The Fair at Dunn, October 9 to 12—Glorious, Gry Glowing, Gigantic—Greatest in Eastern Carolina THEO » VWAWIEX. DUNN, NORTH CAKOUMA, ■it - ι , ,m , RACING WILL BE BIG FEATURE AT FAIR NEXT WEEK J. W. Drauffhoni Official Starter, Arranged A /' Good Program MANY ENfRIEs/ ALREADY MADE Rtcin; TA Be M or» Of A Lo cal Affair, Though fftfcoy Hon·* Front .Virginia Acid South Carolina Will B« Su<m In Action—Hop·» To Rtviw Old-Tim· Internat In Racing. He:«o imi or« lo b« nil i.nfwrt tnl feature of thi» year'· fair «t T>unn, and prewnt tr>ilica.ti«n» ar»! that a Kmter r umber of local hot·*»· than ever before wll llakc pan in than kht iirfcir will taJt» p*ri t"> DrRiiAna. olTclnl »tart< r for thr lliina ouiw «lui il'icctoi «( iha ifc· nartmt»·. of iMcin|r for the Harriott County ApvttnHaral Fj\r A»aoetati<>n. Mr. ι* i[>oitnnan of Ik·· ' .«lil criWr *rl-.o love* Ihr nnitic of fatyit ig :«ot uiwii the trail of thf elo*ive fo* uikI th* flict Jeer, I* moch lnle>-*teil In rue.»* a» * /ra ture of tbt· fall 11' Woi«ee throuf^i (hew annuul ttisM* to jx-ilvi* ΐ.1 ή olvl time Intatuat ία mc· home fcrretiin·: In NerOi Carolina. For acvct-al yotr iftoat of the hor*r« raco l over the eourtca in !it« North Curoliaa fair circuit haw him KoM^m or We·· ten. animait. ΤΗ·»λ Ήιν< elrrteJ much money away By making loral rarea more of a local affair, he think· tAl the aaaala will be bpttar nMM.iid ntrr In terested. Pot that i;ei(pu no γτφ «tronc offert h*· beah » larve rolloetion <rf >, ,U the fair, all VirgMiaiu la to brintj ilfpi animal J are H'virtl] pWiaentt I th* Rr»l ]irc#r*hi 'H tkiiich I»· c_al hot·* » uue featured above ttio·»· ibionrhi from other pointe. "Hiry were au morb more interesting than the Wfι ef former year* that he dé cidai that they were what lha people wanted That H why thl» years eartl » madu more attiocllvf ti> local oxr »ri than to Northern an«l Weatorn «table*. Mr I>rnuxhon will >tart the race» thb year. Granville M. Tilphman. William A. Errln, Jr., N. A. Town •end utiil Byivn Poitl will bo the Judetn. in* met premium ih n- ;o».ow»: TuMdiy County R*ce $100.00 Pony Kunnini Riice 1-2 mile,25.00 Wxl»U'r 2:18 Trot ...$200.00 i:tô Pace 200 «0 MuJ· Race, 1-2 mil» 25.00 Tk<>ri4«y 1:22 Trot S204.00 2 S· P«t 200.00 Pep* Running .......... 2S.00 Pre» Kor All % 100.00 Por.y Running 25.00 CONDITIONS Record» ma<lv on «η. I after Sep tember >0 no bnr. National Amoc>s lion ru V» to govern, wltli exception colored drivers barred. Except *f otborwia* ttateil races to V ®N* heata, 2 end 8. Rntrica <lo*e October Ilk On· or mo ι e Hnmca may start from umc «table· In any eUaa to which thay aro eligible. Right ro K-rved to reject any «nilry afcd chango order of pro*mm after entrle» arc clotted. UmuuI (Jlrlidcn of money. 