*κ · ·■»·· -.·· The Fair at Dunn, October 9 to 12—Glorious, Gray, Glowing, Gigantic—Greatest in 1 THE DUNN VOLUME X. DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA, EDITOR GRAVES ' NOT PERTURBED Say» Ke Wm Oi.ly Pub iUhir.g t'ievwb Iii Hand ling Eùxpuitiom Cii;i|icl I Jill. ' ΗΊ. J—Kilili'l" I jill in t'.r.m·» i.f til.' Clia;irl I lill W'tvk |v ·· nul VMiiTViii;; <»vir l*><· siiil ttliifh il h:i> l«C"ii aitnnmu'ol Κι.·ν J I'. !>.ui·. |i.*sn«!· ι.Γ iliv Carrlio.'i· liîiplUî (.11· ν'ι. « il tu'iiiti fur ;il Ιι-ιςηΐ il.iln.i;JV· II' Ί' i >·' lli ■ .1" lull :l» ΙμΊιι··Γ <ΪΓ|ι'.γ'» |"|» I il· uhicli lie »nl>i i il..? «r:.|ml>>·m i.l lin ci; \M«iitii u;iniiκ ι > ni ι,κ I «•hnivli. s:aii.i(» thai tliey were ex· |<l!til lie .Mu ihc) «cm in li..lhiii(! ίιι lin· saine -winimiiiy: jhkiI kiUi mai "(»i rimrse," -nid Cilitar limves, "I wilt I*· (;la<l lo publiai in m) |>;i|«r lllc iUtrinem utliril lluj ilea fiais ni tlir . Iittrcli nsV.rxl me 1·· |n int. "Il *ο<ηι> tliai lin· iiiain |K>in( Mi s. I lav ι.- noil hi.» fruniU inakv. jurltSiiiK fnmi tî'c iiinTview in Tliv \cu> ami I llisci vfr λιι·1 «'liai lui·· Κόι -v;«irt !<· inc. i* lii.il llu wimicn ν r' f lunicil «κι* <i/ the rhurch not nnly for going in mi imntinç in the !*κιι ai tne same lime will» men. l>u. | for n<maiaten']aiice ami tnm(invin< n! | • »f dur·» a < veil. "In my leion 1 iveiitioned mil., the swimming jxiol |>art of il. Tlui'1 »vas tlie iflilv part in which 1 cm»· siderrd Uw pciiji!»· would I* inter estiiL ClMircli mcmhei > arc always beinic <ln>(i]>ed from the church 10IS for the other reasons That U not estraotlinary and is unt to be cl*<s nl a* uewf. In thi* church, for ex ani]>lt·, .511 or 40 nicnil*rs wer dn»|> ped for nori|w> n.int of d'ic-< nn«l| ivm.HUnd.nre «xil> a weeU or ι iigu. I d>d (Kit c\en inemtim» lli.it iti •aiy pa|>er. Hut the»e llirve women ^ a-*!*·*·! ca*e. . T>«y lliem considered t\»r jfoiftjf in the iK irig but llic best feeling toward them 1 have several good friend» among them Here van sotnediml which >vas surely new », and I prim ed it— with MitttUniiat correctness, I believe. That is all there is 10 it." Mri. Κ 11. Lloyd . Mrs. Ral|.h Aferritt and Mies Grcae Womblc. I t' e three rter.tljciN «Ιιο were turncJ otit of the church, insist that thev were turned out *«»iely heraiiM: «>♦ ilie ih hntiiinif tpixjde and sav thai ιι,ι olihr ch.irjjes mpv 'I'tfcrKtl again-u them. 'Hiey threatened suit .ivrnin-t the minister for slander un Ιι-Νί he made simte retractions. The\ al>o >aid Uiey «mild continue to l«tioiiize the <«iniininc po.·! when iliev diose. Didn't Shut Door Cost Him Over $600 υ .a. .1.