(Continued from preceding page, and tile maiden. Without any indli uity or suspicion they reached th place of their destination about ant isc wearied from the sturm and peril of the preceding night, and the ea rapw and journeys of the day. Th next morning Flora accompanied th Prince to Pole re*, ami there bid bit aritou. On parting ho kiaaed her, am said. “Gentle, fsitbfel maidon, 1 on terrain th* hep* that see die!I y* moot In th* Palace Royal.” The: never met attain; the hopes at thi Prince wore as unsubstantial am evanescent as the shadows of th c to ads, and the fogs that rest upor the hlHe. His escape waa the wert not of hit chivalry or courage, bu< at woman's tenderness, and the loya fooling* of 'Scottish heart*. Servant To Fees Mss "From PorUrec, the Prince tool passage to Raarsay; and from that i> lead he wont to dtrsrth McKinnon, having for Ms guide a poor man, M.I.U. VI .1 _1 - ■--U V. tried as a paid servant to recap* ob • nr ration. From ibance, he took pee aa** by water IS Araaag. and tea wandvrvd through Araaag and Mood art and the roogheet of Uia High lands. enduring Incredible hardships, till about the middle of autumn he fouixl veasels to convey him end s few friends to France, leaving Beat land as unattended aa ha entered, hopelem of his crown, multitude* af his friends butchered, and others beg gared or in exile, hia resource* all exhausted, huroelf toe scorn of France and pity of te world. WMh hhn sailed to Franea Neill McDonald, who a wilted In his flight from Ulst, and had shared his fortunes during his wandoring*. The enthusiasm of his fair kinswoman dwelt in Ws bos om, and spread itself through the youth at the Highlands, anil rendered the capture of the Prince more hope less; after the exploit of the maiden and the two ladles McDonald, who would hasHnts to giro him sueeor and conceal hia mrsatT Nett] McDon ald remained in France; and bis an became famous in the wars af te French Revolution, being made mar ahal by Bonaparte and for hit suc cess created Duke of Tarantula. Had the unfortunate Charias Edward pos sessed a spirit to commaaed, equal to the courage and daring of bis friends, the house of Stuart might now occu py the throne erf England. Flora Is Arrested “After the eaeapa of the Prince to France, the troubles af Flora McDon ald commenced. Incensed at the less of their victipt, and not satisfied with the possession of te kingdom, and -ffirrffsasiriraiars •wwwawBUBre his fUght, and eoiteyad thorn to London aa state prisoners, for send ing from the island the caaae of the lata disturbance, routed, broken down and discouraged, and at ones deliv ering toe crown bom farter eaaaa .! uneasiness, and tha country from gcthir with Malcolm McLeod. whom' pack the Prise* hod carried, McKin non of tho Btraith, who received him from McLeod, and MeDooaM of Ktngsbwrg, who aid ad Hon on tha thth of Jane, were tnkon to Loado* and confined la th* Tower aa pria oner* of state, to ba tried far their life, aa aiding and abetting attempt* against th* Hfa and crown of King Gaoig*. Tha sxaupl* of the yeaag lady in loosing op her country mm, I howvrar friendly to th* Imam of Hanover, he promote the aocape of one da they coaid not, aad psr hapa on accent of hti religion, weald net make king twned tha Indignation of thee* arhe had ieet sptendid re ward offered for th* Pretender dead or alive, upon ksrsaU awd her friends. Daring their aenflnamant, the nobil ity of England became deeply Inter ested in tha beaatifnl and high spirit ed Flora, wpirletty aa aha was not a partisan of the Fretendor, Mr of hla religion# faith. Her devotion to royal ty, ** romantically ezpramed, won the favor ef Prince Frederick th* heir apparent, groat grand-father ef Victoria, the present qnocn of Bng ■ana; rotting nor in pnaaoi, no M eame onllated to bar faror moat otronely; A* awakened In Wo baaam the chiral He gallantry abo bad eallod forth la hor eoantrymo»l and by hi* •troronoa oxartlooio ba procured hor roloaaa, yiaatly to hia awn honor aad tho proaperlty of #» kingdom, aad tho popularity of tho king. '■After hoing *ot at Uborty, bar roaldanee, while aba rema*nod la Lan dau, waa (orroondad by 4b# carriage* of tho aaOIKty and gantry, who paid tholr raapoota poieoaaMy. ooagratalat lag bar on hor ontetyrteo, bar cour age, her loyalty, and her roloaaa. Lady Primaoaa, a favorer of tha Pretender a lady of wtaHh aad dlottnotloa. In tend or ed hor be lha eourt aoelaty and by hor natpli and lnflaet.ee obtalaod large praaaaka la ambe bar fergat bar oapthrHy, aad to meat tha Bo aapanaoa of hor datoattoa aad hor mtom to bor aura country. Hm trw d«*on In Carolina, uBora Ba after •tod* Hoad, kb Bat •**» mnM goMoa omoananta aad aola-gfri to1 M a half totehal.