Born, on tVkAivr I V l«" Or. :><i Λ1γ«. R 1- \\"aprrli η P.ittoii'. Wita-n «>< 'Vld·'*»»». ■,■ ,n :· hustnevi xir'nr i.s ) )ιι··.·ι . P. n, Want :* sji»'>mÏ:> ;* u · V<!| linke here this v»**'* vri'ii Γ,-'vurfs t «»l!..ri >··. ;·!1' ι·* t,.) t' . l>tmn market fini.· > ί > · r·.····.» It pound. R. R -|·; ■ ι·.» ·■··■ ·. >· nt Chinlfjoorr · riMliu- :.·"<! friend·. Mi.'* Rowm '*t-J·»· - of !,i«iiL"··· ion spent tliv* ι .rt -inî >ιι 1>οηυ \ijitin£ friend·. Mr. anil Μ ί. \ *i ! λ: ··.·.· ι/·. Lillinjjli"/» vert ilit' iU-Ή n··! in town jMritln). Reroriler Μ \Γ. 1er»· ν ■> :- ul t Ο. Wc-t arc J«· i' hi Clinton on legnl IniMnc.-ts. R· P. Jno\«..ii "f !οηι1ίΐΐ "η lu· :iccer>te<! :ι |·«·«ί!Ϊοι> ·.·· ·.·».> Λ"" · l'eldman'5 ι1ι.·|>:ιιΐη*·ΐΊ i.r.c F. \. Pcifw*. ν1:ιϊ:·ιί i· :! ,···... '· nt Cherav. S <«■?·. .lie m. Cii<1 here vi«itin» 11·» 'wvtit*. *lr :ru<l 'frs. Xi \V "'.)< ■ Cru. ρ IJa.-M·. .i >.·. «!· Fia., «i'* litre thi» vwi-U !o >pcn. a feu (Inys with lit ' I.r·>tl <·.. '. i"> Rame.. Thr Uriili*.: •■•niTiitnf:.» ν.-ΐιο'ι·1 «I for ton'glit al WiwirnV Oi.·' rimnu, Iijm !««·:« > · -Γ··.ι<"·| ·. '· Tliwlaj' (lit··! or *<V: Mr.». T· .M' HV r. ι 'il'. ·' lertlav .iîU thk ·· ι»···η t'Kytm WJlfl\ »1ha ·'(.«.'<f ·· ft· '-j λ·'ι|ι 1 > lii'fii*'. U···· I>r » ' ·· Τ 1 tlDll» l'Ilis f'iiîil -!ι·*ί Ι.Ί ···'· ι i·· Χι* York ot>" (·> ····>> !».ι·. ■ f '! : ·■' winter -»1 It r ·:»Γ M t 0. nipnnv '!o<v. » fc >■"· rxjfc c'cJ t'i return Thursday. .Mi» Jewe Sum- '.tilπίλΙ "vi linlay ill'."!!"!»»!! . 's· ■ I it · r. Raynha.ii, K<J#md n «■··!·. ,·■..(· *(>αι<Ιιηι» it fe>\ H:iy> vir-il··*·_;. 1 t!· home 01 her hrotlv,-ritt-i..\ r.·ΐί lev. Mr. and Mr* Ο·!.··!<· .):·»· « ·· near Dunn. The Wotiien'- ctitb v. >«!·» » I·1 lhank all those » ho vf>t flower·, tr the Flower Shov. and Im*in?« finns «ho doT«:oil ;·ιί7ί«. S»en·; oi the ppre*. piven \ »-rr not nscil thi» liiv.r. 'Acre rv> I.V ."V: " ciated i'tid will l>e used In a-Ur."" tape later G. H. names <>i Jacksonville Fla., has been the gutsi of hi* l.r«>»h· ~>r. Ê-D* Berne·.-*r»r sever»I day* TUii it st ralhu iw: ώ; Q\ tcber *o deal our.~ HVnlever. t!P weatherman ha? |>-«>vrd'f ; friend to the fanne am! «·Λ·γ· as' wall this fall. Mr. and Mrs· J H. Pncîe reecn»!* moved to Dunn from Kaleiph The· are livine in a roii'dire ··.'«>»» >|i own on \Ve»l Pi vim.· s;-eet. Mr Poole has been eisac-d ·ιι tîi wholesale grocery business in Ral eigh, His «οι». Κ C. υ·<' " Poole wll cnnti'.H'C t"° hu*'· \cf. there. A talking Sturlchaker will b seen and heard ,-t »*»— —·ιτ,·ν > Smith & McKay, in Dmtn, I'r.dav and Saturday of J*»· w . '.'■■■■ IXfrfornmncc*· l>r -'iveu daily ■ from 2 to 4.30 ;*iv 1 7 :V) ■·; '>:.*0 ι ui· Tlii» talking Si··.'.·!·.· 3 cr /tn··· |ilays in ifi»· and ijiif·.·.e■-< in the hr-man voice. >t '·< -aid T'· niniMi ·Ι enter'S'lin^en» ν i't lu fri and l»e puWie is inc ited to tic prc« ent ι ne nrc ,-ιμιίι v.· ·· >·>>·: icrilay ai'uniui·» it·. I?:.V) o'Ju on aerount ci λ l>t.