ml • • - ■ THCDUNNl VOLUME X. DOWN, NORTH CAHOLim MARK CROSSINGS WITH STOP SIGNS Practically Every Grad* Croc aiog lo State Ha* Warn ing Sign In Place I'radically every grade crossing on the Slate system of highway* ai*d all crossings on minor road: that lead from State highway! nrniM railroad*, have been marked with sign* that can he read a i|itar ter of a mile away, informing tin. motorist that the law rejuires al traffic to no]) before crossing the track.^ The law goe* into effect next Saturdv night at midnight. The signs are painted in red let ter* against a while background thrvv feel square, and are set ten feet above the road on (hr right, ‘liter are very much larger than the marker* used to give warning of diarp curves, rmss-road* and rar row bridges, and there will l*c lit tle excuse for the motorist to con tend that he did not *ec the sign. Penalties of ten day* in jail, or a fine of $10 and costs, either or both of which may l>e imposed at the discretion of the judge, arc pro vided tn the statute passed by liie last General Asaembly requiring die motorist to crane to a halt al a dis tance not exceeding fifty feel fiom the nearest rail. Jurisdiction lies only in the Superior Court. Failure of the motoritf to come to a full stop cannot f>e pleaded by the railroad as contributory negli gence in action* arising out of ar cident* at grade rrosing*. ft was around that |ioiiit that the law hail its greatest difficulty in passing the Mouae. and the provision was final ly written into the statute.— Kal eigh N'ew* and Observe! ■ tail Aai #syvaaae**i#iaaww>nextf> v»» wmmbMiunuw WILL FIGHT WEEVIL Monroe, June 2-4.— In anticipa tion of hull weevil ravage* in Union county this year, the hoard of coun ty commissioner* yesterday in joint i cation with County Farm Detn onstrator Broom and a number of auriujn and molVaaea to be' furnished supply merchants at actual cost, they in tum to furnish the materials at aciual cost, either for rash or on time, to their cus tomers to use in poisoning the wee vil in its early stage*. HALF OF WORLD'S WORKERS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE Fully one-half the workers of the world are now engaged in ag riculture, according to figures |>ub lished by the United States De partment of Agriculture. <H all occupied men and hoys in 23 lead ing countries, 51.4 per cent arc en gaged in agriculture, and of all oc cupied women and girls, 50.6 per cent follow agricultural pursuits, statistics show. The figures do not include the large agricultural pop ulations of Russia, China, Serbia, Hungary, .Argentina and Brazil. The largest number of lsjth male ami female agricultural workers in the countries covered is in India, where 71,000,000 males and .V4, 000,000 females are so employed and comprise 72 per ctnf of the to tal number of workeri. The United States is second, with 11,000,000 male and 2,000,0000 female agricul tural workers, or 2*1 per cent of all emphrycrl persons. The figures were compled to show that problems concerning ag ricultural workers affect a larger number of workers in almost every country than those engaged in man commerce, and in a few countries more than in. all these industries combined. CITIZENS’ COMMITTEE NAMED TO CHOOSE SITE Fayetteville, June 21.— A citi rens’ committee representing every township in the county will be named by the hoard of Cumberland cmmty commissioners to select a suitable location for the erection of a new court house ami jail, to as certain the cost of enti struct ion and consider other detail* connected with the plan to replace the present court house and jail with new struc tures that will be a credit to the county. Plenty fittw fllassosns Cotton blossoms were brought or lent to The Dispatch office fester day by the following farmers, all of whom live in the Dunn district: Arthur McKay J- & Goddard. H. F. Warren. Rmmett Pxlgerton, E. G. Warren and II. G. T-ee As was stated in Friday’s Dispatch, a blos som was found on the farm of Rev. H. II. Ctrfl at Falcon on June 21. Rev. C. T. Underwood, colored sent one In today. JUDGE COLLINS SAYS HE WAS A “SUCKER" Admit* Ha Cart Ku KJux $10, Bui Ha Say* Ha Waal No Farther Than That Grensboro, June 21.