Miss Pearl Butler is spending a few days at Chalybeate Springs H. A. Edge, county farm dem onstration agent, was a Dunn vis itor yesterday. ^ Granville Tilghman, Jr.. left Sunday for an extended trip through Canada. i The vegetable crop has been cut short by the continued dry weather in this section. Miss Ina Massengill has accepted a position with the First National Bank as bookkeeper. . Miss Dorothy Lee, of Henson, ar rived today and will spend some time here visiting Miss Vivian Jef freys. Mrs. Pauline Myers, of Raleigh, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Wade. Bom, Sunday, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Kelly, an 8-pound daugh ter. _ Both mother and daughter arc getting along nicely. Eugene Cole, cashier of the Yad kin River Power Company, of Dar lington, S. C., spent the week-end here with relatives. Malcolm H. Porter, 9-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Porter, who live in Duke township, died Iasi night of pneumonia. K. O. Primrose left this after noon for Ocrocoke, where he will spend a month. He plans to s|>enciTi left Monday foe Grrenvillf, S. C.. where they will attend die meeting of the druggists of the two Larohnas Mr. Lee is vice-preri dent of the association and will pmliably he named us its president it this meeting Mr. Grantham al read vha* served the association as isiresudent. Margaret Irene. * ■ year - old laughter of B.F.Ammon-, who lives about .1 miles south of Dunn, died Sunday night of colitis and mess Ics. The child's mother died on June 4, this year. The funeral was conducted yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the grave, and interment was made in the old Bluff church cemetery The revival, which began at the "lospcl Tabernacle on June .1, will last through this week, if not Ion fee. I,arge crowds are attending Ihe servise twice daily, and much merest is being manifested! Rev. V G. Doner, of Peterboro. Ontario. Canada, is preaching soul-stirring sermons I lie hours for service ire 9 a. m. and 7:45 p. m Because Miss Sue Smith, staff Photographer for ‘Hie Dispatch, will leave late this week tor her lummer's vacation in the mnnnuin country, The Dispatch will be glad ippoor in the special industrial is ine soon to be issued call at Miss smith's studios at once. We would ike, too, to have owners of pretty mcne* in Dunn have Miss Smith :o make pictures of these homes >efore die leave*. We want to use leveral of these in the special edi ion. There is no time to lose on his, liecause Miss Smith will have lone too much time to complete four orders if they are placed im ncihalely The special edition, by Jh: way, will he about the most :lal>orate project ever undertaken »y a Dunn newspaper. It win con ain about fifty pages, profusely fl ust rated and carrying complete itories of the progress of the Dunn District in every way. lliis edi ion will go into the far places of he country to tell those who do KX know just how important a xwnmpunity we are. For this rea we will be glad to have photo fraphs of all tnt pretty dwellings Kt can get. Be sure to place vour >rder» with Miss Smith now She •an be reached by telephone. MR. AND MRS. PERRY A. JERNIGAN VISITING HERE P«rpr A. Jernigan and the harming little woman who has be ome his bride since last he visited Duim are liere from their borne in ianford, Fla., where Mr. Jernigan 11 one of the leading automobile iealert of Florida. They made the rip overland, and will spend sev eral days here with Mr. Jernigan'* larents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jer ugan. Perry is one in whom Dunn and Die Dispatch, particularly, have a fery deep pride. He is a Dunn and i Dispatch boy. He was employed in the old