-i?e on ilic >onf <> W".e ImildiHR nOvped by M· Π W»' li.-»ma. stone ratter, im '·.···" '·!···· Ion (trocl. *Th»· fi r cm : «11 -· til to tlii· .«rery and »"· *· ·ιί Vril >1· by the uw of chemicals be fiire «1.·»ιμ:·.ϊ«· r-«.lir:!, H*·· :he fir* mart·- ιπ·.?!ι headway hifnr it «·«« (liicwrrcili with "lie iiif.i wiiul bWiw'mjt. ii i# lilvelv ι.,ν inn,' damage notilil have r<rs i''f«T Flower Show Was Decided Succeei (Rer«rted > Tlie Wntnati'it rW> v m· r μή it! )x-aurv Friday nft-riioun whe the club hfIi] it* fir<t llur er Show Giant dah1i:>< i» m ;t!v l r,i'> <1 re*], yellow, pink ami white, forroe the principal r*lii'i:t-. ri« if varieties j;rmvti to prral perfectio were rqirrsentcrt Th«e. tojeMK with collection» of tnvyflvr rtnhli.i rhrv«nthenni:iv, rr*ν*. *im|v«'r-i im and irwcrf'itrie·!'.:* <·λ'Ι vi- > «ere iffectivefy nnanped «1 tin ••arli contribution a;i|n»rrd tu lie advinlajir ami t.'u du-p'iit :·* vlcjle wn* hr.rnvmio'i* and brunt f'll. Priam wet·*· nw.i-did ft.- (λ '<iw*: Vr*. Κ 1* Da vin, for IwM da I '••à, a pair of rilk hone given Uy tl ^aer* IVy (hm-wî* Ccmpanv; Mr l.loyd Wade, ribbon for bc«t M";· *n«c!raen of red (l-dilia»: Mr*· ! A. Towaend, l'or the beat j>ink «lai Γ·η». a bo* of MatMmery ; Mr*. Γ,Η '"•oWatein, for b.idcet ront.i'mii «rrrateul variety of flov,'cr«, a pa "i aille hoae given bv T-'eWhiianV Γ) pnrtmenl it*ire : Mr*. J, R. Hull for moat artl«tirallv arnnged l*i '«el of mixed flower*, pottery l>ov riven by Hiflumith Seed «tor .•'ra J. C Clifford, for lirai chrv aitthemucna, photographed by Ml t .Villi'» 1. J. Wade, for \·.λ i.liiic d*JUi*«, Jwiitle of toilet vntpr ;«iv~'> l.y \\ ilwiu R I.κ , Mr». \Y. Ί hurt»*' ft>r I mm ni«rt, ι '«rph.-a '<ntile, ••ivc-f iiy the Pitcîi ci» Or itf C't.; Mi>. Allic I'arlccr, or rfnrrT,*iii fern. .1 x:t*c r>v«ji hv ΓΙι«· ("ft Shi>i>. 'lie ;ir:iiia:> «.'ijsvi «il the Flow .r SI·:.··, λ ..> ·.> .-tl.iivlaie interest in 'lixv r uiitcrc m> t<o admission ·ν,·>ί·.ι\. < luwetcr. <|iii!e * ilk'c .111' >>a· riilWi! tttc flower» I v'ii-f a i.ii-. -fr of exhibitor* p»ve Ι ι» ·λ· r·■«.I (0» Ote '«cuclil of the Ίί»<· .ι»)» ainl iiMmruisnit· ι :v :ιΐ »ι >. α·, 11 ilâcken sh.'iuI. cui*l i '·« ι^< .τ,'ί.Ί .nul c:!<f <Uiriiui il»" . f _ i'w v'lJi·.·· lo make the I ·'■ λ .·«· Siiiuv r, M -ni iuiiuial event j » ·.! Ν ; ι}·. ;··Ι ·>«!> cluh men* 'κ'", i t ;·ΐΙ |«sj^lr will be 1 j'ti 1:·.». i·· |>1λι· iliei"· entries 'or In ·; ·Ί · ; I'll»v.fir .Cliov\. 3i»r.U Ciub MmU The Afternoon Hook ill:*» met with ΛI r>. l.loyd VV*de 1 " a·' «lit» ;:flvmt «m .»t Λ A. lu tl'.· ',..'· .·:ν.· ·.- ut tin: pre Wot Ihc meet ι·.·' ·,· ·. «tifl d i>> order b\ .Mr*. 11. I /!·''«·».. 'cr-;jiit.i«lcui. <·;ι|*Ύ mi "Tlic Se I :·. Γι··· Vi. <"d;-tfiei \'»limul I I'm-!.*" v.". ι-îiul Iiy \lr* Jolltl ■ i.4.1' ι ■» ;·!!·! Ml». I·.. M. Jeffrie* ·>«· i|)tiin) of "Ml. Ranie." ! 1 ·»:!.