J. J. Cook was a business visitor ill Hamlet Friday. Far«|tianl Smith, of Kueford, was here this week on Imsiness. Mr*, and Mrs Glenn Pope, of Clayton, vi»lte<J relatives here Sun day. Horn: To Air. and Mrs. Hugh Prince, at the Dunn hospital this morning, a daughter. , Mi*> Ruth Westbrook, of Au landcr, is spending some time wirtt Iter mother, Mrs. C. f.. Vinson. Air. and Mrs. W. O. Johnson and Air. and Airs. James VV. Wilson at tended the peach show at Hamlet Friday. Air*. Archibald Crabtree left Saturday evening for Petersburg, Vra., where site will spend several days visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. A. D. Harris, Jr., left this afternoon for her home at Warren ■on, after s|iending several days liere visiting relatives. Zeb Guy, who has been at Allie murlc for the past two months, is s|K.nding a few days la-re with hi* parents, Mr and Afr*. Buck Guy. Miss Annie Branch and Miss l.ouise Ucvm», of Dante, Va., have returned home after spending sev eral weeks with Mr. and Mrs. James Farthing. Miss I jma Shell returned this frftemoou to her home in Raleigh aVijr spending a few days here vis iting at the borne of her brother am sister-in-law, Mr. and .Mrs. O. 1J Shell. Oliver VV. ('rodwin left Saturda; night for the northern markets ti buy goods for hU store at Cooper Mr. and Mrs. M H. Privett am family, of Spring Hope, visited re) alives here this week. A building permit has been iuuei to Mrs. McD. Holliday to erect i two-story brick veneer residence 01 East Cumberland street betweci Wilson and Clinton avenues. Th< estimated cost is $11.S00.00. W'esley B. Thompson spent thi week-end at W'rightesvillc Beach Ik was accompanied home by Mrs Thompson and their small dangh ter. Audrey, and Mr. Thompson’i Ui»tcr, Mias Elizabeth Thompson who spent a week at the beach. Allxrrt Phillips, of Denamore Ela., has been spending a few dayi with relatives in the Dunn district lie returned to Florida Monday His family, who have been hen for several weeks, will not retun ■W Flood*' ttadt -Mm latter- past <M August. Lillie Miss Mary Taylor, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Taylor entertained a number of her friendi yesterday afternoon at a birthdsj party, the event being her 8th anni versary. Quite a number of liuk folks spent a delightful aftemoor with her. Rev. E. N Johnson is cnnductin| a meeting at Mingo Baptist churcl this week. The service* are beini well attended. This meeting, how ever, will not interfere with usual services at the First Haulisl rhmrJ Sunday, as Mr. Johnson will preacf there at 11 o'clock in the morning and 8 o'clock in the evening. J. C. Holley has returned Iron Wayne county, where he hail beer nursing E. D. Edgerton and his son Earl Edgerton The young Mr, Edgerton has been ill since last February. He accompanied Mr Holly to Dunn, and will spend sonw time here, with the hojw that tlx change will prove beneficial to him Mr. anil Mrs. R. L. Denning Miss Janie Ipock and Ethel Lucat and Mr. Russell Warren expect tt leave tomorrow for Western Nortf Carolina. They will attend a Rap list meeting at Mars Ilill and wit also visit several other points oi interest in " the land of the sky * while away. The trip will be madi on Mr. Denning1* car. J. H. Reliance now holds thi honor and distinction of “ pulling ' the largest chub caught in Rhodes pond this season. A few day* agt M r. Rallance caught one that weigh ed 8 1-2 pounds, and wa* later but stripped by W. T. Monds, whi landed one that weighed 9 pound* Yesterday Mr. Rallatvce brought n one that weighed 9 1-4 pound* which means that he has Mr Monds by one-quarter pound. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Parker, Mr and Mr*. Ralph Wade, Misses Call ie Stewart, Agnes Collier and Tam ise Pridgen, Messrs W. F And Ru pert Waile and Allie Raggett re turned Sunday from a week’s «la; at Lake Waccamaw. They wer accompanied on the outing by Mist Johnnie McLean, of Godwin, ani Dr, ami Mr*. D. T,. Pridgen, o Fayetteville They report a mo* delightful trip. A. L. Newberry, secretary-treat nrer of the Newberry Rrothcr* I Cowell Co, furniture manufactur er» of Dunfl, returned home Sat urday from High Point, where b attended the Southern Fumititr Exposition Mr. Newberry ha sample* of hi* product on dinpla at the Ex posit inn, and took a msm l*r of order* while there. He wi well pleated with the Expositine and this wa* the first time (the fur niittre manufactured in Dutm ha been displayed at the annual Higl Point abow. % S. C. Stanley, cashier of ibe An gier Bank ft Trust Co., wai a Dunn visitor Saturday afternoon. J. B. Stride land, of fake City, S. C, spent Sunday and yesterday here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Jordan. Lightning struck in a cotton field near the home of C C. Surles, who lives about a mile northwest of Dunn, Sunday evening. i Misses Eva Strickland, Myrtle Pope and Sallie Naylor and Mews, M M. Jernigan and T. A. Core went Sunday to Swmnnsboro, where they will spend a few days. Mis* Ruth Taylor, daughter qf Mr. and Mrs. Ja*. A. Taylor, ar rived home Saturday afternoon from Chapel Hill, where she at tended a six weeks' summer school for teacher* at the State university. B. C. Komegay and two sons, J. B. and Bright moo, left Saturday morning for their home at George town, S. C,, after s| lending a few day* here visiting at the home of Mr. Komegay '* brother-in-law and «*ter, Mr. anil Mr*. J. R. Murphy. An electric motor for tlie pipe argan in the First Baptist church, ordered some weeks ago, has ar rived, and will be installed this week. This will replace a water ■notor which ha* been in use since the organ was installed several rears ago. E. II. Aycock returned Sunday iftrmoon to his home at Rocking iam, after attending several days tcre and at Micro. He was accom panied from here to Micro by his irothcr, C. B. Aycock, where they visited their mother, Mrs. B. I.. . Aycock. Mr. and Mr*. J. B. Holland and VV. H. Adams went to Raleigh Sun , day afternoon, where Sunday eve . n*>»e *ey heard Dr. Ja*. McKee tdami preach at the Souths! de amisr church. Dr. Adams, who ' is U member of the faculty of the Southern Baptist Theological Sem inary, Ixtoisville. Ky„ it a neph 1 ew of Mrs. Holland and Mr. 1 Adam*. Mr*. Mattie Washburn was pel O' i fully huit Monday night when a ear la which she wee riding with relative* from Halelgfa no into an mdbuak , "ant the highway, near Card cues, aad was demolished. Her right kites was badly braised aad she (uttered other minor bruises. Other members of tbs party • seeped injury. Mrs. i Wsjbhunt was ee route house from ■alaigh. where Mm had been visiting 1 relatives. The car was a complete wreck. "la Thu Naaoe of The Law" “In the Name of the Law," which will be shown at tha Colonial The atre tat August 6th-7th, was made fomiw^itairpwFliawWr cmwtafp* ing the millions of men and women and children who patronise mov ing picture theatres. But its pur l«'c goes also beyond the mere idea of entertainment It is a big hu man document of strong emotions, of tense drama, of swift action. It unfolds a tale of poignant hu manness. It tells a story about Po liceman Patrick O'Hara and his family, consisting of Mother O'Hara, who is the bustling type of lovable housewife, and theft two fine sons, Harry and Jolumie An adopted daughter. Mary, also play* an important role in the picture and about this family group has been woven a story of striking appeal. Policonen, the country over, have fflVSl " In fKr Nam* rtf »ka I am* t* their heartiest approval, because it shows for the first time on record the sweet home life of a police man's family. It depicts the year* of toil during which a policeman and hi* devoted wife uve diligently and at last put away sufficient money to buy a home. It show* how firmly they both stand in the big crises of their lives. In the cart are such capable play er* as Emory Johnson, who prodne ed the picture; Ralph Lewis, who appears as Officer O'Hara; Ella Hall, Johnnie Walker and others. DUKE ROUTE TWO Duke, Route 2, July 30.