- «bo wo. lateodoo od to tha Mag, 0»m II.; amd to hla aaaaowhat *ag*llnt lagaliy "How aoaM you daro |o auoaor th» •aomy of aty ciowa and klagdeoil' aha rapHad with graat otoiplleity—“It waa ao .ON Baa I wouU tan toao I for poor maje.ty had you bran in - like situation." A chaise and four • wore fitted up for he pit urn bo - Scotland; for hor oaeort oho ■*—y a • fellow prieoner, Malcolm McLeod, - who used afterward* to boast, "that > he w'ent to London to bo hegM i but rode bock in a chaise and fear > with Flora McDonald." Married To Alias Mdhaeld Four yean after hor return to ; Scotland aha war married to Allan ' McDonald, eon of the Laird of Kings-1 1 barg. who, at the death of hie father.l "succeeded to the estate aa<1 title; and| j thus she became mistrme of the vary mansion in which the Prince pasted hla first night In the lal* of Skye,' June a»th, 174#, after the romantic •scape from Dial. Dr. Jehrwon and Mr. Boswell, in thoir soar to bho^ Hebrides In 177#, were heritably *n-| tertalncd by Allan sad Flora McDot.-’ •W. and war* greatly gratified by! he in* .ra fra Joatt 4S« #Va -- V. J ! In which the unfortunate Charles Erj ward had alopt the night ha pencil up on the island. Flora, though than more than twenty yearn a wife, and I the mother of numerous children, *tiR retained her blooming coon tee-' ance aad genteel form, and waa fall of the enthoasiatm of her youth. On account of tha pecuniary • mharraee | menu of Her hurtroml, they were than, the doctor tells us, in fail jooramJ, contemplating a removed to North' Carolina, to join their oountryman | and f riende on th« Ctpr Fear ritir, ■ | otnl thither hnmcdiotolf afttr the I rfbeiboo of 1744. From that ptr iod the land/ country of On Caro-1 linaa had been tha refuge of the Hthgiarxten, whether they fled from poverty or ogprahUoir, or warn drown by the ctaaira of bei>v lirde pondont landholders and araahhy man. U the year 177«, lust as tha troubles la the American colonist wore turn ing into rebellion against the tyranny of England, aad the assertion of to il w>tmdsnce of oil foreign control. AH an and Flora with their family aad aoma friends, landed in North Can> Hna and look their abode for a abort time at Croe* Creek, new Fayetteville. ' Tha place of her residence waa de> rtroyed by the great fire that swept off a large part of the loam oaa Sab-1, bath in tha sannwr of ltt—. tha' coins of this dwelling art etlH Is be teen aa yea pass from the market-j hooaa U tha coart boats. on roar "Wrt-hasd, )iut before yen cram tka «eek, mot far from toe office both out over toe atream. After a toort atay in this place they ramoved to Cameron’■ HD1, ia to* Bctoecu* ooi (tvyatIon. about twenty ntoei above FaycUwiH*. la Cumberland county. While residing at thia here aaetag bar, at toe _j church, a dignified and haodaoma wo man. to whom ail paid neat reaped They afterward* removed farther up country Into A neon county. While re aiding tome, Donald McDonald, a re lation of Flora’*, who had bean an officer in toe Pretender** army ia 1T46 and had taken the onto of alle giance and emigrated to me* kia Ufa. was ybmmiaaioned Vy Oovarawr Mar tin aa ganernl in the carries at Me MaJaaty George 111. Oa to* let of February, 17T8, be tamed hi* procta mation catting aa nil ioyal and true Highlander, to Jain to. atandard at Oaorn Crete. Home ftfteva hundred mao eoen aaaemhlad in arm*; aoma of whom War* ainccrely attached to boaae of Haaovor, and otfcem were nnder oath* of altogimme to width •hey owed their Hfe, and. aa earn* believed, their property. W«h tom* were aaatmbled Kingteuig McDuutoi, t* huaband of Plaza, with thalr kind red and neighbor*, animated by the aplrtt at thia matron, who now, on her former principle*, defended GeorgellL aa readily an ah* hod aid ed to* unfortunate Chariaa Bdwaad about thirty yearn before. Tradition aaye toe eeeoiwpaniod her huaband, and neigitoer* to Gretoeriekn, and eomuauntcated her earn onthariaam tel toe aaaembied Scotch. From thia fact It baa beau auppoaed by aoma, that the foKoared ghe army ia its march to Ida