♦ THE DUNN VOLUME X. T ■ __ . DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA rami MANY AT FARMERS MEETTM Annual Convention Of Farm or* And Farm Women Bo gins July SI vState College Station, Raleigh, July 16.— The annual farmers and (arm women'* convention to lie lield at the State college on July 31, Aug. 1 and 2, will be one of the most largely attended gatherings in the twenty^one years of it* history, say* J. M. Gray, who i» general tecre tary of the organization this year. tMr. Gray, co-operating with the officials of the College and Depart ment, with Dr. J, Y. Joyner of the Tobacco Association, and with Mrs. Lacey McArthur, president of live women's section, have arranged a program that will be both instruc tive and entertaining. The first day will be largely de voted to the opening exerci»e*, with uy uie omfttB oi the organ isation. Some interesting addresses will also he made by visitors. C. 1 Lewis, ^ editor of the American Fruit Grower, will be one of llte leading visiting^ speakers on that , day. Dr. R. r. Winters will hold the annual meeting of the‘North Carolina Seed Breeders association on Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday, August 1. is Farm ers' Business Day. Hon. Asbury F. Lever, formerly of the Federal Farm Loan Board, will speak on this day. • The entire jwogram of the joint session will he devoted to financial problems, marketing and other business affairs of the Tar Heel fanner. Invitations have hern extended to a number of prominent men to be present on this day, and indications are that many will ac cept Thursday, Aug. 2, is Boll Weevil Day George A. Maloney, of the Delta laboratory at Tallulah, La., will be a speaker on this day. Prac tical fanners and scientists who Maloney has been associated with Dr. B. R. Coad at the Government boll weevil experiment station for a number of years. Mhch time will lie given fiver to problems affecting the rural women of North Carolina. The sessions and reports of the Home Bureau Federation will be of especial in terest frt that they will give reports from the various counties of the State as to just what the women arc doing along all lines. Home fur nishing. helping out with (he farm bLa -I grounds, how to feed the family, and other items, will be discussed by some, of the best known farm women in the State. Tune will also be given for amusement and recreational feat ures. The night programs will be set aside for this purpose. Mr. Gray states that no pro gressive farmer in North Carolina can afford to miss this convention, and that plans should be made now i to atteiid. The dates are July 31, August 1 and 2. The college fur nishes rooms in the dormitories free of charge, and meals will be , provided at 50 cents each. Gnestt will have to bring their own linen and toilet articles, as these are not furnished by the college. Fanners and their wives who pbn to at tend, but would first rather have more detailed information about the meeting, should write to Mr. J. M. Gray, secretary. College Station, Raleigh, N. C. HUSBAND DEAD AND WIFE IN HOSFTTA! High Point, lul. 13—Grady Tay lor, 22, is dAid, and his wife. Mis Jennie Cohrane Taytnr, is Hsa crit !_«_Jb!_~ s« night as the result of bullet wound received yesterday afierncjon- Tay lor is allied to have done the shoot ^Poli ce officers called al the Tay lor home and ■found Taylor on th floor dead with a 32 calibre Ger man automatic pistol about two fee from Ms hand. Mrs. Taylor at thi time was receiving first aid treat ment before being removed to a hot phal for medical treatment. Mrs. Taylor was shot in the al dotnen, and ah hough it was hnpoai ihle to determine the extent of hr wounds, it was stated that she wi heUevedto be seriously |( not fatal1 The tragedy is bettered to hat been the outgrowth of domestic di fkultkt. Dr. R A. Schoonover, of Green bom, coroner of Guilford count visited the tcent of the tragedy 1 night and after interviewing a mu bar of persons decided that an l . one* waa not necessary, be exprea ing the opinion that Taylor shot I ante mad than took his o«m fife WATERMELON crop js FIFTY PER CENT OFI i — | Washington, July 14.