— An un usual amount of rain has fallen in , this section in the last week, great ly benefiting the crop*. Por two months or more there had been , practically no rain, and the drought retarded the growth of the crops considerably. Farmers throughout the section aver that with the (sup ply of rain will now be of great help toward the making of splen did crops this fall. Several of the prominent resi dent! of this section are installing telephones in their homes. It will be of much benefit to all. as time ! will be ssved by those who need it. Ralvin McLeod, principal of the Turlington school the part session, left last week for Chapel Hill, where . he will attend the second course of summer school that began Friday. Mrs. A. P. Fowler ami children A series of revival meeting* re fer'* parents in McCulfert last Mrs. W. C. Holliday and son, W. • C., Jr„ of Boston, Mass., are spend : utg some time with Mrs. Monday’s : parents, Mr. and Mra. A. L. Mor I ris, of this section, r Mis* Nannie KL Ennis is visitrw friend* and relatives at WakaAeld! i A. P. Fowler and son, A. F.. . Jr., attended the Sandhills Peach Show held in Hamlet last week. I Miss Aiken Benson, of Benson, 1 meat last waek tha gusst of Mks Thelma Turlington. Mil* Elizabeth Durant, o Georgetown, S. C., ia the guest o the Misses Mollie and Sicabetl Morris at their home. Mrs. Oscar Holmes and chfldrci hare returned to their home ii Rocky Mount after having visitci her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M Mrs. Charles Ennis and children of Wlhnmgton, are visiting Mrs Ennis' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mar shall Ennis. Miss Clyde Bryan is visiting rel atives and fricod* m Norfolk, Va RMph H. Johnson left Sundat for Rocky Mount, where he wil v»sit friends and relatives, for forty or fifty years, and who** cently closed at the Produce church. Rev. D. R. Ennis, ol Coats, conducted the services an< delivered many strong and forcefu sermons. Several of the large num ber tint attended the services ex pressed the desire to unite them Selves with the church and were re ceived into its fold. . Funerul services were held Sun day at Erwin’s Chapel for two well known residents of the community who died not long sgu. These were Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Allen Mor gan, who had lived in this section for forty or fifty years, and whose deaths occurred within a short time of each other. Rev. Ruflvi John son, of Johnston county, presetted a beautiful sermon, and recounted the Christian litres that these aged peo nle had lived GODWIN NEWS Godwin. July 28 - Tlie JjuJie*1 Auxidiary of the Presbyterian church will pve an ice cream sup per Friday night. August 3rd, at the Godwin school building. Sand wiches, salads, iced tea and coffee will be served. The proceeds will go for the piano. Everybody it in vited to come. Wise Johnnie McLean is visiting her sunt, Mrs. D. L. Pridgen, of Fayetteville, for a few days. E. C. Markham and C. W. Spell spent Thursday in Benson. Miss Marguerite McIntyre has returned home after spending sev eral days in Dwna with her sitter, Miss Ladle McIntyre. Messrs. Donald McIntyre and W. M. Pope spent Thursday in Raleigh on business. Lacj' Pop*, of Wilmington, is «pending a few days with bis pa rents, Mr. and Mrs ,W. M. Pope. Mis* Irene Lucas has returned to her home, after attending the sum mer school at N. C. State, Raldgh. Miss Ethel Graham is spending s short while with her sister, Mrs, W. F. Tew, at Tiartcn. flM./w.'