DW» Fair The consensus of opinion ofj the thousand* of people who visited the fair her· lut WMk vto that it -waa by far the beat fair ever itand in Daim. Tfcb b^injr true, the question arises. What made it such?. W« can answer this question in ene word—co-operation. It is true that the officers in charte of putting on the fair rendered faithful and persistant service in arrsagiac the plans fori Dunn's best fair, but had tt not been for the co-operation of the people Mm In the Dunn Dis trict their efforta would have bean largely futile. The fair this year *u wor thy of the great agricultural district» nrronndinf Dunn. The exhibits in tho various de par tmenta depleted vividly the agricultural life and the proo pority of tho four counties rep reeented in tho big show. It «μ o fair that is calculated to boor frnha for good. It portray ■ ■ od what can bo, and ia being, done on tho farina of ttoia Mo tion of tho State. It waa juat tiro aort of fair that we had ho pod to aee here, tho aort of fair which we knew coald bo ataged ia Dnnn. The meceaa of tho 1928 fair should encourage, tho matioa to work together! for tra a greater ahowing of • tho agricultural tndoatry of the Dunn District next year. Another oatatandiag feature of tho big fair last week which we would mention was the good order which prevailed. This played ita part in making the fair the enjoyable occasion that It waa. Ths good order and * .A JSSvs: nigh ta of tho fair waa remark able. considering tho Immensi ty or the crowds. AU told. It waa an Ideal fair. The town of Dunn shares with Rev. A. R. McQueen, paa tor of the local Praabytsrian church, the signal honor be stowed upon him last Friday at Sed Springs when he waa sleet ed chaplain of tho Scottiah So ciety of America. That the elan showed prudence in electing Mr. McQueen chaplain of this continent - wide organisa Hon. not one whoae good fortune it ia to know the man harbors any doubt. In a search throughout the Uatte·' States and ΓαπαΊ* a more worthy man for this ροκ eouid net Μτ« been found. Mr. MeQueen is of a quiet, un auuimiag nature, but ia the typo of man who mikn friend· and hold* then:. Hie cttluMhlp Li an UMt to nay town or com munity. The Dispatch ia de lighted at thie honor eo worth ily bestowed and la rare that the tame feeling exist» gener ally with the eftfaenehip of Ihinn. How We See It The Diepatch believes that in Mmntmttmnlmg the $25 Λ a month formerly allowed to ward· defraying the expense of η negro fane demonatration agent the board of eommJaaioa· «»· of Harnett county acted an wiaely. We have kept aono what In toeeh with the work done by A. D. Herring, the agent. and be baa boa· faithful and diligent la hia work among he negro farmer·. The farm demonatration agent who ia "on the Job" hi of untold worth to the farming claaa. and with the change In the fanning ayatam made naeaaenry by tba coming of the belt weevil, the work of the agent will be even more im portant. The farmer who foe la that ho know· all there la to know about fanH« «01 be ûm« to face with a now prob lem. In other weida. the term Mr muet mm orar a now loaf if ho ia to raeeoed under boll I· a mil Wfffli CMIWW· If tba work don· among the wbhefarmers by the wMto do· gre farmer· by the negro agent paya also. hi feet, we ΐϋιτι thai the Md far 1Mb aavt ti work k grantor nam· th· an Mtrd of commimioner* may liar· I>md prudent, but we fail! I· eee It that way. I ο Art jrou talking a >«* hotel I for Dunn? II not, why not? | Damn la Incladod in the hoo- j or roll of North Carolina town* which hod no fire* In Septem ber. Every citizen ahould atrive to keep It there. We take it that