A GREAT DEMAND FOR AUTOMOBILE!) Local Buick Dealer Sold Six Cera Yesterday And They Are Beauties Prosperity is with ns. Neill I'.recti, I buick dealer, furnishes the evidence und give* the testimony. i Six enrs wen ,iei Xei'd by Dunn District olU in ii single day — Thursday. Four of ill- • ■ were new Huicks: other* were nil car* traded in •.C<eeo comjielled to homivv cars f-.oni deal ers outside of the prosperous region* around Dunn. Keen then his fac tory shipments lrave not been sntfti cient to supply the immediate dr mand. Cotton Co-Op* Open Office In Charlotte Raleigh, Se|>t 24 — Krengtii/im; the importance of Chariot tc ax a logical dittrilxititig jtoint foi North ant) South Carolina, pavlimlaih 4 the classing of all cotton concentt aterl at Charlotte, lw.il the cla-..'ni^ tie partment "B" will very likely in , .dud* all the warehouse* m that tec . Hon of North Carolina west of west of the K^SxTrSer*^^*? cotton wai concentrated in Char lotte last year by the Cotton Asso ciation than at any one point, ami ■it is expected that still more wil' be concentrated tlu-re this season CELEBRATES US SPIRITUAL BIRTH Once Notorious Drunkard Col* ■iirotos First Ansimssry of Transformed Life Something took place last Sunday at the home of Air. and Mrs. W. A. Mills., of tin- tlcamc Heights section uf Allwniark. unlike anything ever hoard of lieforc in this county, says -In Stanly X'cws-Herald. tr was a spiritual Isrtiuhiv slimier given try Mrs. Mills, in honor the first anni versary of his conversion. Mr. Mills, known over the entire county us " llill," is about 55 or 60 years of age. l*|> to a venr ago he drank excessively arul was iti many ways .1 raiher notorious character. One year ago last Sunday lie was con verted, ami since that date he has been attending church regularly, is working faithfully and has revotu lionized his home and home life en tirely. He immediately joined the fVe«byteri»n cliuTch* and never misses a service when in the city. He is at present working in Ham ’ci. citi'iing home once a week. Some eehs ago he intimated to hi* wife dial he would like to celebrate h» drst spiritual birthday anniversary, iu sonic way. Mr*. Mills, remem ixtring the expression, made ready for the eeltlmUicHi last Sunday witf a great dinner. She invited Rev. D. '!. tl. (been, Mr. T. M. Harris and i oilier members of the church ses sion, made talks. Mr. Mills, him M-lf, made a beautiful talk in which be reviewed his ’’ wasted life," and tokl ol what Christ had done It make him nnd his family happy, am how hi* homo had been changed en jtireJv since his conversion a yeai • •jo. Those who had the goorl for tune to !< present have been heart io nay iliat the occasion was a ire* inspiring and delightful one. '’low Under Cotton Stalk* Before Froct (By W. Bruce Mabee.} arwli control is the plowring under o nitton stalks early in the fall. [ Tlicre are two main reasons fo this: ' 1. It dotroys a large number o young and immature weevil* in the squares and young bolls still re maining on the cotton plants. Were these permitted to mature and feed they would better withstand the winter than the older weevils. 2. The plowing under of cotton •talks removes the wrvlU' food, thus otaking it longer from the time they hive their last meal in the fall until they have their first meal in the spring. Consequently many more die during the winter. Important This it only effective when the stalks are plowed under or de stroyed before they die naturally. Its effectiveness is in direct pro portion to the length of time the stalks are plowed under before frost. Make a special effort to get your cotton pideed out early and (he stalks turned under. It la a hard job to cut and turn under green stalka, but it u worth the trouble if you do it early. LEGAL ADVERTISING TRUSTEES SALE OP LAND Under aad by rirtae af the power of aale contained in a certain deed ot trust executed by J. V. Hartileid and erifa, Annie Hartfiold, to tho undersigned Trustee, on January, IS, 1*10, and doly recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Harnett County, N. C., in Book No. 1SB, page Na. 2, default having boon mndeln tho payment of tho notes secured therein end foreclosure having boon demanded by the holder of said notes, tho undenigned trustee will on Fri day, October. 