Dunn Guide under J.P. Pittman, and later came to The Dispatch, remaining with the latter »per, except foe a short time spent vith the Richmond Times-Dispatch n 1918, until lie went to Florida in 1920. With him to Florida went Braxton Baggett, another Dunn roungster, who has been in business vith Perry ever tince. Success has come to Perry and * Brack.” Fine stories of their xogress have come hack home by wi j uik wihj na> been Item down there. Their business » housed in a tremendous build ng. which houses their offices, show rooms and service station They iwn this building, and the big busi es which they have builded. Dunn is glad to ace Perry and to meet the little woman who has join 'd him for the journey through life. Appoint Library Board Mrs. N. A. Townsend, president if the Woman’s club, has sppointed the following to act as ■ board for the management of the Dunn Pub lic library: Mfata Louise Williams, chairman ; Mrs. J. W. Thornton, Dr. C. D. Bain and Hugh Prince This board in to have charge of the Rbrary, which was established by the Woman's chib a few week* •go The children and young people •re patronizing the library ,«pend lng their vacation in reading good literature. The outlook is very promising and encouraging. Mrs. Henry Lee is librarian, and will for the present be found on duly Mon ley, Wednesday and Friday after noons. The library is in the Wo man’s dub rooms. The establish ment of this library Alls a need long felt in Dana, and tbs library needs the support of every man sad woman who is intervsrwl in Duns's future. Exposition to be held then in Jaly. BAPTISTS BEGIN WEEK OF STOW "-iag^isss A Oty Mor*h«d C,ty, June 25.—Th Baj»ti« Seaside Assembly had verT suspicious opening here l^rg congregations I ward Dr. W. J. Me GlolMin. president of Furman Uni ™-*ity. at C.reemiHr, S. C... preaci use open in psermons at the mom tug and evening services on th growth of faith in leaus. Boil were masterpieces. He will speol each evening during the avsemblv which will last through the week. . The. assembly is composed of th following members: Dr. MrCloth ! Im, Dr. Zeno Wall, Goldsboro; Dr tO C. Davis. Albemarle: Dr. R W Spilman. Kinston; Dr. C T wreV**1 Ra,ci«h: I'm lessor I., it M. Freeman, of Meredith college Raleigh; Rev. F. A. Bower, Mor 5®"*"".;, IJ[aro,tI Tnlf«ham Nashville, Tetm.; Miss Minnie An deraon, returned missionary Iron China; Mr*. J.vdia Yate* Hilliard R'leiffi; MIm Rlmi Far*Sow. Ral and Mr* Walter M. Ctlmore Sanford. i ncy art dom* rxcrptionallv Rim work. Rev. Waltrr M. Cilvnor* Sanford, is acting dean. It wool*, he difficult to assemble an ahljrf mrnp anywhere. Each day's wrfl l« begun by early morning praveli while tmmediatelv after hre ilifil simultaneous classes and confer ence* arc held along various finei of church activities. These grottf meetings are followed hr an inspi rational address by Dr. Zeno Wall The entire afternoons are ilernt ed to recreation. The surf and th' refreshing ocean breezes, the g.»W fellowship and the inspiration make this city one of the most ah tractive spots in North Carohn? thi* week. Visitor* are coming ir ever increasing numbers from va riooi sections of the State. Mias ELazall Entertain* The chief social event of tht past week in Dunn was the party given an Friday evening by Mm Elizabeth Ezzell in honor of hei guests. Miss Carolyn Glascock, ol Greensboro, and Gladys Foust, ol High Point Following eight danr ing dates, the guests then engagril in a game of bridge Punch wa served during the game, ami ic< cream was served later. The invited guests were : Missel In* Massengifl, Ruby Crockett Mias Adams, Margaret Wade Florence Holliday . Bessie Masnen gill, l^oiiiae Pridgen. Ruth Young rAmiy