—The taurine cnr, «lui» flivver, of Frank Mitchell head οt the MiUhall ConatrucUor. C- nipBhjr, coat Mm allghtly mora than $<>00. Tliu Ioaj occurrcd when the h'iIc <loor would nut remain cloaod and the aack containing payroll eaah for hi* «mployeei dropped oat some where between the National Bank building unit Die conatructfon ctunp. Mr. Mitchell arrived at tlie har.k and drew hia pay roll and placcd the money in varioua denomination* to Itlhor with tho time book* in a cloth coin ba«. He aaya be threw Lha nek on Ike floor οt 4» near Mat ex tending lenfttiwiaa between the do*ra. In aome way the money bac erident ly wsa layliiS hard a*»inet ona at the rioara. It waa Joatlod opon and the c*«h ieU out » *Λβ «Γ· Mr. Mitchell haa effored a liber*! reward for live recovery and re Lorn of thff money. Buried In Asphalt, Man I» Chopped Out Cautnn. < Λιίο, fVl. 3—Λ iter i'hn|f*i|! »iih :»"<*» t"T irjtre than l\f·· III -nr> : ru I i v, w iii K/iM*n *in"«-rc«l «I in reiw'iifix I' I'. I |.Κ4"*1Ι. Λΐ. fri-ni η ο I :i«|i1i;ill v. hire he Ιυ·«Ι I«en r jll night. (htiy j I'·» head, ι>.:'ί ;<*ίτ* γιι«1 >Ικ·;ΐΙ«Ι·· } ί.·τβ vieil·'·*. Μι <,νιτ j *rull * alumi num into λ jxj.il «ί ..ar:tt nsiAnlt w hile walking nnr .in asphalt («tant . Ia«t nipfit. lie Wr.nne (■■.hrn>1«··' liyine If /ree hinwelf, :uiil l»> <l"wn. In ;!ie idcsntimu the tuplnll ti.ir<l«nv<i Hi« r;i|'» for Iw'f» were fiiiall· l.rnrtl ! j a n<nkiii;ni «Ixirilr ΙκΊ·»·ι ft nVlrx-t. ilii* r.iaraify KcmiintiH; ctn»cWHi», lin'«so rlircnril the cut ting «wer of tlie **|ΐ»ι·Η which heW him · pnioncr. Huun apparevtly taffered no Mrkxw effect» "I AM THE FAIR" " / out community sen·ice. " lam Ihe distax'trtr of lost lair ft! s I mn the be;^ to the door <>f telf-et prestiou and heller firuiur llOH. " / briny reenfortttucnls to rescue our He/rated insiivtl*. " Through we fol h un· drmint together " / aiu Ihe trumpet llitil tniaims mou'i créai if e instinct. I hid I ftu l>ttsiness mon of his tidfaulat/et, the child of hit oppartnniliet. " I thnU litem txilli llie ,lc, cric impulse It· realize their ««it» Worth, I·' kno χύ their tteighlurt, I ο helfi thlir emu m unity. " / inn the realicniii'H of gladness. / am the consfiotnurss of life. I ant llie spin! of good tfill mut uniierjdl progrès» I sene you I ser-.r the community. Thus I tertv America. " / am community service — / oui the h'air " —Seleetnl. fiOTEL PROSPECTS ARE BRIGHTENING Mturi. Pop· And Tart Will Likely Erect 60 - Room Hotel Here After more than three year* of ;icr>i»lein effort, it nuw appear* tliat the Dunn Chamber uf Conunenx lia* KiiLvmlcd m securing for T)tmn a moilern h«itcl. Al a called meet in# of ilie Imanl of rlircvtor* uf the Clumber last ni^hl for rnn>i<lcring the lv«tel matter, L V 'l'an ma<lc I kiMtun that he »η«ί Ο. K. Vtrjie were considering the crcction of » OO-rouni tmlel i»n the olil CTirintian church Int. er.rner Cumberland • ircct and Clinlon avenue. Thi» lot was ι event Κ purchased bj Mc.