The South H&» Had Two Forms of SJawy TW» km Wn tM Κ fot. wtmtiy la the Sv«C>. Oiu mxj to » 4f| wfe-eh rxUHt »."»»·· t> I··· «4 ^pliinl ttCs to 1W other ius to** ««*» me«.· WÊ0t "ta· yrif»** rt?.~n>" w*a » ■! tMt !a U· àMMfol bezôa/«■ i la»*.· (IlkMtit. 1 (nv n;> If J«. ;1 1 (MttPtd Kjell or t·» ok! > J ' iU.r : wWpi I n> r**red etu'l 'ΐ σ.·ιν^·. ttM MM» of lomlaM.*· I'u: >ny father U«i« nnolutab "'a ·< u:' r··' ■W I» bt ιΐο.κ *rttfl Cut »>■«.·..-ι ι. fcn.l •CM MMagh aottob WU> >nly Surf end a (Ν»1, W» Erci rani, - .. pi 11 tfco HI*. *' Pay s» y 1 u jt. «lui if ' rou caa't p»y, »p " *♦>·? j:î-sw Ν attt la IV teiw roa that I know wia; ":.ιν pr.cjn" *tian*y maaaa awi tiut ι um not ^aaldi( wtlh—t t»p»ricncc vhon 1 aajr 1 >Jlm yo-j «an varie jounc'f OM* fnao uwttr Κ *ml lato teal f.ta Υββ had better Mc-Uief! eiotia* It MOMHJ 1> ntkr 10 s*t or. a ea»lil Wait. It dooant mr.;.er muet w'.ut «Ht of dotfc·· a maa j: «ome t w*rr; oo they are cJoa=. The τ~βΙα ft rio ted better are a.· aid tu)t!i ». ;^jup lÎIllw, or patchoù e'.ori». ίο.· jc« TMt rath it than it* y In the y.ip i* MM eradit *yn*m thr-juRh ail tit* Γα-, tan· fun. Certa'nly, to·, on· c*· ; n—In tat lw trHl u»v* ι twelve· ■enUt-in-tWynganw », «mw jso-i ; km, ad t*· (T-cj «·»·, uk·. Uicn «Mi plenty of milk, fentic., crt*r=, •Ufl, (UckMU aad frrtt. VC^Ul'OJ.j tier» *m1 a to uruTt .-vp-I 'j.· r.r.yi ; "U* frtni rUmk" imm iur »:■>. ·. —TW t*n(ynai«( K»mc.·. HatMHCowty'iSini •TkU pnt to Hareett ctraaiy U th' . ■M ur.ique y!cc« of irotk of its k'jii ' ' In ttw Eaatam Colia.1 Statea." ml! i |«)r I. Hifrr. ii:a; Hi timo-v, who' M tW eODjtVjpi: r Hrnt* v'mi,; Ère tfcoaaaiul JTu:att wou.-v>- iul'mj ontn £h Ι,'.ίΙΙ.ιΑ·*» io" «laI β3-.1ϋ7 ι aaapice· uf UK.· coaly a.· L of ytikiic welfar*. Ϊ Xt. BafntiJtci'i « , .. reetca tfaa ia the Baatera Db!M State·, any ! au who attended that liar was boot. I ; M laaltw that it waj untqae. Certain-1 If va have met w.tL ret'tin? like t in Worth Carolina. It mat ra-.itcv aiahaiaiit to aajr that it vaa tfcri1! ■lift hat thrflTan » just exactly «ha: ·τ - .. JrooH ι Iront thn bywa>> srd hodew o: that «eaaty to make a .Ity of ΐΑχί*%:· I A«x! ft »·» «««3 MM thtilMaf W rao»« :<«ay nfrti St thoroagUy. I Tu Etrn«tt Nntr ill· Minwit· I » v«!>- fl»« ρί·Ν af caoaty oi-gaataa .to» far r»ti«U«n by Xba Ml/1"0 I Ca-r.,-1. the 'upbriat*n«l«at at psbUe ι uti-tv fov lUtnaU. Getting a whole ■ r»mi? tu *»r < m nut want wHto ' '< ill»* fa that fotlividoal (:<« of uxu. aiVailju»Un*flt Aew '.!iar foractbint; '< wrong with the eom nanhy at well aa with the twdhri4oai, ι «Ail ;'nt oi.a of t'.\e bc(t way* of cor ««♦1rs: ;Ι*«β i» to lift the whole tone af the rjmmati'ly. Recnation, (tin ?\:l .if.c of the vwnt cffrctWe •»λ·Ικ> ·· r t 'Ibii'ff tMt anil miuie one vf {hr b<« kin*»tion.—Wcl fan» Hco^Ti'ie. Education An Investment Mjny boy» ar.fl girts ilo not attend fo'itfltft hccuos* thry think the eoet tee »>»al. A· a malUr of fact, the cc's*. «. ί an Moeatlon U often the beat P-jrlne 'n'estroent pareata ran make fer «uch children u are prepared to ■>ntcT college. 1T« say "Inwitmud" thr :!»« spent in collcfe by a • ilîtttr.t tu''«fit «ho al! mere than jKù his oimirj capacity -by the tisv «i« -i't-it ii completed. StatU rio !icfe.l lomc tea rwrt ifo when u ι·ν '-i.borcr^ wnjte w*i |l showed that the actual incomv of such a la ssrer rrri $300. The annual Income it tees» «Ira !iad only pa«m η ··*«.'. ami when a roil eft* xnd •tato, i'. va* £2.400. :.ut the ni-jι fy value of an edu »:tîior. U Nit its highest value. We cm iU's-.s :i a ya.Utick !a it*-mee* jr>. n-e real nioasurt! of an educa tion « t' e Incvci/wl power of service •ml V»c itlyUt-r "Ifticlanl of RMnhood λικΙ inimar !ioo>', Sh.'.l ro^o'ls from an •JariUton that brlnçu ealluro and tin iulfcesa.