24th ot 1Z o'clock M., at the Courthouse door in LiULngton, N. C., offer for mU to the highest bidder for cash, the land hereinafter described, to-wit: Two iote or parcels el land lying In the subdivision of tho Young prop erty as recorded in tbs Bsgtetsr of Deeds office of Harnett County, N. C., aad being lots Noe. « aad T in Block "K", and. each ot said lota be ing 46 feet fronting on Johnson Street and running hock ISO foot, I hounded on (ho oast by the lot of James Loo’s daughter and on the west by Luther B Jonas. Per further I description see Book Na. ITT, Page Na. ISO, records of Harnett county. This 26th day of September. Kit. CLARENCE J. SlfTTH. Tj antes Sept. 26 Oct t • IS 2S. NOTICE OP~SALE OF BEAL ESTATE Under end by virture of tho pow er of mis contained in a certain mart gage dead, iiKUsd by T. P. Tact tad wife to J. G. faftia dated No vember 14, 1R14 aad recorded In the office of lbs Begieter of Deads af Harastt county ia Book lit, page 1R2, default having been made in tho payment of the notes steered thereby, the undondgnvd will offer for mie to the high eat bidder Sag cash, .at public auotfan at Udt O' i St f following doscribod real eoteto. Lying and being ia Harnett county, State of North Carolina, ia Averua - boro towwhip, aad denertbed aad de fined as follows to-wit: Begl union it t an Iron pin ia the read 1R4 chains from Y. r. Tart aad R. ML rear call's ’ corner at a ditch bridre Bad rune B II 1-4 E. 1.11 chain* to a l—n; here* S. 14 1-t W. |.TI tMu to t corner to th* old lib* J. B. Loo** 1m; thane* a* k about N. I* W. 1.10 :hau.i to the erl|lMl comr by the ■oad; thence N. 06 1-t E 4.10 chain* a the bogiaalog, containing one and > no-ha IX <1 11) MM. This 8«ytM»ter u, im J. a LAYTON, Mortgagee. Sept 11 II >1 Oct I. LAND SALE Under and by virtu* of th* p*w» of *al» contained in a certain Dead ■f Trust executed to the nnd*r*%ae4 tract**, the an< being of record in Harnett County, North Carolina, la Book 111, page 411, dafauk having bean made la the payMH gttlfW and ia the holder* of th* note* so rated havinc demanded that the eaid treat be claeed. I wilt offer tor mb to tha Jaghaat bidder for caah at the roan heaae door In UlljMtaa. North Caroline, on the loth da* of Oetaber, IMS, between the hour* of moon ebd 1:0C o'clock p. m., the lnndi deeerih ed In laid Deed of Trad containing tH aerea, mom or lee*. The fend* hereby offered for aaia ate deicrih ed in aaid Deed of Troll aa follow. Tmet Na. 2 Adjoin** land* of A. Bradley Godwin.'itilfeU God win, H U Godwin et aL “ ‘ ’ a tad oak etutnp the the 51 1-88 acre*, e. boafbt of J. H. Tope la j aad taaa M. 5 W. B y; Iran pin in H. L. God* ley Godwin'* line; u dae bn 11.15 ehalL. , In A. Bradley Oodwtai ai hla Mae 8. 2 E. |.|( comer ia H. L. Godwin at hla line dae Wen to the begibalny nrraa. Tract Nu. S. Be. at a *tahe ! and pointer* J. H. j ;«nry Pop and the Godwin coma' *be God win cemetery and 18 1-* W. 4848 chain* to n ook witl> pointer* b* tha a be poet; thaaea 8. 51 1-1 ' chain* to a link* on s hiU River with omaU pointer* - corner and n Ur** rod two lent* hickory pointer* foet from the comer; thence E. 8-08 chain* to a black #• feel flam the ran of B] with onr baily, onn maple, i wood ant*, one water oak pot iace a di rect Uii« down the °t 8. 08 b. UWVI 2U.SU CHI]Ilf JUMI par oath pointer* in mt *»*t of th* *w*mp of In the Kiaaey Norm line; tkSe* N. •» 1-S E. It ekaio* to a ■taUPdh pointer* iwwr J. H. Pope* appS #»»*> pond; tkanna N. It M tlltaiM to » •take with rad oak pofc™ th head of th* 0*h pondilh— N. Aft 1-2 E. IIJ4 rluulM A aUke with pointer* in J. H. and W*mrT TopeV* Una; thane* N. 1 W. lZf* «*»«•'>* l« the beginning. contakB **hty Her and twenty - throe dUV**tha acre*, mar* or lea*. . V; Tract No. 4. 1 the lauJ* of A. Bradley God_ - .L. God. win ot al, beginning on a hOl near Black River — tern near th* earn*! large red oak and two large pointed ■boat 10 feat treat _ tho •ante being th* comer P»ca *f tand *o)d by J H. POgL . _ w.fc la H. L. Oodwln and rnM a»TfP*’« and A. Bradley God wing Mad H- **1-2 W. It-2* chain* ta a dn^f4" Lhc Waat edge of Black Rtgataf'*'® k>w er edg* of the Godwin ■*dg« on the Dapn and Araraab***.