«*r* Tari ai«J l'ope Λ committee from ι he Chamlrer ■ if Comnnrrc have l«trn r»ej<utiatiii« with Me»»> ν Tart and Pope for .several week* relative to the ercc tiim uf a hotel in Dunn. Mr. Tart vlult-ri al the meeting last night that if the citizen* of Dunn would give them the priijier co-operation it wa< more than likely that they would erect a modem hotel on the lot early next year. It will be the first or the year before the congregation of the Christian diurvh will have their new limine of worship ready, and work un the uew hotel cannot be WW»k,lillilllllLlLbui(P w at*Ta»f night'* meeting was that thi· j» an ideal location lot i hotel, and pri-*etft' indication· are that within α few mdrftw Dunn will bave a hotel that will |j* a credit to'the Small Boy» And Billy Goats υ'ΊΜ..Ικ-ih City'Independent) I never we a boy with a billy goat thai I don't have a hunch tlur then· goes a hoy «'lus will make hi·: mark in the world. I have an I'lea that a hoy win» tan manage :■ hilly «ont v. ill learn njure practical, han Jv ami valuable life lessons fn.ni thai one j{oat in a season ihan he will learn from a dozen le*t books in the same time. It take* a lot of tact, patience, perseverance, pluck and agility to manage a billy goat, λ boy who learns the way» of an honest-ti>- na ture billy goat and masters him has [ learned a lot about human nature a* well as goat nature, heing as how most <if the human family arï just so m.iny goats anyhow. , If ray wife didn't object to the attnr of goat, I would be in the market today for a billy goat for my own boy Owneraliip of « billy goat put* responsibility upon the hoy and fil> him for the owiternhip, care and up-keep of other chatlcls And goats have a way of under: standing l>oys ; which is more than ran he taid for a lot of its daddies. FORD LAYS PLANS FOR 16-CENT GAS Manufacturer Negotiat ing For Oil Field· ; Sell Only Ford Owner» Ww York World. W*lt slixet hear* that Henry Ford i* about tu deal i» maiii-r >|rokf that will greatly . (he automobile businrM and the oil in indiuitry oa> well. Certain wcll*il> funned men, wlio «atiHi Ford movements iio*el), nn iiiTitan<l the flivver maker i* ne gixtating for oil |trojicrttes. planning ι to produce crude oil iu hnge <juau titicd, refine it into gasoline and sell It» Ford tar driver* only at Ift ιχτΙ" i « gallon. The plan. Wall *treéf financier .| I khi il out, ii> lupcal and economical ' ■y m wind According to current financial | district information gasoline no* retailing in New York rii»tnct at 22 cents a gallon υ manufactured at around 10 cent ν Assuming (hi < to be true. Henry Ford, wilh hi·' own oil «rlk, could tell gasoline for 16 cent* at α substantial protit..' Announciment of I6 cent ga*· . line Iti Fonl owners cxdmifvl* Would create un|irccedente<i de mand tor Ford cars. Ford gas Aa awav much oijbm Cmde oil and refined oil prion*. I Wall street thinks, would neresnari ly tumble to meet Ford price*. ThU would bring a price cutting war and redaction· of l'iiccs all alon;: the line. The «Aire indostry would liave to be reorganized to meet the new condition, ami indejieiidenl oi! romj»nie» in that erent nn'ulit joi" with Standard Oil to Aght the in vader. Wilson Bootlegger* WOl Show Deficit Wilton, <>ri. 2.