f Br Wade Lucas* » On!*, Ow. 22.—Mr*- J I». P»t low« 1Ucm<-« hwcjlir M i$ a.-'ltnta ind cancer. Deoea- - td vrv "mi ixr tiftr-tUrd year, an.l M letn a rtddent of Duke i«»« ;·ι·: r* lir.n ifteeai vwur* tier hu>· V-nt «PH .Vxy.it a year ago while tVry v.c.e ;i>i:i< in ('rerasboro, and »f:»' hil> dra'h Mr*. Ihiltrrson n*»v «1 !··ϊ·ί1ΐ t« Ottke. She lea ret fiv ; Λν :,·!»>»-* and iwo toirt to moor* lit.- Imenmitt >.» h. 1 '■ nvdr. in ihc tainilv hurial plut M Aatiocli rhurch. neai Tue*«l»J BWilTlillR. Λ ten-day/ revival heyan at lh.· local r.i;i! -·. church last Sundav eveeinjj. which promises to be oi rt imcre?t to local foflc. Rev. Γ. Η Well. oi it for· darting it· T!ie Kally Hay excrcii** held la** 5uiwtay mnminjf at rtte local Pre* In tenait Snaday school drew the itryest attendance iu the history oi the school. R. L Godwin, of Dunn, addressed the congregation on th ii'any heucfit» V> be derived foroi .'ttendinç Suitday .vhoul rv^rwlarl· Mr. f todwin |wid a «piendid compli nteut to (he superintendent of th. Irfc.->. «t'uv; that be first started to Sitntlay KhtxA in Lhimi. «kit» Mr. 1Π.4.·. was superintendent of the Drtnn •«cHonl. arxt tfcat Mr. Hicks more l'on auvçTK: c!« tmd iuywml him ·.■ «h die "Vat of attending Sunday school. -An offering was collecte>t f(.r the Bvnâry «thon· exien*iim work of (lie Southern Presbyterian coitrvh. W. Α. Κ ruin, jr.. wa« host to the overseer* of the mil! Saturday afteruon st a very delictoc* bar Vci;e -crevd down on the hank of the Cat* P·**" "ver· Κ ν err r William P. Hok rrrunn· ! ?.ito^dar from Philadelphia. Pa. wbei* he attended a %crie< of *ur*i cn! Wtnrw* at Jefferson Medical Whool. Rev. Χ. M. McDonald and faml ly scent Suwlay in Kayetterik wi«h relatives. Mb* LmiK Geddie and Mary ".«rrett. student» at Carolina collegc. Moxtcin. spent Sunday here \riHi Mis Geddie'a parents. E. C. Geddie and children *f>cni the weak-end in Fayetteville wit!· Mr* Geddie, who is in a hospital I here. Mr. GcJdie say» thai * frs. "Geddie will be able to return hom? Wednesday or Thursday of this week. ' Mr*. Suift Hooper and «ni». I Charles and Rohert, and Mr». Roi· I inson Freeman, of Wlnslon-Salem. I tin-til MtMl il*y* here tast wee^i »iih Mr. Mtl Mr», K· Tl. Bo»t. J· Mr· am) Nlr«. C. 11. lîrnlfrrj .m l| itr. and llr*. ΓηηΙ; I.. \Vil«n),i I spent i^undax at llilbloni »iih Μ i . J s lurcnts J llr. and Mr*. H- \V. l:yer«. <·ί[ Uhewlle. Ala., have '·>■■ ιί.«·>· κλικ· on Mai» >treet here. ··'r { Oyer» i* onmecitd with !>.