—Thv i'roctwdvc Farmer. 7-i September, ίarnvers of Anaon ordered 1100 Dottnds of al :>lfa s red, 500 i> itsrfct was used. CAPE FEAR .FAIR OPENS TUESDAY Frmaisai To B· Tb· l«t Fair Etw Sta**d hi FtytttnOI· 'rite sixty fir sr. annual Cape Fear fair of Fayetteville will be held Oc tober, 23rd «ο 36th tliis yenr and all indication· point to the biggest and Im) Fair ever held in this sec tion. Tl»c following day* will be cele brated along the following lines: Tuesday «>rt 23nl—While schnol «lay. AH white school children of Cumberland and adjoining counties «ill be admitted free. Bring lh* lcies and let them enjoy the Fair The midway will have special rides and .shows for the little folk» and special arrangements have been made tor the ladies ami children. All exhiliit* and amusements «ill be m place oo thii day. and the Fair will be formally opened immediate Ijr after the parade, which will coo sist of the Fort Bragg band, mile < of mounted men and fancy float < ami r.utos. - Wednesday Oct. 24th--Military Day. Featuring Fort Bragg. Spec ial drills by the military force* of Fort Bragg will be given on tins «lav ami special attractions will b: put on to entertain the crowds. Thursday Oct. 23 th— Everybody s Day. The Big «lay of the Fair, when all features and lots of spec ial events will be put on for the amtffement and edification of the public. Friday Oct. 26—Colo ret 1 school children of Cumberland and adjoin ing counties will be a«lmit*ed free. The Miàwey . m% « mi ■.·ν»Η.ιβιιυιι ΠΑ3 «»Cm fortunate iq securing this year thi· famous Shcesleys Great Shows, who will bring the biggv.-t aggi~cga tion of rides, show* and acts ever seen in this section. Thi* is the same shot* that it playing the State I'Vtr and tbe people are a " vu red of a dean midway. The Sheesleys show s will have the following ride* anil shows: caterpillar (Just new from Atlantic City) ; over the falls ; butterfly; giant carouscl; big Eli ferris wheel; aerial swings; whip; teenie weenie midgets ; big . water circus; famous Georgia ministrcla, land of wonder*; coogren of ath leteî : Jaunteel; Oris, the wonde-. Kirl ; tiny mite big circus side shows : King Tut"» art gallery. Trie horse raring will be better than ever before and faster than ever aeco on this track. Come and ■tand with .several famous acts booked. Fireworks and free act* every night. Absolutely new and marvelous this year with spectacu lar displays. Come and see the Rrewotits. Admission the same as last year with free grandstand day and night Night admission 25c, which includes free acts and fireworks. Special rates on ail railroads. A. C I train No. 63 will be held until 5:40 P. M. on Wednesday, Thtirsda) tnd Friday. Come and bring th-· attire family. One way of improving farming η North Carolina is to think over what you have seen at the fairs this rail. LarfMt Edition Of The New York Timet Tl>e New VorV Tines priHtl' Sunday the largest edition in ?l-1 histury—Prolubly the largest Γν;;« 1 Ur edition ever poldWuxl fcv a.-.» New York i»cw*poii«r. It cotv'Ui j '«I of twelve section», compris ï»tf . ! total of 192 pages (176 fnll- »'··<-· J iKwun|icr pagr-> !. The tuta?| j w eight of paper in ibe eiiificii ut J 565,000 coptes was K77 n* 1,745.000 pounds. There vvurc ?01 ctihiuuis of new*, special («utiles and pictures and 862 coltTirm*; ■·· advertisinc—-the largest w'uttif >|x»ntancous aivtrtimcnh cvc.· printed m a single day in a n^'ni.·'· edition of a New York nc»v*|vipcr. ] I North Carolina has rnuie r.a.'v. shrub· and plants that wipht be use I ί for beaut if yinj; the borne j;sotn"ls than any other State in tlic Uni.».', ( reports F. K. McCall ο ί it»»· iîivi-i lion of Horticulture. Why not u*;1 a few on the Immc Jroumts thi.