THE DUNN FAIR AND TRADE WITH US ■ ' _ __ JUST WHEN YOU NEED TO DO YOUR SHOPPING WE ISSUE THIS FALL BULLETIN, REMINDING YOU OF THE MOST WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY AND SECURE THE PRETTIEST MERCHANDISE THAT HAS BEEN OUR PLEASURE TO SHOW OUR STORE HAS BEEN THE MAIN TRADING CEN TRE FOR THOUSANDS OF OUR FRIENDS OF DUNN, DUKE AND THE SURROUNDING TOWNS AND COMMUNITIES OF HARNETT, JOHNSON, SAMPSON AND CUMBERLAND COUNTIES. WE WILL PLEASE YOU AND SAVE YOU MONEY. - . » . 1 ■ 1 »' 1 ■——r ■ . — _, I SILK DRESSES AND WOOL DRESSES I Specially priced from— $4.95 to $59.50 ; In *11 the new materials such a* satin, canton crepe, char I meuK, brocaded crepes, Rom an and Canton crepes. Also poiret twills, serges and trico ■ tine in every imaginable shade and individual styles, auch a.« bustle back, circular flounces, pleated pane la, side draped, | ; and styles that are beaded. plain tailored, embroidered and beautifully trimmed dres ses. We know that you will ■ rave over the beautiful styles h* **** ^°w price®’ ; SUITS AT Specially priced from— f ] . $14.95 to $49.50 Each and every suit really worth from $10 to $15 more than we ask and to appreciate them la to try them on. All the distinction of style hand tailor ed nnd beautifully trimmed and beaded suits with silk lin inrs in all *i2es. including the stylish stouts and extra size*. Colors mostly blue, black and brown. In poiret twills and tri ; cottnes. We want to show you n | these suits so unusually low II ^ i ni^rA/1 I FALL SWEATERS For Ladies. Children, Misses, boys and infants frouv— 98c to $9.95 This is 8w eater time. Wo have them in cent style vent packets, athletic slip on. In ev. ery wanted color, including black and white, also brushed wool and daring this great special sale, we art; going to save you from Me to $3.ff0 on year sweaters. Fun line of faney veeteo sweaters. BEAUTIFUL FURS~ mc§fl TTOm $4.98 to $50.00 We are showing all the new style neckpieces in all the wasted fare. You will want a now nock piece when you see the woodsrful array of styles at such tremendo »«*ly low prices. LADIES AND MISSES NEW FALL COATS Specially priced from— $7.95 up to $95.00 Every- coat haa been special ly and carefully selected. The new long lines, the draped styles, the aide tying, also the Military sport coats and the plain tailored coats, and the new convex collara. The beau tiful fur trimmed and fur coats and the saving of dollars will be readily seen when quality and style will be considered. W« want you to see the show ing of cloaks while the stock is comnlete. From— 98c up to $12.95 The hundreds of styles that we are showing haa never been equalled. W« have just receiv ed from New York fashion cen tres, five hundred beautiful pattern hats that will meet with the approval of the mka, the little girl and mothers and the big "Sis” too. The collec tion is wonderful range of col ors as well as shapes and ma terial, and you will appreciate the beautiful quality, priced at such unusually low prices. SHOES—SLIPPERS The styles in footwear this season are the prettiest ever shown. To match the dresses and coat suita in all ahades. We have thorn in suedes, sat ins. kids and patent leather anil the new moose sldn. Our prices are always lower, con fident with quality* We carry the ocst line of shoes for la dles that is made the 8elby shoes. For men the Cygolf. Coding and Markaon. For chil dren Playhouse and Pox's foot wear. for during thla October special, wo are going to sell you shoes for the whole family at a saving of 50c to $8.00 a pair. Come see all the new styles we win sell you. please you and At yea. Imported Velour Rata from— IfrOOup Galateas and Kiddy Ctoths— 19c CHILDRENS COATS AND DRESSES We always think of the little ones and that is why w* are showing the prettiest lino of school dresses from 98c up and, all the beautiful styles in wool crepes, silks, poiret twills and velvet twills in middy styles, coat styles, plain and three piece styles at such low prlcef. we want you to see themi . . SILKS — SILKsli The silks this season you Wh admit are the mopi beautiful' you^^^^^aaen^snditodp^ ‘to fiighTSr you tobuu liiks,'» but there has been the rnosOer-' . rifle advances in the list few days on account of-th^ Japan earthquake. Over two [million dollars worth of silks were de stroyed and there is ghlng to be