5 to enter, S to (tart Fi*e per cent to en ter except mule, pony and running, in which Uier* i*no f*«. No deduc tion* from inoi.ry winner». Hor»c« I·,it»red in one el··» can atart in any race elig'Mn. R'rçrht r***rveU te de clare any race .flnUhvd anil divide money according to nutnary at *nr down, Friday, the laat day of incetin; and ooclan· off ui.y race called bj four o'clock 1'. M„ maw day. 1'iual ««■titer reiMl'/tinn». AD el*lnw foi lirtio allo*:inci· m»xt be made on on try. Who Said Corporation· Her· Have No Souli (Jokliboro, Oet t—Ca»t V»«y, O'barry ·< Gafclub at ο πημΙο pufeii lh« annau moment #i*t ha waa jw in r*e»lr; of » rfctck from th» Cam Hua Ufflit »nJ l»ownr | the «an of 1260 In b« .lOYoted ta tit OnUkl.ora Commantty Bcrvire BalV In*, ('«plain O Bt-rrar wa· Λ*ψ& appreciative of Uw> check, a· wUI b tbv ckJ«*r>« of UM «My a* a what «II·· Otay loara of M. "W· aai •j that (orporeUoiM hM »· ββοΐβτ ««Id Ciptmln 0*torry. ·>· "* », ah*d U«t night by ■ nyerler Ι·ι » Λ» (MMtri Nnn rrlatfv· to »N i foBtrlbetton. 1 FUNNY CLOWNS TWICE A DAY IXWJKiû—*. BOOSTER SPECIAL WELCOMED TO DUNN! Lw|« Crowd Greeted On· Hundred lUXck Bo—tl Yesterdajr' Afternoon Λ large nemfcer of local citixcttJ leathered at the Allan tic Cmh Line tlaliun yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock to greet the one hundred Raleigh IniMnest and professional men Iravdipf on a special train >ai <r two-day»' tour of central North r of tla '(oer-emr :.-po«'ul. reudered several' select κ®*, ••lid Rn'. 'Γ. \V. OiAmblii», director of publicity for the North Carolina CoojK-tattve Cotton Marketing As «•dation, delivered a short talk fnun the same car. Mr. CKxmUi*» of»|H-alcd to his hearers to c«-opcrate with τΐις oflirial.·» in making the State fair thi- year the greatest in il* history. He also took occasion t'» |i4v sot ne compliment* to Ditun Included in the t>arty were many of lite most prominent» of the Stale capital, and the booster spirit wa* verj- much in evidence. Souvenirs of varum* kind», together with much advertising natter, were diMritwicd to tlte throng whici) gathered almtii the " State Fair Special ' The train catnr nito Dunn over the Durham & Southern and was transferred to the Atlantic Coast Line. From l>eie the boost ers went to llenwm and then to Si mill field, where tlu*y were served λ neriKcnu. I >111111 wiu only one of forty-two North Carolina town* visited by th· liDoster* during the two dnv» they verc on the roed, and at each of the towns visited the parry was greeted by large crowds. The pur pose of the trip was |u boost the State fair, and that tf>e purpose was mei successfully no one who saw and heard tlutt body of Imm-jiters hnrliors any doubts. . F. Grow llritt, secretary of the Dunn Clianibcr of Commerce, had planned to arrange a program ior entertaining »hr Kaleigh vistors.hut wa* adviseil 1 »> Simins< Jamkson, secretary of il»e committee, ι ha! lack of tinte would make thia im practicable. Wlial the part ν want ed * as a crowd, and Dnnn gX7« thew that. Special Servie·· At M. E. Church Sunday Snndnv. October 7, will lie ob served as rally d»v at Divine Street Methodist church. A spécial pro gram will be renderi-d liy )l»e Suiv day school, of whirli fonm-r Con uressntan H. I». Godwin is attperin tendent. Mrs. Allison Overly, of Angier, will sing both at the Sun day school nod at the II o'clock clinrch service At the evening service Diihop | Collin* Denny .of Richmond. Vu., ' will preach An interesting pro gram for all the service* is being ar ranged add large crowd* are ex ' peeled to attend the three service* FAIR THIS YEAR TO ECUPSE All, SAYS GOLDSTEIN Butineu Manager En· thiued Over Pros pects For Event GREAT CROWDS AJŒ PREDICTED '•■U* Of Fro· Attractiooa To PImm Everybody And Ev erybody la Invited To At tend Tbo Fifth Annual Four County Fair, Whicfa Will Opon Tuaaday Morning. "The Dunn Pair la gala* to be the bincit, bant, meat fieriona u-d moat ■aUjfyinjt aver at^pd . in Kaatarr Carolina," aatd Elite Coldateia, bat» Rcas manager of the Harnett Coanty Aftirultaral Pair Aaaoclation, jraatar clavwbyv^h# wu aaked what thr yÉUrur^or a aurcvaaful fair were thi* year. "Wr*wa foi tat grr atcat prof rain nt fro< a>oua»*i«Me, 0te h «al tacUJ shôwi. die b#»t exhibit* In CT»f> «le partaient and the (Taalaat noQiber of extra and wortfc-wbOa fraturce a*ar *«»n a crvwJ of fair viakara in aa? town in Eaatera Carolina. ami waj ,r* COl*K to bava the gnataat au ι teadaare ever pack*! in Ida the fair! rrounda. We mrt nia( to have " Bat alt-of you know φι** Yen know how ho onUiaaae what. ha doa* awthoac. Ha can «o aa - M Mm bubbling over with tha ttrtnjr, U7U/ to tall ana al| about it in ooa aaa (anee kiidUck feci Ion*. Be al ways dor ι Aft. Aiwaya baa-deaa rt arhen be wai 1Kt preduHirna aa 19 aucnoaac· at m. un· Dana, One· he pr_ OM achool dkJldrao fer bu enthnaed ««ch. W« Md something to enthuae υ Ter. But AU y»»r ho aarpatae*· hi· beet tnUu»» ing reeortl». A (θ<Ι «cotton crû# with food cotton prie*· h* thinks «h·aid aaaere good attendance upon *** taIr. Ann after the crowdt fet in· «Ut the enclosure, there i» ei.aur > te make (lad the heart* βί all. "We've got enough free nttractieni I· iati»fy everybody," Mr- Gol.l «tein «ay»; -the,* wont be a duil minute iUy or night 1er all of the four day*. A balloon aftccnuon aach afternoon ai.J night; troupe* of urro baU, tomliltiri. comic cycle rldaia, elom, traprn perform*». and a «4M Wen «how, fire work» at night, hone race· every itay, a font ball gam»· Friday—the·» and mai.y other thine· are enough to plcaae all. "AM we a*k of the pottle la to come. If anybody la net eatiafted, there wiN be «ornefhln» wrong with (tu «yatam. We couldn't give any morn if we tried. There i« neither tlnu* nor apacc 1er more. "I mm to sec every man, woman and ehild of tW greet <-ountry àrom.l Dnnn ir>eldr the fair frmnd· during ih· week. TH*tt is so muck for thrtn to «ko— to mo eh that they shoolil see—that it will be · ihame tf any of thorn are obliged to miu it "The association has Hone every thing it on ito to -make this fair eredltablc lo your community «nil helpful and entertuhiUg to you. We have rombed the country for exhi bit· from the Acids and farm· amd homea and factories; we have hook ed the boet the nation can offer in the way of cirrus performers; we hare engaged the beat of Amer«ru for the midway attractions. All of this hae been «lone that the people of Ban***. Sampson, Johnson and Cumberland might benefti through the Dunn Pair. "The fair 1» for tho p>-op!r of these four eouatiee—for the farmer* and their wires and children srho have maile of thl» great reus try t'oa prosperoas region it li· We want theen to como and so« Um ftlr, to pro· It through R« beneficial features a*d to bo asnuesii and etrtertoloed through the purely amsasasK features. They Have norer had ο better opportunity to aoo boat of «hoir eoBuedahy than la offered Û» rough this fair. It ι» theirs, we