« «if*»-- - : Iwce of Ihr F.rwiu Colt·"' .Nov ' C* Hai»N arc licîag fonnuL. wd lu r ! tiir a httf cclifnation υ»· AcnKti· ' η·ν. Cole Κ. #·ιηικ·:1 ! Slate Adittsnt nf (lie Air-trun "« J j «il! malt.- lin: ;i«idtc*» ··' tlk I day. A more ruiupk'tu I will he aitmmnced later a* '.h«* ]>L>\ ' matconKr*. God Advice i —— i '<> the ιιπιγ:ι;<· ment «»f Ifnruett'· Fair it; «ni _lli Micces» of thî« year'» ev|«*ti·*· T1 "WgjyeM rm' he*i rvcr" ir. !Ό·Ι "·, no 1er tu r.inelicr "l>i;y:e>l ηι°«ί \·»· in IW4 t.e^'* ait p»'i imi-rivr '· the ·βηη to rnake l'anu;! iwii : »afe f OC »>fricit!l!hT.—ll.irti» Cottnlv \cw* Brad ley-Harmon IVuir'* Creek, CVI. 2!>— Λ rctr.r ringe" of wnle-rprcarl inlerc»t w « - that of Mis·. Josephine ι (laughter of Mr. λ\Α Mrs. V*. Γ liantton, of I5nci'« f'rtv1,, :un! !';ι'ΐ· iSraifley. of Kiplinr. which |.m\· ρ la ce al the h«nne oi (bc bn«!c S· m·· itay afierMion. Rev. \. Λ. Cmnii-; hell, pastor ni the I wi«le, norfnrmit) the ceremony. The bride wort· t satin crepc M of Mi tad Mr*. Julius M. I.cc. Kid lu« l«-f· arm broken just below the vil»λ ihi» momitlg wl>cn he was thrown down wlii'e playnv: with other hr>\ at vlion!. Î One «ay oi improving fniniin.; in North Cnrolina is to iltinV nve.· what you have iecti at tlie in'' ** 'hi. NOBODY TO CLAIM UNKNOWN PERSON Victim Of Fatal Auto Accident At M»xtoa Still Un· λιavtiit!. θα. 11 Fotir ï iT.Vv tlcviîle. and when about '.ι* ··.*?-< Ifvsivl the rnrfiiratc Hsis ·!· '-f ΐ!·ΐ· left '». th« cur was »eei> to • I.» t'l? ri'Jit, then violrn* i\ ··. ilh: Icii. mvrv·* a ilitch .\n«j •sir.· intt'.i·. W imisst·* nisÎH·! in gi .ί· r.iil lui! EVEN ISOLATED FARMS MAY HAVE ELECTRICfP KUctncaj «aetDMra 4*clar« that a* Bom·, ao matter bow tar raanavaf trot· o.lln. DNd h. wlthoat tk« etwrj brlghtnaaa and the dacoratlr· tear· oc aiactnc light* la alt placaa «bora a pubiic alllUy llghtlag ai4 power coaapaay haa tta ftaaa al liaaa ailiatoa wire*. tha hooaa alaplj mla' U> be proptrlr wired irarn hrv.iaea thai ara I*·la 1*4 ara la mny place· laafllllg IMl m •Wctrlc light and jt'X plaata. Tkw< axa tntlrely wit eaatalaai. A —all ■aaoliac eat in· furnish·· power far·· electric generator «hick prodac·· Lba elaclrlc crtrrjj aol oaly far llghtlBf the boaac. but for ruaalag a pomp far tba «ster ara ten «ad povar tar ataj of tba Tarn each'.Dc. Thaaa 'arm light and power aata ut M com para tlralr k lea pi· that eaaca ara oa T«N at «ban «a·— bare roa than and tak·· ear· af tbaa «ttbout aislataaca By meaaa al th«m. electricity cas M brMftl lato ur hare· thai ta «al ef raacb of lha liaoa of (ha aUatrta lie b t u< power cam pan I·· Elect*· Whip—«or Mm KltaH*n Tba electric whip haa ihj arrivai. Calm youraelt—uua laa't a rafianaaat w rhn rod that meat be uted It lha cal! d la am ·« ba «polled. It'· aa au brater. molar drtvan. and II*· Old la ha caimhic of Uiaia· the wllfaat acta, areui. bailer or drvsaln*. t'.v.lVi·: .