(•> W. (inrilntr is miemlirig a few days in N'ewbern tin tmslnew. • Geo. M. Flovd it *tmuling the afternoon in Fay ct I critic on Ini' incs*. IWnumri W. D. i lolland and J \V Wilson spciu yesterday in l.iun* Imrton nn business Tl\e uniforms for the mvniliers of the local high school fomhall team arrived today. L. J. flest went yCstcrday to Goldsboro. where lie vs ill spend a sliort time cm legal ImwiiC's Harper Holliday It !i this nflvr noor for Charlotte, where lie will s|iencl a shori time • >11 hu-me-s Mrs. J. M Morgan It It tester day for Hick hiy. when* slit: will spend a week or ten day. visit!it;; relatives anti friends. Rev and Mrs. Y. Sloan (iut and '<■<!», I . Slikin, |r . i t ! aw ft i.c. \ ilh . \ a.. '|eni the week end here visit ing relatives ami fi.eiw.'. Niching Inn itnit.i.r i ’aiirc v era torts cle' -.i! 1 *. *. v* e to < ^ lltlvvta lIM.i t. m. I I. * I tiiuuhv m.vting I si ni;*,li Mis* ImIicI Ik'll i< tillin'. Im'ii - Sunday f!|;ln fti.in • lit* St. 11- i.i Muriibi. wlifrc she s|mnf sii'tH* time visiting relr-.t-vrs ; • frrnn! . Miss Mamie Tmlijigtiiii left S:d luday fur l-.aslovei high sclvinl, near Fayctlex ille. when- -.he Mill teach during On- irrut which #i|*-n ‘ cu yesterday. i Miss Dell birch. sigi-r of ,\frs. I!. D Ihmu, ha* arrivnl ami will sixth) flic xxintei here with 1’i.if, ami Mrs. Ihmti. She is » student in llie Will high srluxil. Several lay men fnnu Fayrti exilic conducted tlie service at Divine Street Methmliil ‘cliureh Simdav evening. Several short talks »\cr. made liy the visiting lay men aiul the service was greatly enjoyed by die congregation [iisho|> Collins Denny, of Kich niond, \ a . will preach at Divine Street Metlxxlist church next Sun day evening. Itidtop Denny will preach the dedicatory «enno« of the new Methodist church at Four (Inks Sunday morning. An infant son of Mr ami Mrs. j F. N. Hare, who live at Duke, diet!1 early Monday morning. Interment was made in tlie cemetery at Pleas . . ant Grove church, near Duke, Mon day afternoon at 3: 30 o’clock. The child was five days old. John. A- Oates, xuperilendent of tlie First Baptist Sunday school. Fayetteville, ami alxmt twenty of lus coworkers visited the First bap tist Sunday school of Dunn last Sunday morning They came to Diinn for the pur|»»sc of observing the manner in which the local Sun-1 day achool is conducted Those interested in making ex hibits in the Horticultural Depart ment of the Hamelt County Fair almiiLl art in IfMIrh umiVi XI tew lev bel Young. Mrs. Ilighsmith, Mrs. . J. R- Butler. Mr* II. R. Taylor or " Mrs, Herbert McKay 'ITtc above committee who has Charge of this department will l»e glail to rentier any assistance necessary to those!, • who want to prciiare cxlnhits. ! | - r Public Library Notes v The following 1 an>k- have been donated to the public library by . Mortis and Llovd Wade liailey—The Tale* of CnfTy licar. Cllapntan— Radio l!oy< at ( Venn . Point Mavis — Uncle \\ iggily’ '1‘i.ivels, Uncle Wiggily’s Advcn- , tines, Uncle VYiggily <m the h’.mn. | UiKlc Vviggily at the Scasliorr, , t ncle " tKtl/a Rheumatism. Holly and Bnwlcy. No-Tail. Iluddy and , liriglrteye Pig, Sammy und Susy Jinle-Tail, Dicky a,„| fs=cJKer Flip Tail, P°N-V an<l Jnlie laatg-Tail, To©dle and Noodle Flat-Tail. Netl* die and Becky Stub-Tail. t Mont|omer>' — Billy Whiskers, , Billy Whisker* m an Aeroplane. As the result of the article on lost , hooks, three hook* have been turned ; in to the Wintry. They are: The Vanishing Point— |>nws<m Riders of the P*»rpl« Sage—Crev The Secret Power—Corelli. Sticks Nail In l oot With Fi .1 Results C. F. llass. 