Under the caption, "Infant Dmrtn F««r,p the University' Xewj Letter tflln "North Carolina it a safer State to be bora in ι ban the waa à few year* ago." The Xnri letter add· that the chance of ttviar through the fint year follow ing birth in this State in 1921 was twenty-five ytritnt bette» than m 1917/ The report* show that both moat bar· shown narked decreas es in iafant mortality during the a few year·, to much wo that the it death rate in North Carolina is now enmtderabhr lower than the average for the United State» for . We, At the News Letter, think that this large reduction in infant jnortaKty .fnr-both races is dut largely to the work of State and boqdqt ocaito ocnccrs. ι crnipi ne aaSûei has meant more to North Carolina than the State and county board· of hcnHth- The mission of the State health ifcjunaMwt snd the ι rate and prevent sickness anrl /That the department i* _ _ miaaion. no lair minded chisen wiB me up to deny. Yet flxre are tone few aear-tighted. . setfhh -tifht-wads who win a rage flat dmn mat lor pubSc health •M fe im aiuch wasted. The '■amber who aartand that the State, canity ér couauawty health oAcer* Jf» aiinMl has king aince grawn into the Minirity and ta growing lew in oar mm department wcvev tt ie the United States. rtrii— tt bear» baatiag -fruit». Mid death Way The quickneaa of the court ht M itcheS connty to try and sentence John Com is another evidence of the mdnwim of mob violence· Th* nefro was given a jury trial and only five minute* were taken up hv the jqpr in reaching a verdict. At ter the trial Com admitted hi* jjnih of an attempted a'sault nj M* puUy of the crime, be was jest aa certain to pay the death pen alty for (he crime th rough the conrt rant· as if he tad fallen into th·. bands .of the mob which drove all nturou out of Mitchell connty im mediately following hi» act- Go»* committed las crime on September 26 and is sentenced In die in the electric chair on November 30. If there has ever been any valued rea son for lynching*, the day of *»ieh rrawjr lu» (amd. _ The liquor question i» one wbid· is siring both dominant political partie· ί> the United States some rodm half-hoar*. A· The Char lotte Obserrtr point· ont, "The li quor qaestion stick* o«t in party politics lilcc a sort thumb." Doth parties fry to dodge the bene, but fa knot soeadly done The majori tj at Amuttan cttiiem. especially MM who are true American*, fa vor puMWlimi Thia bom true, it ■ is Immafcil moo the party hi pow er to ■» the limit m enforcing the dry law·. Tree, it is an utter imponsiMiiy ι the law to die letter, to iMflfaur irrm preM reports, there m flo reason why the law dtooid wd he enforced to a greater degree ?1κ£ι5ΞΗγ3 . w« an taM. Where this i* the - fa wwdd appear thai pi 2? iSJ?™9"* *€mrm · —■ tog. The «arse cow»» from the fact "*Aof that said ii afiWpofcMw ^ ν* , 1/ ■ micni ai* jutt what the name «if·! M·» and will be poblinhed weakly or dtttributim among North Caro ina cÉm Both art styled after he University Nora Letter and no loubt through their channel* much niormation of interest to the pvh le wil be broadcast througuut the >t»te. And at the wane tieic me.n· sen of the student body at each of he institutions of learning wh > x—prwi. the editorial «laEft ν» ill re-| Dei*· something in the way of liter < inr training that witl prov bene 1 Sciai to them. \ Trimbles in Greece continue te) pHa up. The latest i* a revolution it appears that the eitiiew of th.-.t country will not have peace, ever, when Turkey is willing· ο ■ — Irvin S. Cobb think* North Car olina need· a prêt» mirent. And, 41 that, it has not been a k«g time since somebody charjred that the State was getting loo much pnlJic ity. However, we agree with Cobh. ο During tbepast week Octct-er hn handed us a raw deal" in the wav of weather- Yet taking it a* λ whole, the weather during the fall months has been of a kind to bt thankful for. . 