-' fall? Sï'sevivr Of L#noir Indicted By Jury (\μι;·ϊ··ιι. l\rt. V.—Indictment ofl \nV:i W Tisvior. «hcnC of i.rimir ! O-nnU. mi '·.« :> counts charging im | I'tunli'j· »ih !k'sfcL* Cannon, \»u« .ι··ι:'.;ιγ..<«· at I !u court huuit Ht re The inry returned true 1 <-»'U a» iiighI a·.» i\l, ni 'uucher the i.V!: «t:i--al :«»v livestock worker* at the State College anil Deiort .nr'·: '■ι ::«yl.·.···!1 ■ .ι ιγ'.ί! oi Λ76Ι hcr l* comprint nt liead i»[ cattle v/cre tested for tuberculosis j in· North Cairj'tn.i bv worker* of th«. | ;'vs-.C College lui IVfiartiuent of ' Aç'Icitlliur. Sevctily reactors and 1 >ix sii?J'ivts u ere located. Tlie jury's actiou wu the fir*: vfnsational development «incc Mon· lay morning, when il wa* Ktipposed 10 liegin consideration of 2.VJ pre ■entmrnU made hy the A\igu»t rrand jnry. ι Tarlor ha* been «herirf of the ♦ county for mnny y<£ir« and is po]*! lar. The jury «No returned inte bill* aj;aiii>t T. l£. Thackstim, *ai«1 to liave bccii » dqiuly *hriiiff at <»nt time, and Mr».· Xuriuu Fly, clisrj» iiVR immorality. Osteopathy Osteopathy i& the original science of treat ins the human body by adjustment. β Osteopathy udjucii, nature cures. Mechanical ;nation including the Spine—free of charp·:. Dr. Harvey G. Sii.tierford. Osteopath, of Fayetteville. vwill l>s at Mrs. Geo. Floyd's residence twice a w-î^k, from 7 to 9 o'clock P. M., and will be glic! to consult with any . one wfahing ray .~er ires. Hours: 7 to 9 O'clock P. M. MONDAY'S AND THURSDAY'S fTsgiiMi'aiu Thursday» October 25th. — iiimilM»HIIIMI»MlMIUI'" , If You Want A Parut W&gon at the right prie·— 1 WE HAVE m Oil bccM, Light, Medium and Heavy Two-Hone wagons in atoek ta aalact hen. THE KARNES AND HOUJDAY COMTARY Hanhvan— Fiuiilluï· Underialtera ,.,ϋΐΓ. η'.ι ι ,, , ' Time Easy OM lyrlai.ettMiai tilt I rill· «MM of Myk AlttbltolULLyvdM th· Mt better and a tot «•Mar. Th· cW wonm Wr*· far took*. fd •mîiIiim te «Mb MM THE BARNES & HOLL1DAY CO. Uiul«rt&k«r· ud Ernbahner* A full line of Coffin*, L'aeket* and Burial Rob··. Servie· »ny time, anywhere. Day Phone 11 Nifbt Phone 70 A Car of Greater Utility Thoroughly representative of I he 19Î4 Euicks, thi· (our-cylinder, five paaacnger Touring Car i» new frô-a end to end. It* new body, fume, fender* and radiator —Ht new Euick volve-in-hc&u engine—itn fojr-whecl brmkei, all exemplify BuicU's pcli.y of building into ι it* an greater utility end uatisfaction with each suc ceeding year. The minute attention to thoae detail· that innVe for greater comfort and convenience i» well expres-d in the new windshield, new ventilator operated bv β path lever, wide, low and tilted teats *nd compact'y grouped instrumenta. This Buick four-cylinder Tour ing Car worthily maintain» the Buick rrpiitution— Standard of Comparison. , 'W-'l· . jtfflBatS M SBMCE STM , DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA BUICK MOTOR COMPANY FLINT, MICHIGAN Vhen better automobiles are built, Buick Will Build Them COMFORT AND QUALITY When choosing our Uvlna Boom Furnitare for your Approval, we UMd the utmost care to insure it being practical a* well as beautiful. Careful construction from the beat material* brings to you Furniture that will stand the wear of constant use, yet ke«p iU food appear ance. . . . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS * Now » th« tim· to i«t that Piano or Vlc trol* that yoi: finv» booi w«ntln( *o Ion*. We have thew in r>any beauliiu. (!c*i£M. Let u* ■how then, to ya'J. Also a foil line of Reeorda. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT You will And In our Hardware Depart ment everything that le carried in an up-to date hardware «tore—Hardr.ware of the bet ter kind. Come in to aee u*. BUTLER BROTHERS DUNN, · - · · · · NORTH CAROLINA