THE DUNN DISPATCH' j%s tv,’.iranrt! nu f wksc i ||§ _ * CAM IS mild. ■ «i ■>■■ ■■. I I.. ■■ II . I v\ -, HIMnMW1 wiyii rII ip! ^ c«s^ia.^ragg - »—* * One boaster is worth mote to a town or conmuunky than legions of knockers. To which data do you hdcr«? The death of General Villa, the raced Mexican Lendrr leader, came about in the manner that might have been expected. He met the same fate thsU he had meted out to m many others. The Atlantic Coast Lint is tak ing its own good lime in repairing the platform on North Lucknow square. As it now sands it pre sents an ugly appearance, and de tracts from the town's good looks. Met as bow the auditors* re port of the financial standing of the State proved satisfactorvto all con tented, it urn thavc been another case of aiucfc-a-dn a boot noshing. The 11,000 ta *100,POO. Bdaatoa Mackey's ferry beat be *■* cqaippad with ail boraem. Balrigh Contract awarded oa M highway project in State totalling amra than *4,000,000. Elnston HUM operations this aaamaer to braak all reearda. High Pain*—Extension of carrier aytiem la local poetefftee Inaugurated. Wilmlngtom Cape Pear river con m#f«a at thia port in fiscal year Just cloeiag totaled 774,T71 ton ia and •« valood at *00,000,000. •alma Bids called for oow Orion milway station. Pasha Oropa Creek road to be bailt daring preseat seas so. Wihaingtoa—Castle street power tine being constructed. Andrews—Old Caiboen hotel being rasas da tail aad improved 'and named roi?. ^v Qrossmbora Baptist Herald la now local month]? Boatbcra Pinos Sandhill Power Co. building now pleat at Cool Olea os Daop river. Da rhea*—Contract awarded far aew *1*0,000 Masonic temple. Jackson Spring*—first poach ship ments beginning to move from thia section. Concord—Method 1st church to he remodeled and enlarged. Henderaawvilla—Work starts on now gymnaaima building of Blue Kidge arh sal for bays. Charlotte — Prichard Memorial Baptist church to onset now *71,000 baUdiiig. Hendorsee—*400,000 bond Mm sold and atrsat paring program to be carried oat. Hlekery—Reynolds Manufacturing Company ta establish local furniture factory. 1 Ckariotto—New Baptist hospital in Myosa peak beiag erected. Hickory—Chair factory, recently Eat Pearce’s— ^ .. ■ ■ — ■■■■■ Dollars Attract More Nothing aoeeseds like success and the more money yon hare eel aside in a savings account the easier ft Is to save. There in an increasing sense of sorority end seif re spect with the growing he lance in your hank book. Habit* are saey to aequirs aad hard to break. Habits of thrift art as assy to aeguhre aa habits of wasteful* ness sad orach more beneficial to the tadhrldoal and I - tbs Nation. Start tho thrift habit now by opening as account at Tho Commercial Bank. 4 per sent on seriate aecoante. The Commercial Bank • *•»! TOWNSEND DOING COOP PREACHING Is Stagimg Public Beats With Bntna At *1* ! MPMMk Spring Branch, (Duo X. 1), My IS—Tbs opening (amen tn tha am enaJ meeting ef day* at Spring Branch Baptist ehateh was delivered on Friday, July *0, by X—. Bernard Town tend, of Xuie't Creek. Mr. Trap lead it a forceful speaker, who— na tural gilts were amplified by training under “nor" t. A. Campbell. Ila t. expected to ronlhtoe the mee dug an Ul next Sunday. The aouaic la trader the direction of Fruf. Lynch of Buie’s creek, who tings almost as wall, ev erything eoneidored, ae Pref. Camp bell himself and that ia at high praise m anybody Jars give a ringer at Spring Branch. The Sunday morning sermon was a cal] intended to reach the hearts el the old moay-backed stick-in-the mud* who ha— been fooling them ■riroe aB them yean lato believing that they were Chriadan by attend ing church erevicae regularly and pay ing what they were able to pay, re garding not the suffs ring eaaaod among the poor in the getting of it. The Scripture reading war Second Corinthiani 8:1-4. Tbs text Second Chronicles 17:16: "And next him waa Amadlah ths eon of Zichri, who wil lingly offered himself ante tea Lord; end with him two bandied thousand mighty man of valor.'