Mctinat' Barnes of Raleigh. *pen the week-end here with hi* family Miss Minnie Ouy of f-awemv ville. Vn;. is visiting relatives it Dttnn. Mrs. Virgin Warren has return e< from r.rcetuhorti where she- <pcn several days. Miss f-.lirjilicllt Thompson soon |»att of this week in Kinston vi* iting friends. I’re-eitl indications are that t giHKl hay crop will he produced it the Dunn District this year. Miss Janie I|w«-k of Ooldslmm. s member of the high school f amity IS visiting friends in Dunn this week A numher of heavily inined rot ton stalks have been brought t<i Dunn recently by various farmer* Milton Tart, proprietor of the Style shop, has gone to New York to purchase fall goods for his store. J D Barrte> and Itis sister. Miss Rena Baines, left this morning Joi \ andemerc to visit relatives and friend*. Miss Jewel Vaughn returned to Slokesdate Sunday after sjiend'ng seveml ilav» with her sister. Mi*. P. A. Stewart. A l>. Brooks of Hamlet spent Weihtesday here with his family, who are spending some time here visiting relatives. Mrs. Narcissus Banws In* e». turned from Ojncmd where *hc -pern several weeks with her grand sort. Engent Parker-. Misses I.ncile Howard and Jessie Holliday went yestcrrlay in War saw. where they will *j>cnd * few days visiting friends. Born: To Mr. and Mr*. Roger Brooks, at the henncll Infirmary, Rock Hill, S C.. on Sunday, -\ug. 12th. a son, Roger Malcolm brook*. , Mr* R- M. Pearsall and Mis*l hdith Pearsal left today for tliei-1 home at Douglas, Ga„ after spend ' mg two weeks la-rc visiting relatives i Mr and Mrs. W. K. Baldwin and two children returned home .venter day from Whitesville, where they s|ient a few days visiting relatives Mrs. K. (». Rosier and children re turned \\ ednesday to their home at St. Pauls after spending some time in Harnett county visiting rela tive*. Kills Goldstein expects to leave Saturday night for the Northern markets to purchase fall goods for the Goldstein Co. store. He will he away ten day* or two weeks Miss Margaret Wade has return ed from a vi*il to Norfulk. Virginia Btach, \V aldington and Italtrtvire V\hilc in Balitmore she was the giK-sr of Mis* Virginia Waddell. B. F. Parker, who lives on R. 2 from Duke, was a Dunn visitor yes terday. He brought along some line new crop sweet |*>tatr>e*. vcliiclt he gathered from his two-acre |>atch. Nathan M. and J. P. Johnson, of Dunn, and (’. T. Johnson, of Ben son. left Tuesday night for New ’ ork. here they wit purchase fall goods for their store lierc and at Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Taaii* Baer and three children have returned from a trip to New York and Baltimore. Mr. Baer went North to buy goods for the new store which lie vuT ojien here about September 1 Miss Kmma Lee returned Wed nesday to Raleigh, where she holds a position in the office of the State rvcrcuuc Lrcparrment, alter s]>ni<t ing two weeks’ vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, K. I-ee. Miss Jessamine Starling relumed home Wednesday from Hubert, Onslow county, where she spent some time. Miss Surfing went to Hubert on a visit and was taken ill while there. She has recovered, however. Jesse B. Lee a and H. W. Lee, C. L. Canady. C B. Ayrock and E. H. Eubanks attended Wednesday a l>ar becue given by the Oxford Buggy Co , near Oxford. They report a ntost delightful occasion with plenty of good eats. Mrs. B. Lewis and Miss Kathleen Holland spent Wednesday in Ral eigh with Mrs. Lewis’ (laughter. Mrs. L. P. Sorles, who recently un derwent a serious operation at