want them to am Κ to the utmost. "A· the Don» Fair lires H grow grows better, greoter and mere help· fel TMo yew we offer tha beet la •or history, bot that do· not most wo will not continue to grew, lock year wo hope to odd to eot greet noaa and helpfotoow; ami te «hV hope we a* the aid of those ten whooe kensffl oar off one are bout "Adb on of the people te km I tto fblr Utl· ptr Ttor «UI Mm I and «4H to tolp*d (tiravth (Mr at LESS Pre·. Tori Out IFOR tGE Point· Pur FARM Fair U Stag*4 ; Airicahv CouetlM >UCE Exhibit· " We are gi* Hprnert, Cumberland . io Ëaftern C» , low that oharjjcd ] our eta** - - «Mil, c«/'»ie md enjoy 1 S« Mid Hncrf president Of ϋ|ά -\^ι iinhnruyl'^ tinds lime IrvWI ing and hajc v«« a very I ruallv at Dirm; i* confident. **"" •iiim Ufa»; effort» Îarij "S"**. ^ cvhthii» fhia \ on rwirdiK^] Th. 4 B*f , frirrvU of *m\ and bew (air price be fair* uf Ihcni t<: Piiilinut//ri. it Count· Itknn. Vk 1m I ' fanr. lo <J« I •n to ilae I Μ ηη·Ι Urtiiijtuo ; rV'exix» former] apd ûcM fierce# ι f present in I features tn At Mr, tu ρrioé pur po«c i» Ιο J** Ι» firmer jtxt · . impru*e lifr-upoo tl>e f»r«1 All otJicr thing* Ίρνοι pn.-ill J*M<le tlw effort the amrhrtioR lyiuaJofir tti ^eiialf of the ïatmer #ru) the farm. JlirouRh the (|ir wt I wipe l<> un prove f.inrit and farming; wr ho|>c' lu Attr.iii more iamicr* of iotcfli ecore 10 make farm» wore vat nahlc :iimI mort profitai Àe " Farming i* the lilt Moot! of wir cuniniuniry. It"»» the one thins • i|voti which wk are dependent a.·* ι rrnvimnity. If it fail* wc fail ; v> lien it prnxper» the entire commit nitv profit* It 1» W thi* re»5<m ih.-.t tt>e fair »*"Acialinn devote* ski t much 'of Ii» »tie ition to the «W-part· j rrxnts in which are exhibited cattle, sheep, hoi ses. mule», hog*. cbiek«3i>. farm .nul ticW crop· and other thing* «j| tin· farm. These exhibits arc dcMguei; to pfxlnce a *ort «f triemUy ijvulry between fanner» wlto will endeavor lo excel all uth η* m prtrtlucjng wewe things. " Reside· tiicse farm exhibits we ' (vive attracted te this fair some o< the highest Ha*» *nnsemem» of tbc country. The Brtwn A Dyer show·» .tc linmght t«i the niiilway iv* be ean*e we think they will make the most inunty for thi afeociaiion, I nit Ixc.Mtse we know they are clean attraction·, mural and modest. hon ' est and honorable. They arc Mr »Iiows, but they do not carry th. collection of filth usually found in the wake of rftowt of the magnitude. The management of this «how com l*ny doc» not countenance anything hat will prove detrimental to the ;uiblic. They will aid m tl>« prose cution of any person who use* their presence here ax an opportunity t» |Ίν any illegitimate occupation Our free act ^rojf'ram is larger and lietter than any we h.