21 years, died Saturday afternoon at his home 9 miles south-east of Dimit. in Samp non county, of Idoml iwison, which resulted from kicking a nail in his foot two week* lie fore. The funeral was rondnrted Sunday afternoon a* 3 o’clock by Rov. O A Uain and interment was made in the Naylor cemetery. Deceased was a loyal memlier of Spring Branch Baptist church, hav ing united with the rlmnch alien b was 14 years old. I l« was » model young man, according to hismeigh hors, and hi* untimely |>as*ttig came as a shock to hi* many friends. _ Afternoon Book duh held the firrt meeting of the sea son with Mr*. J. W. Thornton yes terday at 4 o’clock. The subject for the afternoon was ** The Natural Seattle Beauties School Enrollment Near* Seven Hundred Tit* enrollment in tlte Dunn schools is now between 6J0 and 700. It was necessary for quite t tittinlier >»f iKirents to heap their children at home fnr a short while to help harvest tlte cotton crop. Within the next two or three week* iIksc pupils will enter and the en rollment will he increased consider ably. I'arents who iiave children to en ter tl>* lira! grade are notified that they should l>y all means he in school before the close of the present week. oi North America." and Mr*. Clif ford gave an imetextinf sketch of tlte Yellowstone and Rocky Moun Uin national park*. and Mrs. White head nad a paper on tlte Yosemlte iutiionaI jKirk and the Grand Can yon of the Colorado river. ‘Ilte most interesting feature of the program, however, was a most graphic description by Miss Rachel Clittord of a trip which she took during the summer to the Grand Canyon and'the Yellowstone nalmn al I’.nk. Alter the program tlie hostess »,*l a delirious salad course, fol • < ■ • l»i coffee and nuts. Club memliei's present were, Mes aini* | \\ . Whitehead, J. C. Clif ford. II (i. .Mattox, (i. M. Tilgh •M.in. J C. 1 hitler, E. W. Smith, N. Townsend and li. M. Jeffries. Mr*. C. II Anderson was gtu-sl fur the afternoon. W (). \\ NOTICE. At Mingo church on Ocuilier 7th, l't23, ut 3 o'clock p. in., a monument erected to the memory ■ if Sovereign Marshal Hare will he unveiled. All menihrr* of the or der in good standing arc invited. I,. I! Purr.. (' C. \V If. Stau'M.ANt*. CUrk. ' Mingo Camji No. 3M. Falcon Newt I )avi*l 1’ Edward* and John Johnson left Thursday night for Topeka, Kansas, where they will ••nUr a irlrgraph school. John \V. Hrooks, Haves Brooks and Rolscrt Robinson, of this place, and VV. R Godwin, of South river, left Grxlw-in this morning for The Holmes Rilde and Missionary In stitute, Greenville, S. C. Siluxi! opened here Monday with a good attendance. Number en tailed will be given later. Prof. A. C. Holland is principal; Rev. C. B Strickland assistant; the other teachers being, Mrs. Bart* Man well. Mrs Nathan Duncan, ftfisa Ethel Strickland. The music stu dent* will be in charge of M ra. L. A Culbreth »ud Miss Magdalene Robinson. Miss Lois Edwards, who Has lieen to a hospital in Richmond for treatment, has returned, but »’ judl somewhat indisposed. 9 The Orphanage children have earned something over $700 this season picking cotton for the farmers in this territory Colored Preacher Phases Suddenly Rrv. Gen. \V. Freeman, colored, lietl suddenly Saturday morning at is home six miles south-east of hum, m Sampson county. Deceased ras 7l) years old, ami it is thought hai death was due to apoplexy. The imernl and interment took place nnday altemoon. " Uncle " George ias a good darkey of the ante bell ini ryjK* .and had many friends unnng tlie white people. 