the Rex Hospital. Mrs Surles’ condi tion is reported as eery favorable. Rev G. T. Adams, pastor of Di vine Street Methodist church, left this morning for Moorehead City, where he will spend a few days va eatiiei. Owng to h» absence there will he ix) |(reaching services at the Methodist cliurch Sunday. Sun day school will lie held as usual, however. Mr*. Geo. E. Prince returned ye* terday from Baltimore, Md.. where ■he went to buy fall goods for the store of Geo E. Prince & Son. She was »ccnm|*nied to Baltimoic bv Mr. and Mrs^. R Smith and Mr and Mr#. K. Durham Taylnr. mak ing the trip on Mr. Smith * auto. Other members of the |wrty lie skies Mrs Prince went on to New York Sam lfullip*. a young white man who lives in Altngo township, Samp son county, had an ugly and pain ful gash cut in his chht Wednesday afternoon when "kicked’’ by a trac 3 tor. lie wan attempting to cranl 3 tractor when it back-fired ant \ [he crank struck hi* chin. He nm r 1*00115111 to Dunn so*m after the ac J cidcnr and tlie gash was sewed ut | by Dr. If. C. Turlington. Tost matter \\ . 1). I Inland i» ablt to he (Hit today after I wing confined 1 to his room since Tuesday. MU« Townsend Entertain* I Miss l'.lij^ilicth Townsend de lightfully entertained a nuni1x:r of Iter friends on Tuesday evening, August 14, at her home no West Broad street, in honor of her house guest*, Misses Margie Caldwell and fennic Cnttingham. of Dillon, S. and Grace llnghe*. of I.udouici Ga. The guest were met at flic door In the hostess, who then introduced them to the honored guests. Punch was served from the front porch bv Miss Sarah lWdie. Progressive conversation soon fol lowed, which furnished the most of the amusement of the evening, during, which delicious cream and cake were served by Mr*. I*. \ Stewart and Miss Myrtle J ‘opc. During the last date * most in arructive conte*t was held, which was won by Mia» Eleanor Hatcher and Mr Ben Cooper. As the wee hour* of morning came slowly in the guests depart ed declaring Miss Towsend a most charming hostess. I he unt of town guest* were Mi*. ■*“» Mildred Stewart. of Coats. I,u cile Walker of Mississippi; Korina ; «>a.. r.una i.arl Mmcy, of Wilmington, and Me?*i« Lillv, Moore. Smith ,uid Scarlwr •'•uj'h. of Fayetteville. Danief*~Bridf ora Invitation? reading as follows have been received in Dunn: Mr*. Annie Cain Rridgcr* rr miCHfs the honor of your presence at tltc marriage of her daughter. Till*, •dieth. to Mr. Iona titan Wunh Dan iels. on \\ trtnesd.iv evening, Sep tember the fifth, at nine o’clock. Fdcnton Street Method!-I •church, Raleigh, North Carolina.” Friends in Dunn have also re ceived the following invitation: Mr. and Mr*. Henry Church hdl January raptest the hon or of your presence at the marriage of their daughter. Josephine Foe, and Mr. Worth Raglev Daniel* on Monday. September the third, at four o clock. Saint David's church, Roland Park, Baltimore, Mary land." Both the Messrs. Daniels are son* of former Secretary of the Navy and Mr* Josephus Daniel*. RECORDER'S COURT. A light docket was "aired” la the loeaf recorder’s court ycaterrigy. The following caw* were disposed of: Tom Byrd. norm, sfsuit upon John James, another negro; fined *10 anil cost. Mose McAllister, negro, whipping hi* wife; judgment continued upon payment of the coat. Mate admit ted that he used hi* "rajah" strap upon his better-half at time* in the rant Jack Stewart, imsjK upon Noe* ruun Hall; fined *80. and co«t and required to pay for medical atten tion given Kail a* a reauR of a blow