— Onlj slightly more than half as man) early watermelons are in prosper! this year as cam wired with Ini! year. The Dvpnmnmt of Agri culture's July forecast of produc tion places the number at 29,8.5.1.. 500, while last year it was 56,672. 800. Georgia's crop is fnreiast at 8,393,200, while last year it was 20,630,500. and Florida’s at 4,328, 800 compared with 14.470.000. Texas displaces Florida this year as the largest producer, with 6,750. 1000. South Carolina will have 4 - 1312,000. — BOARD OF F_LTH ISSUES WARNING Urg* Ev«ry Precaution Possi ble Against Typhoid Dur ing Sutnmor Raleigh, July 16.— Six cases of iv])Hoid fever among the member* •*f one family in L'liWm county anil hve cases among the children of a Cleveland comity family reported lo the State Hoard of Health has called {orth a warning from tlie Board that the typhoid season is just beginning, and that every pre caution again*! this preventable din t-axe should be taken during July, August and Septcmlier, when ill ness from this cause* readies it* I >eak. In both instances of family epi tlemic* the disease ha* attacked children. The Union county fam ily is one of negroes, w-iili the youngest of the sick children a tub) of three years, and the eldest » boy of sixteen. The Cleveland hiunty family is a white one, with -he youngest victim »x years of tge and the eldest seventeen years. Experience of the health officials i laa demonstrated that annually the ypnoid rate, both case ancKdeath. - hies with j the warm weather1 and 1 and other intestinal diseases. Each year for the past ten year* the typhoid rate haw been consist ently lowered in North Carolina, until last vear the total number of deaths for the'first time since ac curate statistic* have been Wept, dropped under three hundred, being m That this total may be decreased this year the State Board of Health ;s advising three riling*: inoculation igains! typhoid by taking three doses of antityphoid vaccine at in tervals of one week ; the cleaning up of breeding places of Hies and the desturction of these dangerous, deadly injects liy trap*, poison, and swatting, and the screening of houses to keep them out; sanitary disposal 91 wastes from the body citheT through water sewerage or Nome approved sanitary privy. While the report of eleven cases if typhoid in two families is start ling, figures for the whole State as gathered through the rme hundred local quarantine officers and re-! ported to the State Board of Health1 indicate a bette rcondition than at this time last year. A total of 404 cases have been reported to date al against 495 cases for the first six rbonth* of 1922. The deaths front typhoid for the first! five months of 1922 were 10 as against 32 for the same period this year. TRYING TOBACCO FORDERBRENT t_ Dr. J. R. Butler Hat Fht Amt Of “Wood” On Farm, Nsar Dunn Much interest center* around tht isrm ot ur. j. r. miner, tour inc L a half milea southeast of Dttnn. Th< reason for the interest it the far that Dr. Butler is cultivating fiv< ' acres of tobacco this year as an ex - periment While the prolonged drough l during the growing season retards* 1 the growth of the tobacco, a fair); • good crop Is now promised. A fin' • rain fel in that vicinity butt Frida' brewing, and the crop is alread - showing signs of improvement. Th - first " cropping" was cured lai c week and the second is being " pti • in" today. y Dr. Butler is one of seven farmers scattered throughout tt x Dunn district who this year are trj f- ing out tobacco. The success wti •which Jtwse meet will determir ► largely the number of acres to 1 Y> planted in tobacco Hi tMt seetk >- next year. . If growing rob*c< ► proves a financial success for $o v who are experimenting thtk yes ( -then it ke ukely that many oth ™ fsuntera will grow the "weed " ne ymt. PROBABLECAUSE ! AGAINST NEGRI I Dunn Negro Held On Clutrf i Of Killing Rocky Mount I Merchant • Rocky Mount, July 14.