1(6 qtd^j^raUm* Cantrip* ■ Governor Hag Paroled Old Daniel Brinkley Raleigh, Sept. 28.— Governor lameron Morrison today cooditiosi illy paroled Daniel Brinkley, 52. wiivicted in July ,1888, term of Ca awba Superior court of the theft of >15 nnd sentenced to 10 yean hi state prison, from which he escaped ifter serving threr years of his sen emx. He wandered about the *nrid for 32 years, hut coming back to this State to visit a sister He was apprehended and reincarcerated in State |irisnu several months ago. Ignorant For 40 Yarn Husband Was A Woman U Crowe, Win, strange story of 14 Wife* 1 the woman who for year* Bred the life of a man, was capped today b> » still stranger story of the wwwi who spent two score yt*rs at Will '•m Taylor's wi In" When locate* M the home of bar sister. Mr*. Mar cm Am«, it VofoqtU, Mr». lay »or declared ahe had act known unti Sunday that her husberul was < *onkiii. | ler " husband died hen Friday from cancer. MaUdTo^Winiam Taylor - , the age of \J, she declared tint «h was not conscious ol the fact ths their married fife was not as thi of other people. She abo says tha •*er husband gtiarded her cloaef fiisti other men, and she was a lowed eery • Rjtle association wit other people. New World Record By Tar Heel Hone Lancaster. Pa., Sept 29.— A new world's record for pacing mares or a half-mile track waa created Friday when Grace Direct owned by Penny Brother*. Greensboro, N. C., stepped around the Lancaster fait rroimd track in 2.02. She lowered •he fortuer mark created by Lizzie Mack at Pottstown in 1918, Jh« mare was paced by automo bile. Her time was announced in nrters as follows: .10 1-2: 1 :0G : 1:30 1-2; 2:0?. Buying the kitchen ctpiipmcrn for their club was the recent expe rience of the Blantyre home dqm onst ration club in Transylvania county. The home agent accom panied the girls on their shopping •«ur and gave a lesson in how u> 'elect and buy needed materials. Eat Pearce’s - ALTHOUGH 66 HE S TWENTY YEARS YOUNGER *«• Who Saw Liocotn Lytef m State U RaUawad of lS»J **L by Taklai Dr. Tharh •r** Liv«r aad Blow) Syrup. "1 actually feel don than twenty yeerm younger tince tebiag Dr. Thachcr't Liver ao.l Bleed Syrup, far It haa riven me the appetite ef » bear." aaid Jamee L. Buckley, mk chiniat eafdoyed by Gee. W. Brack! Company, Kvinc at Sfi W. PeHea St. Pteladaiphla the ether day. Mr. Barkley ie M year* old aad haa lived la Philadelphia all Mi life and * ■ne ef the few petooae ttviar »h0 “* President Lincoln's tody •» it lay in elate la Independence Ball. la this connection the yablie is reminded that each druggist setting Dr. Tfcacherb User aad BUod Sy re* b authorised by fee Thacher Lab orecariaa to re tarn the purchase price ia aay cam where fee flint bottle (ails to benefit "1 (offered from sU/mach trouble, indignation and constipation far el •ree^twe yean," he said. “l»y feed I was burning ay inside. Splitting has dashes would eoane on and last all day aad 1 be tame to nervous I aaald handy hold my hands atiM long enough to taka a drink of water. I w»* badly constipated and would ga far three at four days without a movement I was bilious, too. fall off in weight and could hardly sleep >4ghts. "I have taken three battles of Dr. Thacker's liver and Blood Syi^ aad feel just has All my oid trashies are gone and new 1 can hardly gat enough to satisfy my appetite.” Dr. Thacker's Liver and Blood Sy rup la sold in Dunn by Hood and Graatham aad in Duka by K. R. Thomas Drug Oo. NOTICC or SAL* or RIAL estate •Under ate *> .»