— “A nun hxte* to admit that he Iws been u sucker. I gave them S10, bui iliert uiy connection «ilh the Klan end ed. Jmlgi’ 1.1. II. Collins, of Greensboro's mtuiici|>al cmirt, s»id today in answer U» the charges that have Iwen nude connecting him with the Ku Mux Klan "When the Ku Kin* Klan or gonirer first came here I talked with him and saw nothing wrong ; with the principles of the organira | tion as outlined." he said. " 1 *up j pose I should have stated that at I first " I was like wveral other hun dred citizens of Greensboro, and was taken in by this graft when it first appeared, but T do not consider that 1 have ever l<en a member of the organization “ My one and only transaction consisted of (>assmg over the Sin and I knew nothing of the ritual or ceremony of the Klan.” He was given instructions to go to a merchant and have hi* robe made, but never went, he said. Collins was challenged try P.. P., Pouldin. of this city, prominent cit izen, to deny that he had joined the Klan. Bouldin called for " the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.'* BDFAI/<V 0 »s #*Aai as • WT.v> • I/L.WI1 LT — r,f,IV OF TORRID TEMPERATURE Chicago. June 23.— The heat wave which has turned the central section of the country into a hot houvr since last Monday probably will go into its second week of tor rid temperature, continuing wlial weather observers declared today was an unprecedented heat wave in point of duration. The heat still is intense over the central, west-central and southern district, according to the weather over a wide area The govern ment thermometer a> Decatur, III., registered 101 degrees No moderation is indicated for the middle and middle-western sec tions, Imt local thundershowers are probable in the northern and west ern lake region and the upper Miss ississifipi valley. In the south and wmrhwest fair weather will con tinue until Sunday night and prob ably longer. THIRTEEN LUCKY NUMBER FOR NEGRO | Fayetteville, June 21.— Henry ; Dixon, 68-year-old negro of Hock fish township, doesn’t see anything unhteky in the number 13 And he doesn't try to conceal the fact that he wears a number 13 shoe. For that fact cleared him of a charge of having liquor for the puptosc of sale. The whiskey was seizes] by Deptuy Sheriff Marshall McLean, who found it in two big glass jugs hidden in the woods about ten miles from FayettevTUe. Dixon was ar rested on a charge of harboring the liquor. Hut the chief evidence to connect the hootch and its owner consisted of track* leading to the hiding place. The tracks were made by a 9or 10 size foot, and Henry's feet were placed in evidence by his lawyer. They proved to be a generous thirteen The aged uegro thanked every body in the court room when Re corder Charles W Bmadfoot pro nounced him not guilty. DR. AND MRS. CAMPBELL EN ROUTE TO EUROPE The Dispatch ha» received the following letter from Dr. J A. Campbell, of Buie'* Creek, which will be of interest to it* reader*: " New York, Kn root* to Eu rope, June 21, 1923. "Shall appreciate what you can do for u* this summer Expected *c» lay laxt brick on dormitory yea | tenlay. I lave fine water in deep welt. " Should any friend* write u* a word while away, letter* mailed in U. S. June 20-23, addre** Imperial Imtel, Rnttel** Square. London, Eng. June 24 and 25. lintel Luletix, 43 Boulevard Raxooil, Bari*. France. I June 26-2JI, Brand hotel. Bnta aels, Belgium {one 29 and 30, Victoria hotel, 'rankfurt, Germany. Julv 2-14, Regina hotel, Stockholm, Sweden. Scotland addre** not yet known. Sail 22nd of June on S. S. Mont dare from Montreal Return to New York August 1.1. 'Blearing* on yon and our dear home folka CO-OPS ORGANIZE THE DUNN LOCAL Organization Follow* Aa En lliuiutk Manting la Lo Cal Opmrm Houm 'Hie l>unn local of the \orrli Carolina Cooperative Cotton .Mai l-cling association »v.~* oiganized Frida,' afternoon. following .