—JntTH June*, alius Rcu S|*iiccr, wa.', held for Edgeconilie superior court with out bond tliis morning when be wa., given a preliminary hearing in Re corder Lancaster * court on a charge of the murder of W. S. Higgs, local merchant, on the night of June 30 Jones wa» slipped into the city day before yesterday from Raleigh, where he had licen taken for safe keeping after Iieing raptured near Selma, following a gun luattle and lively cl lane through the swamps on the morning after Ihe murder. M t^r th« lirflimimrv iLL tnoruing lie was immediately taken to the Edgecombe county jail- at Tarboco, wher-e he will await trial at the September term of Edge cotnlie superior court. While the negro did not lake Die ataml this morning officers stated that lie had admitted to them that he war present when the minder of Mr. Riggs, the assault u|mju V\ . W Andrews and the robbery of the latter's store on Bassett street, oc mirred about 10 o'ckick on the night of June 29. Officers also found n roll of bills and much small change upon hi* |>erson when he was ap irehended, which coincided with Ihc fund* taken from the store’s ca»li A gtm, Indicts from which allied with the hall removed from “r P'K8-'. was alao taken from utr. At this morning's preliminary tearing, Mr. .Andrew*, who was mocked uncnnfbioo* when Mr. was shot, took the stand and identified the negro a* the right **?”•. PQKce officials and Mr A'llliatru, of the Atlantic Gia*t Jne police, also took the stand and urnhhed a strong chain of cireum lhases wWprocetU S™ H .A second negro suspect. Ernest Robertson, who had been taken in low at Selina, was alao given n nearing before tne court on a first degree charge in connection with the same case. The authorities, however, were unable to produce anything against him, with the re mit that hit case was not prossed with leave. WILSON SUPPLIES A WINNING PUNCH Hurler From Oausa Shows Up WoU in Guo* Wit* Raleigh • The following rcjiort of a lsa.ll game recently played in Raleigh Vhich anward in The Raleigh Tunes, shows that “ T-efty " Wil son, of Dunn, is “ holding his own ” with the Danville, Va„ team: “A dodble by 1 Lefty ' Wilson, star Danville moundsman. follow ing two brilliant play*, one • diving catch by Crave*, and (lie other a pretty pickup hy Smith of a low throw by Lennox, and an error by Smith on J. Smith's task groundei which f.hoiild have retired the ride let Wilson score with the countei that broke a tie and gave the visit ing Tobacconists a five-timing en counter 2 to 1, yesterday aftemoot at League Park in the first of t two-game series. “ Rain begat) falling, hi grea * gobs Latter one Capital had beet retired in the sixth stanta, but lb damage had been done, and lb game reverted beck to five itmingi After wining tne customary ttun minutes, during which time J. Ptu wiu* 'reigned supreme, Ompir ' Morgan announced to the fan* tha the pine had lieen called. " Riel w*» Duke Duncan’* cboic I to do the chunking for the local 1 and the former Senator twirl* ’ was hireling tbrm over in fir ! fashion when the rain intervene! t ’ Lefty' Wilson. Riel’s mound « r ponent, was running the Cantu hairier a doac race for tossing hoi * nr*, by aettiag the local* down wh t a curve ball that i* hard to beat. " Senior*, Duncan and Wilw il led the ,cfnb* with the stick, tl e former getting two double*, whi - Wilaon satisfied himself with li double and siqjle out of tw,o ti\ e to the pan. Duncan go* a bra * of singles. n - - i o The farmer* raaTue that owi te to tfie coming of the boll wee r, they must turn a part of their i ;r trrtior to other crop* than cotti rt What these crop* shall he, l« t question hhich (hey are tlabatli WORK IS » Contract Calls [ Of Highway ■ . Fir, M1 J3|j Work was hegtunH‘ ? ••uifacing ih« Inghwjm Dunn to Duke. As^B in The DUpatrh, acBl'' work was let to J^B Co. for $1IV,576.67,* for the structures wfl d Dcwell for $].S,lS&Jjfl. " of nud to be hsrd-sSn, ’ miles, and contractin'^? pletion of the woS^Bd.," , died and fifty work^Rf,’' means that the matfSg'i^ |’let.