$,·' am) ilr* I. C. ''•'f.'i-rii r. :»d :i |i9|xrr on "C'rater !.a)c N'ir.iral I'jrk·" Nfi'r tin,· j>rc»Kn.iii a ddiorit·., aliij i Oiirs* v. .is «frvtii, (oil· m cl 1 Ι·ι ιι·'ίι· t'Iiili r«ei»il*i ·■ juchent *' ere. Mes· • '■■tu.s \ί;ιΐΐι·Ν, J. C Clifford, M. IcIf'Ki, It· I ( I re V,··:.;ij. !*!'» < iotdsioin. _1. K. But r ••ι·Ι I' 'm Tlloin 1.11 Fi.cIImII New· I .'lie (>n:ni i■·,.;!» Sclw*il football 1 r.iiii it.v bun ?i«itin!j in «,n»r nil ! •■.'•ix -Jni'e :!ΐι· «••ijl j;ui!h: will) I ι lî.vc": l'nc'i, Tit.· mvI ijamc ή51) I • ι· v.irl» ι !>c Oifldilmro "All i ( H|>'.':ιη.ι(ί«· train, Vluir»*la;.' ! ·. île *ιι«*·ιι. 'life η'ϊΙ.'κΛ" I'Ukc. l'air ■ ·ι·-::i«ît. Λ<|·ηί.»«ιηη. children 15 «•rit» .'diiln. 25 mit. "fîiir'Ncw 1 :>rv will lie in the ticVet office bv ι :;o. On I'tit'sy nuirniiJK. November 0, the Dium lejrn « ill plav the In •.«'M Vigil '.ι·1ν<ι1 1 rv. ι π at the Clin· •| η l'air ι Home Economics Dept. Will Meek Friday P. M. -λΐ* ' '"»i- Τ·;·.·^·;»κ· drpanmen! SI {Kb^V^iiftan * cTtifr wtff Γ·γ«·. meeting of the year Fridav ι · ttfniwiti pi 3:30 in the rlul> room, j Mis< P'-tilçe will a Mist Mr»· Carl i Fitrhett, chjiman of thi* depart ment. i« a demon«t ration on "j-.VHrc " 'Hie pickle·· made at the1 ntrtt'tii* will Ix? ciinnctl and «old by •he ladiri for the benefit of the Hooe Fronomic department. This demonstration is not only ;:,r «1.» member* of the club, bu: M· <··' tbe ladies in town who ar; ' •■-r-tird in rlii< work. «x>tvwly viil will l»e welcome. *tiy one who lia» K^een cahluye. • "·Λ|ΐς or ijrrei· tomatoes, is re !··'.■; !i<1 Ίι |4ii>t>e Mrs. (-»rl Fitch : I·»· Tl'tirwfcy afternoon. ! Convert'one At The Laymen'» Revival Ότ revival which ha* hwn in '"ffiis» Λ! Di\'ine Street MtlHfflJ'n! .•he -cl · jSîkv Si;nd:iy evening. Oc '· Kr t.V m»i'inr.cs r.i «row in inter ■Wt. \ number o' conversions and r, —η ccrat'rn·» alrctdy re i.i't»··' from llic incetinn, which :»rc •r-'i'i i t«-«I so'cly by tlx Toymen'-: t c<t' ι nï:cn of Fayt*<tcville. Ir (tb nr.r vet bcên announced ν !v/"i the meeting will dose, thouj·!' r«r-yic<-< have liteii announced for •h;i ("1'iicwlny'l evening at 7 ; JO. I ;» rye church imditoriuir, Including tbc Snndiiy ^hool annex es. Pl'cfl lo nverflowing at the SiTilnv evening servire. In spite •)m inclement weather last evenin;; the attendant* Win pood and a most 'iitfrM'inj meetin» wa« held. Pivwlny aftenvyin nl .1 o'clock rer\ Ve* were held in several of the chinches in town- A service for men only was conducted at the First ''■vivi rhvn*îï, une 'or women *' the Prosbylerian church nnd one firr ' · ·»ιιμ· ·<<ηιΙ<· at the Methodist. All i'-e service» were conducted by Fay Nf<*»-'|!c |<rM.!t· and were well in tended and "interesting. Λ revival conducted entirely bv Ir νΐη<·ιι i« something new ior Dunn, ι hough the meeting is pro»mg one of the grvntot «toul-wbiner» em in the town. Will Hold Court Both Thursday And Friday A two-dsvs' *e<»iou of the 1oc*l recorder'» court will be held this week. Thiimlav will