-> wel1 at tender I ami enthusiastic mei-tiiiR of mcniliurs of the asvKialirm liv ing in the Dunn district The fol lowing officer* were vler-ted : Presi dent. Marvin Wade; vice- presi dent, G. IJzgjjctt ; Ms-reiaiy, Geo K. Grantham, Sr.; executive com mittev. A. H. Morgan, Johnston county; John William*. Cumber land county; T C Gilbert Samp son county; l.lovrl Royals; Har nett county. Ail members of the Co-operative Marketing association living in the territory surrounding Dunn who are not members of Mane other lo cal are a«ked to Ix-come inemher* of the Dunn local. All who wish to liecotne a member of the local lieie slionld hand or mail their name and address to Mr. Gran than). I hr M*t*rrfirv of »(*. purposes in organizing the local is to eliminate trouble arising from incorrect names and addresses of members of tire association, which often causes delays in getting '"hecks to the individual member. The meeting Friday afternoon was held in the Metropolitan <he atre, and was addressed by Id T. I.ciniord. field dirertor for this dis trict. Mr. Lqi|wril told of the *ur fess with which the association met dicing the first year of its history, and also pointed out some of the mistakes made, which are to he air retted The one great need of thc a asocial inn, he said, is more cotton. The wajr to get more cotton, he con tinued, is to get more members. He appealed to those who are already member* to get busy and secure ad ditional members among their neighbor farmers. After Mr. Leppard had finished iMteaptoSssf themselves as being highly pleased with what the organization had ac complished. and declared them selves ready to get out and assist in securing additional members Locals have already been organ ized in several localities in the Dunn district, and the association mem bership ha* recently been doubled in some section*, it it said. SUNDAY’S CONCERT ALL TO THE GOOD What was declared to have been one of the very best band concerts ever rendered here was given on Taicknow square Sunday afterooo by the Dunn Concert hand. Sev eral hundred people witnessed the concert, which was not only a credit to the member* of the band, but to the town a* wcH. The program rendered was what might be termed “ short and suapjiy," with no long waits between selection*. Other concerts will he rendered on the " square" 'during the sum mer months and members of the hand are to Ik- commended for fur nishing the public with high-class hand music like that rendered Sun day afternoon Perhaps no town in the State of like population has more or better musical talent than Dunn. Citizens of Dunn don’t have to leave home to hear one of the ikii ubkci i uana'i in me roumrj NEUSE RIVER SCENE OF A BAD FREIGHT WRECK Twenty-one loaded freight car* of an A. C. L. north-bound freight tram were derailed and piled upon the bridge which spans the Neuse river, near Smithfield, at 5:30 yes terday morning. AH passenger trains were detoured by way of C/oMshnro and Wilmington to Flor ence, S. C., and I>nnn was without passenger and mail service for more than 24 hour*. While the wreck resulted in much damage, all member* of the train crew escaped unhurt. The canse of the wreck has not been de termined. The wreckage wa* cleared *o that train* began passing over the Ividge at an early Imor this morning. Fayetteville Eligible* Washington, June 23.—'pie Civil Service Commission today" certified as eligible fur appointment a* post master at Fayetteville; N. C., Royall l>. Tone*. Chester G. Bell and John 8- Downing. Don’t forget that your copy of Extension Circular 137, telling how to dust cotton for control of the boll weevil, is waiting for you to write to the Editor, Extension Ser vice, Raleigh, and ask for it. SHERIFF THOSE WITH Ha» la Tka » DUNN Cl WELL Check* R*nf< Un To (700 Back To 1 ty “Paid" Ti Checks, T. With a big pil checks, *otnt of them dated I far as M21, in his collection inb "taxes jiaid” am) upon no money can be realised, J. Itill Mc Artan is this w wing •ar rant* for those handed him the check* in of taxes'* anil received _ pts in re turn. There a il hundred of the rherks, ra_. in denomina tion from a few on up to above $700. npcm the *' good as golds “ of some of the most prom men in Har nett county. Trom riie towa chairman of the beard of - commission er* came *mne checks of largest denomi but the big gest town in the is not re sponsible for the art of the $4,000 in vali — not by any means. Pi four cor ners of the cot II through the middle the of paper which the