-OP* :,&«*>■ ** th* tenth adg* ofia *P^ N. It 1-t B. t.lt ehaing, N. N *• 2.41 chain*, N. T» E. U* khain* and N. M E. I H abrfaa ta a earner in tha edge of tha road wi*ka »»k* wit out ten link* on Ih* 1 — * tha eoenar; thanea fc chain* ta a rad oak tad one hickory ncr of C.a tract 1 H. L. Godwin, now at tha Jan* and in Ih* Tract No. S. H. U Oodwln. __ Godwin. Unie Loo at al, beginning at a ataketn th* weat edge of Bteak Email hndar the Iowa* ndge of iha bridge on Ih* Dans and Dak* read, a of tract No. 4 rod vgn a* the ltrrtc edge of tha road 9. hi 1-t E. S.ll chain*. K. 48 B. 7.4# ok***, N. 79 B. 8 *3 chains udN. (It- 8*0 chgtra* 4o • corner Id Ike edge of the read with • atakr oat on the want line 10 link* from tbe comer; thane* 8 Id I. chain* Vo an iraa etake, a comer of (he 11.88 ecrei; thanoo a* the line of the 11.88 tract due eaal 2B.15 eW* to an iron etake lh A Bradley Gad* wir.’a original lin*1 thence 8a that line N. t. W. 10A* chains t# a cor ner in tit* middle of the Jo» and Duke read; Ihenta.th* earn* being N. 2 W. at the dmt fan* * 04 ehdiaa to a stake la the bead of tbe big let branch (*r during branch); the race down the meardan *f taid branch about 18.00 chain* to a *uk* and pointer* at the head of a ditch; thence da* weal 17.04 chain* to a I atakr and paiatae* in the run of ftirur; thonce tluwn Dm na •<* Blank Riser M It mmIm to Um letfaolnv. io‘.lal»tn|r 71 i-S wr«, •■m-i •> of hot, being the 4 bar* of A. lirir.U v Oo'lwln in bis fathers Mtato. Tr-iri Ku. c. Adjoining the load* of J. H. rope. i. 6. piuhfea at at, l* ?;*■»! v <*t r. arret under the up m-r edku of the ort«l*c, Black Ww. with taro bind rcia polaAm; thence >e H.L. Godwin's line B. Uti f- UM >4 to a stake at a Mil arltb nraall pointer* near the ceratr and a large itiJ oak anil a laiga Mekary pointer* nbajt Jto foot from Mm eeraor. J. %. i’opu and H. U Godwin’* corner; t'leeca ee their line • 1-t l 1M chain* t* • hlaak |M naar lit nan af Madk Biear with aw* holly, oat maple, aw* aawr waad and an* water aafcl point*ra. aaather af thetr ra. rates - thanrr aw aiaathar of their Hnet B 1 •d E. t» rhalna t* a wn-ll juniper( asd ataka by It with patute.% on tb> •am add* m Iha rwamp af Stork* Blear, aaather of their corner*-.: thnr.ee a* another of tW-'r Uiv* X.l M I t E. It chain* t* » nerw at n ‘ fenc* pact with one nnk ami one pine pointer wt-nr Jf. H. Pape’a apper £ah pond: »h',tco S. i l-t W. 36 *0 chalrt ta a evthe wiU. two poet oak liO'iilt-tT. J. Jt. Pop,-’* ami Bohe-.t Pr;M-*n Hra-i \r. ik> mill I MB* 1 afanWBMMMBMHl FLOUR That famous Bandana Self-Rising Flour. Every bag sold with a money-back guaran I Barrel' _..$5.96 Five Barrel Lots-$5.75 • Prices guaranteed until October 6th. 0. W. Godwin UNLIMITED SUPPLY 1 COOPER, NORTH CAROLINA | aiammmmtmmmmtmmamtmamramaammamtmmmmmmtmimmmmmm - ~~ i --—i Chinaware We have just unpacked a large shipmer'. of the ftinest and prettiest chinaware that wa have very car ried. Thei* arc many difierent designs and we will be glad to show them to you. 100 - Piece Barvarian 100-Piece Coburg China China Ret; 18-earat Set beautiful dealgn, 14 . gold band; on install- carat gold band; on in at tat-—- atalhnent, at set— $132.50 $78.50 Terms: to any relia- Terms: to sny rella ble person. $10.00 down ble pereon, $10.00 down and $2 50 per week will and $2.00 per weak put this beautiful Chins will put this pretty set in yonr home. China set in your home. 100 nr 12 ollu*r puHemirto make your selection from. Come in and let us show you. SEWING MACHINES White Rowing Machine; dectrte. Rotary {11 J AA movement, at — j V;: .'.IH,W Term*: $** f*J,h aT,d H.M per week White Sewing Machine; Rotary straight $90.00 Terms: $r*.00 down and $2.00 per week ✓ « _ • • f WHERE MAmr diseases ftiirmiw— I In the tplnel Toil »wvar knew H be fare? Nor da atlWaaa of other people knew It even ret! Chiropractic ad Julnnt of lakhntet or dieplaeed vertebrae, aa wfkfef by at, offere a grant boo* «offerer*. Dr. J. Me Morgan “OWr^raetec Oftee 4th Pteer Fine Netieael | _ ts Office Bonn: , I le II l » I lelpw Other Havre .by AyyefcetaMat 1 - I I DR. P. J. CHESTER. NEW YORK POST GRADUATE SCHOOL, ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF AN |!l OFFICE IN PITTMAN HOSPITAL. /*AC [|| TICE LIMITED TO EYE, EAR, ftOBE 111 AND THROAT I»»*.MM.. THE BARNES A HOLLIDAY CO. UadartabW. -4 fc—h— A fall line of Coffin*. C«ak*t* and Boaial Baba*. i Service any time, anywhere. | Day Fhaaa 11 Nl*b* rbaa. 70 UnmoiwWtMUWMMMMinftllllMHIMMlIMn! • V \ All Property in the J . 1921-1922 taxes is will be advertised and I shall also exert Avery taxes by levy upon If you have not this week and save I B. A. *