!*— of too powoi of ao)o eaotatand in a certain Boot) of TwtjW^ *>y B X* Godwin if E. T. on (fe« Jn<l day of Oototorim.iald dood being "«"W.I*?*ok *V! *» PH* **< to too terser of ^ „#w. of Harnett coonty. *®d default having bcoa modal* too payout of the nota* thMobr accax.d, y* „„„ of to* debt terto*.■"•mooted too oolo of Mid ^reports, tn» too will, *o to# *7to d*y of October ISIS, l«.ft*K** the Mankipal build in* In Ui* town of Diton, N. C.. at 1* o’clock E-.tdW (or to)* to too high oat Mddar too **^1- to# following dc aetibod tool «*•*. «Matt i . t*19 <iirkhon ot too Oaacdy and Tttgtanno- landa and dooerlbod to fbttowa: ^gh,. aV „ Mate is too rood and mail jf. 74 W. tOSS fool to * ataltoi thence 8 40 w- M i! * “*£*: tower 8 au M. ISSdte* ton atakc; tboncr 8. to W-S40 T4C foot U> •UI iron |Mfi;j too nee A 2AS0 B. 600 foot to the boginai**, containing 1# j.j acrM. Ate lota aumbor aigfct (S) uJ nta* It) 1* to* aato* dfcrtofon and dcacrlbod a* follow.; Baginntag at a •take to too road and g 70. SO B. 460 loot to a Hake; thonee N. S« R- *®r’ l«c» to a atako thonee N 82 E. 6J feat * to x Hate; toonc* N. 82 *. lt9 fart - giakc; li**n«* 8. 88.ao R. 276 feet to a atako; thonee S. 76.46 B. 188 feet to a Mate; tooneo 8. *4 >0 t 76 tcr, to 0 Make; thonee 8. 1. r. (24 t<>* w » »»-™ “ ‘ r., 300 leet M a ■ tabs ;**»*« 8. R«.*o c. itfl» fr,i «• • *t*k,tJn,C7rtZT »t rood; lllentc wMh rood N. 1.16 E. 644 2-10 f«-*l to » NJ,11 * R 200 feel to • stake:thence N. a. So K..40V*-li' /•oi to the beginning coataintir; 2T 1*2 0err*. TMi tCO> 'U7 o) September 102*. E. F. Tnirjfc Trwu<-. Ost 2 0 10 28. ' NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND •/ T.,T?1** Ul* term* of • certain deed " *™«t executed br B. L. Gvq »•". “d «"»•. F. J Chidote. which deed of tmn it duly n.lrtor ' in *"* 110. I*ye 8W)' ^‘SToffur of the Register of Deck at Hantelt coonty. default having bccn.mtdc |„ She o* the note steorvl by laid deed of trust, tl* JSiJxDr.l Trustee named la said hiff* trout having been requested by dm bel'kcr of mIH note to rxerciae the p*wer of tale panted there in. wfl) go Baiur day, November S, lsaj, j* e'elo.W U. offer for sale at pubHc subtle n at the eourthooae door ia 38ratior., North Carolina, for cash, ffMjtBow ioy land* In Harnett Connate-wit. Beginning at a stake abetR-Bre or ten feet from a poet eak eaw west aide of mid oak and lr. thaufe* of the Avereybere public rood ftf** w 22 yards to a stake In B. m Jonc*’ line; thence S. Tt yards te rf|(pks in E. A. Joare’ line; tbeaee V 112 yards to Barftnyto«'a UneBthsoec North with Barrington's SMknl* to the btglm.lnti ion tain in* Wf acre*, aaore or lam, aaidjandWfif1descr.h of ia Beabitfc ttga W/on* of The ysrrMfffCrtlffprlifi be m quirwl to depwrit vtBlhe Ousts# 12 per cent of Us Md biftl Oemie B closed na a pledge of%ia good faith in bis bid. Balance edfpurchaee. mo ney to be paid open dgvury of deed. This the 2nd dayo*>*teUr, $22. J. C CUFF^O, Truotee. October 2 2 12 22. f FARM FOR SALE—144 ACRES, 1 house* and outhulUlaym. Good priseure aim! ptriny of timber and wood. Two raliiri weal af Dana on pood ruttrl. Part raah. toms or. balance. J. D. Ptiillip*, Dana, M. C . S. No. 3, Uox 17. 