—The 192.1 bal ance sltcct of Wileon county l-oot legger* will show » lar^e deficit. A committev of four enterprising manufacturer* waited u|*>n ShetiiT (ilover and several of his dojwiu·; Monday evening in the vicinity of Shiloh Church. However, they did not wait long enough to l«e recognized ' in their hasty flight through ilic swamps of that section. The sheriff has not yet 1*<n able to exprrs» his appre cintion for a nmle and wagon left behind and with which lie carried away 600 gallons of beer, 18 gallons of pure com whiskey and a οιΐηκτ still of ûO-gallon capacity At the time of the raid the mill was in full operation, and doubtlessly had the sheriff permitted it to run a little I longer «une of ll»*· stuff captured I would have been of better quality. This is the sheriff'» 66tli caplur: ' and the largest. ΓΟ roR Present !:'« roi a ψ·Μ*\Α Itrrablr—i«4 n f.Î loriation Ιο ·*>η»«| will) the Some mcmheri whicSi cjmri t» t°4 cri uulurnob'.le iiC'l «ml r.'aily to] tlun «rilt bi· nu ftiundulknil Frld· fort anale ptraoa ■> key ami can ri»l«j ο «m «mt. Τ'*'» is no t.. VrctUAC nobody Witk i-yiiry tfck*. trance the pon, r-umbrred < tlu> ticket which] ba<r»l. Keep vntitli* yea to On Friilay al nf Ihf fair—ι one of Aug au·· 1Γ ilia holder coupon i* on Γ ffot< <he car. ^ tiu-re, another ni -ηι··Ι ao on ni t-.oWf» 1« prc«eB A number U •τ·1 ndmlsion Lut year tl fiyrlan/l eiur fnrmer, who η • tine ihe-MT {r. v.-rrv«%** #w l«f»t tf I Iho fair av fi-ten.1·. * y«ar. K>< cicrwd I • win lu' irivni | folly oquii 'Thu p'pwuto 'Jhr»nt of iV« on. V,i ν.4·»Λ·«· ι; In 1·Ι· or '.ii-r »a· tV: tiling arn·· lo loa·.·. I n.»h> <·« c*l»e a coj-' ripoml «rit'.· into « It ma; -tbc laat ilav I «Κ draw _ tflft barrel. οττ**τ>'»τ.·Ι1η£ ki 01 oliln· U tm, HI be drawn ■mbc r erf to* ~n. *veiy fcr d— -cerrydaT. _ tlofl jtarr m· ;ilr. Holt, a 1* atfll ope· ititr much <m a«· •erse?, a* the «ρ •the rxlr*\ ajpinlly of the picture, Ken k rcceftt acquisition of Iberg offanirmtion. /role of the *l»rik. t"H*inj» tq the fact that the pic ture wa» (ib*ed during Caliixrnix ■> r.iinv it derided lit:·î 'exterior" -should tadonrs, bushes ft*»·'. InridenlaHj ihta dc· siltle to bring in ll»err «tudiiK Mew '•«•nana—ft·» the Ην» I* rorwluct | ool «ml a vision made tf· |>lay ihr ΤιιΑ;ί·.·ς Ihc hr>l time ψι »ii "exterior" »ct-no A CfiniiletteJFMx'-Ti. vi Itli rolo«.vT gateway* aflK'ttVetrluwiKini!* vrst.· therefore un one of III.· stage*, wltkft ''-"Ι Ikcii. previously cut away té#»kï room for a »ct in "Poor M4n « Wive*." In the renter is a ·°ν*Ι jot A, on which floats a flow*-<Iocke«f Ixwt. «rid in w'Hoee <Jjj*h» ^plath oriental maidens. In the picture. which is a film version of Ct*r'cn Rlaney's famous |duy of rn^J/ ition »]>\κλτ «ucli favorites a» ll,rUnj Cooper, Ken neth 1 larlatijJ*Mnn Gla»*, Za -Sr. I'itts, FroI ÛM'enta and Joseph IWIirn. j l.cnii< and JfroiRUy e:ich rereiv · about ini4jll'qr. The '""VP* Virginia un.l New Jersey used for tarfrci - for bomb» fa®· aerial maneuver» to be held «0# NEW FLEISHMAN STORE IS OPENED ι rsru .