be devoted to vliv trial of criminal casn, while Friday'» session will be devoted to the hearing of civil mfftler·. The teasion oo Κrulay will be held in order to clear the civil calendar, ac cording to Kecordcr M. M. Jerni Ran. Rev. W. Strickland Run Down By Auto Rev. Willie Strickland, who livei near Dunn, had a close call earl iest nijfhl when run down by a Ford touring car drivco by Mar tin Gixxlman, negro jitney driver. The β cordent occurred tun ttuj Dunn Duke highway just beyond the en I of West Uroad ulrcet. Mr- Strick land was walking along the high way wlien struck by the car. He was knoweked down, though the car did nol pa» over him. The hack o' hi* neck was, somewhat bruised. but it is not thought he «uiïcrcd any serious injury. (•«xxlinan skjppcd his car and ex pre«s«d deep regrets for the acci dent. Tie was blinded by the lights of another car, he said, and did no: »cc Mr· Strickland. The unfortun at man was taken u> the home of S. F,. City, nea hy, where investi gation of Ins injuries wast made lie wns later carried to hi* Itottie b> Sir. Guy and A. !.. S«»rr«-ll. Rhineland Republic Finally Proclaimed Ai.\ l«a Cliapcllc. Prussia, Oct 21.—A Uhmeland republic wa.< pro claimed Iter* today. Kliinclanders occupied tlic publi.· building» at four o'rlork thi* morn ing without oj»|n>-iitii»n frt>m the <f cutil) )>olice. They purpose immediately to be fin mi crtemion of their control thiOiiKhnut the Tlclgian arc·. \:o HxcUcmUml The city *w culm today, pre fenting its UMiai Stir day appeal a nee- The public building? occu pied by the Separatist* display tho color* ol the Rhineland republic— grccu. white and ret I. The pro clamation were placarded, this fir·· of tllc-e «lid : "To the people of the Rhineland "The hour of liberty ha* struck DeHin ha* plunged ns in distress and misery. We come to our own assistance. "We proclaim today · Rhineland we wish lo live in peacè'aîiî^riwd· ship with our neighbor· aod tu work in an effective manner with them for the reconstruction of Eu rope. "Worker», every man to hi.* post ! Immediate care will be taken to as sure peace, work and break. ( Signed ) "The Provisional Gor ernment : Leo Decker· and Dr. Guthard." The second proclamation read a.> follow» : "The Rhineland Republic it an rcromplitbcd fact· Any rexstanc· will be crushed pitilessly. IMlager* and disturbers of public order will lie jronished with the severest of penalties. "We shall apply all onr care t«> the question· of food Mijiply and work and will preserve order and t»eare.'' This proclamation was «ipied in tlic same way as the first. No other Separatiiu attempt ha* yet beert reported from the other |iortions of the occupied territory, it » rcporteri here that Ducsseldorf is tranrittil. NOVELTY CONCERT Thursday man ProcM^t Will Go Toward· D* fnrtU Eiyinm Of PoUfeLiferory ' Λ novelty concert consisting of κ must interesting variety of UHi»i eal numliers. will be^pre.