Governor Martin at the month of Cape Fear. Min. Smith, however, vaoreaaiy atoert* thot aba did not follow the army; bet rate read to her! rremenee in A noon, om tnc army . •mt moved mp Bockfhh. ao It did in . a abort time, in yrayonaHnn to march down tbo river. ’ Defeated By I Idiom o. On their march down tbo river the 1 forooa of Oonaral McDonald moro met 1 by Colonel* LUkectoo ontl Oaavoil, naor tbo mowtb of Moore’* Creek. In How Hanover, and after a aevere on rage maul, oa the tttb, wore entirely rowtad and dUyomod, taken yd*or-' ora or MM. Amomr the r ’ waa the fcadband of flora, who mrvod r«««iv»d ta bar hand. The sight ad «*>• courageous and wounded woman araaaed ahe spirit of the crew to the highest pitch. Having beaten off the enemy, they landed Flora and the fma il/ safe an their native eoil, 'flam which die never again departed. She need sometimes to rsmaA plsauallj oa the peculiarity of hor condition, 'I have hasardod my life both for the huuae of Stout and the hotma of Hanover; and 1 do not ace diet I am a great gainer by It' A Genteel Wee.. Withel To the dose of her Ufa ahe waa of a gentle, affable demeanor, and great ly beloved; bar modesty and self rae p«ct wore blended with khtdaeas and benevolence. There went none of the masculine pamiono and Habits, or tempers, on commonly connected In oar thoughta with acta of bravery performed by females. She woe al ways womanly in her eotiraa, and al ways lovely. The mother of a num erous family, Ave aona and two daugh ter!, ahe inspired them all with her spirit of loyalty and adventure; the sons aN became military officers, and were faithful to their king and coun try; the daogbtem sreio married ta military men, and maintained their loyalty and their honor, aa tree do ■rendanu of such a mother. Loyalty In thorn ladies and no oarviHty io it; firm and established government to ixecate laws for the peace ef the :o immunity end a conviction that a rastnetod monarchy waa the best form of government, and that a here ditary wee better than an elective srown. The moat dassisting wars ta! the history of their country had bepn ■•gad by disputants for the crown. "The eventful ttfe of this amUbie ady waa closed March 6th, 1790. We lave no record of the mental and re tgious exercises of her last momenta. fhe mi ed seated, Used and died In tie Presbyterian faith, the faith of, he Church of Scotland; and oarer lympatMsed in the religious croud af he Pitcader. whoa* IMe Sw uml. k ran not so much admiration af tba Mam. as a character or u man, aa he workings of her own kind heart md noble aoul la looking upon ban icredltary Prince In distress, that noved her to tba romantic and has Lrdooh ooterprlae of hla escape from . Jut. An iaunanae concoarae of poo ds wen —ambled at. her fanatul; rot lem than three thousand persons allowed die corpse ta the grave in , he cemetery of KilamLr, la the Me if Skye. According to a ragusst long ucvioufty expressed, bar shroud was nado ed the identical abeetb ia which kiMm rapoaed the night ha slept irava Iks' vimaaili rotAc •€ hem * ~ _ te w. fV - . \ - V- • Her U-r Lives “A writer who visited the eemetery n Bcptomber, 1141. says: there is not o ranch aa one of that family in the nad of the living. At the end ef two 'eon the body of bar hatband woo de mattrd in a grave by her aide.— rhere, si as. ail her ethpasag now si entiy slumber. Thus is FI era IfcDen U, alia who once waa beautiful aa! ha flower of the morning, now rt-j oeiog he teeth o green hillock; and-I ■o monument, aa yo«, has been erect-1 d to perpetuate tba rawer/ af her, aUhfulweaa or her achievements! 'has tba baaaty ef the world shall was ewwyr “Though no monument be eroetod n (ngisisU er in ieottaad to bar’ oeraory; thoagb on page of Engliah svn dwpiayed in aa unpopular aaaa, though from 4faa time ef that H-planned and M-fated rebellion, tba rbole poUay of England towards bar rathre country boo boon to annihilate he hebks, and tba very language aad tinea of file Highland, and of her ■oath, her memory wfil five in North1 SereUna while nobleness has adradr ea, and romantic pelf-devotion la be welfare ef the dirtrmeed aaa barm the heart. And wifi net that be or avert WH1 net posterity admire »r more than Prince Ovaries whe led da fefiowara to atoagbtsrT or George l, who envied the popularity of Wa[ ten sent aad draw more luitrurtioaj mra her romance, aad affection aad. wldneea. aad