-i Opcnini On YnUrdvJ W·» Attended By 8«*«Γ·1 Thoutând People Y&ticnlaj 11 ν im-nali i]»cniiif* <»f lit»· :itn i··,.n· nf Moidi ( mr.u llmilKT' 0.ιμ;·,»;ι;· un l-sc. 'tnicw' mr<;v.. I ν <\·. .rt w.m , .• «IV. .U··! λ 't.. \i-:. - : · ·ΐ! iheiU.iv! < ι·Ι■*."si . t "s .Μ·..,·", ilM· uMyrn· !■·;.; il '.'· .» Vfwi.i ;.i J'J uVUick lui! iln· '* nf W«iloo< I mot i,.r Airft near were tunat favor ably iin(>ic*»t'il wilii îlot »no«t ukxI cru inen.|jar<)i4c «ιι;«;πιιιη, .ut<' manv r.*npli,.ivnTnr\· rrnnrbi went heard of llic iicv. ; v»rc a-ul ii> -i.< |> jitij; ιιΛιν ι ιικιι.'λτ. The· Ηι·.';Μ!·ΐ;·, i« a t·.·,·<> >ιι»ry >truc lure κϋι :· l'«»r >*tooc uf approxi mately '.',(KAJ Oc», it i> tteam heat er) lhriKiglici.it. v.irh ruining water . ml lirt'-h» 'Πν. lixtr.tv* are the faut ·.. o il in I niin'i, .iint tlie «tore !>rt: unit» a nK-innOtiiû': appearance ι\υ more· ιΐίκιΚ-ηι and up-to-date .1 » _> w. 1 . ί. I !.. îliy οι '.he Ι:·":!ι·. rilii> Λ live Slate. cf»l il i> nnUxd :ι rreri*! ti» Duuti. The lit m flour ii> ntdi for the di*· l>lay οi f'U.1'0 isiwkI'. mrtinsiv trim· ι ■fins*, a· «Ι nIiim·* .(/η t'.-e »Ιν·Κ·· faii'ly. men"* λικΠ*.·*.·' rfi«K-iwj: >: rkrtliiti^ ami (emit-long*. 'llhc mx· n.d (lemr lu«w« (îw lailin' ready· iM'MRir, millineiy, «ltd •h.VbT:* «kfrnrltticiUy. l>o liotb rtiyir> evrrullBij· »» arrwiifrd fnr (I* ftmvetiHSJcc of ihajyer* .end nvJiiT it eisr Ifor Ihe llpwifn and Mlmlubcti to *hcs\ The inercharolii* to the ntjr he*t advantage. V. i'lij the fixture* an.I *rr?.ng*meitf in tin* w.\ Mure ?<h><? Ttr.i; ·* n«d* eaM". Λ ite»;ri# live piecc*. fr«mi -ville. rendered n*i*ie from 7 : .'*> in HI ,·. ni., and nothing .VM^Kfl updwic U> iuaWe~il |4eas " ' *-'J Th»a*ajt of viniloni to !P*i& 9**Sk t>etl hi attend the <<^«ηίης, 1*tt «ni*»-" C<1 rmi:irclio;i in W'aJiir.glOU. They -en! m «ire uicuage expretnng tlieir «riA it net lieinjr able -ta rcarh Tnitm m lime for the opevp injf of llie More, a nil «l«o greeting»' t.» ιΙ».χ· ν tu» I He --tore ilnr iiu.' ιlii· «lay. 'flic Irîejfram "was i'i>|il;ivrd in the large show window >n 111·.· frirtit ni fi* «livre. Robeson Man Hurt In Scrap With Negro l.i;:;J«c_to:· < "ct 2.—'.c<lie May», ι v. hilt: t*n<· ttîwi 1:.\e> al»>ut 'hive milt·* «·»«* of I innlrrtMi, i* in the ΤΗ«»ιιι|·μ«> ! Inxpi'al in a* ieriuu» 'coiwlilit>(i a* ihf . csiiK of !*irtg cut and Mahlntl 1 Sam Arrxfte, colortl. wi n ;i<»aiStl Mr. May», and «!>" wait later at rested and jdaced in jail. lite xiïair f'*ok jilace near Mr. May'* hnnir after an oxrluinçr of nte**atfc* Iwttreeu (lie neyru an-1, Mrs. Mat * According to the negro ! lie *cnt a Ihjv ti· the M»\V horn·.· awl a «l ed lu lent or liorrow Mr. May*' bicycle. Mr* May* «eut .ι nicjcn^e l.-ack to the iietj. ο that «he nit other pohip In «e'l or çive the l«ycle aw ay. 'Πι if mpTifllv tie ijro ar.d he returned a nivssajic to her to keeji tht Mcyde. uwrnj «Irotig langnaKL- Mr. May» became anpry and went I» ve the ncçro. .