* The theme, "De the First Thing First" He pointed out that a Christian la not a Christian until he consecrates hhn mlf wholly, life, energies, property, everything, to the bnalnom of serv ing and glorifying God. Also that a church whose members arc aot eon ■wiswo ip no ruriaar rrom oeu wan outsiders are. That when Christ call ed Us d lari pic* ha called them to the hardest, meet thankleea sad physical ly dangerous service possible. Hist the Christian*i task is net a kid-glove, palm leaf fan job. That paying a lit tle hash-money to the Lord is tot a sufficient evidence of the Indwellb* ef His Spirit. Tis lapoarible to re produce the sermon, verbatim, from memory but theta who would like to beer Just aa good aanaona can come to Spring Branch during the week ami enjoy that please re. for, as oral before intimated, this spiritual wiaaL lar will stage public bouts with his tetanic majesty twice dally—10 JO a. m. and • p. m. during the weak. Wo hope to too victory perched upoi. the proper banner and that there will wustw a- u* wuranKM and may the best man win. Progreso will be reported frem tbnO to time by an Interested onlooker. DANIEL Jt. LR CABD Off THANKS To our many friends who have stood by and 'ministered to as M faithfully during Ihtaa trying days we wish to express our sincere appre ciation. Mrs. H. C. McNeill and Daughter. burned, t.ew being rebuilt. Greensboro—New $100,000 filra roannfactxtring Sns to establish plant in this city. Asheville—French Broad river ba sin to be surveyed far reservoir site for power development. Mantoo—Now lea pleat searing completion. Spencer—Water gas and sewer mains laid In preparation far street paving. IliomaavUle—To pave Loflin and Blair streets. Greensboro—Has new $100,000 packing company. ') he <)«.- endow tow nshiC Johnston coun ty, about one and h half miles nurth * hs* from Peacom'i cmesnvuls. on Friday, August XM^Zl . All relatives AfTfriend* are in vited to attend/Tha. Reunion and bring well-filled biskm and »i«nd the day togcthaifUWe have ar to L speaker to address the also religion* •erric**, tog ‘ some good ■ nmsic. _ choirs are invited to all reonion and «»*. not for j, but for en joyment, _ rime all, and spend the day M. ' W. C. u*»r. Committer. JIM J _ Lancelot , Los v July 19._ James J. _— former heivy weight boxing , who re cently was reported to be preparing for a career as jfc. evangidist, wffl Pjeach .in the 1 Oman’s Christian Temperance Te tple here tomor row night on tf ■ ** Restoration of Palestine to the ewe." He plane a wc id tour, it it said, preaching the d [trine of amalga mation of people of the white rice to promote the I ghest standard oi civilization. J WILSON OkAtY YOUTH KILLEEflH ACCIDENT WQssn, July C^aifton Pistes, Ifi *®n of W. Egltns, was instant ly WUsd TfcurWsjTvhem bis body wai eangilt fa a cwJ'VesI af a hoisting mcfcie te the nsfyd tha Baldgh OAalto CompsAten Bailey, K. 0. Tbo body m teffhamdod and b« •arrived only stejfrgm after ths soeMsnf Yosn* BagjPVns sroclorsd st ths qbsrry. JKlhn Is la ths Ballsy ssetioo. ' FATALLY WOUNDED IN FIGHT ABOUT WIFE Kin-tam, July 23.— <>scar Rob inson is in c crtical condition in a hospital here aud Kerry Tindall it ■ being held without bond on a charge of assaulting him with a knife. Rob in sen is expected to die from ab dominal wound a. The men engag dd in an affray at Deep Run last , night following a slight remark made by one regarding the other's •wife. Hottest h 38 Years New York, July U.—Iks wannest July SI tinea IMS directly easaotj three doatha to the metropolitan die Ulct yaeterday. awl an elderly wo mmm, trying to keep cool, fell froa a window and au killed. Winy per Hon a were overcome, ineluding on on the beach at Coney bland. N< relief la in right. 