the row in Chatham county will be worth more to McLean politically than any address that he could have delivered. Politic* 1a a pe culiar animal. Mr. Yellowley points to North Carolina a* aa example nf dry law enforcement This •.fould lead one to believe that >t Li en easy matter to get i*| drink in other States. W« wouldn't argue that a nan-who Vre·?» Intft a news paper Office for the pnrpoae of robbery iant mentally off. He ia either that or mixtaken in the place. ο The casualty lists resulting Crom automobile wreck· dor ms tho past week-end are alar ruiBg. In one instance nine live* were snuffed out, while in an other eight were killed out right. And yet. it doea not ap pear that the targe death tolls of carelessness serves to check the hurry of auto drivers. HOSPITAL NEWS (Roported) UtM Verni» Envia from Raleigh «*o J«inH the rmrsc forte «boat two weeks »go K*· proml herself mort capable. Owl* g to Ul« large number of pa tients at the Dmnn hospiul Mix Wheeler* kaa employed Mia Kaffir Lamb, rrfhUNj norft of F*j«tte '/Ul*. Mi** Lamb'· work at the hos pital hat boon highly pUet-ng tu pa tient·, superintendent ai.d physicians In chars*. Mia· Francos Orlbbie, local tiarno. hu abo accepted a pôertion on «ho fait·. Mi· GribMe il night ?uper rUer and baa proved efficient in bar now wort Mrv ■ radie; Godwin who took eighteen month· trailing bii also ac cepted a point Ion at the Dunn boepi tal where «he will auiit la mining the patieats. Mr·. 1. A. McLeod and infant eon left the hospital severs! days SCO, retarain* be their beaae In the «Ik*. Mr*, il. ». um wue at· been critically m with OraarJc poison Um pest week I· much improved. The in fast girt born to Mr*. Uwn «luring her extreme illneaa il getting along Sue. Mr·. C. L. Naylor and infant daughter have returned to their home two mile* 800th of Dann. Mr. 11. F. Tuxlicrton. brother of Dr. H. C. Turlington local physician, who ha* been critically ill at the hoe tital for several week* «ut sufficient ly recovered to («tarn te Me home in ^ampaea ceaiKy. Mrs. Ε. E..Core who has been a |>MmO U the hoepital for the Uni lea <layi. is eomcwhat improved. Juilge Spivey wiio ha· been a pa tient of Or. O. L De anise ·* **· Uaiai h*.p:tul far «sue thnr, u great Ml*. Leal'u Park«r «hou ho m» li Λι Somh Larson Urect hai been η Sitfcot at tilt Dtino hoipilnl for iff •nd day». Bh· <* greatJy improfed. Ur< B. A. Roardon ha* been ι patient at the hotpital (or the pa«t t»r*b. Ph* i< e-t-al)y Improve!. Porey Dwllfy, .-It-ven-year-old *»« »f W. B. Du'lley at K/iwton Grxrrz, na from a mule darlny tk« poet w*«k. Hit h»vt itfwk ttw rroand with wrb torrc a« to rende him ικοπκΙμι for «rer tarer, ty-tovr hoar*. IU «a· ruthed to tk« hospiLal •here an X-rajr eiaaaliation rereal nl Λ*1 alttinufh th»re wai concna tion of tbe bram tbera >u no actui fret tar· of ttia «bail. Appropriât* tmlMtit we» rfnd«ied and the pa ient baa rt-acUd nlroJy. V»Ibort trey, young mao of Ben lon «il broaffM to Itit )>o«pUal left wt bjr Dr. Adbr ■■ Olhw. Dr. Mtoer fNtermd a minor operation mi «Sa pativnt and bo ia rrttlair on brtlM year old aoa ►f Mr. J. C. Brawn at «war Liliinr an. foil from a trn Sttarday mon*· at and I—talaiii a eerieae injury. Eha boy wai nMhed In tbe Daan boe ■Ital. X-ray eisnrtnntion by Dr. Tar IHftnn loral Bonnttenalftfiet, rernU <1 · «eifeo· fmeter· of the thiirfe mm. Hia tojartoe ware drimJ by >»·. Cehrtne and Tarti often, local Mm. ·. p, BmIOi af Da be, wbo U fer β I Dr. ΛΛtoy S. OOw of Bkhm' ranght a ywOewt to tbe Dnn W»! « "»»*T FMrtbto effert to ' Wfceofcn foaad to tab* kle » rayaitoTille. Dr. Bleb*, tarai boo » m m. Dr. : ν ■ ι ■ ' T*^^^ffSS3MBEB8SSig 1*4 MM «it··» ΐΐκ. Daring the part week nr. TuUk m mAi twenty three X-ray <un !)