-cl Ik-fore hnuR Haul surfacing *B *1 ? Duke, though it hionlli befoie the^^B^B1 cretc is begun. T^R ./, f? built from Duke 'th^B“m * work required willjB'^ ',,*1 putting the road tjHBh 'he concrete L. M. Weisigari'Di-^ lendent in charge JB^s, A mg firmed here tBBiif. The machinery, Iwr of laborer* | w ork arrived hes^H^A A iseie transferred VK Some have tlvar this slretdi / ' jj tie hard sorfarect^H^P] Dunn O lam her o^BBBj-Jjj for several month*^R|B!r1 -lie State 11 tghwanHlIB jj importance of Ifited. Now that^Bhs^R:' ally been begun all doubts will be pcucehaJS Greensboro/ fjijfc lery (till iu I ease of criiranal * ***4 highway robb tfye larceny of a Cadillac ant'd It here, with ihe chief actors id’ drvma keep ing silent for the put. Mrs. .Myrtle NorriiA, of Korfolk, Va.. a nurse, tht^Woman in the ;« «-.* shir positively to iden tify W. R. Melvin, « p this city, as the nun wlio held Mr, and II. H Markham, also oir ifcis city, for merly of Raleigh, «4®in th« Greebs horo college cainpM here Thurs day night, took Mncham's watch, sent him to get mon3r, took the girl to a dark spot ^>4 assaulted lier, shr says. : Here is the araaxi ig story Si c uccomjianierl the ma n to the dark spot and submitted t < his attack be cause, she states, he.) ad said he was a policeman and A* was afraid to make an outcry. F irther, he took her nearly to where she was stay ing, and passed coup e* cm the way, yet no alarm was i minded. Fur ther, she said; she lidn’t want to prosecute, just dro > it. But the city prosecutor hold i Melvin in jail without bail. The qayiieriou* ban dit who Mcvin say i held him up, robbed a garage where he was em ployed and forced Him to take him part of the way to Winston-Salem in the Cadillac, hasn't been found Melvin says he can prove an ahhi. If' Perry Newsome,* Winston - Salem young man. automobile thief and eseafled prisoner fn*n the Stale prison, is captured, the case may become clear. Melvin says lie is the fellow who held him np. LIGHTNING STRIKES SAME FUCT TWICE ! Killed Mm Lag Wad, Suta Fir. ToH |vm Thia » •■■ t Hemlemori, Jal 13.— Since ih. memory of man r tneth not to the s contrary, it has be I said that Kght i, ning never strike* vice in the same r place, but thia haa *en disproved t During a sever electrical atorm I last week, Bennie knell waa killed (. by lightning wh » H struck the ,1 home of Us lathe «i Warren eoun i. ty, twelve mi lea i *tii of thia city, h Young Jamil »s standing at a screen door wH» he waa killed, n The lighttfing hti «d a big hole in m the screen door, nd Mra Jarrell le covered the opet kg with doth a • few day# ago, » TWa aflteraooi another terrific ■jt electrical storm v hod this aactfon, and a boh of Hf tning struck the — scracn door of U Jarre I bogie, set ig lug fire to the da i which had beer dl placed in A# h h craated whet it- Bennie was Wife • n. Mr. and Mrs Jamil came k he Henderaon tod* dedmriwg then g. would not rat am a the house nntf SHEPHERD SLAYER GETS TEN YEARS Lake Britt Submit* Tu Sic—d Dsfrw Murder For Kill. McCoorgiua l.iunbertun. July 14. — Luke Britt tv a* sentenced to leu year* in the State |ienitcmiary Itere today by Judge N. A. Sinclair, of Pay cttcville in Superior court after conmel for tbe defer* lant had of fered a pica of second degree mur de* of t. R. Shepherd, d • Solicitor T. A. McNeill accepted the plea and rccnmmetHled the sen tence. Shepherd mysteriously dis appeared from l.umbeiton on April 1st. Ih22 Hi* remains were found last February, immediately after whi«-lt Drjti was lodged in jail charged with the crime The jury selected from a special Venire of 100 men had just been completed when E. J. Britt, o«te of the attor ney*, announced to the court the plea of the defendant. The case had attracted lots of ,-ittentkm anti the court Hook »i> crowdetl. |‘. II. Iluggiu* anti Thick Rtirier, the fattier a negro, win liatl lw« held tinder $>,000 lionds charged with being accesMirie* lo tire kill : inf, I tad riieir case* continued for I the term. Mr*. Shepherd, widow of the deceased, and child, hi* bro ther and sister, were jw-enent at the l trial, arriving in I.umbertun from I their Home m Doertm, Cm., a few > days ago. Britt looked neat and I trim when kc appeared in the court i room, lie had during the past e three weeks vmtlrrjpcm^n seriotu - operation for hernia. leaving been - taken from the prison ceil to a lo , cal hospital. Ills