on hi* nose. The assault took place last Satoday night. Cleveland Wilton and Pate Driver, engaging in an affray; fined *5 each and cost. Lnnic Ho<lr»«, conevalm* stolen property; bound over to the Superior coort un<ler ■ J200 bond, which he made. “The Sips on the Door” Considered One of Bast Norm* TeImage Picture* Fn “The Sign on the Door." Nor ma Tatauadgc, incomparable emo tional actress o( Utc silent drama, is seen at her bets in the most in teresting ami ali-orbing screen ve hicle yet given to |his talented Star. A splendid plot is extremely well presented on the screen. The story concerns Ann I innniwclt, a pretty 'lenographer. who, through no fault of her own. is compromised l*y licr employer'* scapegrace ton Later, whet she married a man of high character and social standing, the fellow comes into her life again. 1 le is kilted in s struggle with her hus luuxl. The husband docs not know rha* Hi* wife has witnessed the trig edy. An extraordinary denounce ment follow* her act in suomnoiling the police and accusing herself of (he shooting. In this production Nonna takes Full advantage of the oin»ortunitte» for dramatic ami emotional acting in wonderful fashion. And the terhnii|nc *nd artistry of Herbert Hrenon, who directed "The Sign on the Door," is a|ifnrent iHnsigh oot the prodiKtion. The *tar Has excellent support. Charles Rirhnian is sew as her lead ing naan, and other* prominent in i »•* ca*t are Lew Cody, David Froc ! lot, Helen Weirs and l*aul McAlte i ister. | “The Sign on the Door*' was adapted for the screen |»y Mary Murillo ami Herbert Tlrenon. It i« ■ P*r« National attraction ;J DUKE NEWS I he first services in the recentl completed K|>ixo)p:il chinch »e held Sunday rooming with Arcl •leai-.e* Morrison Bethea, of Ra itgh Dukcsc, in charge. k,.v. M I "^*ea |irenvhcd a strong sertnoi • ''sing as his text ‘ What Shail I D I Vt illy Jesiis," winch made au in | \i|»>n hi* larpf coiijgrcif; lion. The minister ueiit on to sa llwt the new dim ch was a credit t the town niul mere especially as nous* of worshii). Before the ser vices Ik baptised several small chil d..m, anil these wilt Ik ronfuniei the Iirst of October, wtieo Rishoi Joseph Blount Shohirc make- In hrst visit :o the new nlitice. Tlie annual August sing held ii Duke every year attracted a largi nimilur of singers and visitor* t< Duke last Sunday. Four elasse were here, and there would havt prohaUy been r,sw bail n not beer for a confusion of dates. The; vvere Here from n? least font coun ties, and evi<leived lunch cnlJuisi asm in the singing. 1‘rof. J. M ^»rr?iHill class rarricc off the honors of the dav, I wit they had to go some as the <iifH rs vveii pressing tltem c!om‘I)'. A S Lucas of near Duke. . as eleced prese dent of the union for tile ensuing vmi. uimI J. M Core, of lhike. was re-ducted secretary for .mother term in view of the work which he had done the past year. , ^rv Jcvlni Itarl■ ini ivlumed Mtnrday Chaplc Hill, where sue had beiti visiting her sister **■"** \cra and katy ll.dmrs, ol IVnsirti. spent l,:.-t week here the gu.-sf- of Muses ’'eatJ amt KvcUn , Ifortoii. of Korki lotint. s|)eni the 't here with tn-n.L'., Mr. ami Mr*. F. S Smith awl clnklren, ■,( Raleigh, arc spending -cenil days hen the Rlx*r.