dunn, North Carolina i .—.... ' Enro^^|o^^£0|& J Suits YmlbivadueOmmUp of® I and in a-4hort time tfou will have a car of I your own-Nnien arf “out-of-doors*' will be yours to enjoi witn your family. B Tttok jof dreyomfort, the pleasure and Buy your car urwrthe terms of the WeeAfyj^rcJiate&latv I For as little as $4, you can select the Ford you want and pice your order at once. We will put thia mo4ev in a local bank for you —at interest. Mch week you add a little more. This also fl raws interest. Soon your B payments, plus the interest earned, makes the car your own. Come in! Let us give j you full particulars about this new plan. W. THORNTON I PkM* ITT-Disa. N. C. B 4 MttFB&M. Ml l-t-aStau Mllll , U- W. *» M-k llUi iTta^Ba? - B H. Ul* .* low turn. Cornell* la M«* w. p. ts-a Man. * !■. “• • and Orufkn 1 M . -v H U M-a. MAM. -». Hardy P. Bat. lit-* N K«a*«w. Mr*. Ml la t let fill* r MM»«. JA W. 1 t«t 117.1* r •**2- Vfckio tit *. (111.1 a r Bo*, j j. IIM 114.1* r WtoA k. B. it l-4-a. nui. b Laytoa. Ituwatl It 1-l-a. tlAt* B ta 2 2: ,r? Btii j I-a*, n .A Bat. M-A 14 4A Ua i- B- M-a. **d.f*■ 1 Cm aad UoldaWta 1 Mt Cm. f. D. #*-a Ml.44. I Cm. M. T. II-a |4.M. I. Coca* W. J. aad A C. M-a lit.!* C Cueaa Claud* R. 1 wit tilt. C Ueu A A » lota It.*1- f Ut, T. A. t lot C itHl*». a f. it-* uaii. i Mtadi. K. H. 11a MU*. t Mura Mr* Oaaota t lot lit .It. < Moor*. J. T. M-a (1AM. I McKay. H. A a loto ni.ii. t MoKay. Ktao Eunice 1 lot Mil.amt. A W. M-A MAM. J irayl*r. Mr*. Ct. W. 1 lut I Naylor. A A I lot ITAflA I Helirh tor a Rmnlu It* I Kelthhora Arthur Id-a III It. > Xaiakbora H. a 41 * (111* I Nrlrhbor*. Era**l 11a (41.1 A 1 Norri* A F. »->, HI M Xerrta. Archl* U 1 let Mill. I XorrlA Mr* Crocy td-A M M Xorrta. C. A. •-* 111.14. f Norri*. A V. M-A II7.*7 Korrta. A V. aad C. A ll-a. lilt. 1 Norri* C U IT * Mi ll. Norri* J. A li t. Illll. 1 Norwood. O A I lota 1 Pedraall. Mra R I. ll-a mi ll 1 Poor tall. A M. St - a 111.44 1 People* Supply On. I Wt til?.II. 1 Ptoaaaac. W ft tt-a Jll.tA < £op*. R*y. WUll* 1 lot MAT* 1 fop* T. L II I. I IU«Utcr. J A 1 lot Ml 10 I ■ten* W. A ll-A ISA 44. I ttaaaoA L D. Il-e. Sandora. Aehlry I l*u 111 It Shall. Mr* Calll* A 111-a I lou IflT.TI. Smith, C. a U-e (Till ;< Smith, J. Walter 4-a lull Smith, A O ll-a 111.4* | Smith. A F. 17 -a lil.M. Sorrell, Kaary 1(-a !<*•* I Bo.-r.ll, Ala* Ita M-a It I. SO. state Rank aad Trail Co. 1 tot (Til* i Stewart Bn. o W. ti-a lit wt. Btewart. a W. lt-a. Ill It. I Stewart. Mr* Mlanle 1-l-a UTS. Stewart. Mra, 11.* (ll.Tfl. 1 Stewart, H M. lt-a lll.ll. See la*, fc. P. I lot* 1171.11. i Serle*. O. M. I lot* 10.17. Sarlct. Robt. A 1 lot IST.SA Tort. Winifred tt-a. III.1A T*M. B M. ( Wta Tart. W. H. I wt* Ht.ft Tart. T. F. 11-A ( Tart, rank 1 lot llldd Tinman. Madotlba 1 let 144.1a Tmalov*. O O tl-a. Ill II , Turner*. W. D and W. J. loner I lot 114. M. ; Tart. Jm*o lM-a I lot Illll*. I Wad* W. P. 1 lot. HIM. 1 WadA W. F. Sr. •-* |ll«t. I Wad* and Purdt* 1 lota 1117*. Wad#, A A M-a ISAM.. WarreA 1. R 1 lot I Warren. Dr. It- U *4-a IMAM. Warraa ilrua IM-a mill. ■ Warrea Bl A IM-a ItTlflO Wcarer aad Ferrtak Itt-A II M , Waalhrook. Paul M. 4 wu Md.fll. I Wllnon. Jar W. 41-a I Iota |T1 fll . WtlklaoaA U C « lota (U.M. Wilkin***, an x. c. 1 wt IMS* • Witaon. j, j. lt-a HI M WllaoA 1. W. 41-a 1 lota 171*41. Wood. John A lt-a Ml*. Yoon*. A F. Bel flfl^1 lata I11AII ! Taylor. Nr* T. A T-a MM. I Hwds*A tl. J. IM-a IM1.M. 1 FWwor*. (Wn. t Iota 171.11. Rlaaa, Faula |rol.l 1 tat li t*. Iny. T ut. RaL (1-a Raa lilt*, i Iwalsaa W. H 1 wt live* Allman. X. T. M-a 171.1*. . fcwejtk* * Barefoot. Mra Ell* 44-a. 111.71. > Itar*foo4. O. A 1 lot fAlfl. . Catalina T»1 and Tel. Co. t lot Coala Mr*. Allan ll-a A R 111.7* Dupraa Mra L. ft m-a i^^M*33= — — I i ss^^pmnrw in the Studehaker Blf all the performance, all and oil the dependability^! can give—at a price the duceie cannot even sppr4a The Eig-Sbc Touring l|a •enter car with a sr motor and eeven passeng throughout. It distinctly 4 passenger body mramtep passenger chassis. The Big-Six will hills on high. It will rate of speed over long after hour. No ear protH Ail riding—none is eaai None is finer from I Equipment U complete, even to an «t tra wheel with tire, tube and tire cover. lu low price is due to targe volume and to the fact that Studebaker over head Is shared by three models—ell size*. Then, too, only one manufac turing profit is included in the Big-Siz price because all vital parts are manu factured in Studebaker plants. If you spend more than the Big-Siz price you can buy more weight and butkinesa and pay more for overhead and operation, but you will not get • better automobile. Studebaker has been building qual ity vehicle* far 71 yean. Power to any climbabU hill I DEBAKER I SMITH A McKAY |L >obbi, — North Carolina Hit It A 8TUDBBAKRR YBAR %

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