-mted bv the Cornelius Harnett Chajrtrr, IX A. R., at the opera house Thurs day night at eight o'clock. Dunn has always been noted for the mitfj c«J talent of its people, and at thi« tiro· th· public will be given an opportunity to ««e and appreciate that talent. Among the many interwrting fm tures of the program wfll lie clatki cal selection* from the Blaster*, ar tistically rendered by Dunn's bent musicians, vocal soloists, piano au H violin soloists. In addition there will be an excellent male qnnrtettr, a pickaninny chorus ol ehildrrn un der the direction of Miss Agne< Cannadv, claMiical aesthetic danc ing and two modern chorus ι Une es, several numbers l>y the Masoni. orchestra and some by Dunn's jari orchestra. In short tliere is som; feature of the program winch wi'l appeal to everyone and iioUmI) can afford to mi «s this treat. The proceeds will go towards de 'raying tl* expense of the Khrart and towards purchasing an up-to date set iri American histories Ιο ί he library. rot SALE OK RENT—· . ROOM bangaiow «η South Magnolia Art P*v*d itrrrt and fddrwalk ani within one block of Μ» piwui •Aooi bo'Hine Re«aa«i for lalllm (olnx to 1·»»· ion. Apply 10 W P. Tutntfr, Dunn. N. C. October JS. Η and Nov I ami I. THMI WHO AM iKTZUSTCt and «ant to take care nf their uto nrj ebould ere oar mi In thH papr-i Extra· load* ·( all kind» of monta for mm, «nu and rhildrci caoM to oa iaat week and mn roods conéat thl» week. Why *0 lout Of fry looking We deliffct t< •how and prie* you. Other» ir. wring money win no. you can II yoa ear·. In the Yellow Fro η More, Dunn. L G. Taylor Co. October IS. 19W. STRAYED HOC.—POLAND CHIN/ aow weighing Août St<Wb« hai taken ap at aw home. Owmrr piaa·· call tu get her. O. O. Godwin Dana. No. 4. ■» It yd WANTED. ^ A «nttiÔY rS two aoadu to work la lokaedt Room and board. Sec or write Wm J. eyfcoa. Angier. M C. SS tt pd LOST.—A LONG POCKET BOOK with draw «tring 4s> top, contalninj IH M In payer money aad cherl for 1140.00 a%sed by J. Ε Jack •on. Finder wl* pteaae return aaov to J. Ε Jackson. Dans, No. Ζ, B01 IBS. and be riohly rewarded. J. Ε Jaekaon, Dana, Na. >. IS It pd LOST—OWE BROWN OVERCOAT one blua draaa coat, between God win and Be neon. Finder piaaae rc turn to Goo. M. Floyd'· «tare an· rocaira reward. St pd WHY BUY IMITATION PART! whet, you can fat GKNIF1N' FORD PARTS at the aarae prie·· Wa have moot anything for you: FORD Ζ. V. SNIJ'Efl tic Dun. Ν. C. JUST KECEIVED—ANOTHER BK •tipmen I ·{ cvWi. Com· an< rlt. Th· arte* k» right Htnr Lee, lUimad »T»nu«, Dunn ν a ο it u MONEY TO LOAM—PAJtM ÛÂ |1,000 to 1(0,000. η |WI> Uto Wt>fc fifrfltf to (*r MW McUod and IULkhI, Attom*r N. C. EQUIP in· F< TOUR FORD WITH GENU fn· Fotrt Parte. W« h»rt a («I lia* Of tb· 0«noiM Parte. Ne ta; tetio·. Ζ. V. SHI PES. tfc DR. GLENN L· HOOP El DENTIST Duk·, III lUrtk Ctroliai Office Second Floor Bank Building λ'/SP 'SxfJI I\O DR. 1. M. MORGAN CHIROPRACTOR , U4I Pint Matte··! Sm