-nd a»l<ed Itini what he had «aid. t·· « hicli I Se negro rejilied tint he had' «aid nothing that tie couldn't baeWl "Ρ SCHOOL FACULTY IS ENTERTAINS) Duke School T«uUn Enter teM By B«pt»»t Sunday SdMlClw) 1)mW« . « to. 4.— The Ki.'.eli* clair »Γ '.lu· tocsS Un^Ui £uthI>v »choof iWjjtelully entertained tfw mem· lem of the i>jke nchiioi faculty M η ««ίικΓ rain at Ac Albert John «•n ttwinc Uu< Ti«eMWy niyiir The »·{«** with ili< icarhcr. Κ. I.. Jf«urf in cliurpr a.*»<m1Je»î at ΐ!κ· rhti'rii with est* to thetiMcke Ι·> ι he which a.x al**rt tv . .liie» iw«rth of 1ht«. The icarhcri »'otV Mitli mvemi invite*! gurrt*. vci«· |ûcked tip at the tcucneruge. After a Ic* minutes' rirlt ih« φήηχ» were reached, m bene '.he male maidjcm of the cpeetSly K«n ■ targe. roaring nre m ['Migres*. Then: amid mtvh jollity the " )wir Αχ*" m ne responded over the rtiiiiRK to roMl. Some nUt'd ha nil; writ it»r the fire to accomplish it* l>iiri*»e and began to cat thon be f<ire they baf. ben " biled " ont. ϊ.ηι cicHi» iiMir>hiiu)t»w'» ireie totMtrd m-er tin- Aain*», and with " f*«p " furnithed the menu. KinajTy. when .-dunrt 'sreen pound* of »<»■'·■ had «r-ajipeered. and th· "pt*»" *·« *» more, rame tHfc hm. And fiwi h μι», too. DMereat ginn* «ere η» joyed to the heart'· cmncnl What at 6f*t apposi.·»' i<> i* yc 11*1 if wa« Mr. JlAilr .1. -.-.h.» »w*y from 1k«qc vhe;·, the j»rtj :îu-h.· In lit* \vnne an"; Vrjt.i IV thirv; ··» H«e c1u»n Iieiac there. Λ targe lire liad been kindled at the uprins? which bordered on Mr. Johnson': c?.*t null. When he <aw the blue from afar off be fonhvhli cairu.· ·» •lie cond u»nn that hi» can mill wn* in flame*. Doing a marathon Ik cainc not' of wind, nnd vpop diftcovennf fee xauae nf the btace he joined in with^ipe nwrtyaitkn < a*d M yftmeH. -#» W «ftco^d Mid fW ilr hh ideal hod (o hi· nfitors-wt tm~. iheo an ratVutiun to vtok hen apk j "Wild grapc» arc killing thcw Kind* of turkeys tbrouglrotit lh* country," reportf a ivriter in Th· Farm journal. "La*t fall 1 iAwv ed one Hock fea-tmg every day <«. something ή» a certain tree. Whcti time permiitol to make aa invent· galion it wa* too lair. I fnnnd tur key», nearly mature·), lying <k:-.«l under the tree ami «ever*1 more i|«ite ill. ΊΤιβ tree νu* loaded rtnmi vvitli wiM Kra]«a npon which my turkey» Ha«! lien feaating for «everi'l ■lay*. Tcxfciy the vine* are rut. ' Cultivated gn\Kt, while not a» dur per ou» a* the wild one», will al io kill turkey* if eaten 1o cxaeaae* r.rcen com particularly «itrrmf ;t very wet tea son. » also fatal de >tnnmg thousand* of tuAiy» ati nuaily. The turkey iai»er v*l»-· feel» it it no lunger itecevary to tonic after ft* diet of hi* Murk af ter they are well feathered, it more than ffltely tn suffer the kt<* of ί munher of line bird» dnrhty early fall liy wild «rape», green corn, etc "When ftirkeya arc nenrinç thr marketing ajre. it pay» handsomely) to reduce ihi* heavy mortality to th · km rat potable ebb liy cutting all wild-yrape vim* near their mnge. and by preventing then» from feast ing on green corn." THORNTON NAMES IBS ASSISTANTS Chief Mantel Jota W. run. of the Omm bit Jtm Witlam A Erwin, Jr., of Htief aMMttnt fc> fair whkfa i» to ont · I'uokJ'y utornWtg. 