„ of Mr. *i . . ^ 1‘ Fowler Mr Smith i« a inimlKr of tlie Raleigh police force. ‘iin*n I). Sam,lie. of Knvlrim NHmt the ,a<t week-cm 1 here with friend*. Knoddy ffudaun.of Norfolk Va spent Hie latter ,«n of the week here with friends. Sergeant Ralph I,. Edward,, who ha, liceti spending the summer Iterr w.t i ht, wife, leave, Thursday for . . um» Ala., where !ir 14 aiMs^urt military inrtnictor at the Alalam.i Polytechnic Institute Mr,. Y). R. Mritt, of Dunn, was rycrateil on for a|>pendicitic Here at the Good Hope hospital Monday morning. She i, getting along nice 'V. \V. Wood, farmer livinglnear here, i* in a very serious condition here in the ho*pital Drs Hoh and Buie perfmmerd tlie operation and found that tlie apjiendix had burst , He was Holding Ins own at latcit ret*»rts. Mrs. It M. Hall IK a patient in the hm,uul here She is getting oi, eery well Mrv C. H, of Dunn route three, w as t>,*n.ted .m for npiiendtoti* in the local ho<«.iui sioiubiy. Her condition is very satisfactory and shows much int |>rovemennt. Missc* Rosa Hell Kcthune and Allene Parker, of ft,n„i Level, are patients here in the Good Hoj* hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. 1. K. Johnson and children, of Cnrvcrvillc, Pa., were Week-end guests of Mr an<i Mrs C. S. Hicks. J. G. Hicks, of Wilmington. si*nt the Wcek-erind here with his broth er. C. S. Hirks. Mr and Mr*. E. 11 Host an,' children are spendingn their vaca non m the western part of tlie state. The local Masonic lodge was host to alxnit one hundred guests at a very delicious hnm»wick stew serv ca dv nit*Hi in the «cliooT additoriiitn rrid.1^ night. F.very guc*t and Afa mj*» likewise agreed that the strv. was the lies! that they had ever cai rn, and complimented Mr. C. Wood worth and his colored helper on tlieir cutinary uhilify. After eating die *tew, J. p. I.ynch, master of cere monies, told the guests and his brother Masons since they had snp pHcd the body with nourishment that it would be well to give the luind mental food. Tie, therefore, called upon the Duke quartette to give the crowd some singing. After this Mim Rosa Warren sang two songs. '!r-LvnTh ,lwn c*'l«d upon Rev. K . IcDmiald for a few remarks. M r. McDonald chose as his theme Hie four outlying principles of Ma sonry. namely, the Square, Comjiioas, Trowels and Plumb. lie made a strong and very forceful talk on these Units rtf ull Masons, telling hi* ficnrers that without them there woiikl lie chaos in all Masonic or gamraions. After the completion of hi» address the master of ceremome* called upon Archdeacon Morrisor nethen, of Raleigh, for a few word*. Mr Bethea opened hi* add rear by reiterating what Mr. McDonald had said in preceding him, and also told his hearers that the Masonic principles were among the higlvsi that man could possess. T’he snerk er said in part that "the late l',r«ti. (lent Warren G. Harding was a ,Ma *m and that be would not look ilcr.n upon the poorest uian he lie a .\fasot or not." He also said that Mr.«on rv waa next to religion, but that o»n would not uke the place nf another but that both would have to he got ten by work. "Being a member o .1_— a diurch, and not living up to il* rt •ttlircnienls," said Kir llclhia "were the same as I wing a rocrobe of a .Masonic lodge and not nlxv «lg its niatHtales, both were out .» place and Christianity and Masonn h»d no use for such al thc>c iu ^ or^anijLafioti/ 1‘here were several visiting Ms sons from Dunn and surround ini muuminities with their wives prr T*; Tl‘* ^cnin* <'>o*ed with tin shying of lest flc the Tk Tp, “•ml* b) all and die USE GOOD SEED OATS THIS* PALI Raleigh, X. C„ August 15.