□CUT KILLED IN CROSSING SMASH wjhdwW Ahron. O . Oct. 11—The couatty- · **·« *iwui Bootetowa «m ***" IM «IlM, *♦ rrralt of ·· MU Awt ia ifie τ ■|M In ti» * Λ aealrfaat cjùfclw·- -weh»e wfctak w >T^ dee* ·{ «lent aafcoot ,t aad the Mrlra tnjaiy to •ιΛΓ other yiniwa, two of Ummb a»1 PKted ta die. Γ» *-0*r!«i»4*r." tôa rvtnt yav •rix*r Uain M tha Pennsylvania Kail mad batareen Κ aw Yort aeJ C:*vaUnJ. eras had lato a artiaal bai <ar»jrln$ «rvantaan <klUrn. Six af tr.an» aaraped by jnapiaf. Th· «load Included: Mildred Shaw, 11; Verna Sjtaw, Harold Shaw, 9; Tfacfona Baaarhaf. V. aad Margaret Kutm, Uwicaca Shaw, brother of the tàrre Shaw cUMm klQad, wai WMiiy nart. m vu uxtl· mi··. driv er. SUm'.rf BtMbof, brother of «to· dw*» Bensehoff KiH, and A. Wanaick. «!m «rvm injured. The ricad and woujKtad war· taken to Kmioa, where the injured were pUeed In ho«pHal·. The Shaw chil dren were ton· anil daughtata of Crertr Shaw, a farmer. Vcrua Shaw, th· yoangatt pawnter in the hoe. w*» njt to "rUIl (ehool" with her older tiiter and two brother». T. H. Burke and Β. B. Monjc, in >pe;toi» fer the Ohio Stale pebHf adlltMut conaUnion, arrived in Eoottown lace yeatarday. After rUit tn* the crMMf mm* inepectine the ua>>h far a qaorter of a mil* oa either «iifr, thoy «at b. at an iaqaeec Jwld by Coroner Wbnlea, at which the MX nuT Torn who eecaped injury tuU their «Cory without hardly reel l(ii( what had happened. Sis other witaeeec· went exmrair.cti. While r% aetrinr their oplaloa for a formal re port. the jaepecton declared the trotting wui oiMtueetionably danjrer· ou*. A citwMp of tree· a hoadred ysnH W(<R of the row! .partially obaeared the view of the track· and a four foot jrrait·. ap which vehicle· muut pail before they cu eroM the riffh •t way, alao add· to the difficulty, SSM Τnine η Hum «h* aeeMlant op 1 tari· CBm. 41, Wvw of tin but. ' "*· waa iiri—aly Ujured. Aecardia* ( » P. α Àwdt·. «a«iDc«r of Ott ' «al·, tha k« aw te a Ml ·»■ I rtttfcad tw erwaiaf - ■ ^ „ ï.u^h!_În,k* . of the honMttvo 81 ** ,+d ilowty oaU the track». -.ory vu «arrabamted by Β. E. uunbart, tan, and |—in· Girl Attempts Suicide By Leaping From A Car Ηl(* Paint, October 10.—A jratni woman, Ν to tS year· of ft. «ho ffvrv h*r name and home aa Mian Tort 11 of Dalthnora, it Im a Wlnatob SaJem hotpita) υ the rwak ai an al leged attempt U> cow mit taleMv 1 arhi!