father w*» bur ied a few day* ago. Hi* physic* . condition did not seem to be gund For these reason*, it is unasihte that the solicitor recommended the shon r>? sorrow. J N$nEBnB Utod by counsel for the defambnt lhat he omit the words “at hard hhor" m the sentence, which tilt judge did. This clears to a great degree die mystery that has anr-. rounded the case. Now that the Morrison-Bust ex ritemeul i ■.subsiding, what next? MIDNIGHT RACE DUNNTO BENSON Two Ford Con Do Thsir LUt In An F.xriting CHI ana An exciting automobile race ex tending (mm Dnnn to Benson was experienced liy member! of the k cal |olicc force during the wee sma' hours Sunday morning. The race Itetween two Ford cars tiegan on Fast ll.irnett street when the ost* cers m tempted to hah a supposed whiskey car. Instead of halting, the til) iver of the,visiting-car turned on the gas and left town* at full Ford sliced. Chief of Police B. A. Rowland had liecn advised to be on the watch for a car loaded with whiskey and also that the arcu|i*nt» of tlie car were wdl-armed. Just after mid night thg car " showed up " and it was then lhat tlie officers attempt ed to hatt it. * Then the race began, And in thr winH-tm IMm nf thr nr cupants — John Canady and Claud Jones, of Johnston county — were arrested in Henson. The third oc cupant jumped oat of the car, Car rying a bundle under hi* amt, and 'escaped into the da rimes* of Um night. While, no whiskey or fire arm* were found on the car, Can ady and Jane* were recognised for their eppeamnet before Recorder Jrnugan on Thursday of this week igamwer to the charge of speeding. Failure of the drisrer of tht Johnston county caf to slop when demanded liy the officers to hah •inj.i-ed further suspicion in tht minds »f the local officers, and the] were determined to find oat the-ree son why. The officer* making rtu chase were Chief of Police B. A Rowland. Policemen W. P. Nippe and M P, Martin. They wen joined by Bill Wade sod lul War t en. these Using mean deputised X aasist iu |bc capture of tire fieaioi men. In view of the information n ecu ad. the officer! expected to b engaged in a pitched gun-bat tie at any moroen*, and t say . the least, it wa* nothin orort of an exdtlng me*. i - • . they bast found something to mU |«wn uifm ifofTi iifnrmnf. • * Salisbury, July II.— North Car din* moonshiner* loot exactly III (licit distilleries, 1.23+ galkei* of •um; 67,925 galkm* of mah liquor; 17 automobiles and property valued »t 130,000, during the month of [one, according to ike report of ac irifles of federal pndutffkxi agents n the , State, issued this morning by state Director R. L>. Cohnute. who us headquarters here. Sixty arresfs were made and 123 |MV*eaition* recommended. The mixture of liquor and prupeny dur ing June was (tightly smaller than richer April or May. MRS. VANDERBILT 1 PLEADS FOR FAR Raleigh, July 16.— Mr*. Edith Vanderbilt. President of the North Carolina Agricultural Society, has just completed a tour of Eastern North Carolina in the Interest of the State Fair. She went on the warpath for the purpose of org inf closer co-operation between the countv and community fair* and the State Fair She met with't gratifying response from the large crowds that heard her the pas) week. She gnke at Monroe, Wikning ton. New Bern, Kinston. Gnkk boro and Wibon. and visited ate eral other pnnata in the State. Sb made the trip in approved stump speaking style, traveling by auto mobile so that (be could make bet v2j5' “''Y Mr*. Vanderbilt hi her idtlruu* explained that the proper function nt a Suit (air or any fair tor that matter i* not the imaatiatnl of pleasure ieekern, bat the develop' ment along proffer line* of edura tion ia agriculture. sndutlrv -and general knowledge. She adventured to *ay that there i* no other .State on the Atlantic seaboard that can present *o much io the way of natural resource* aa can North Carolina, and she further ventured to predict that a State Fair no a Stale-wide had* and financially organized would do roo« for Kqytb Carolina in (re ycara than a million doUara spent in any rnher way. Even a* it «a* hat year'* fair brought