1 The temperatures reached 94 a 1p.m. 1,400 GUARDSMEN AT BRAGG FOR TRAININC Fayetteville, July JO.—The Irani portatlon of the second increment •: National Guard units to Fort Brim .'for summer training in Held arbller; •j »n«l engineer work has keen templet ’ td, and 1,818 men and 68 officer! fiom Louisiana. Alabama, Florence, South Carolina and Miftlealpi ana now , quartered In the National Gmard training camp. They replace Guarde ' men from North Carolina, Georgia and South Carolina and will be In training for two main The organlaationa now at the poat i art the 141at Field Artillery regi | ment, from Louisiana and Alabama, | the 116th Field Artillery, from Mor *da, the 188rd Engineer!, from South Carolina, and the 114th Engineer!, 11 of Miaatmlptpl. IT’S A FACT - 1 That we can save you money on your grocery and feed bills. GIVE US A CHANCE And we’ll prove it to you beyond a reasonable doubt. Dunn Package House East Cumberland St., Dunn, N. C. . crffiimGV* A^rotRors RICHMOND. VA. -■ -- „ 17? Picsdilly, London PJh?J^°°Perati°n of our Foreign Offices, We Present ^ * off Linens stock collected from practically all parts of the world and assembled in Richmond at prices which . 5.*«* lopeat in nine years. Merely ss as exhibit of workmanship thb display is worth a trip to our ** ® * ***T exceptional opportunity for you to rcplenbh your supplies at material savings in cost. ^ are Ibted a few of hundreds of splendid values, all guaranteed by Thalhimcr Brothers. If you cannot I in person, your orders will be filled promptly and shipped postage paid. If you are not satisfied, return > u* y)" lrour jnpney will be refunded immediately. Include business references and * charge account will be tor you. Charges made during thb sale appear on statement rendered September 1st. Order to day. 1 I I »W» JL ■' W 1 » ■ ■ _ Exquisite Hand Embroidered Linens from far off Madeira maoa i ray Ovalt. 29 c ahan m wml IM embroidered deaipMt band rahpd cdpa. ' ■Qbkmgt and Ovalt, 7Sc iJeXMncir mm, tunable lm oaten. table matt. HF« K^.«tC . •>•***7 b»lembroido3 Ltmchaon Sait. 43S Omdflalmm UJ*eb center,.* lomeb do,la. and t't i-^cb daili—• AJ pure tacn, kandarabraaderod AN EXTRAORDINARY SAL* OF MM Madeira Handkerchiefs at 19c each Haad - Embroidery*! and Hand-Scalloped Thee* an nude of rrrf in* quality White Bariat*, kand-embroidenrl ut aeveral rery daiatv end aurectrve pa I tome. tniaked with handle allopod adqa. A nwiarkabU Value at.. 14e. 1 Madeira Linen Luncheon and Tea Napkins at 4.95 Doe. MRla id the popular n-iaeh war, every aeiteh made hr haad, even to the acallaprrl rdpr OM of the heat valor* in the aalr Special at 4.4* done*. ij-iarh.1.49 damn i>WI. *.49 daacn From Osacbo-Slovakia Embroidered Guest Towels, 1.00 S» i6x*tc whn, marie of rtrj doe quality Ltaan Buck, neatly Hand embroidered border draigaa, and woe Wee Space for monogram. a Madeira Centers. IM Both jo and ia-ineh in rhie lot, made of Cm •hue linen, eho»a in aevaral Aeai*na. 17x26-Inch Ovals. IjOO ThfM are eepecielly dees able far laraa traya, arrein* .■bfrapm. etc. Handutabtai dared and b»M J Sale of 54-inch Linen Luncheon Cloths, 7.95 Another untunal ealoe, and partkalarfy in ter*, tin* becauee you bore irrtt different palteraa t* aefaet from. Made ai recy Cne Ouafcty linen, Madeira head-embroidered and firmbr\l with hend-eraflnped edffe. Other M-Inch Laanchoou Ootha la eat wart daalffna are laatpnd at Mil Linen Damask 95 Dozen Seven-Piece Pure Linen Luncheon Sets at 3.98 T1?5* V "*** of • *»T fa«rr *Bd fat «MlN7 t*m Mttcfad Luw jUn&at xuzxztsi™ - - jjgj fJKE-v UJNCHtflN SCT* (p«, fa»), - our “Personal Shopping Service?' or come and see for yourself ' ’I . . ' ' I * ' .