ban will not near up unoer tnc Hr clearance ' rules. H The situation' nHph faces the vhenfl is that tbo<^Ho gave these checks iiava been tffWred [jerfectlv rood receipts wt^^kefease them from tax ob'igaft^^ft the county for the various-which they were ^ drawn. fineypiRn this w ill '* bring in (he bacon " nr1 not remains to be aeen. It may prove vo for the county. Tt has not proved so in individual cases heretofore. Hut one thing is sure The office of the sheriff, which i« tlie tax col lecting agency in Harnett county, intends to l>e relieved in some way of the responsibility of carrying about $4,000 in worthless checks as an asset when it it really a lia bility of a most unreliable sort. It it thought that most of the checks will be made good by person* who drew them, in order to prevent ex posure to public criticism for hav ing thus defrauded the county out of its just rights. It hai not been stated at the sheriff's office whether interest will be demanded upon the checks which have “ run" for a couple of years, hut it is likely that this course will he pursued m the case of the larger ones. The board of county commis sioners early after their installa tion adopted a policy of economy m exyienditures and strict protection of the county's sources of income, and ever since it has been their pol icy to keep a sharp watch over the treasury, which course has been commended by good citizenship throughout the county. It is be lieved that the board will hearlilv endorse the action of the sheriff in his attempt to realize upon the checl-g in bis office that have been turned down by the hanks upon which they were drawn. Only a negligible port of the large collection of checks were giv en the sheriff for other than tax re ceipts. A few of the smaller ones were handed in for other fees. Monday .luly 2nd, is the date set for the sheriff*» safe of land for de Hnqucnt taxes. The Hut. which is now being published for the re quired thirty days in the two news papers of the county, represent snmetliirtg like *40,000 The sher iff is determined, however, not to become the holder of more worth less rhedcs in payment of taxes on land advertised, and he is demand Sng that check* be certified a* “ g«d " before turning loose any more receipt*.— Harnett County News. ALLOW MIL. NORWOOD ROOM a4 EXEMPTION »4 Ssluiiury, Tnna 2.4,— J. D. Nor wood, president of the Mecklen burg Milk company and formerly president of the People’s National bank, today was swarded sn upper room in his handsome Fulton street residence as his homestead exemp tion by three commissioners acting under a sheriff’s execution on a Moment for flOjOOO secured b> Raleigh attorneys for out of the State crudkoi* of Mr. Norwood. 0 SOLMEX DROWNED IN LITTLE RIVER Fort IIragg. June JO.— Tile Itndy of Private Allen B. Roach, attached to headquarters lottery, fifth field artillery, who had been missing from his harraeks for two day*, was discovered late yesterday af ternoon on the banks of Little River, nbrmt a half mile from the plant of the leaker tew [jghr asd Power Co. He had been drowned. Although there is no suspicion of fool play attached, a board of of ficers i* making a thorough investi gation. I.'p to this afternoon, the inquiry had nor lieen completed, and no formal statement given nut. As far as could hr ascertained this looming, Private Roach went out with a number of lu* comrade* to pick dewberries near the river. Me wandered away from them in the hunt for the berries. That was the lest the soldier* saw of him alive. When he failed to return to bar rack*, a general alarm wa* sent our and marching parties started a hunt for him. A few hundred yards from where the bodv waa found, there it a bouse the occupant* say Roach had stopped there late Sunday aftemrun and inquired the wav back to the reservist no On the banks of the river were found hi* clothes. The belief is expressed at ramp that Roach had been drowned hi an attenurt to swim the river to re join his companion*. Private Roach waa die son of T. |. Roach, of Greensboro The body has been sent to Spray.N. C... for burial. LIGHTNING STRIKES BARN, DOING MUCH DAMAGE Statesville, June 23.