Jc**c M. Wilton, of Hamlet, wa it D ititi visitor ycrtnrday. J. L. Hnt"her and three children •' "t y.-tUtrd'.y in Fayetteville. Krt. Herfcrn Taylor la apr-nding ‘■•e '*«v* It. Raleigh with relative*. JiHuIk Atkla.on of Selma, U fen-Ul’j* t*»i wool; cod with Mira Ror.a VjM. Vies L'.aahilh T-trlingtor of Fay ; I rvii: •. I-; orcndlitr the win- with El de RagyrtL Hoy Hailey of Maxlon, It spending V- \*alw P Wilann Mi" Novella It ear don it spending s few . Bread Iny Sunday »jOO p. m. ChrKtal Endeavor, Monday 8 p. n.;, Mid-woek sorrier Wednesday S >n-; chair practice Friday 740 p. W. The puhl'c is canllnliy larltnl FJiv* Resit* Church Sunday School 8 • • G s. m. | eefrlaa 11 a. m. Special mus'c an I thrnr., roV EvoMpg ctrrlee 8 p. m. I Anther, duet. Everybody u cordi j ally lne;ti*d to attend there n'-rvlcc*. At Tbs Mvtbodut Church , Tt.- p. yto'. Hnv G. T. AHnmr aril pnwh Sunday at 11 a. m. and > p. m. Tlie Sicrenifv,t of the Lord’* s.x -per will bo n dministered at this morning eenrleo. The pastor earnest ly Jeeiicr that every member of the congregation bo peasant. I B. Y. P. U. Program, 3apt X Subject: Devotional Meeting— “Loyalty to Chrfet" Scripture— Denial 84* 27; Acts 4:lS-20. Intro duction — Sally Naylor. Tall— “Chrirt Loyal to Those Who Are Ley I al to Him."—Eslanor Hatcher. Talk —“The Inner Motive Decider the Trend"—John O Harris. Plano Solo —Nona Britt. Talk—“Loyalty to God's Word"—M. It. Jernigam. Talk •The Lordship of ictus"—Mr* Wbylma Naylor O’Brien Quartette— Hy Member* of Group No. 1. Talk “Loyalty Ur God’s Day—R. L. Den nieg. Talk—“Loyalty to Ourselvrv and Other*”—Dr. Warren. Song— "Loyalty to Chriat." “fltriejica with j> distress 1» autnm-.r comujdfnt. I aougiJB—y old friend of forty gi-nw- pr. ARNOLD'S ntL-SAV tAvi.lt JuMrara had. It Uib. :in\ r n~\ ^nJidiate relief Our ra-e'ef r'.ironlcJia rrhoea vn cored by this rPPmttY" Bold by Hood und Gianlbam. Co-Op* Growing RbUi/tl. All*. 2«.—Report! from CetiOb Grower* Co-operative associa tion* >* place Oan tell i load* cedar pec for fctieliur. I t. O. Box ITS Rald**i, If. a , . HAVE’EM REPA 'LoOi; in your closets foi one shoe that need g. Repair ed shoes r comfoi found on! ra nhoea 8c that the of the chi! i dren’s eh i straight an< solid befi _ r them t school. Agents wanted. Th Franklin ?W*Em-Quiek Flee trie Sfto* Shop, S. R. Holme* propr., Dana, N. C. Phon 480. / 8 14 U PsS^CeU B* t c. u* BATHIMG SUITS ! r t We have a big assortment of Lathing suits and w^Srill close them out at a big r^fluction. All wool bathii anita, old | roae, trimmed green, stne | to 44.'' red. trim good style. with white. , fine quality, np to 44. _ . all up to 46. Fifth Avenue >P I ==5=5555= 5— I -1 |L I k I ct § I \$ I i |p . »*- - - -. --i gs ; .a~j m+\rm it ' ' ' ■■■ iIM^mil I V{£ bA'/E JUST RECEIVED A 9J 1 Tomlinson Quality I 1 1?> bottom 1 I ! wcr i