UlkaOIIMIUNI. Ml At CaBotaei Seth gr p n &£’■. jErJ!* Bat the bailie of Cahedta. fought la 174C. ended differently Ur tha Ho» of (tact tha ooaatfy aw roaadlag Dana arobably would have had a totally different try# ad cib um la tha yreaaot day; far felewiag that dimeter tkaae aha had flecked to tha hoaaar of tha Seatthh yre taader to the Brttlth threaa faced either death, oggiemtea at heart or mfety la dmnrita. Fallow! ag defect ad the Etoact for cee at Cahodoa oa Ajri U, 1T4I, when the Pretender, Chart** Edward. VI dMDW VH WNIIH to n inoifiint wtth too Duke of OoeMui, i awimaadiag too farcoa of Georg* IL toon Ml too Brrtiah three*. tor English force* upland hundred* of Soak soldter*. caacatad Many, ami burned ami pUtogml through too Highland*. Msup of th* prloaMU war* carried tote England and at Koaaingta* Caae bmc, near London. If were put to death; thirty-two war# executed ia CunteafUml, amt twenty-tw* to Tor* ok*. TUo wot bp wap of vengeance and alarm. Tbo king, hewaror, wua rated bp kinder thought*, and n large aaaebar wot* puPdonad oa eeadHtoa tout toap Mm th* oath af aBagtonc* and emigrate to America. Same Coma fat Ifap Aa early aa lf*t Scot Bightaadam bad aatllad to small number* alaag Um Cap* Fear. Favorable ra porta of Um country had gone buck to their retothre* to too oM country; a*, when thu king** edict was bundled* *f th* exile* tout part of tbo Harnett Count!**. Fayetteville, then A .- '1 •anon adg* of Harnett aouatp. Sena to toot dap th* excellence af the *o«* aaad Um comfort af the climate mi attraetteu to mttlava. tBowtag tajee af the now country wuru taut bach to ratoUvaa to tha Highland*, raonhtog to a rtandp wtaaaa of uw families Md Waters Nath Canto* tea ate; dm at tea Dana Maria mb* di mply faa th*»r satin UUa. TMr arighhaa* a tha arot aao. fn« tea Maate af Irataatt, shava Statute eat asiaalad teas aatdad la Plata pw af ta Cay* har »aas|ij tana te Pistehljr toa-tWate at aOteayal y»* la tea Pasa Matatet aw daaand ad (>aa te* srigteal Beat wttUn, at terngh tear* aa* oaay aMrite aad Bagteh dtetaat Baca a late aa ISM tea GaaU* !•■*■*•* *■* a**d ta tea yalyits at **T BmteyteHaa tesrtew at Har it"te altea^teytoZadteatel! Vr tea sty, te Naate Otntiaa, an BMSSS-Tas I f/fci ■ ^, s* .j 'v *• ' Pear river, flora MrTTinaH Ant make* bar mwi, a yenag aad hU waring g|t); la tba tiiahlya aad dMiaaaet that affectad tba Attest fat divided leotah la GuAiaa. at tba vwtatUa, Aa to the dignified matron; krim tba Jnitui aad radical pria clpfae af Aa noaA Revolution troubled bar coaatry aad employed hot children, Aa «M tarrttd ta tba cantata ry af X&arair. The moat qaAb essays af Aa Pieteader, Priaca CbaMaa Mnif, ta Highland* A laetlaad. boated flam amoatala ta dsil, from crag A cav er*, by day aad by night, by the eokiiem A tba Dabs A r—b ulan I. ■ad a pin set upon hla head aa a fagltiva falsa, was plaaaad aad ea» rated by tba MsPonalda. tba meat powerful A whom had appoaad the »M<op« to plaao the Priaca open Aa tbraaa, aa a hayetem lahaMlati, aad away of whom wars bearing«m» fat tba baaaa A Haaovar j aad asms avaa tbaa leading farces la ■■arch A tba Royal fagltiva. into tba wilds aad faataaaaaa of the Highlands and tbs Weatara bias. Roderick Mackanaie aided the light A tba Priaca by hla ehlvalroae death; Flora btoPooald by her romantic tpir U oad womanly contrivance "Thii real mao) In Aa moawtalaa A Boae abiio after the battle A Otiladan. and | was aaipriaA by a party A aridien east in pursuit af Charles Idwaad HU age, hU figure, hU air, deceiving the military completely, they wen goiag ta secure him. believing Am bad got hold af Aa true priaca. Mao beaata perceiving tbaur avUtake, wK* great feoOtade and praaaaca A mind iaetaatly reaetvaa A render It uaefu to Ma oaater. Ha draw hU nrord, aad As courage with which be defended hinurif, aattefUd these aatdiam Aal A cooM A no ether then the Pre tender. One of than fired at him Mackenzie fed. and with hie tael breath exclaimed—''You hove killed yoar Prince.