'Xfaer outrduU ; Hinted by iJr. Tbofntoa «η: Alphouiu li'acktnaa, Paul Hare fi«M. Leoe Waroa, Talma*·,Cappa, liar! lUrtfotx, Worth P* """' llkk Tartar, Bruce Joom. :WW, I'aal Lee. Marafaall LVaiun Stewart, Georct J i^?%„AIS.pl5bïr l3L Huilaoo. Jckm HoBey, Edgar ttaiVham, Attirait T. Ifintaa, IUjt >«iid Barefoot, John Moore, Pat rick Godwin. Guy Stewart, luniu* Cqrrfa, Stewart Tuihtifwm, Clifford ! ( ram ling way. W. R. Qames, Gael VIctjHjk These art r· — ! >iinn, rioaatM, Mm 9 l'ueadajr aMÉ I'-iUe school Suodav 9:45 a. W. Special rally day. Be prrryt ! reicii'mg Sunday. 11:00 a. n. • .Ίiject, " When Jem» Wrote M .he tîrrwjnd." Preaching State 7 30 μ m. Subject. " laipiratk». Christian Eadaavor Monday 7:9) ,p. m. Mia* Haul Jerrigaa M». Subject, " I.esson from Pill—* Mid week service Wednesday 7:30 nu*ed that yon will ptatly enjoy The «errice «aruoroeçdy at 9:45 a. in. Please be there oo tine. An offering will be takes lor the pew* of the new church—Dion make your offering at liberal at paaiMi· Folio* inj; is tike program : Sunday «chool asaanMta 9:45 ·. αι. Prayer — Re* X). T. Matto*. Mynaa 1A4 — Awake; Awake. Ma sonic orchcatra — Selection. Hyian Ι9β— The Banner of the Cross Duel — Mia* Caonady, Mi»* GodJey — Selection. Muenk orchestra— Selection. Short Talk — Mr. WiB iford. Hymn 51 — If Year Httrt Keeps Kifcht. Masonic orchestra — Selection. ! {yon 245 —Stand Up for Jet»». Talc— Rev. Ο. T. Mat* tox. R«V. Ο. Τ. Μλττοχ. Pastor. Β. Y. P. U. Monday Night, Oct. 7 Snl>jn't . Coveting ChwuUn Gift». Introduction — Mi» Slit Najjr lor. Scripture rending — Mt* M vrtlf- Pope Two UMM tafc". \\k May a Chrirtian Covet? — I)r. R. L ix*mm. Duct—Mr. «id Mr%. R. L. Dimmg. Two mint* ti lVc : Spiritual Gift. Ar, From God — Mii* Janie Ipock. Solo — Mi»« \ku\tan Two tnuntte tafc: God'» C.iit*t Differ — Km Jan* ' Two minute tmOc : Living a Tlnnr— M Ufa -M. M JenSpa. Fteo — Mr» Richard faytor. Jr. Two minuta talk: Γπ—«W Oins For Wiat— PerTy Godwin. AH member* are nrfad to b* tra· mt. Visitor» an mr*aa| invited ο attend M. WhteTGirl Attacked Rod. ville. Oct. 2.—Albert Yotm* m «Marly nut el I Mlrirtfc tm <hip, » («ifiK h«M a· a mUmfis," Hum· Kear Draper, M a point in Hnffin IwmHp, he k dieted lo 'v ve rnrntrwITr aannlted the I*. \ear-<-l<t <t;in«hier of VA. SUvricn. The· rfH. mM to be Marty MM ar.J Salf-witlod. wt· mm on w er rrvfl further ΊηηϋΜτ, and DM πι «Moi in '«wch of ι he ebUd. Ne? 'hf iranien «be found ber crytaf ,i «I *?ferem»v te dHww. .A*·* what tbr trnmM# waa, lb· gtH trfd her *tory of whit lfa. 5Uav<l«n miw Yoenf fiaiMR tb· prvMiara. H«-âen6rf AdUjdbrr· A* rbera waa anmt tali «I violante VoMHg w criM to OraaiWborr. Inr if ι hi·!·· Yowng la AMI : 50 yaar· Ht^wM^ba given « '.·· 'J f '? /:n,' Λ?'ο Football Game Between Dunn ai|l Buies Creek Features Fair Friday f · " " " * " ——

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