favorable comment* Aunt a* far north as New Hampshire and aa far we« a* Wisconsin. The logical condnsiqp of the program of the Agricultural Soci ety. she mid, is to build up an in stitution that will Itelong to the State and that will adetputelv reji resant the State. » . I Mr. and Mr*. J. D. Underwood, of Smithfield, were week-end visit or* at the home'of Mr* Under wood’s brother-in-law and finer. Mr. and Mr*. H. C. McNeill. lUbKU DuS FROM ACQDEMT1AL SHOT Robert James Blainey, negro who bed been employed tor rite peat three month* at the plant ol the TtMiman Lumber Co., near Dnm. died yesterday afternoon at 5:45 at the Dtfnti hospital aa a teat* of being accidentally shot early yester day morning by f. E. rtannenriaa. •upermtemlent of the mil. The shooting took place in the nftce of the Imnher company, and a steel bullet passed through the stomach of the unfortunate man . Hit larger Ini Minas were ptmctared In two place*. After yarning through the men the bullet sbio passed ; through two walla. Mr. Darmerman picked up the pistol from a drawer jest as the , twgro entered the ofKce. As he . turned to face the negro with the pistol in bit hand, it waa aoridtn . uly discharged. That the shoot . lag wee purely ao accident waa evi . danced by the fact that Blainey tok a several Vrople after he waa the) r that it wet uninNutlenaf on the pan of Mr. Tlasoiii— Them hat . never been any bad feeing botweei - Mr. Baanermen end BUnto. net Blainey waa said to hove bean i • t SHORT A MILLION ON TAXABLE LET . Count)- Auditor D. P. McDonald expects the tout tain of property lined (or taxation In Ilatnett coun :y to (all at lean a million defter* short of the fining hit pear. Prop erty value* oo the tax Mu in IV22 tan around twenty-three mil ion dollar*. Evidence front tin report* of the various tax finer* ebowt V. >> that personal linings took a de cided slump this year, a traiucud m number of tunjsn " onl* tiMn*4 rafl fjl a*aMl IIHfl flUnG ICO OCnIAlV, Cm haring that haloaced off under the ^ITCiBMbr act ly how i_ le (or the county an cvy on when they_ _ Monday fat August, anil the figarvs ■re gone over after (be aVtcratuu)* or states thn this wift require m erul The County Board ant bare Mooday and sat aa a board of * <{ualixatiaa. Thane warm a oanrid* .- ruble number of rmqnaaia far re daction— a auMriant tuanbar in keep the bond in atarion afi day. ;i*ch eesrinm aa the t >tvt ,„T installation ___ fh tint the jobs they arm holding atm :-m fact k ia thor . •nafcjr/’tbtk. wel la* def One of the — „ _ rhstca of tax liume this year «1 «• the araountofSrapertvpfamd (m the hooks after WeN*t have repotted. T1 ate <1 ready in, and yet l to Ae auditor's _ person* sod Idlers umay, tdroiltance to Ae to0 of tat. Some of this properly. At . 'ays. has never been pieced on Ae ’ lax books of^Harftett county. Kx- . status revealed the fact Am fis* >wan had eiapeed since he had can-, •died with At law in bating his i«»p«ty. Auditor McDonald says that The News'comment on Aieiann of de- * Ssxjoency a few tmebs ago served *o awaletn same of Ae *-»■«. and if present indications wean nv ‘hitig. Ae mi Mon dtdlar shortage will be made ap by Ae first Man day m August. From fifteen A S3*££*£&££; who failed to fiat whOe the CsAw was. good. The law provides for a penalty in mrh cases, and Ae -utditor is of opinion fist It should . fVm* the late one*. ' In only one or two of the town 4np*. eutee the aodkor, do the re totU of the Ketere tern to be com Mriasrirs:; one towmbip report that cane " dean ” No delinquent* hove hn * found ie Air toweildp yet. A. M. Shaw we* the i«tcr.—Harnett Co. Ncwk Waal Roo^ worker. He cM»e here maw three month* ago from Ida heme at Manning, 8. C The d rented eras abont 81 year* of age, and k merited by a wfle and three aaeM ChMdren. Tbe. re main* were taken la ibarga by The Raraa* 8 Holiday Co., hw| ander talter*, and will be keened ia 8t o^o-mry here, at I o'efach --^= •***<■<» •n«».uw«aai> Toeat we* not -rrnaj Medkel attention eras rendered the kfmed man by Dr*. H. C. TertaJw, I hit recovery, > While AaWRag erne eetUhaHL l Mr. IfwwT^gmni mime I deplored 8 heady.