oraiunam. r-iniiy .’iniucriy Bessie Ratnsauer. FJisabeth Davie Kathleen Holland, T«ucy Pope. .Mil dred Shell, Christine Thntnpvn, Allen McKuy. Mayme Olvde Ko<* Misi Jones; Pat I.ynch. Pat Jones Gibson Cook, Sid Wilson, Ilruo Cromartie, Raymond Cromartie Red Clifford. Willie Newberry Midget Newberry, Thomas Hood Ralph Snipes. Jtarl Dawson, F.ar Westbrook, Graham Olive, — Prince. Hugh Overton, Joe WiJ son. Toofer Grantham, Bin Pearce Sammie Tilghman, Runt Newber ry. Louis Jeffreys, Carlyle Row land. The occasion provided rare enter tainmcnl for all the young peoptt present, and will not soon he for gotten. Little Mias Riddle Entertains Sanford, lune 23,— One of tlu most enjoyable lawn parties of tht summer season was given Saturday when little Mabel Rod Riddle en tertained unite a number of hei friends at the Juxne of her parents Mr. and Mrs T. L. Riddle. Tht guests were greeted by the young hostess and unfitted to the punch bowl, which was placed in a shady nook on the lawn and was sur rounded by Southern ttnilax ant fern. After playing games, creair and cake were served by Misse Frances Kiddle and Janette Width field. Each guest departed, voting “ Baby Reid ' a charming hostess ESCAPES DEATH TWICE IN PARACHUTE STUN* f Scltcijeclady. ff. V.. June 24. John H. Smith, of Chicago, twic * exaped dolli here this aftemoor Smith attempted to descend by pat achute from an airplane. The ptu achute, failing to open, caught i e the landing gear of the plane, leav r ing Smith hanging tome IS fret he t low. Ilia attempts to climb to th - cock-pit were futile, and the pik) - signalled that he would drop hie i over the .Mediawk river. The avi - ator planed to a few feet above th : water ami Smith jumped. He conk i not swim, and sank hut was pullet t ashore by T„ W.. Gewefce. |iatrcn . of a swimming school nearby. TON LEXINGTON «poed*t*r la good eon ■ItUon. Iu7 m E. C. Wart, Attorney. . >2 it pd FOE SALE.—ONE DWEL iirig ov lot Mxl two vacaaf roildeoee l-“ traet of •ur. If ial RW. bon. all rtc. WrtuKr Ml Oacar HIg**WMta*OU, N. C Kay 11 lltlhlltlttlta Princess Slips White Satin Prince** Slips, fln< quality, shadow bean_j>.1 Silk Stripe Priicesa Slips. Sha, dow hem_L_ff P The Shop DUNN* M. C. i roil BALX—CALCIUM ABBAHATX at IT IX wcU Miami lit IBP | tTffpl. kiMkUtK o. B. Ba I WimIi. Darpcait of 1* par Mand *ri«r1*a5juiea^U^t^5t 5xll | Caa fumiA abjmLIUm at baa4 ar | uaddl* jpia that fWanunant racaa antnda. Ajk (# damonatrataoa. Ajreot far Warrflalp. A Bjrroa Biuall, Da nr., M. C. It p4. I COMING : ■ ■ ■— ... GIVE U* This OPPORTUNITY YOU can confer favor which will want the opportunity really intimate way. liMKWn msi NATIONAL BHB L ANk" E_ZZ_Jd U N N. N.C. __ ... ., - ,,y,, ^————-— ■ - • } I i » r uust gjp fj&m 1 You art rm clow Mn*\bktm Brother*. (Xw "PeraoMl Shopping Service" through the miftiai brought thta great department tMe to too. u> your very door— where JVou cart ahop to easily, an tattifai-turia. You can select lovely garments with. | out even so much trouble as having I to put on your hat and gn out. lust J ** V«"*r desk, ami liat your desires K* 7eu,””nA conjure up fascinating ! fabrics, filmy ben. smart wearing apparel, rich, tasteful draperies— tha> will be selected by expert "sboppets" frnsti our complete aaaor*. I mmu, ami amt to you the day yoor Urttar » racrired. lien you km but r» choose the ones that strike mar fancy and return the teat to m. Could anything ha easier ar awe* delightful than that! ^ Often there are setting areata at enoeual interest. Send us yoor Mats. We will send you news of cheat ia »*•»* rtme ao that yoo can gat the *•*•»> as aar thtxnands af in-town customer*. A chargr account can be eerie srrnnged hy^endtoj^rtw name ad year beak, or I