* a panenger on an automobile bai operating between High Taint and Winaton-Salem jreatcrdor kitrr Boon. She declined lo giee dotaib aboat beraelf according to tha opera tor of the baa line. The year* «rom an boarded (ha boa her* also* and ■prang (ram It arhila earoutc to Win non-S*J«m, whBf tha tar wai «noelns at a rdte of about 20 mile· an hour, it *u UatrJ* She anu picked ap in an «nconaeiouf condition, bat later I examination Indicated that bor in [ juriea may not pint aerlou·. I · NOTICE OF SALE OF LOTS FOR DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAX FOR tttl AND IMS Fumant to «tatnte uul umler au thority af th· Beard of CommlMion αη of th« Town at Dann, X v(U aell at poblk auction to the tkl*h«at bid der for cuh, at the municipal bvfld ■ ins I" th* Town of Dan* on Mon day Koramber 6th 1DS8 at 10 o'clock m. lata belonging te partie» Mined below, for pacifie dewrtption and location of eaeh lot tee tax book* at town clerk· office. B. A. ROWLAND, Tax Colleotor Tau· ItZX Altaian. J. F I 3.00 Ahman. L. H. .' 6.88 Better, C. * 8 00 Ballance. J. H. ...MO M Barnc·, J. D. 235.86 Barefoot. Ha Sarah 14.00 Bel and Milter 9.00 Bell, Ν. Α. Λ Co. 80.00 Btesell, L. U. 3.00 Brock, A. B. 8.00 3ro«k«, D. I T.47 j Bollock. W. C 4.741 W. *. ft., ?π< Q. £ w. tc .<*0 »*- 17.00, !*··%. It s^, μΛ v;;.::::: àS:SS «» '*·ϊβ it!oo CmMOmcwt «ο 00 Co«k. J. A. ... W Ook. ï. J. 1.00 Coapar, P. ft. 40.68 CmU, Uult 8. 8.001 Cole, B. 8. 5.90 Goto, J. t a.oo ConltU, P. W 5.00 CortleU, J. R. - 8.00 Colios, P. 8. «ad Un. HtUU. 10.41 (Jmlkwn, F. 8 8.00 DaritO.D. 8.00 Daw*oa, Mr*. Nucy ....... 80.00 Dmoa. a. ▼ 80-00 Dmireon. W. P. Λ „ -— 44.fi η ruinas, Jeli» 87.18 iwm ......... 1B.*V t t Ιί.ΟΟ DrWcr, Mm ClytU WBasn_... 80.90 KMri-lf*. J. *. 6.00 Bddio. Vim 1.00 EdrldM, Ο. E. 1S.M Kord. Ο. B. 1.00 Foster, J. Γ - 18.00 Godwin, S. C. 4.05 Henry. J»m«« If. 5.00 Hi«hen!th. J. R. Co t.00 Hicks mi th, J. Β 1.76 Hodgaa, John W. Co. ..... β.00 Holnact, O- >·. .... £0.00 Homo, J. H. 4.00 Ho.Won, Hit. J. L. 82.60 Hant, J. D. 8.00 Jackson. W. T. ............ 11.00 Jackson, J. G. 8.00 Jackson, William W. .... 7.61 JadcMli, J. F. ..... 7.15 Jackaoa, L. D. ..... 4.60 JarrW. H. O. — 4.·6 Jonas, T. L. 8.00 Jcmiffan, Piwl 406.60 Jarale·*, Fred * Co. 47.10 Jcrnigan, R. E. ...... 8.70 JehMOB C. A. 4 Co ...— 21.08 Johnson, H. P. ... 88.00 Johnaon, U. I*. «ml I- H. Dnuttien - «5.00 Jcnra, J. M 8.00 Jones. B. W - SS.00 Jontx», J. Κ. - Kins. ». Β. i~u:>oy, W. C. -'.-■Jtficjr, J. },. .. _-wi ii.K M .-tli· .... •M. W C. *.♦·>, 8. C. E.-t. I nr. Jofph .. ..... ι»·", μ»*, τ. J l.ce, Ell»» ... .. Lrwli, D. R Moor·, Lcvuide* MltAtl), p»t« Mntoal Realty and In*. Co.. JUttta, JolivM B. ... Mix Eunice McKw, B. 8 μ«νλ, α c. McPWl, I. ο Ne«*«rry, Λ. B. ... Hor^i. B. NortS^ Arefelc L a.00 The kllnin Ce. S88 τ. m. 8.βο . R. Il 60.SO PeamU, lin. Β. J.. Cat. β.Οβ PWIli»·, John α — 7.00 Pep·. D. R. 3.00 Pol»·, C. H. Jjt. 3.00 Ρβρβ, Ο. B. - 40.00 RlddK T. L·. 7.0« Try .. — ..—8.00 Rayeor, W. N. (.48 Rimmg, Fknrminjf 8.00 8·«·Η. W. M. 3.00 Shell, Henry ........ 