·ί«Β· with k» powerful Victor X ny iwklaa Owing ta the «xpert ■«· Or. Islington reed rod jn the X-ray werk dating the wax h· ku μο*«4 hi Wilt WTcii*»t In Ik· ο perm lion «X bét machine. Jtr. Alton Wartwn, Ux you a* IH •Γ Mr. A. W. Warren a 1 Newton Grove, wmi i patient at the Duo hospital Will week, where ke had hi· te-.*"» and adenoid· removed. Mr. Troy Jackaon, who under went a wrioat operation several wirin ago, *·<·! whole recovery waa corutfdared • ln>oet a miracle, continua· ta ln Ργλτο at kU home at RnUryrW, one irtilc emat of llunn. Mr*. Sunn Moore was aalaed with a «Irokb of apoplexy 8atarday night She waa ruthed to Dunn ho*pitaL However all treatment proved Inef fective and ike paaMd away within ui hoar ufUr entviinr the hospital Mr. J. T. Kathls of Faleon, wai η patient at the Οααη hospital thii week for X-ray examination ni>'i trretnent The fourteen year old win of Mr. William A. tialney, who lived nine mile* from Dnnn In Sam peon counLy, differed a very Mrioui injury <lurfn« t'»o p»'t week who η he waa (çored an1 .tamped by an infuriated yearling. He *u nithori to Dunn tmpibi whcie hi· woand» were dreaaad by Dxv Coltrane in<l Hick·, local pby •Muu Elbert Williamson, from d»e Cape Pear vcctlon, uittitrwcnl an operation at Uw Duj.ii btfiUl Monday after noon. Um com'tioc is satisfactory. Mr·. Mann Korris entered the Dunn iuiiplril Mond«r evenim? tot a thorc Ζ lay e^icunatlj.i a:' her head with »Mch sVe h λ b«et mf fvrinir fer ~on.c rfw. Arthur Temple has beot. a patient at the iiotpH»· uurlujj U>« pxn wee It ·!«■« scvatal X-ray exam inations wv.v awje. Mr. Η Τ ûî:iu.'S u receiving treat ment at tk" Γ..""' he«Vî*!. *r. Jar,!'· Wndc, l">enl m^San·.: at J. W. (rrra^e. w>w> hap pened to tse misfnrtrne several Ha*» m(o of f<arUiriMr his loft arm at the elbow Joint- received X-ray oumih»· tieu at the ,io.^lal llomUy. Owi-* U ...c ..Aiajou; .B. J ~"t ai X-my worl: /JCjU "ai prujrl. il ♦elf for th« ;· ·. ' rr ik TV. !?. Tur lington Ha» had Mr. G. A. Woods·rot, a rcrnlar evuployco ot th· Vietor Cor poration from whom the machin· was purchased, to aeeiat him in the X-ray examination'* for the past several days. Mr. Harper SicD. Htilidty, who has charge of the axpenstve enba at the snnrier of the Dean hôpital, has been kept very boty lately (a bringing patienta to the hoepital and carrying those on the road to con valescence home. - Kip op the cotton stalks. County A rent W. Kerr Scott of Alamance onnty report· that 176 cotter. fanners rneenily Joined the Cooperative Cotton Association. Fîowm Show FtkUy tn 1 he Club Kcu n ?rlnu WIîl ·»* «·. ThtM M- !:°·| 11« EsMUn "i I*e tUitt e' <hr:v· ut·! ·* he VVomsn's Club mm 1 ·ί·:· ,Jcf<+«r l'hh. begirrvv l •Vclock. is (renting r.\lir νι.ι·Ι< ' > le rest among the «-«mvit of th. «own. Many have yj.ivùevi thei intention of making dif.pU>* i» :rt effort to win one or ιιλιλ: ol du. ; 1· tractive prize* Ιο g« >'« Γ ih. uy. Included in the prirc to (jinn a way i* χ handsome vt c ntfcml Uv ihc Gift Shop and ait itxKvMivtl |A(itifrs|lli which will bi given l>v Nlis* Smith's Studio. PruiA will le iriven for any variety of Howw exhibited. in addition to (Uo*e ir.eii Itemed below : First- Handjomeif hr>iat:ih.'> muni.·. Sectm<I—The sc\':ii»l I κι»· -«nnc<t (lu-)UinUvvii.Miu-. Tliinl-— da ii**. Fourth— Han''<rti',K*v| ■■■ ·*. Fifth—Mott attractiw .·«. ,iro nietit of mixed fUmcr.» Sixth ~.