V The An|d of Mercy—Out of 4 the dintOfe of her narcotic fad tears, the dm* slave sees a ray of Ji*ht in the eyea of the lawyer a wife. - I OA«h.b vi* mortem picture Media. Lcfc to tl«ht: Lot* D. Oak., CUtl * IV flCCa LC* . .. Y.i Henry Gleaaoa, Opiate of IVliac, Sea FremtecojOiretair' Job* CrtAth Wt*7, M®. L- Gilbert. Lo. /Writ. Chv Mother; wmiatu ?. Kenttedv, Detec due Headquarter*. CUeajo. Ill : Chief Hetty Smith.el Coroeado. Calif ' " - -- I Correction at the Hi Source—How to //■ fight the inaidiout H I narcotic mooater it II X ahown technically tt correct and drama* Vi tically compelling \\ on the Krrcn. \ V The Mental Battle The ynon* mother. r»a Bated the only end to Ike Or petti ike ie travelled. lorn between dtelrt foe nareoti® anti loyalty to V to her baby. L* wfrvvCM ‘ B* i rj« , / - ==-l Crath!—'Thrilla aplenty, at well a* emotional drama, are to be found in “Human Wreckage.” k ^ * // The Victim—Once cured, ' the youth b again in the toil* of the dope ring through their skulking effort* to get him to - uting drugs. Even a mother's arm* are not a safe haven. t k?ui* P,k*. Anfele* Chief of Police; Mr*. Wallace Reid * Plre**or John Griffith Wn«y. Chief of Police Daniel J. O’Brien! Anjelea, and C. Gardner Sullivan, acenariat, attend a mo boo picture conference. — — •_d<3B«>y-xr\_ OActab See "Hunan Wreckade” Rlmed-Leh lo HtfkL* H. L. Ibhr. Polka Chief Ixmk D. Oak*. I-a« AMelee; William J. Barm, of the Department of Juttke. Waahla»oa; A. E. Farland, of the 0. 8. Secret Sereic# The 1 rial~Proceedin(t* ^ in the court rate again*! an habitual u»er of nar c19t'.<* affect* different in dividual* in different way*. i w ^The Method* e< the "Dope Riag”--Th* aa higher up" trying to win back the Migator. a for mar addict, with another "thot.’' it or her* ere the bn*ea leffmn t« lb* •arid. Q arte McDowell, larnoua character Ieoaue of the ecraen, la ben ehoern aa Mr* Brown, mother al t drud addict, who steer dm if hope nf her aoti'e refeaetattoo. I IAhl—The insidiously lying effects ot narcotics and the manner in which even strong-willed persons become addicU motivate* many of the scene* of the big pbotodrama. > _ &at ! Victory and Happineaa—Succeadul in their fiftht and in their effort! to *ave ulhen, the lawyer and hi* wife find happineat once more in each other’* arm*.