* This generous men Ace suspended few the time all pun suit, and afforded «n opportunetj for the (sfertusls Charles to nop from the hands at Kin •aemier." The socage by the aid of Flore was loss Woody and more romantic. Witt greet didculty be bad ssndc hie ere] scree* the Highland* to the western share, and setting nail In an tight oared bout from the farm of Among after earns atari ag a moot furiosi storm, such as are frequent on thu northern see. whan, in the linger of Osriaa. "The thunder of the ttdse fond e shatter, for a tboe etPOrma. dot, with Laird Me Donald, of Oai ■meald. Tbo keen oeoat of hi* pur enors at length traced him to thh place, and three thesesnd eokUara, rod coats ms they were called, were seel to search the Mud, thro^fc seen dell, and rock, and nag, and rtlefi. “A armed retools wore stationed al around to intercept srory ship or boat tbs* might attempt to tears the shore •nd coorcy away the royal fegtttra. Many project* far his rotwye were proposed by tta anxious friends, and laid aside in rapid eerooeoien. At Isagth Lady MrTtoashl eaMeet id • romaatic W*A,—that, arrayed ia fo •Mto toathas. hs should accompany a tody as bar waiting woman, or esr raat maid. Two diffeuKlaa wees to. he eacoaateiad; what tody woaVl ew W* to the dingers ee. though ro mantie enterprise? and how ehoold th*T obtain a paaaport from the hos tile adeem for each a company to lone# tbo irtendT Two young i~u— fa, the heuee at McDonald wees -|gn|n* was lem than "we Visits The Ido “At this critical them, who eheoid cem. to the bease of Laird MeOeeebl bat ths bind and booatafoi Mora, from Mittbsrg, to tha same island, to rlait her rrtstisaa, so bar ntm Dam •dmiiea ft* that mitragika Tht la •r»d; tha aan ad luad, *•«««( rutJuw, tin mad Wn Doaadd, •d Axmadada, in the Iria wf fkya. Her rtig fatbar, Cape Hagh McDon ald, ana than la UUt. in-ad a iimg iny ad tha aha McDonald, in the mrvics of King Ciiigi. ninhn for tin Prim. “Thu unlit feetiaga ad the Scotch towIda the Moral finffy Unir nation ri honUtoBg OlhMtod that young ladp’r virit. While thaao McDeaahde canid not take anna to place the prince upon the thioan, oo inanting the effort nmil am, and wore defoodlng the reigning beam af Han over, and even Una In aim in anarch of Chariot, hamaaed la among the I cmga ed UUt, Uwp eauid not And It in their heart to ooiao him, now tat wore to proooed with daht that too large reward offered aright have keen : a temptatles, ami the Ones and co^ ! ftacatlem that weald fallow ampMaa | of their favor for the Pretender, might have bee* a auffldent mean I to hold them hack item aap effort for hit escape, “WU1 you," atyr the ladp el Laird 'McDonald to Fiona, af ter making her aagarindod with the pretence and hiding place of the Prince on pie It tend, and the plan aha waa meditating for hia teoape, “wU pen tape at fount if to thb danger te rid the tacepe of the Frtoce from hia eotmitj that have him hen enaiee edT“ the maiden enamored. “ffioee I am ts die, and oan die but onet, I am perfecUp wflliag to pet mp life in jeopardy ao aavt hia tapal High nam drota the danger which new te aeta him.” Delighted with ikia re sponie, the ladp opened the matter to ao efllcer named OTfeiff, who ex prameri the maw ronmatU dealre to aid the emape ed tht very man far the apprebeurion ed whom he Wt than U time. He accompanied fan to Oarradole, a rocky, craggy, wiM, atqemtertd place, wham the Priam lap concealed. in a cave, that they