3.00 tattfc, Banter ...... ... S.00 Smith, Β. B. - 8.00 Smith, J. A 7.85 Stephen*·, C. M. 9.00 Stewart. WU1I» C 47.00 Sorte» L. Ρ 144.88 Tart, Eknond II 9ΛΙ Thompaoo, B. S. 8.00 Thorn*», John ...... 20.00 Thornton. I» O. 8.1S Tarn»*·, J.' W. ... 81.00 Tucker, M. L. 7.86 Th*rrt»eteti. R. T. .... 3.00 Vance, D. P. β. 00 Vaoffca, T. L. 8.00 ffaie and Purdic .... (S.00 Wade. J. C «.10 Weeks. Β. T. 3.00 WcsCbraok, P. H. 48.16 , Wetftbreok, A. P. 18.061 WUkiwon, U C «.00 W:lk!naan, L C *0.00 Williams, LewU .. ».S0 WiUlfonl, L. L. 8.00 Wridu*, Jipvtf ....... 8.00 V.'U«nr, Jmn«i W. .. B.0V Wrlfht. Victor 8.00 Youdt, J. A. 4.7» SlrkkUml, J. R. Jr. 11.85 Tut, W. 11 40.00 TUM For 1·*»—C*Ur~i Adam», Lynn ... ... I 4.60 Allen, Clarence ..........— 8.00 Herns, Lealie L. ..... 5.80 Hrovn, Jam** 3.18 Barnc», Hujr Nolla ..... 8.00 Barnes, J. K. 3.00 Blackwin, Jam·· .... 8.00 Marie, Joa ............ 8.00 Β lu·, John H. ............. 8.00 Borna. Nasby ..... 4.00 Brown, G core* ... 8-00 Byrd. Manor ...... 9.00 Bnwlsftos. J. K. .... β.00 Clinton, WiWn. ....... 3.00 PnlbreÀ, J, I>. ... 8.00 Covington, 4. P. ... 18.80 Cmwroii, Jim 4.80 ftox, W. P. 8.7» Dove. Le* 3.00 Edward·, Norman 3.00 RIHott, Clarence 8.00 Elliott, W. H 8.00 Elliott, Robert 8.00 Rvuk, Ed. .......... 8.00 Qalnty, Minnlt ...... 11.00 Hun. Jo* 4.1 A Hum. Henry .... 8.76 fflgfc, Willi· S.00 Hlnee. Pannl· 10.00 Harrington, N.JL. 10-40 Hair, Ji·» .... 8.00 llayno, Rhenby 8.00 Jacob;, Jcfan 8.00 Jaeobrf, Walter .... 3.00 JacVaon, Jerome ..... 8.00 Jonea, Κ va η tie r ....... 3.00 Joxtice, WlUon ... 5.88 Korncm, Robert 8.00 Let·, Clarence ... 8.00 I.ee. Georfc 3.00 McKinnon, Sandy 3.00 Mclver. Will - 3 00 McBryilt, Moaaley ...... 8.00 McArthur. Ed<llc ........... 3.00 MtPhcnoB, UlytM ......... 8.00 McXeill, 8.00 MeXetH, John 5.15 XcKtfll, William S.00 McN»Ql, John ... 1.00 iieEaehin, jtmu .... 8.00 McLtta, Oooxrc 5-00 MdiNn, Vlrrinia ... 4.00 McLean, A. wT . β.00 HcUw. Shrp 3.70 McNalr, Οοοιχ» _ ... 3.00 MciUt. ikiti ... 8.50 Howell, Willard .... ... 8.00 Rotrimon, Jimn ........... 8 00 Robinion, Agi,·· .... 7.00 Sandeia, Arthur ..... 8.00 Statoa, Jcatio — ..... 8.00 Smith, Colon ... 8.00 Smith, Ter.» .... 18.50 Smith. Jamta ....... 8.00 Smith. CharUp 8.00 8orIt·, Jamna ..... 8.00 Tew. Gallic - 6.00 Thunnan. N. Moore 8.00 Throat, Sidney ......... 8.00 UnderwooH, J «me* ... 7.14 Underwood, J. Λ. il.it Wurtdnfftun, Clarence ...... 11.00 Vinci, W. .... β.ΐδ WiUi*, Jumn 3.00 WiUinnj, Earl 10.87 William*, Harry 8.00 Moekint, J«ir.fi 8.00 Langrtan, William· .... 8.00 T·*· Taaaa 1021—White Ptopl* Alpkin, L. H. f 15.78 Bamrett, L. B. 2.0j Barefoot, Mm. Sarah 15.00 Bain. H. 8. 