«td a«\enlhjotneΛ Ο «trick, |tost"n Sprcn •*cr or »nnnl fern*. Eiitfith—Mi*cellaneoi:<. Salr.dr, cream and enkrs will oe oiVfd for sale during the after noon. Turn TariiMl *ajr« that formé η In North Carolina nrr talking a new lai>|rna|tr now. It %tmur,n« all tort· of •«orrt* «och «κ ootw·· v'«··. legume*, «oli fcuildliiy «Lfalfa, vetch, fi>hm«al, limestone, cream check·, on J the rv«. (133 τώ-ilj rtl!«tfi ΓaaiHpt· tioet, M)tl · in—. CfUï i\»J tflirinn*. -rr m^r.m _-r »r - st > ari-e· i'ja*. HI., Oot. 1*.—8«x laartinç iitiu il of Van* are de-ad and three noli in m «riiical coadltleo last nijrht ·.·» » r»ult of ilrinltlnjr alleged pois onous whMtey which authorilia· said •hoy Mlm was obtained at wott •Irink pallor* here. Bank· To Cloaa Tkunday *" 'l"he l'irst National and Ths Commercial liank of Dunn will be ! tloscd Thuraday, October 18th, an . .vccount of the Slate Fair? The cot· riii yard will aim ι lie dosed on thi* I-lay. :ui<l 110 business will be traiu 1 mtrd Hicrc. (66 curat Materia, Chilli ami : Fewer, Dastgua or Bittooa Ferer ι H daatnyi tb· n—» I ' Smilin' Through" Called World'· Moat Beautiful l-'a'riri»·. ·ιί flie ciucmn. as well as < :t'ici?l« >.f Associated First Na I'Oital. ::r«· talking ol nothing but ·· Smilin' Through " nowadays. Kiphi Reel». Norma Tahnadge't 1.1.1*1 erpico- Moonlight and rnae?. I'assionste. ilinging love. Touch «·{ trugctly. Meaanty. Flowers. Soft ttitiKÎc. I.ovelieit Mory ever told. The world** most beautiful Jiic tnre. ι So goes the word. Urii veraity Alumni Meet (Reported) F.-kluy night in tie Chamber of Commerce room· the Harnett cosnty Alumni enjoyed a llltle feaet in t$l« way of a turkey rapper. Mr. R. L C.fxiwirt, iwi tu ait raaafevr. After aup . nor «hort talk* war· mad.· by a nam Ivr of tlin oltl untvenity Bien. Thoae ' in attenilunce were Hon. Chaa Roaa, Walter Kyi1·!. Marshal Spears and Dr. rWIHpi, of LilUngton; Prof. W. fi. H. L. Godwin, Mack Jemlfta, J. Smith. Fred McKay, K. L. God tt'in, N. A. Towrnand, G. K. Qm tham, of Denti. It «m the UOlh »n<1 Cao. K. Grantham are raaae&aia annivtrtary of the cell·**, and the jf the board of traataaa of ft« «al· oecasian «η calibrated to cr«ry verjity, Cha*. Rom vim elected prea Slato and nation whm 2 or S ooald ί ι tant ami Marthall Spaara wcwtirj r»t together. Maaara. N. A. Townacad and trcaaortr of Uia Han>c«t Alamo ι. ise-jscrsET:— COLONIAL THEATRE -* V. Λ"Μ.</ . : ^ U,1.... I.1 ί J JL'.'.U special Wednesday I HvwlA."^ ι' μΧΟΝ, author of "The Birth of r Nation," presents "ihE mARK OF THE BEAST' Thursday Tom Moore in " MR. BARNES OF NEW YORK " , . COMING SOQN . Norma Taliftad£e in "SUflUN* THRU" THE BARNES * HOLUDAY CO. Undertaker· «ad A fuit lia· of Coffin*, CaekeU sod Burial Servie* any time, anywhere. Day Ρ bene 11 Pko— TO MONEY TO LOAN Farmers needing long time loans to be closed immediately. See me before Novem ber 1st. 1923. CLARENCE J. SMITH, Attorney JUST RECEIVED Large shipment farm MULES and HORSES Direct from St. Louie COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER — —— LEE & AYCOCK Dunn, —:— North Carolina Γ You Will Find The most faih ο ι table fabric· and wearing apparel for men, women and children at our greatest I all And Winter Showing The ; *iy '.ateat designs and styles, se lected *o' -"ly ν itli ihe id^-a of giving you the verv iutt- t an J best in style and quality at a price which will appeal to you. V/ C v* ould call your special attention to our line of LaVogue Coats, Suits and Dicstes, LaFocte Fabrics and Everfast Wash Fabrics. KbPHMIHER CLOTHING FOR MEN Sheer of I fcauty for the whole family— shoes that arc stylish and will give comfort to the wearer. Don't fail to visit our Millinery Depart ment on the second floor. JOHNSON BROS. W. Broad Street : Durai, North Carolina

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