OrriOE HOURS . · to It A M. 7 to » P. M ·«»·?. I —Λ tAtmt AT REMSOMi r—Umy. TterW AW hlw^n Mtefcfc F Ο* ·<Μ Γ—«» BUSHELS CV.i.a A.polc r iccd 9IU at M mU mt fauhtt *t «jy boat. Mr. Lras· tka man who thrertied titaaa Mb. mM D*f weri tXf finaal Kc tHI «hraah «1. Coma nl'ja yoor onlti vMla . they la*t. t. O. Ujtm, l)M, X. C. Koatc a. U^iyi LOST—ONE LIVES AND WHfTX poinUr puppy S menthe olé. Am mra to tfat un of "TrouM·*. Liberal raward for fcia ratera ta Ε M. Jctiraya. 1} tie. FOB SALE—I A ME SIC AM CAM. 1981 moM, i* Mad raaainf cm dftJoti. Credit If miiiirr· Saa i. R. Canary, Dau, X. C. f tfa. FOU KENT.—BRICK STOKE WU· inf on Cita ion Stroat naar Brood •Urrt Ε C. OMatt, SatHhSold. M. C- IHii WANTED.— M LAMUU AT ' fgiiif—arz Ml to rXSi is JSSLJ* LSTTcTrTS Ï^ÛTiîM*"· 'TÉS RM nil M I AM COING TO 1-efcr far «b njr U MwM M •r wife· im mm ft mm. AmU··. CMwte, Dun. Ko. 4. earbW· joat iwihli Cmm h4, C. Î.Jïr.^pJirî g! in m· VIM AND VIGOR MAY BE YOURS FOR THE ASKING Thai wr*k. tired feelinf which β»- ' flu yau for jroor daily tuk my bt tb« rernnif Katar* imdi ahoxl of imprtxltaf dlwtor. A ««mu or fbn'«·1. bniUown Iff nr Nk« tha»~-a vinyl fottinc mm) jt'nlNV tj r«,ι <«··.ιibU leu of conaUpttloo, Imut· *«b« folly»—«II pointing HMN tlx IfVorHabl· rolkap·* yon nay <M Hatwi H ter. B*faln Jtoi «traaflh ind «nana br taking Or. Hlllilrt Urar am RIaoH «yrap util U)«M vit Μ »m» ΙΙημμγ Vt» «Ml rtaer n, ST 7"* *71 j "t£S? ^ ''lË* If fvm m· Mt mMM a· TlieWi I» Dtu by Bwd ηχ Grantham and hi Doha by S. Β Than·· Drag OMfnr. —=====———== THE REAL Test of BANKING THE red test of banking and the in* dividual bank must rest on your per sonal experience, your satisfaction and your good will. DON'T DO IT ; WASTE BREEDS POVERTY, DISCONTENT AND FAILURE I ' ■ It'· watte to pay other· 1-3 to 1-2 more than we charge for hbk ; ? goods. Shame follow· thoee who trifle with wwdoa» call! ^ | Τ · Opportunity command· you today. For tremendous saving· we | : 2 offer enormous stock of America's finest merchandise in.styles beet, g s of that which is worn from head to foot by our men, women and f· ι : children, and Dry Goods, too. Express lends come to us last week * ; » and other express load· are coming to us again thi· week. . J * Lwlin why pay $12.BO for pan WmI Fmck Clotli Pr>· :·» that «m mQ for $&M «· J Don't wast* yeor wiy mm f 1S-S0 Ufc fia· Amh· tfcmè we mII far.. (I.SB Quit ρ*γίη( $25 each for (bo exact cloofc or droaaoa that wo aoQ for ..$IUI * . _ Surely Ladie* yoo ought not pay $71 οmi $100 for the rstcl droaaos or cUolw thai f I 1 wa tall for $>M0 ond $4M0 I Tiier· U no γμμ· why m lV»H pay $80.00 for iwi own Tliouundi of Hole for ΙιιΒιι, |Mi «UUtm 14 I· 14 h LrnMm end gsntlwwesn, above i· kwt « |faapM ι prices. America· finest merchandise fill oar hmasi torn. Look «I die high prices of row silk, wool, to wise, come to the Yellow Front StoreQtock. Buy,

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