Ί-ι· intmiment* to tic i-.-v.-l of :ιν·) uhn ran, for ilttm ι·ϊλ c* ..tr.nî : ΐικ-ιΐ who jrive nu ο (lu: weliaie nf irmiitt^ {jcr.crtitions. •i i.··* " ■ "I ■ ι É II, ν /VI. .J, l-Vj ! Mr too lieaw l<> I .· ·■·■'' Irtvii the form «>[ ;'r i I \»1io U·ν sttlt. either ^tmiiu-v... I.'1 · ; itl «mtrij;bt. 'Ibc ν: * :i · jr.i«Ucd tor l>cl|> hut 1«.-ί·ιο ,'-r! , J coi : VI be obtained lire b'afcî '·» \ iii'an in*ta»i the whulc c.>r I abkuc, making a writable ft'.· : · i oxer and anjuint Η κ.· ptuMinu· f η of Ihc Wry. "Πιο fire h;«l cnttsninvd .-«I! t' . . corribu.«libl9 yarn of the c:ir a< vc Λ* lhe jfaioiinc bctnri' means rf ex lingui-Jiii»; Hie β;:»*» wçie *wm ; ed. All lli.it remained «.·»> ll·: (twisted .uid uartied rod» and lur« I oi tlie car aiu) t'»e *!m<»«t omM'incd ■charred -cnwiiK of tlie yiiulhfii! ! driver. a horrible fjicClaclr. Wa^ l'e white. wis lie Indian, or \va« lie lilnck? 'Π* condition of tin· h. ·■·».· > ».ο·ν iMcrcil in I\a stride '.'«ιΚ'Μ,ί, î'.il v\hi> is ho? Is then· mit a -nil iyùkmiiiî from fcwnewhere*' Mavl« ι lie «avivant )outh was try in« to icacli Ihmik u lien ihe car was taken. Mavl« be «a* in no human beinij. hut has love·] <>o IVrliap* liU mother"» iitCK, «a.< jmlnrvd lo him llii* Saturday ni;;l»l and he was try ing 1o ι eccli her 1«îIm<1<.· l\v S« inlay Sumclmdy'* son or b"sl>nnd or brother is huried in Ttaslside Cem« tcrv and |ierhai>s hcarlt are «ai! in»; his return. Who know » wh'i it i»;" lie was lo\ed hv Will if r\rr 1*· Vn«i\«i.? M.i\l>e not. Woman Sue· Ho«t For Hurt· On A Joy Ride Orcensbore, Oet. 18—Walter Vo»· laf, of HiirK Point, little thoojjht W January CI. wh*n he h«d «« hi< event? In hi? oar Mm. R. CI. Bay* arxl h*'· il&ughtar, of Bo en» V«tu, V·., Uior. they would b« suing him «ο mo day, but that ύ lM» it turned out. T»lr.> ι Μη. Buys *nt*rr·! I*cidr«i. >ll V. i. on tic part ol Vcirtal U i» u]U-ç*d in tf'.o lompl ilnl tbi· [ Mr*. Day* uod J>*r tlitUKht ran into ι (rUpl*.on>- ujle, whiU fr at 9 l.i ^«ια» ni te wf nwril, tho plain ••Τ " ι itiil V»# Itc'u;* brokru· lighting icitn EDSSOH ΛΑ ZM ιαιάm *'■■■ I JO Carolina Power & Light Co. ATTEND THE AUCTION SALES IN AND NEAR DUNN, TUEiiAY, OCT. 30ÎH. 10:30 A. M. J. A. BAGGETT HOME PLACE On Old Dunn-CUiilon Highway, 10 Milm Dunn. 20 Mile·.* Clinton. Subdivided Into Small Farm* T