. f.il._ El- A A % a Lei Ian G Leon Williams, of Eton, spent last week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Williams. Miss Leitha Butter, of Tabor, is visiting Mrs. Annie Godwin. Mis* Eula Starling has returned from a six weeks’ stay in Ashe ville. E. C. Edgerton made a business trip to Goldsboro Saturday. KLAN CHIEFS IN ANNUAL SESSION DmUI Mad* That Withdraw*] From Atlanta «T - tara Is Contemplated Raleigh. July 25.—Ku Klux Klan chieftains of North Carolina found ■ "traitor’’ in their camp when they assembled here today to con-i nder a matter which they refused to inoounce, but which was reported to be the advisability of supporting or withdrawing from the imperial palace at Atlanta. The diacoverv of the "traitor” «ra* announced by no leaa an author ity in the Klan than Superior Court Judge Henry A. Grady, and bis re*-' •on for the charge was the pnhlica mm in ■ nc rvaicign i imes tro* af ternoon of a list of officials, reported to have been taken from the min utes of today's meeting. Judge Grady and others, sought for an official announcement as to the subjects discussed at the meeting and decisions reached, were tight mouthed, and Judge Grady did not appear disposed to be courteous about it. By Ms charge of the ex istence of a " traitor,'r he virtually admitted the authenticity of the list of officials published in the after noon paper, so it Is reasonable to as sume the Klin chieftains were here to discuss the advisability of sup porting or withdrawing from toe Atlanta organisation, mat decis ion they reached will to await [ the publication of the result* c ' more successful quests for infoi i mstion. One official of the organizcuio i declared the newspapers reported j falsehood when they announced th I statu* of the State Klan with tfa national body was under considers tion. What die Asheville newtps . per* reported as to the jiruccedmg of the recent meeting there was air faluc, this Klanausan claimed, llu with the seorctivenes* of the Klan men and their disposition to doilgt one can never tell Announcement of today's inertiu i will come out iu dne time tux thrcaigh proper avenue*, (he infoini ants said, 'fhe alleged “ traitor had not been located tbnight. Imi KUnsmen were positive be wool, he found. Whitt will be the judg rnent of outraged wearers of lb r°wu was not intinvited, but it wn an aggregation of the resentful f« | lows who contemplated the prrv ence of one who had betrayed than The list of officials as puWishe. in tlie afternoon paper runs a* fol lows: Judge Henry rady, Clinton, gram dragon and imperial officer; II. K Randolph, Warsaw. Slate serretan and activefrand dragon ; j, II. Leg win, Wilmington, grand titan of tin eastern district of North Carolina F. I- Hawley. Rockingham, grea titan for the territory emhracini Hamlet, Charlotte and Greensboro R H. Perry, Charlotte, great tiiai for western North Carolina terri tory; Walter Durham, Raleigh State treasurer of tlw Kjjan. In addition to these naftted offiren there were delegates from Asheville High Point, Salisbury, Spcncei Greensboro, Hamlet, Monroe, Rork uigharn, Fairmont. Red Spring* Fayetteville, I.umbertoo, St. Paul Lumber Bridge, Roseboro, Durham Warren tun, New Bern. Wilmington Willarp ntaHhnurn * AItuwn-,.4 Jacksonville, Beaufort, Morelicat City, Burgaw, Fremont. Goldsboro Kinston. *S Creat Titan Perry dr^a-e throng! the country to attend ihimeeting ol the Klansmen. He Homed over ir Albemarle and picked dp Rev. Mr Sharp, formerly of Chgfkrttc, whr came along for a purpaae not di mlged^-Brock TWkl«*, m Char lotte Observer. 