the greatest shortage in silks the world has even known and likewise high prices; so we urge you to buy silks now and save money. BOY’S SUITS Mothers end fathers lets , please the boys. They want suits tike big brother wean. Now we have them in the moat beautiful style# and colors in 2 pair of pants, suits that mean service, and going to offer you some of the beet bargains you have ever had in boys suits. We can fit the smallest two year old boy up to sire 18 and show ing boys suit# from— $2.96 op to $17.95 We will save you money on your boys suits, so come let us show you. WOOLEN” GOODS f 1.00 wool serges, all colors— 69c fl.OO all wool French serges-— 98c __ t 54-inch wool suitings up to 18.50 a yard, just what you want for skirt* and dresses and the new vestses— $1.96 Boys Hats from— 50c up to $2.45 SPECIALS Men** heaviest $2.25 overalls at— $uso Boys heaviest $1.26 overalls— 98c Boys heaviest union suit*— 98c Ladies 75c vests and pants— 48c Men's work shirts at— 75c 5iBoii~ TfflftCTn v_75c__ Ladies $1.50 'union suits— 98c White homespuri, yard wide— 10c Bed Ticking— 15c Table Oil Cloth— 15c 25c heaviest outing— 20c One table full of goods, value up to 19c p€r yard for— 10c One table full of 26c and 85c goods at— 19c One table full of 39c goods pil ed high and real values— 25c AAA heavy white homespun— 15c 35c Dress Ginghams— 25c Dress Ginghams, beautiful styles— 15c 85c lad lassie devonahire cloth 25c _ • 82-inch Kilburnie and Bates ginghams, the best made— 29c CLOTHING Our clothing department is our pride. We can boast of hav ing the best line of clothing ever shown in Dunn. Ev*-ry young man wants a good look ing suit and one cut in the lat est style ar.d at the same timo he wants a suit that will give service, hold its shape and col or. That la what we guarantee to give you and at the lowest price when you consider style • and quality. Real nobby |20 suits specially priced at— 5 tally priced at— $19.95 Hundreds of $J}"> Suita, special ly priced at— 524.95 Griffon hand-tailored nuits. al so Devonshire Fashion Clothes from— $25.00 u|; to $45.00 We have serges, woolen caahmerca, flannels in pin stripes, checks and solids. In fact all designs that will ap peal to the young men, the middle age man . and the old man. in slims, regulars, stouts and shorts. The character of suits we are showing will please the moat fashionable as well a« conservative dresser. All we want is an opportunity to show you. please you and save you money on clothing. MEN’S HATS ✓ • A look in our show window • will convince you that never has there been such a magnifi cent showing of men's hats. The beautiful colors in all shapes and priced so low. Men’s regular IS hats— $1.98 Men’s regular |4 hat*_ $2.98 Men’s regular $5 hat*— $3.95 Mallory hat* at— $5.00 BATH ROBES, PETTI COATS, KIMON AS, negligees Our line of this merchandise Is complete and everything that you can ask for to please the • most fastidious and the price* that we have marked these when you consider the style is lower than wc have ever quot ed. We will please you. DRY GOODS Yes, we are Belling more dry goods this fall than ever before and going to continue to do so cjs^omtTnfreaWre ^tKalfwe "arc™ ^ ® selling them for lesa than most merchants have to pay for them'on today’s market. We were fortunate to buy all our dry goods when the mills were basing their prices on 18c cot ton goods we bought thousands and thousands of dollars worth of merchandise and now we are going to pass this lucky purchase to our customers. Tricotines, poiret twills, broad cloths and crepes in all colors from— $1.95 up to $4.95 HOSIERY Now U the time to buy hose. We are offering the biggest values ever eard of.h Children’s regular 50c hose— 25c Ladles $1.00 sport hose— 48c ladies silk hose— 50c Ladies $1.50 silk hose— $1.00 Ladies great special, $.1 silk hose at— _$1.95 100 pieces of checked home spun— _10e 3fi-inch Sea Island— 10c Amoakeag Apron Ginghams— 15c ■ ---——— % <* John*to*’ Cumberland, Harnett end Sampson counties. We have built a business that is second to none. We have [ We ^ heen *" ‘tyk. »<»d we have given you service and ,f! please our trade. We have had competent help to make your shop* f «h»re*erd«d quality. If giving you the best and most sty ; J Everything u advancing. We have the merchandise .«■ money refunded. UU1UMCU1 , D ’ Best Store I ^