might ooncert with him the detail* ol tha plan af hia »•**;». Oa antarlag tha cave they fond tha Prioaa atone, brotl.it a andl freah flah upon to* aaaU for tU tonaly rapaat teMttod at their approach, end nnlc| hia ro tract had baca «*ar widiil by aba aaidion, and emapa to ba bapili**, be pat Mmaaif aa the dofear* to aaO hie Ilf* as dcuty to Ma dignity re quired. The gallant yeaag clear and aad tha faianMfal tody da htoa tower anc* a* * prise*. At thalr Mad aata StotoMUs»iar^MF«ij%ai far Ki* aaeapa from Ma daapaaato con ditio*, flltod Ma heart with-1 orad delight. After h rtiort intorrtew, Flora left him, and u brother at nothing,_ *, Neill McDonald, th* aoa of r, aa noble, gcaeroua, aad renmie aa haraalf, who eatrnd with dowattoa Into tha plan for A* maapa af tha turn* to Oi ■■ ilit. to eomplata tha prepaminw* far th* depart*** from tha lalaad. Pamper* Ob tala id Tha meat important atop wa* to prorun * paaapert from th* lttoad, that might protect them tee* tha eeaneh of afltoeea, and ililwton by th* ramilr an th* oaaaL flora at ioagth obtained oa* from bar rtap fatbar, Captain Bugfa MeDoapM, ter haraalf, bar youthful totogaatoa Moll MtPtolj aad thro* other*, to oan rttoat* a biat'i errw, and ato* ter her at retag maid, Betoay tonka, a •tout Irtahrm—a, whom flora pro tended *h* had ingag*d ter tha gnhi putpim of boooartag her ia»th»i*i apiaoter. ad Atotodrta, i* Iky*. Ac the Captain gar* Ma pcaaport and wrote by Flora a latter i*eoauaeada> toey af Bataay Baton aa a aptouter, it is oonjoetorad, act wMhaot-. of to* design* of hk fair dtptogh* tor, though h* wisely hapt Mamatf In Ignorance. "White toe .. -- worn hi The Roof You Want Whether it be metal or die, dag or 'rrnvel, we can construct it for you •atiefec' 1 torily and efficiently. ALL SORTS OF SHEET METALWORK ESTIMATES I .invritivn Wram far tel. X *>« U ixr mother, in Skye, Atlan McDonald. ~4 the kill, arriwxi U Onnaclet with i tompuny of aUden to ieu-*h for J>* Prince, without any particular *■ plcmna dmt the fugitive »„i near Jr any Ik ought that to fair k:»w,u an waa eenooctlag a pirn, ot i+cap< wMeh hla praeenra might paarlhilarty' dtoeeaaaada. Item waa aimThu time to bo loot, noru, hastening to his hiding place, clothes the Prince in the attire of an Irish serving wamar., and •» bka afternoon of Saturday. the SStb of Jena, 1744, the party erahnrx froai dm for the 1st* of Skye. Soon after they launch forte, there contra ■poo theta a furious stem af wind. Tamed la and fra, nod driven about •U night, the courage of the maiden never toraakeo hart anxious tor her tharge, rather tear, far herself, rkv encourages the men not to turn bask. Inspirited by Ike eMmctattena of the maid* a, the oarsmen exert their at mast strength, and surmounting all the dangers of the totagaM, at dawn •f day they approach Point Voter miah In the laic ad Skyv. As they draw near, however, the sight of a band of soldiers drawn open tee shore to receive tee host, turns teem back to tee ocean; and the valley* dis oharged at them by the soldiers has ten their flight, whSe the holla are whiatMng by and rebounding from tor 11 1 waves. Turning eastward!/ they pur ■a* their course, and toboul noon, an 8abtoath, tend ad UOterttoe, in the pariah of Kilnaulr, near the Msguatat houae, tee residence of flit Alexand er McDonald, the Laird of Slade, to rapes* like tea dove after her flight, •ver %* waters, for a UUle apace.' la the syt. I —*- SS-r.