0 The progress of North CaroCn; has attracted the Governor of Geor gia. He recently paid ihj Ole North State a visit to study our tax system. Yes, it's true oue Stare ha· I to take the lead, and North Orolin-i took it. Now that The Kaleigh New s and Obeerver has expressed its approval of Governor Morrison's act in ap pointing Thomas Pitman as judç» to succeed Mr. Kerr, we are in clined to believe that, the approval Is unanamous THIS IS DUNN'S 37ΤΉ BIRTHDAY Fin* Lat Sala I» Dose Taali Mm· Ο» Oct»h«r M, IM· Today. October 26, is Dunn'» 37th btrttvlay. according to Major James PearsaD. On October », l*ftr>. the first lovn loll ever laid off"in Dtirui «ere *oM and the town was incur poratedty the Stat* legislature th.· following January. The fiiif boanl of -town coeuuivsiuo^r» nsnwl h> the Legislature when the town was incorporated, was competed oi I len ly Popej J as. A. Taytor. J. ». ant Iayw WskW and G*sMM 'flame*; , , ... , —ί Wrd . commtssioocr&. Λ ·*. Cettmg back to tlx: sale. Vajoi Pea rial! states that thé property sold consisted of four open smarts, two On the north and two cm the south of Broad strcrt. ju;t tac-t of the Atlantic Const Line railroad. Bach of the four square» was cut up into ten lost Tb* corner It ; fac ing rart toward* Lucknow r<;\iarc was purchased at this sate ly thvj 'ate A. T. '.f"·. v.l .· .-'"''ted » - esc Inriklmp on lin- jA ;>f" opc:ie<· >ti .1· ne·· a short time thereafter Vli' Imilding wa» un. <1,.ν.·η ear'y this year lu make ruom lut the n**ler>» brick store building recently itm:· lotted l>v Julius il. Iac, bon.'> tlu· late Α. Ï. Lec· Tlie adjoini ι ; U..· t*a« porch »·*«1l»> ιίκ· Lute Ar ο I· 1. Wade. Μ.ι.τ a *ery few of the |-tuple ho v»«· (he tort 11 of the ivr 'best town under U-c jon" si ■' Hv nji Amon^ th.m ate I lenrjr I *unn ha* ecn remarks'J· srx! η lut 36 years go was a uiMcmen*. 1 •/titer ·. irk. Here's hoping for a ·.-·?<· :»κ1 -table prosperity. Rev. and Μιι,.Γ., Λ. Bain, Alr«. .· 'i' »yU.r «id l-'reeuian Naylor UicnJcd the State Fr.ir but week. h.'ir Thsmajt K. '"Kvei>, of Rose· 'hit*t p-«»cd thrwr."» herv recently V.r D. K. Ice mhî in Raleigh '««■t mk oil hu*u!f »». While there he nv>*tt£ai«d sottn matters fot tin. '•enptit of this community. The "eveiatiotlS of this invcstijjalioii wx abounding· Among those nluj heanl hi* hoo '•»r, Jmhc Cf»dy*< chaiye to the jury i»t the Sainpvm cotrt I Monday from this community wet*.! ! \les.ir«. F.d Λ «non, VV. T. :tnd J. B. Strickland. Rwsie Jackeon. J F. fCnylor. and 1— Ό· Pope. The charge , ·χ··.> rim; and to die point. I Utv. 'c he wil soon be oat içain Mrs. (i. L. Uaggett in senovisly ill nt lhl> writine Mr. Jno. V.'. Strickland and riv t."~\ Misses Dclphia and Harriet •rerc the puests of Re*· M. W N'ay lornnd family Sunday. Mr. J. Β Antry and family vint c»I relative* at Dimn Sunday. Rr.v, J, A. Campbell. of BuieV Crerk filled hi* rcçular appointment at Spring Branch Sunday evening, and pmiched a pood .sermon- Me twed i-is subject, "The Ftni*l»ed Course," hased on the life of Paul. The leading thoughts were, every Lov and every tfirl miiM have ter tain assets—not material assets alrme to achieve success—hut asset* o* character and among the itx^it important of thvse are amUtitn, industry, personality and thrift. There is no easy ruad or short exit tu succès». Jt mean* constant work and saving and many sacrifices, hut it it really worth thon-all through the ultimate feeling of accomplish ment and tfw lasting happiness it bring· to Its poaseasor. Mr. W. CL ladcaoo, Sr., «Mended .the Stat^Fair Rst s·»^ [ Re\*. S. W. PhilKps, will preach ■\t Wesley Cjbapel next Sunday. Thi « i* Mr. ΡηϊΓίρ'β last appointment for] this conference year. I Si writ' Sctriw Oct- ?? ion WOMAN FRUSTRAiTL HANTOROBBANil1 U Knocked Down By Hualry Black CokmM Ι· Bnnk Building Newton, Oct. M—Tb» tawp ol Catawba, 10 mil*· Mit of Newton vu U» «cep* of eee of U«· >w>t «a· citing attempt! at bank robbery the' hae Mm occurred in North Carolina. Hre. Ed. Smith, foemerty Hif* Mabel CiKeUnd, i> Utt hrtlono who floelrxt •>1 the plan· of two appearH from her home in Boone county two year* ago and who was believed t»> have Item murdered, was arrested hv a state trooper in Τ ne». West Va., today. George Heath, residing in1 the same bote* with the woman, al so