— Lie struck the ham of A. W. of the incident was that a son of Mr. Stevenson, who had his hand on the mane of one of the burses, was not affected by the stmlA that caused the animal to fall suddenly at the young man' sfeet. W. R. Stevenson was knocked down and one foul was affected by the stroke. ■A. W. Stevenson, who was inside the horn, was not hurt. The bam was set or. fire and was consumed with it* contents. NORTH CAROLINA HAS DIVERSIFIED FARMING Raleigh, N. C., June Id.—\orth Carolina was presented agricultur ally in enviable terms try Hon. A W. M cl .can in the West during the spring at an important bankers' meeting. The middle western mem bers did not like or believe the state ments that North Carolina was so well diversified or had the high val ue of crop* I hat was claimed The Crop Reporting Service of the De partment of Agriculture at Raleigh was asked to present the facts in the rase. Regarding diversification, it was found that ttlinni* and Iowa are mote of one-crop States than is ours. In fact, our largest acreage is devoted to com, which occupies 38 per cent of the cultivated area. Wheat has almost 10 jier cent, hay over 12 per cent, oat* 3 ner cent. cotton 24 per cent and tobacco 8 per cent. So far as the value* are con cental, if limited to the crop* alone. North Carolina had last year, an average of over $4800 per acre, wherea* Ilinois had $20, Iowa $21, Minnesota $16. and Nebraska $14.00 Considering both crop and live-stock value* per improved acre of farm land. North Carolina had practically $61.00. Illinois $33.50, Iowa $41.00, febraaka S26.SO. and Minnesota $28.00, In view of the criticism that hat been made of the ooe-crop and one rrty South .these figures should of considerable interest and grat ification. Tt is troe that in some sec tion*. we devote too much acreage to tolmcrn and cotton, which remits in such riMiiunmitie* having the food ami feed* thev should raise on [an economic farming hast*. A* a matter of fact, we have no particular room for crowing, be cause the high cost of our produc tion. due to hand labor and com mercial fertiliser*, offset* the op parent profit* per acre over the mid tile western farmer*. The big prob i lem in the South is one of iui eernt otnic nature, h» which nor farm la . bor should be more carefully dis tributed throughout the year, and more live-stock should be used In convert essential crops as raw prod ucts Into moat* and iertifisers aa finished product*. Our soil will never become really fertile until i • sijct SUE TOBACCO CO-OPS «y la , battle# of the Tobarco Crtrwer*' Co-operative Association in 1923 teem destined to revolt* around i*in county. The associa tion ha* already started ate 1923 lc gal campaign againat Pin count) grower*, and 67 mendter* of the a»«ociatksn yesterday retaliated with suit* which wk to have the con tract* brought into court and tar rendered a* invalid. Since the association's contract was airfield by the Supreme remit l»*t fall and about 250 suit* Marl ed m Wake county again*! mean bers, lliere have lain several mat taring suit* again*! (he asaociation, al having a* their purpose trial in th« county of the grower rather than before a Wake countv jury. However, the 67 suit* in one bunch from one county partake* of the nature of wholesale rebellion AU of the grower* are represented be Skinner and Wherflwe. f\ C Harding and K. G. James and 5km. Temporary restraining order against F. A. Elk*, the Urgent grow rr m Pht county, and R M. Elk*, a Kirrnun. have bevu made return •ble lie fore Judge Cramner at Kal t'gh on Friday of tbi* week. —Hal e>ft> News and Observer. FELIX WRIGHT FACE* TWO CAPITAL CHARGES Kalcigh, June 23_Fdfat Wright, a whale man. of Wake Forest, 26 years did, faces capital charges in two North Carolina counties. Wright, who has been in Wake countyjail since June II, waa car ried Thursday to Middlesex and given a preliminary hearing on a charge of attacking a woman on March 19. He was bound over to the hash county court without priv ilege of bond, Ian he will not he surrendered by the Wake authori ties, according to- - burglary U wv ittemfit to attack the wife of a min operative at Wake Forest uu March 23. four davs after the alleged of fense near Middlesex. WORLD-FAMED