— -|J “Concealing tee Prince in a hollow rack oa the beach, nova repaired to Uk ___ . ■eat cordial recaption from Lady I McDonald, In tha abaaota erf the Laird. Tho hall mu W<rf offteen, ■torn role boMimm waa to naarrh for «ha rayal Kdpitiwai aad tha Laird hiraaif waa known to to hoaUla to Ma prat—Inna. The maiden, more mtf-poeeed from the dfeger, with conflrfia* an tha mam a—m known to the tody Mm hidlap-ptom of the Prince, and the clrmunatanee* of hie from OUt. The iady'i heart to tha maidea’t confide—, her caum, aad i*nda hy AUnandar MeDoaaM, the Laird •f KJocrfboife Be II lie to Sir Aioxan dar, her fcoabaad, who happened to to to the bo—. relmamento of win* and other c—lotto aaltod to the nm caadtJoo of tha fattooed end dietmu ad wanderer. By arfrtce at Lady Ue ijw M- I tod— i a-om the nameroM office,, Sfi. mWUi» than en tip* onto*,, Pier* ail Botuy Borka — eat fanmedUM*y fo»- (tin*» bto«, abo»t twelee mUm dtotant, at eo—uiad by the-BaUHa ae their nida. On their way they met many of the country people returnia* from l Mrorek. tot— corloeety wna much axaitof hy the eoame. acctfccnt, | etoemy-iookla*, toa*-lr**ed frramk ! Bfura the* accompanied «to Laird (Continued on folio win* pace) PLEASURES OF MOTORING i A Dodge or a Studebaker will afford the utmost in motoring pleasure, because, no matter bow long the trip nor how rough the road, you are assured that neither will fail you. , We conduct a thoroughly equipped garage in which you can get competent service for Dodgo, Studebaker and cars at all times, and can keep your automobile con* tinuously serviceable to you. TOES. PARTS AND ACCESSORIES ALWAYS IN STOCK Twenty-One Homes In Dnnn Owe Their Presence To The Boildjng And Lou —And nine other projects, including home remodelling, etc., have been aided in the little more than one year the association has been in existence. Here is our statement at the close of our first year, May 31, 1923. AflSETSl 1 tSma* First Mortgage 1-oana-$68,700.00 (This is the amount loaned ahare holders, secured by first mort gages on real estate.) . 1,713.75 ITm* la the amount now loaned to shareholders, secured by their . stock certificates.) Interest on loans due and unpaid_ 34.50 Installments due and unpaid_ 677.76 Cash in banka -- 1.310.94 Total —--162.442 94 8*!a«ho,d*r» —.$32,360.50 (I his ta the total amount due stock* holders for installments paid.) Prepaid Stock-:- 21,800.00 (Due ahareholders for stock sold at par value.) Balance due on real estate loans_ 6,100.00 (This is the amount yet due borrow ers on real estate loans.) Installments due and unpaid_ 877 75 Surplus (Undivided Profits)_ 1,704.69 - -- I Statement of Funds Collected And Expenditures Made Installments collected_$36,526.26 (This is the total amount paid in by stockholder* in weekly or monthly Installments.) Paid Up Stock sold_ 21.600 00 (This Is stock sokl at par value.) Interest collected on loans___ 1,843.50 Pine* collected —_ 81 75 (This la amount collected for failure to pay installments when due.) .— 906 76 Transfer Fees_ I>50 Withdrawal Peea. 108.76 Payments on Mortgage Loans_ 200.00 Payments on Stock Loans —__ 1,608.60 Total..$62,877.00 , ,, _ uobuioemENTS: /-Eft »•** .7-662.800.00 (Thl« la the amount advanced to bor rower* on real estate loan*.) Stock Loans____ 8 899 9a (This is the total amount loaned stockholders on their stock t Withdrawal* by stockholder*_ 4,165.75 Secretary a salary tor year_ 667.62 Supplios and advertising_ 480.06 Paid for Charter and Incorporation 78.60 Insurance Department Feea_ an 00 State Bank ahd Trust Co, balance_ 2S 66 Postage _- ia 09 Interest.' Caah in Banka--... 1,816.94 ToUl- 662,877.09 The Home Building and Loan Association stock is non-taaablej it provides a sure *ncom® • safe investment for those who have idle funds. As it Hvee, it grows stronger. * Talk to os about providing a safe and profitable place for your savings. HOME BUILDING A LOAN ASSOCIATION I:, tben North Carolina

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