wit arrested. Troopers were assigned to invw»· liante Mrs- Dotstin's disappearance when relatives reported her missing. Her husband and Dau T)otjon, his COTTON Cotton is advancing to n«w high levels. It i* too valuable to hold at home uninsured against fire and damage. Consign your cot ton to us. We will make liberal advances against your shipments and hold or sell, as desired. SAVANNAH COTTON FACTORAGE CO. SaTisaah, C*. father. were ai reeled ot> suspicion The trooper* dragged Joe's Creek, near the Dotsoit home, for a month, in starch for Mr*. Dut son's body.' <Λι information fn«m Ine*. a trooper, disguised as β sewing ni» chinc agent, went as a sewing ma· rliine agent, went to that town ami filially located Mrs DotOii. H« took an order for a machine and then arrested Mrs. Dor*mi and Heath. The husband ami father were re leased from jail yesterday. The troopers, while dragging Joe'i Creek, found the ■•kcleluns ol a woman and a child They hi e now investigating lliat mystery Ashe ville Covered With Snow Blanket Asheville, Oct. 2.1.—Ashcville to-1 ιv of the fall scSsmv. DR. GLENN L. HOOPER DENTIST Duk·, :«i North Carolina Office Second Floor Hank Building Wilson Man Expected To Recover From Wound Wiloer, CVc. Ï1.- Ψ. J. Burdm, Promirent Wilson m enfilant, who at tempted tufcidv TuceHay «τ«η4ηκ, will proLably icwvor iront a wounH mlllctcd br » 32 c«lrt>r« revolrtr. Th* bullet ot *u <4cf)cct«il by ft bono. Mr. Dunlin i« ir a local hoapital, «hure M it tiioajrht that ab roudition U not · *·ι·> rerlotu. Uo not use )(ihmJ shirts or nice -•luths lu iron on. .sever |>ut hot tilings in (lie ice bo*. Do you have headache? Are you nervous? Ryes itch und burn ? 1λ your vijuon bad? l>o letters get together when you read? 1 make a specially of these cuac*. Look for the biy eye over the street opposite Kleiahman's stores. My office iβ at the head ol the ate pa. DR. PAUL A. STEWART Eye-Sight Specialist Dunn, i-i North Carolina PENDER'S YELLOW FRONT STORES Cash And Carry Economy Grocery Bulletin LOOK FOR THE YELLOW FRONT D. P. Yellow Front Stores are known for their quality, larre assortment, and toweat prices. We invite yon to become a regular Yellow Front Customer. SWIFTS . .■!■■■ JUOUIUWI, 1 £! . Pound 10c PREMIUM HAMS, fMt Pound ... Ove HERRING, Marmkall"· Kippered or Tomato Sauce, can 27c MACKEREL, extra large fancy- whit·, each 12c Deep Sen Rot, can 19c PINK SALMON, can 14e HERRING ROE, No. I can J 1β« No. 2 can " M,Ua- ζ" f «^Ρβτ··*!, Urv· . Borden· ELa(l« Rrind, »«« BUTTER Sir PRAIRIE ROSE, 1-4 pound :HEESE, beat American, pound 13c rROCO NUT BUTTER, pound Κ Β Quart Aluminum kettl* FREE for Ike rolnni ef X» ?*A »*ff· ——Ο·· D. P. OATS, pkf. OBe ,*0· NeptW, fen· kr.OBH< CREAM OP WHEAT, pk«. 23c J^L1· Ur»· fc·' «.Ββ· HOMINY GRITS— 'CACHES, CaWarafa yllw *Uaf fa kMty ιψτ*ρ, Β«mit irand, eaa 17e IEOONOO Wurf, eu .see '.INCEJt SNAPS, pound—IS· TOMATOES, Ur*e c»B...lfc EIX-O all f lavora,. pkf.— tie TONGUE, No. 1 un 2Se .NIONS, fancy dock. lb...M« MAINS, Monte, can.....*·· UN MAID NAWN», S11 < ι J or lull n, tS—«. Pk« 14c HUNKS, largo Caltforafa, S pmmmd* Ma PACHim. fryi Oairlin, a— ISa ». P. COCOA, m Ily to· flavor. UV iw aa. ISa Ο. P. BLEND, I tk. wmLt *k« SSa a itXXVC BELLOW P1I0NT, 1 ftiaaaM SSa I AJTTlL OOU>ftNILIND,lBM^»h». Oa I /a ratail coffee si afalanla price, and tn jxrm to try tt I UGAR fssr**- 10». I 1M λ Β·#·, IMM | ν «' *A * —ι—; , j «ι ΊίΡ 'Syfj/ixo ' ^HIPOPACTIC -· w «.i. ;«ν. , <-tC F I T DR. J. M. MORGAN CHIROPRACTOR ■mm 42-43 Fir·! Natieoti OrPICE HOURS: » to 12 λ M. 7 to 8 P. M 2 to Β Γ. M Monday, WmIuU·)) Fr 14ay Night· AT BENSON ι Το·.<ί*τ. Th«r»i.y And Stturdiy Ni|ili SOLID CAR LOAD OF HOGS We will have in Dunn Tuesday ——- - — W— V- »♦ Sales Stables, a car load of nice fat hogs, all breads. These hogs will be sold cheap. Buy now and goi your winters meat at a bargain. JEFFREYS & LANE BUQUO LIME For Tobacco and Cotton Clover, Beans, Peas, Alfal fa and all Grain Crops. Buy a Car of Buquo Lime For Sale by all Agents and Salesmen erf the American Agricultural Chemical Company. Smith & McKay DUNN, ~t— NORTH CAROLINA