devotion, and womanly imeea, and feminine leveHsesa, tfmn Tom aM the court ef lbgland that III the hletoriee of that by gone par-' odT ■'Masaechesetts boa her Lady Am-] r—i wtr^nwm mwr rwinonuu; fortt Carolina bar Tien McDonald." Tha heaatttag aba hf Mur avenge Imerfean dtiaan today l« ladlffete >nu. He I* ta each a largo entent iheorhed la hlo own wort of making > IWag aad promattag tha tatavaataj if hit own dm, that ha aaaaaa ta eallaa Me graatar aad graver itopaa AUHIaa ta tha Nation aa a whole Many people are Indifferent U the fattoaal aapaeto of haaiaooo, aad ta ha ellmlnatlaa af those dangeroar lamaalea whteh* attach thinweliaa ta' leeieea* If every titlera vara ta' aha a direct and vital Internet la hit tavern*"* nt—Natl octal, Stats, or Mv lietpai; participate la tha ealaetloB *d ile representative*; hasp atone watch mi ledalaUaa; hater tha nation of U* epteoantatfva*; aad exeretea hi* pet dtaga af In I jj Nynr U * Afloat • hudiW ud fifty ymn *** fatter teak flu that —ton* aid citixoni, in diaeateag tha protpoete for deeelopmant aad prog "" t» fatam North Carolina, mad* fate aad tefttcw deelara «*a: "What we need U man pay nil*.” And r»« aiaca that ttea, mV* bna ra**mi«* ,h* mme „„ •ad orar again. Yon aan hear it la Wuhmgtaa and jo* eon tear It in Oraanrlll*. Yea can tear H hi Wilma and nlao in GoWaboiw. No m*nr» fa«r» m aaay go la aaateni North Carolina, you'll hoar man predate, "Ye. w* », got , pretty lead ton horn, tet we aoed mare parrel*. Let’a go hack te Old Mas Nadi far a moment. |i »u B grand old char oeur in many raapoeto. eithoagh U mot te adadttad that te ted hla weak apeta. Information came te him fat a gram flood »u .bout to do# cend upon tho aacth aad that onito b* wloted to aatakliab a long-dktane* aad nan-rtop awimming record, he'd better buKd aa ark far hlnwdf, fam ily aad lire mock. What did Noah dor Did be otond aa the banka of tho emok. with hi* family gathered .boat fan. end d*dei* to thorn: "Wo nood I an orttT" And did the mentbem of I bh loafa, tme to ana another and I any: "By Qeerpo, the oW man ia 1 right; wo do aoad an arkt" And than 1 what did they do? Did they write ar- I tkte for the paper* error tb. *1*.., V turw of **Old(Sutacrfbor” aad “Tax- I payor” mad aadoiTor u prooo con- I eloWooly that what that particular I community a Mod wao aa arkt I Not by a Imp that they didn't, I Noah I>"tod * hi, Mno aad thoII Wh^^y plodod up their I aad Ihap ypad cohacttroiy upon I tbair rodorUra haata u<j thaa— I **•7 »«—■<* * buUd the ark I II liHma-tojitMt a rcauh of the|l throeptaet dTooetien f£*thTu!!!|| handled and THn, ooexy- | body I. pntty poll eouryeta Mat wol need ya|NU aad that nr* 11 oupbt to pot Mara auataMw II piaita. Wo bolhoo that by thda tai l r*aa the moot ppid aad thick head- | rd eititoa in oer aide 1c cafi*itaad!l *f tho fact that wo aaad apace per- I rot la II Noer let*. Uek at thk Wlap ^{1 1 eoMaooaoouoo point ef otew. U | k* a aclf-ooidont Toot that wa aaad | rt»o P»7 r°>U.Woo^Wdy adoalto it | tad nobody fe^at iu ”-fiiriPiJI oa vih coacitor it aa tq da kTwawpy'A ■ropeortioa ale** otattar atop or Wt mood pay polio. We aeed mop farturiap pitta Wo need udta. forhept wo may h, wronc la tho nattor; parkopo wo ora takfe* too nmdi for pieatad. tat it weald tea o u» that tho lapiM Pth« far Wo rprloun comamiUUeo of culm Cara iaa to da weald U ta pet man pay ■oil*, to yot More manufactory* ■Innto aad to put man artMe ' v:‘- Qcs •v *..V; v” E&j When your automobile is repaired at Snipes’ Garage you ha vs that assurance of safety which ia —rrttarr to pleasant motoring. Our mechanics will not let year ear leave the shop until they know they have given to the job intrusted to them the very beet poeriUe. They know their business—end you know they know it. That is worth much to your naans of arind. • • ** V - 'C. v v‘ ..'ti . - a V- % YL<Vy® You need have no hesitancy m bringing any automo bile trouble to our shop. You will get efficient and tafia ****** eervice at a moderate cost every H— . A‘. ' / -<* v ‘i-V1***®* * - - -j THERE IS A GREAT SATISFACTION II It is worth much to know that you are gettini th> host ||| to ths market so much that looks that the purchaser unskilled in fcv' GOODS WHICH COME TO OUR I BE GOOD || * Wo will not have .my other l»b»dt k|| ^bb b^b E. L. PARKER & SONS Dunn. >: North Carolina III . • •

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