31 4tpd FOR CALL—-1 AMERICAN CAR, 1931 model. In rood raanlnc con dition. Credit if iieeasoary. So* J. R. Canady. Dana. N. C. t tH. MONEY TO LOAN—IF INTEREST ad ia lonr-timo farm bans cat Jew F. WIlaoB. orar PUlohmaaY •tore, Dunn. N. C- May 1-tfa. FOR RENT—ONE OR TWO FUR nisked room*. Modem conrenieo re«. Apply toi Ur*. A. B. Naylor. Dona. N. C. 3 2t pd. FOR SALE—40 CO KOI DRY PINS wood, fire A. C. Burns*, FliOO* UO-J. 7 tie. MONET TO LOAN ^ANT Am .amt on lone tirtM. If teMaartad ooo «e at onro. Wort aad West, AMetaoya. Dunn, N. C. .s— FOR SALE—LEXINGTON AUTO mobile in jroiwi condition. Term* given. V, O. Wr«t, Attorney, Dunn. X. C. 28 it pd IUST RFCfIVEiJ—ANOTHER BIG Nhipi.ici'i of iprldili*. ('am nnil n't it. T limec i* right. Henry C luu*. ICriKixul nvfiar, Dj-in. NO g u tie :OfrOM>F.£D HULLS AND MZAL fur epic by N. •!. lac. If Into • ti ed (re me. tl Jfe FOR RENT- TWO OFFICES OVUt Ilib» Fruit Store*, one feme, one front. A. t*. Burne*. 7tfc. rOR SAI-li— to OAK BARRELS, r># yallor. capur'ly. Dunn Coca Col* Bottling Co. 21 4t pi I HAVE JUST RECEIVED TWO i-nrs oi Cliccki'itaatil Feed, and don't forget Unit PIC CROW I* the* loading .hog feed of today. L. P. Surieo tl it i FOR SALE—TRANSPORT TRUCK. Excellent condition. Write for partlrulaio. E. Ruche., Box 248, Kimtoa, K. C. 28 2t pd AMOTMU MO | carbida Juat rr cut It m# i Laa. Builraari wt nvi famT __ LacaUd near lone boro, Clinton, j Buia'e Cmk tad LHilaffivu. Our! tabaM nailing well C'oeum, tab* la the acre Beat pickle*. Cow, to , badiete aar acra. Hade to Utah* «l» Applrr aata par acre. pea.h.o Mg ready ta nv I bare a email tamer nay* bo la tafn m baring •l.oo# attar be nettlan ay. OUi«r» faetag alatant at well. Oaa |a bahtag fa. i«,ooa afUr h»f eauiaa. While mjylklur ta In gaad rtm Jltloa, conn, and toy yui a tana when- you nan aa'»<- ntuC J. 0. Lajaaii, Dec >, X. a. 18 It pd MMTST TO UOAM—TAJ II.MO ta a to AM. M with prtrtlaga la p MeLaad an. I UeLaod. Oaaa, N. C. mm ill m mi ■ ■ _ WHITTS ICE CM AM 1b AH rUvon . •• -1 Let U. Supply T«V Cm DUNN Ice Create Parlor r.G.MCAM.P.^r ____ . J LA RESSTA CORSETS Keep Your Figure Young l Style N 2821 Pink Coutil | Low Butt Long Skirt Elastic Gores Specially deni cued to give Stout Klguree Slender Appear IBC8. Ha^ yURAlONE At Our Cornet Department JOHNSON BROTHERS i For Sale l » ! a '* ► I Seven Passenger Chandler Car in good condition. I Five Passenger 1923 Model Buidi in use about six months. 1 Dwelling Lot on Townsend Heightf oppo site home of J. W. Purdie. 2 Houses and lots near Harnett County Training School. 1 House and lot near Durham and Southern depot. 2 Houses and lots on East Divine Street, 1 four and 1 six-room, with all modern conveniences. I Nice Dwelling lot on South Magnolia St, adjoining my home. I Vacant lot on North Magnolia near Har nett County Training School. Any of the above property will be sold for cash or x>n terms suitable to the purchaser. See me at once if interacted. W. D. Holland :; ■ Dunn, j-j North Carolina tuilWMlMMIIWM.... You Get What You Pay For When We Do Your Plumbing and Heating That is the important consideration when yon ! figure on cost. Our work is directed by a real plumber, who, in the long rani, is the least costly. Efficiency, Quality, Sanitation and Safety1**' ^ are watchwords with this WE SATISFY HENRY C. LEE Phone 263 • Railroad Avenue PUTTING it Up to HIS MOTHER WE WISH directly to eddrere the one person who is most keenly and warmly interested in the boy’s welfare, his mother.

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