7, - S. - It’s hard to think mainly in the open air. V ---—rf v i yaan in ^«th _ n edathlajr lUn. •* niiJtmct gtvesL Apply U 8- L Hsian 8boo Stop for fur ther Info motion. /. jte. SELECTED Poachoo. Crate j t. p. b Ship ir-Jfirfeiisnasi: w. C. / IS to si*. LOST.—IN SATURDAY pair of ladli Wen hi hla& can. 1 return to A. T. Morris 'alter J<mm lt-pA ’ STICK I ir Co., Damn, N ST-ttc. WANTED. EXPERIENCED IN3UB •nee man for Dunn, Duke and vi cinity. Apply to Boa TO*, Fayette villa, K, <£ y 81-Stc. FOR SALL—OAf BARRELS. 00 Rtllon oapaotty Fop*-Cola RoV M* cures MnUrim, Chills and r«n, Dango* or Nlioos Favnr It doatroys tko (anas. f tilnc Oe-. Dmaa, tt. C. litfcl MONEY TO LOAN ON PASM n 'an4n la ixiyi from oijooo M ; gaggrt, e money to loan.—if nmntUT-! : SI j. ttore, Dean, n. C. May 1-tfc.j > MONEY TO LOA^TaNY AaMud on lone time.\ A Interested aaa «•! ; 82V,g‘tfi»*: TAKE NOTICE. — SINCE •ECUS' ; iay the servicun of Mr. Frank Coop-1 I cr, a f:nt dui shoe Busker of* Lynchburg, V*., wo Mur better m-i . pared to tmt yowAhan on or. Oar. wnrico will Br psdfl* aiul sffkdMit Call B»wl givA t/ a trial. Idulkw'l I white vubonr tt/eix a specially * Franklin Fix(ftm Quick Kiortrkl t Pliop. R IL Holmes, proprin-l FOE SALE CHEAP* FOUS NICE rr-ckleitee lebL ii^ir tho ouw strum-1 I mcr school, tn/Soulh Dean. Apply te P. T. MafrKonsciH. 1 24 Etc. , MONEY TO LOAN-/#asm loan* 1 »t,t>00 to (M-OQT at run than witn prHrU*«»/to pay rosner. i ltd-coil ami McLeod, Attorneys, Dann, N. C. — A Few Things Even Lower-Priced |l Than They Were During The Sale I With oor big Manner jj 11 ere mail? articlei left in jbp|| j j price- even below thote charged I 1.1 a‘tree tire to (be barer are the MEN’S STRAW HATS In this line foe have all of the late straws ate d, shapes with / the moat stylish! bands. They f sold aa high as $61 Few of them / Were sold for Iew4 than $6. To / close them out Dod «• are kt-/ ting them go for.yl to SLS^ LADIES' WASH\ SKIRTS ' A small lot in white, tan bhie., nil of good quality were bargains at tie _ * prkea. Now your chcfce for - --7 PIECE COofc The sale has left lot of piece goods, desirable lengths, elude some of the n materials on our ahel do not cure to carry The whole lot is on and marked at half th! pricea. There were ne bargains than these. PALM BEACH AND MOHAIB sum la this line w« hara a assail ^ lot of aaita of odd al a as If we . 4 caa fit yoa, yoa are la lock. \ The price ia_NM to $SlM Pants to mateh_BlAB to UN Good Grade Work Paata— •1AB to flAS SEVERAL DOZEN PAIRS OP SHOES AND OXFORDS Ia exceUaat kathan aad ia moat all tiaaa [ RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICED There ia nothin* wroa* with these. Hie beak are a Uttk higher than next aaaaoa’s style will decree. They an yoon (or SI TO fi.aa We have several pain of white canvas shoes and oxfords for BIAS Our tig sale was a 4</nderful success in every way. It cam* folly op tc our expectations aad Was satisfying to us and to the hundreds of eea tcnicrs who profited through the extremely low prices ire placed on the goods sold. We want every customer who bought of ua during sale to know that we are grateful to them, and we assure them that their Juiciness was appreciated to the limit. We want those who war* *o liberal with their patronage during the sale to profit through these ad ditional bargains left in the wake of the main event and advise all of them to come and see what we have to offer. J W. DRAUGHON - ■ ■ - - - 7 II Regular Price / Sale Price I Universal Iron - - - $6.75 Universal Iron - - - $6.75 II Rid-Jid Folding Ironing Board-N$4.50 /Kid-Jid Folding Ironing Board - 98c HI Total - $il.25 Total - Tjfi One Dollar down is dll/you need-limited number on band-buy now. Carolina Power & Light Company Phone 426 Dunn, N, C.

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