\ve ever <iffere«). We are (pending consid· rrahle muney on tm« program, and are confident that it will please those for whem' we have fought it " We want the public tn koov that the fair at Dunn it not con divted for the profit rrf those wh> furnished tbe money to const rue Ihc building» and plant. There profit in the fair—nmnfiou* prof it—hut it ROM to those who us: the fair, » those who viait it and t<i those who exhibit «ή it. " We ars exacting a tremen .lous attendance this year, and w( f,re doing*t tn make the fai' I'leasing to all wfa» attend " The occupation of Constant! snph hy Great Britain since 1911 has cost England a little les· tha· $150,000,000 COLORED DIVISION ATTRACTS MANY EXHIBITS TO FAIR Dr. Codrington Expect· Great Showing This Year NEGROES TAKE MUCH INTEREST Baaament of Γ lor*] Hal] De voted To ^olercd PaopU't Aclivitio:—Stction ef Grand Stead Rtienrd For TKeir Um—Every Accommodation Given Them. The ileperttr.o.Tt dvetetl to tiie 'ixrwitif of iiivmrn ttj colni etl people at the Duna Pair thi» jrrar prebafcty will rxmic.I is aanhor, ht trraat *nd m^arr.ta.1·* tho*» prraeui ul la*c. tctwlii; to Or. C. I). Co«l rintrtou nana»··', 01 Lu· livid an tars wl «m te the cirfoitd people. Laat y war IW> ηνχτν -teyr.rieM ni, unib-r the mana«»M«nt of D . Cet'·· linetor· and Jan· W. »>«., faraxr principle ef *.:»·.· Kart.itt Pean;> Training affceol, won i-rai e from all whe MW them. Λ1! >Ί«ΙΙ*ι Oiâc thtr te*nparrt< favorably irljn tv beat ilvpaitmrnt» <terotisl vie',u»i»cK te rrhitU of wViiU· pvoylc. Semi! ■aid that tin·/ aNrra rvan ba'.u-r. ThU rear Dr. CuliiittloA la do «-van better, fer p-artfraflr ever? colorai pcraoa ia the Dean Mat·tit. hat beat ca'.i»te«1 in a great aa·-] n>H to good idTwâi· «Jertae V* fuir. A* ra 4mm lut year the en'.'.r» bamneat of flot·! H*Β kit been tameJ eeer to the colored propU'x ilhrlcioa. InC thi* will rvmc atl es Mbtt/ Hreu^'ii ;»y vmojiIc for Vlir ittfivj·» nui ni hoon- innMlln, iftM.llq aiwl faury varie. —1»w ι il for thla p«*p»M. ■ Th#-i« will h· uo M par* to <i&7 for colored ρ>φΙι this pear. flqr ara invited to attend ewery day ai the fair. Tha mus* accoimoodatien* «ill l)t given l'ipm that art giver. white people. TV.» «-aitt'iTS eec'jeo of the ρ anil «ta ml, a t'rtir.l of the mlHf taped ty of tut great itruftare, will be aet aaliU for r.toee of thr colored prnplc whu Jr/ij* iiaU while tka racoe an.l fn-« luia ai* in progim. Th·· rMertil people will mUr throoRto the main entrance to th* rraadatand, bat arr ;·*·.|ογΜ(η1 to »o the low·τ half ot tli.· .loubtc rtahway la the iroi.t ctnler »f the building. Thie will av> coafuMen uml five the col ore»! pt op'.p cuv urrena to their «cet» Officia!» of ίλ* fair aieedatio· arr takirg much intejv»t In the color· otl pMpVf department. Thcy wan1 the «ylorotl people to ·»« the opper taaitieo offeml tliein by the fair M the fa licet ailvanlatfe ami will b< cl»rt to a#al*t In JMdnul exhibitor in every **Γ po*aiUe. FAIR FACTS Admiteion p ic·»: ι At) perton* above twelve years of | ·«· Me to pay AO rent· for each aHmSsn'on to the fround», ex cept at night, whtn a Oat charge of ί* cent· wtll bo marie CKRditn un xWr twtevr will a><miHeil for tl cent· day or night. I G rami Stand A<tmi*»ior: ι Adjnl<*Wn to Utr grandstand wfll eoK rarh peraou 26 cent* Jurlng Ike «lay. There w'H bo no chaigca for granditaixl Mat· at sight. AU «rctiem» of the grandttand, e*· eept that ta {ha axtreiae nA My be occupied by white people who arc aafcad. to a*» the wetter· «Lain*ay aad the appcr half of tlx· lower atair way only. The eaateni tertio· ia re served for colored people, who are aikerf to bm the lower half of the tower etalreay. . fader tie r'niumnance» win per eo«t ho