--Ii w ill soon he time to think of |<laminc il-e oat crop and many farmers plain oats in coltou at the last culiva ’°’,V iur ‘hl crop the lall. Dr. RA.W utters, plani breed er for the State College ami Oe |. ailment of Agricultine. urges Nirtth Carolina growers to tlnnk more alsait their own home grown seed. Last year he found seed flats hail been brought in (root h'eu Vork and other distant state*, while the results of test* made over many years show that home grown sued from selected plant* have alvvav. ctelded Itighcr returns than these imported seed. l-'or instance. Dr. Winters give* the rase of oats grown by the Edgc corohe Seed Rrceders* Association which yielded 43 bushel* to the acre, as <oni)iared with a vield of 30 UisheU to the mere uicured from [ ’.'imiMTfia] v/w? TK« TiiUsA^..!,. "rower*, of count, »tlect ihtir .mil '«d ami keep them pure. At Statesville.yM! tl*c farm of J. China and Bilioua Fmr Highsmitb Seed Store Plant Fall »« Set3ww: AGON f WILLIAM I daisy URY BELLS Our Winter Rye Hu Just * n rA-ni If It’a tnada of1 it. and you PAY If our work ia not tatia factory, you have u* to pay until ira make it no. PATJ HOME FOLKS cea are aa low, K aa rood, and it (uirker service. your order now sntels. Column*, |Door* and Win suldlnga. Window and Door Frames, Store Fixture* or any Cabinet Work you want done. JNO. W. HODGES A CO. Dunn N. C. ■ \\ . \\ uti*. ie*s* made in cooper* , bou fvidi Dr. W inter* -Jmwcd that ■ the Commercial seed yieldeil shout ■ 50 Inishe!* i«. r acre ’ while plant* r from a fwlevicd *ciaw Ism gilt from a neighboring w ho ’(mil , hi* oats, gave n yield of tv bushels |«r arre. 1 (>n tlie I 'Jedmont P.ranch Station ' Farm near Ststesvfllc. I>r. W bum » ermplc'ed a t“<t ihi» year in which ■ he seconni a \kid of 45.6 Uidtch (•er fti re fmr.i hi* oy.ti •elected strain of Appier ont* grown >41 iht farm, n* cunijtircd v.i'ls <ei'y 2#J ' InixheU ]>er acre from se*tl recti red I frxtn a coniine: rial «ourvT- Dr. Winter* state* tint such rtbYereitevs ■ in yield a* thorn arc «ei' worth I considering sn<l rcconnn.nd* yhm Xorth CarnHna growers |ey inert attention to thri • oat seed :lu» fall. u*iiiK sclcrtol home grown seed if |*is*il>tc. Fitly-five lolinston minify eh.lli girl* |mid iheir r\|icn*-s to the Tn .BggBSSga——— count) club encampment at \V4UxJ bv veiling produce at tlie new |inv *»ty market recently opened at Southfield, reports Mis* Minnie la* ('an-ji4j*t. the home agent. girl falls to death IN AN ELEVATOR SHAFT Xe* Hern. Aug. 13—F.dua K*H V»rrt. four year-old daughter of Mra. Ada Thotna* Avery, was in* slant! r killed when ahe fcW through the elevator ahaft in the KJkv tatu !<h n‘. 11J0 this morning while paying with other children about the building. EMwrt lfawlexM, Id-yenr-tdd ne gro. who wn» operating thr clrra tor. and another cMM were the only witneftM* to the widem. hut tlun were unable to fire a* nitdlt- y:t, Sent aecoorn of H. After riewte* the Indy Coroner J. L. Harmficfcl l*i'tpnoed thr imp** until Friday. It ««* corrr.ided that the little vkrim fell from the third or (mirth rtnor, apjurenly having opened thr door to fat to thr elevator on which her nine-year-old auttt war ridiog ip to tlte fifth floor. [Eat Pearce’s The d vijror and vitality and Ion fe has “chiropractic** written f it. If you are skep tical so uck the better; when wo con (ice you, you will be e*-**r to imvince other*. Come in and lei i of it* marvel*. Dr. J M. Morgan " hiropractic ” Office 4th Floor First National Bank Building Dunn, N. C. M —•-(>->—■-- • Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. 2 to 5 p. m. Other hour* by appointment ^ ■ ■■■ i ■ , L. P. Surle*,

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