3.00 B«U, N. A. and Co 25.00 Beet and Young 7.50 Batu, T. T. 7.7» Black, Hack . 6.00 Butler, King β.00 Butler, C. 'Γ. 3.00 Cullom, F< S A H attic Cullora 18.20 Cook, J. A. 5.28 Davie. O. D. : 8.00 Dawaon, Ε. V 23.82 Dawson. Mra. Nancy C 80.00 Driver. Mr*. Clyde 80.00 Ford, Byron ... 8.80 Gasquv. Mr»- 8. E. ........ 23.00 GattU, John G. 12.82 H anna, Jeff ............... 8.00 IndaoL·, Mr*. J. L. ... tent, D. J. OBM, J. M. ωχ* (Tmnitw —... one·, H. G. ....— Λ* ttul XaTioy Cm«j, W. C. jtr, Hubert —..... il. 8. R. U· .·«, J«Kpk .*«. H. A. ilaynard, W. C. ............ lovit, Iimuilrr ■iutMl Re*ky loi. Co ifK»r, Mi»· Eur><« IcKat, H. 8. •«rrijn ft Priver , 1 'ope, D. It -- ... WHH* -· taraton. Mm. 0·!)·' ... Uyner, W. M » IUphct.«on, C- M. Strickland. J- *· .....— îurr», H.^î îurte·; C. M. — ΓαπνηκΓ, J. W. · ffeAbrook, Ρ II · IVIluon, Aifrvd iViUiforti, X» L. .. Town Ta.·» Far IMl—Cala. îôx?W. K. Îlltott, Eob«rt ...... «Iffh. Willi. lodfti, Gui ...... ... 'ou**, J. C. .... .... luvlior, Wllion joc, Qcorifw JcArthur, W»1Ut ... rtcArthur. Kddie ... itcBryU·. Mom kleE»cWn, Jaroe» ........ Uclv«r, WH1 ...... 4cl<ran, G«ei*· ilrNcUl, John HcPh*r»on, Ulytw )w#e* Emmitt B. Ed. ..— >κηο», Eobrrt»on îmith, EUi*a, Kit. ... .... 2 > talon, JeuÎa ......... IVw, ........ A'ulk«r, G«or*c Vilkini, Jarnca ... î William·, Karl ...... 1 If Yoii Want A Fana Wagon at the rigb price— WE HAVE IT O— how, Light, Medium and Hwry Two-Horee wagon· in iladt to select from. I THE BARNES AND HOLUD AY COMPANY ktrdwan— Panbre — Undertaker· Ψ/ Your Opportunity To Purchase Valuable Farm Lands Will Arrive ON 1 uesday, Oct. 30th, At 1 U:iu a. m. AT THAT TIME WE WILL SELL AT AUCTION THE FINE FARM KNOWN AS Erasmus Lee Lands - 3 Miles South of Dunn THE BIG FARM WILL BE CUT UP INTO SMALL TRACTS OF FROM 30 TO 70 ACRES EACH, MAKING SIX SMALL FARMS. THIS LAND HAS SEVERAL DWELLINGS AND NECESSARY OUT HOUSES READY FOR OCCUPANCY. THIS FARM IS SITUATED THREE MILES SOUTH OF DUNN AND IN SIGHT OF A GOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL AND LONG BRANCH CHURCH. HIGH SCHOOL CHILDREN LIVING ON THIS FARM CAN ATTEND THE DUNN HIGH SCHOOL, TRUCK PASSING DAILY FOR THEM. THIS LAND IS IN A HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION AND IS ADAPTED TO THE GROWTH OF COTTON, CORN, TOBACCO AND IS ALSO FINE FOR TRUCKING. Each Farm Has A Dwelling, Barn And Stables DONT FORGET DATE AND HOUR OF SALE Tuesday, Oct 30th, At 10:30 A. M. SALE WILL TAKE PLACE RAIN OR SHINE Terms Of Payment Easy: One-Fourth Cask, IwImkh one, two and three rears, deferred payments bearing ih per cent. Interest. E.B. AND DR. ILL. WARREN, OWNERS, CEO. L CANNADY, AUCTIONEER

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