I I I Ladies white silk hose, seml-an * sale price, pair— 25' Men's cotton hose, semi-annual price, per pair — JT . i Pure-thread silk ladies hosiery .wide .seam hack, sale $1 |Ut trice, per pair_▼L.WV Ladies’ foil fashioned thread silk hosiery, $2 and $2.60 val ues for only, pair— $1.69 One lot children’s faucy socks, pair-n— . . 14' V3§ :;'i m *-.<•31 t f* -4 Since the war, you have been buying more dollars worth of goods. “You hare the opportunity to buy things you need nt o greet soring during this solo’’ is the phrase you read quite often erery month in tbe year. You bare learned that the prices at Prince's are as reasonable as possible for the quality of the merchandise sold. For this rea son you boro given Prince steady and Good surplus least twice a that MEN’S INDIGO BLUE CHAM BRAY SHIRTS Our semi-annual sale price, each— 50” Indigo blue chambray, attach ed pointed-end collar, on ex tended neckband, large pocket, cuffs, 4 button front, cut yoke. Measure finished around chest as follows: 44-in. on sizes 14Vi and IK; 46-in. on sizes IK 1-2 and 16; 4S-in. on sizes 16 1-2 and 17— 50c Get in the Well Dressed Circle Wc have bandied Vlothiair only one year and six months and therefore you can taiy no sutfhere older than one and one-half years. Very, very f<*v are tjpt old. Wc Intend to keep buying new suite. Look at Bese bvgaina. One lot all-wool, C|£ QC good quality serge, | real jkz.SQ value. Sale price_ Forty suit* bought fir January. February and March trade that will «lo for year-arolntl 1/u its. These suits sold well when priced at 9* 7.50 to 920.00. Yap can make a real saving by *1 QC buy ..fc- these suits x.mf at our sale price of_ ^UmK) On:. let o ' ?22.50 sport suits J16 95 luie r re .naror miiu for Our entire atwck of Spring and Clothe* ( :uaranie*d lo wear). youn* Men. Summer Curlee MO PA Sale price.... |£L JU w OV* PALLS Our best 220-weight Overall, full cut, au; reader* and high bark, semi-annual sale price, per pair— Our 240-weight pender, back— $1.25 SMALL SIZE SPECIAL 220-weight Southern blue de nims, suspended back overall, aiaes .12, 34 and 36. only— try I SHIRTS We handle the famous Col orfast and Arrow Shirts. Tltese m e fast color, well-made, good Mti&( shirts in the newest pat I without collars. i. values up In S2 \ ' & K Oi.e lot white Oxford shirts, coilav attached. These shirt? .sold tor $2 and $2.25. You can now buy those at. each— $1.50 Gi,y and white genuine Kng lish i'-roadcloth blurts, each— $3.50 SHOES Children’s sandals and oxfords, sites 2 to AP U. JJ c Ladies' white pumps and oxfords in $2.50 values. $6.00 cash and r. no.v pair .i yvu find paper in the soles, heels ov AO Also one lot white canvas pumps and *•« "7P oxfords__ka. J:tg--» and b»jri>;*m3. You have ,tie opportunity of buying many shoe* •f highest quality at less than the whoteuale cost to os. MEN! LbJwin (Japp anti Tloiidicint Ox- #Q nr ford., __ _ ._ $0.9D One lot .John C. Roberta $7.60 ♦C DC 0 .fords .. fJ.Jt) ..$4.00“$5.00 See the Table—shoe table. If you find yonr sine, you QO ean buy ?7, $8, $V», nnd $10 otfords for___ipt.jO w Beautiful quality, fast color 82 inch dresb Gingham, semi-an nual sale price, per yard— 19 SEE THEM ON DISPLAY One assortment of Men’s Caps, value* *1.25 to *1.75. all pric ed at. each— 98 We bought some high-class su perior union suits for men in the famous icicle cloth. To move this underwear and to introduce Superior underwear to the men wh" buy high grade union suita, we of fer *2 union suita at— $1.50 ~-- -.T*— $1.50 union suits at— $1.19 One lot Ladles’ Gingham Dresses, sale price— $2.48 One lot Voile Dresses, special $2.75 . White LL Sheeting, sale price, per yard— TAFFETA SILK $1.»8 value for— $1.48 41.50 value for— $1.19 50c Voilea, Male price, yard— 39* See our bargain, counter _of freah gooda at, yard— io prices elsewhere We have only two sales a year I