CLOCK TO KEEP TOWN POSTED The last word in correct time keeping is foond in a dock recent ly installed in the store of J. W. Jordan, local jeweler and watch maker. The dock stands eight feet kigh and cost eight hundred per fectly good American dollars. The dock was manufactured in liver pool. England, by James CoadUff. The demand for this particular make of clock is «o great that while Mr. Jordan nllced his order in 1915, it cnald not be filled until 1923. eight years later. The dial »f the clock contains three hand* — hour, minute and second — ami gives the time right down to the second. Every movement of the dock i< set in a sapphire jewel. Those *l*o warn the correct time, .11 .L . a . ' UUIC, uut II try nm* •ultmg this perfectly honest and reliable time-keri>er The new clock is attracting con lidcrable attention, and why should n't it? SLAYER OF FATHER CLEARED BY A JURY I Greensboro, lone 21.— Clay Brown, young white man ok James town, near here, who killed hn fa her. Pink Brown, when the latter was trying to choke Oara Brown, Clay’s sister. Pink’s daughter, at their home on Jone II. is free, the Guilford grand jury returning a not true bill upon the investigation nf the case. The young man him ■elf oiade no statement since being placed bt the county jail, but did say upon his arrest that he shot his fa ther to save the life of hi* sister, who was rebuking her father for ■Urged misconduct with women. this course is followed. A conspicuous contrast ill our farms, as compared with our wes tern ncfghlmrs. is that we have patches, whereas they have rani ■hapely fields. The tack of organic matter in our mils and the improve ment of |iasttires with torrf grass U. necessitates our using terraces, which frequently interfere with the beet use nf unproved tatnr saving mwhinu i. With the emigration t>f farm tabor from the country to the towns, especially the negrom from t*w South to the North, it W becoming irereasingly necessary to alter our farming methods and crops so as to Ih (ham for these changed cnswlitkinv Diversification and labor saving methods ate es sential. 1 OFFICER SEIZES SAFEOFUQOOR New Beni, jane 25.— “* Wl a Bttlc ohttack ike the w„. of a J«K |>oot)d iron uric tawart the eeiawe oi a quantity of tahio koy h« believed waa atored hi the •noty "table of NeeI Ptaol, a negro. Deputy Mania] I. R. UoSm took the big bo, into bis pomSSS trucked it oowotoam end now ha* ft wifely atored in a aample room at a local hotel. tfaoniog followed up a tip that the whiakey wea to be dHiwael to Pool early laat night. He made mi effort to arrive in tiom to lomemit it. bta aura wheo be entered tb* negro'* ome* the ddihwnf had been made and the aale locked oo it* pee* «ona content*. Tbe offaer enacted trouble, hot be rid net dream that he would hare to triar the what* outfit. “«M •» opau the aA Rml gave hr* alibi He ha d fadren the oihw Mgroooafto^TlmlJam wrwn, oi imwu pw •0*1 Reside* her parents, the de ceased is termed by ew sister, three brothers, Alex Faison, little Miss Mall'ie Wlmhdth. and Henry Hoover and Spencer Adams. The funeral will be '"**"111 to morrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 2 o'clock front the First Baptist church Rev. E. N. Johaeoa/pas tor of the church, will funeral service. In made in the family Johntlon county. The deceased wee taken SI with blood poison a week ago yestesdai, and while everything possible was done for her relief from the deadly malady, very Kttle hope was enter idWTO • Imt IWTQT, Meh-a was an awe malty bright and sweet little Mite, and her ex timely death brought Sorrow to Hr hearts of all who knew her. She eras a member of the Fine Rapt*, church and Sunday school and toah much interest hi both. While ly ing at the point of death last Sna dav. she expressed a desire m at tend her S«ndav school class )j0 I-cxington, jut 25—BlCHf fbJifTRihfII, nntot toot enrmm avvneSan ln o Wil ITTrmrn in MEBVUvj VHIV* day. began serving Ms sentence on the county rends todev for an u vault on former SeBdtnr I. C. Bower and Major Wade H. PM Kpa. He wm sent to county rend camp Ko 1 in Reedy Creek town «Mp. 14 miles north of liri often.

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