permitted to etand ia the •Met or la «he front PTOiaa&ete Manhel» clothed with police authori ty wiH bo on daty ta enforae thee· reraUtiaa·. Oroantt» Open anal Oev: C«U· win he «pea Ta* (eneral ad a»U«kn< at · o'clock In the moming The 4·* ailyalirie» char·· w« b< reflected antll Τ a'cloek la the even iag. At that hour the night eharg. of I» conte «ΠΙ begin I Traclne«an aMd eaMhiUri «m h* Ipenaittod ta drive car· lata th< rrtMnvt· Wan »*· la the raorniag II bat at that aOnate rihiele p»t< will bo eloeod aad all vehicle. mm* ·. have been rtrtrea m*. Under m l'Hreumetanee· will aataiMftlt· b< -1 allowed to j'uwla la «te groaad· af Iter Ml, aee will aay he tteW· liarin* the 4uj ss îwrs:' Mith aiwi wvtfL Tk«r Mat km by Mr af tfc· iMd whtob b*n*d« Om mûxrrrt nd t{ tk· gronda, an tertae til· I>Jnn-S*n»en hWmtjr fc*. 7«mI tha wee*. Thay wflj r*t*r* la w«i «fcr»«»h «Μι road, rt-«n taring raart at EMreHro LmI «tor·. The Durham and BoitWm *»n»»y Caei>««y will hm a wMab ·» ihtf »t ft· Falrgreead imO ' Md It win a ai ha anaaairy w* (a rtiflMii ta Ε-—k I BALLOON GOES UP NKBT ANDDAY r— * STEM BROTHERS BUY LOCAL BLDG. Λα important ikal «v rte»' Tuedir .afternoon when H. L CoArm, recti wr for β» State Hank 4- Trim Co, »oM the bank tgtilding mi En» Broad ttreet to Stein Hrother*. of FayctteviHt·. The amMderatioo w» $lft,500. The ►ale lu· to be «««firmed by th-' court*, however, though it U cocfi Ucntly expected that thi* will 1j< done nilhin the next ten day*. The building, which is occupied by the defnnrt hank ami Langtey': haHier «hup. wa« owned by tlx bank and wit «old in the ronrve oi winding up the affair* of the inntiiu tion. it in a two-«tnr) brirk jtfnjc titre, centrally located. When wen Ti»e«d*y by a Die patch rqmrtcr, Xfr. J. Stein «tarée tliat lie wa* not yet re*dy to (tivi out any statement a· to the plan· 'of hn concern, but added that h< would nui bec a statement cwirermi»? t ϊ»πκ m K«n as the Mie had been , confirmed by the conrl». Steiii Wrother» art Veadtnjç mer· a ebanta of Fayeneville. aid it i* ex t pectcd that they wul cmvert the , hnildmg into η modern department •tore for ilirir onn tw. Tlie IwuiV fixture* have ιv« YC been »oM. Vm will be dityoivd of jî ait e*rty <hle, »mrrrtwi^ to Mr Godwin. _ Got. Mormon Favors Presidential Primary Charlotte. Oct. 2.' -In «ηηηνικ injt l*«t nicht W* carxlidafv f«»r membership in North Carotin*· del egation to the Democratic National Convention, (k>venv>r Mnninni dc rtared 1κ· Ha<J decided leanm* to ward any man mi* regarded at candidate for the Frrvidcatiâl notai nation and advocated the hotdtaf of J a primary in North Carolina, "ml wMch the people may he allowed to] ! ren'nter their rhok. of « Pieaidm-I Utal candidate." ÎHMLLAJMOTE ψ: IS PROMISED ALL wo warm Mr. VUitor Ha· Only To Follow Hi. Nom To | MIDWAY TOCpVg. VAST DISTANCE Vkit ■ T· Baft m tW· for the ■eM <rwk—Orf>it · „ — —. coww to Dm· far the fttth wmI tait »Hf< bf tht HumU Cematr AfrxroHarkl F*lr IwnfMl· "A thrill · mtmm" U tar 41 br Hw· Ktrdvorltlnf ft!·» «*· " <» . . »■ t)M ~μ&·5ΓΛΛ The row* u 770 kafuafvt of the T)<hle Society hop· M woHc M lr kncuafc». The mil of («>nd to be 1.000 feet, la ted (Hew* to «

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