83 LOCAL 8« S « J. C. Dvril. "·. '. · .■·.> i iiiit.lcv β', i* «l'.inrj· .'· > . r ··· i\;»*"r< i · to* η Msy· A. F«ti'λ sr. r Ur. .«>1 W«l «■»!» .· irtiin AhosXV !v ·■< Γ··ν. du ν» v'Ji'tliip ·ννί··'·> Mr». y T. V · ··.: .,·. . ·. ·.· noun tor Γί.-f- \ ·· h ·». i.'··; yhe wiW ·ιν l'I < !".î . ·< ·. i-' i i relative* t'· S». i':·» ..i'·" ' "i· j' t S t· · Du un poiicc ώ·|·:ι· iiv · »· *.·'· ··> livinj; in R1m*iiv >v t ··. '· .· Piv. visitor today ΛΓγ». Ç C I'm·- r I I > ··... fr.r rhillip •b.sr··,. f\? . j> ι a me*s;i·: ι> Oe s* ne·.. illness of Iter ii:o;h?'·. Mrs. L. Γ>. IV i't r-i-t·.!1 ' her sister, Mr*. J I) I Λ TlridRC tonrn— ο· \,·ΙΙ !ç j.fv m l>y the Wcrrsr's chili !■· Ί ο c'it! rooms imlM Τ'ΐ«·κ·.|?ν r\ctii*v ':/>·· prirc r>f admis· ion \<ïll ΐκ· fo t.;i · Λ band cticwi <'.i- p-» <»«·» tîv, street* today at mum >Λ il-c :'cor i · Minstrel», whicît r*·,:*' CPT.tiwi v.t" (jive a J*> Cjr.niiiHv ι λ·'·. rnnvfi. here this even'iij·. O· W. Coilwin <".( Coofcv, \\"·: )■· «own this iiioruii'g en route ho i ' from a Imsi'ir*.·. tvin to Xew Vo.'I. eity, wher*· I c vcti; to ! « : _■ : <.M'· kci al çood for lii; •'oro. neiiiett > Λ c νιν ν κι »,·■ lvu ly inju't-d in :·η .?tin>:r» J»ile vrv-!· ncrir SiiiitliÎicM ι·:» S- r·' -.'.τ l'> it nb'e ιυ tir hacl; hî li's · ■ ."t ·»» cl··rit in the ρ «s'.oiTirç Mr and M»>. \Y T'. D'elwy f·. ' Iwo rhil(!ru\ Rrhitt Wr.Tc.i ;·.·· Jean, rettinici! vc^icrihy i?rn il State of Pair»iyîva«iir. "whetc ilicj s[hiil siktil- til».· \·ί it if»·? rrtiîv.s Mr. ;.nH Klu C". r I"îi«-H»-ri lefi Τ-.ιομ'λ) r.trhi Ur P.-Y>.'.c Md., anti nt!t~r rctVc". il where Μι. Kitchcit w'.it ρ:»νΛ- - holiday χοοΑ« ».ir îK.- Ficlxtt ii u,: store A force of «.niii ·.!· I μ\· t·· ■xtttly repiired «Il tîic nti* Coa't l jue hvjîd:·'?* in lîwii rn-1 new coal of pair. h,.» V>«j Ι «ί -p plied, which ad-l« mu-.i· t.- Ili r \p pearance. J. t.. H Λ U V. r r, «f Du'ih , WoJnei day wiiï eomm'-slerr·' "r rotirr public by OoviiUlti C.'JP Γ ?t· —''· «en. Mr. Huteber wle.t having ■UH Willi· IM'> «.imnVumtian team defenteil t'ic O/iJ Pi·'1·" ·■·. < . phannee te't. t.'.fn » .i.l<«->ouio c*; the local μ round* jvst-.rd > »>fur noon by the «curt cf 12 lu 0. l-'uHei report of the μβιικ will 1* piihli«hc " in Tuesday'» Dispatch. E1U* GoUiîmi 11-·. ;:·ι d morning frum Nr* Yo;k city, wheir he tpent «fre.al l'nys pu'chm i.'v food» for Uw C»l(Ut« northern t«ai*ru Oil? ί :'Λ. Miss Mary W.inrtai, Mip.'riitteivl end of the Slate Cnplist YVo:.i;i:'i Missionary Union, s;C'v i:i»i v.i;·':. and today here vi>;ting her τ.·· rent >, Mr. and Mis. P. M· Wrrrca. SK' left this afternoon for Knlcigh where she irnke* lieaa< »treet, but expert to 1·; ·>; : ι ftott··^ keeping »* sonn M thev van »ecnr< a residence Lhriatian Lburch REV. Ο. T. MATTOX, P.-.r Bible Sebonl fînmlay 9 -Ah a. m Preaching Sunday 11: ». »n. λγ·Ι 7:31 p., m. Subject: inorr.i.ip—"M*Vln; Church Member» krvd D'nci plot.'* Swbjoel e»CTii.^—"Ufc'e Fev rr *pH the M*;tcr'ti Ηβ-t'nj Teurll.' CkrinlUi Knrlixvcr, Monday 7:30 p.rr Mid-Wcck Service, W*di»wdey 7:3 P· »· Cotton Agafci Ρ cache· 30 Cent Price Leve For the flrjt time ulnce Uie οροί int of the 102.1 cotte" fttataon, th marVet to 30 tn level. M'ddlin.v cnVjarr hi·.» been ml t*v(T tor thct pr'.rr on the Ineil *nnrVi today. Quite a number of bnlo? ai pbanjrinc band·. Columbua Farmer Prom Teapertne· Good Thin Ccrro liordo, Oct. 2S.— C\i*. Strickland. 75-year-oM fanner :·η •ueccmful Mock *u! rattle i-ni-w· who live» S rtriles *o;ith of (lie cil hat lived to reach hi* /5th year at' ha* never known the I9*fe of a ο coa-ola or ice cream. He hn* ne· er tmoked fit used totwro or *nn to any extent. He ia enjuyfoig foi •y good health and har if ver hn confuted to hi* rtxun w.iih .uiy i ne<» of note. He attribute* hi· lot atxt fairly healthf.il life to nut hard work. In hi* younger day* did a Rreat deal of manual lah eiich a* grnMiinff and nkmg odi Kimt* ami cleared up tcveral fari . during hi* time » ftrt tome vegetable· I* ride* \ tatoei every day. ί'Λ ; NOVELTY CONCERT WAS DELIGHTFUL I Fi.ir-SUed Audience PUu*d W'lh Program Rendered Benefit Library "Πι? 'i.ivehy concert given in th< '.wnl <)>cr,i hun t tail i-vening under dci| Ohmcr' Pnnehter* of thr· Revolution delighted ;■ Ft>.-· <.* »«·i>"n. The concert was •■'Ir u{> I:· reel ν "f music of mam ir.c'i'diiwr vocal snlos. duet», ••«wlH . cliftru#o«. selritions hy the Mn?'.ntr .ircVicsl ;·;> anil the Dunn V ?t. land. I>i::»i has loitj; liren noted for iti :ιι.ι··:··λ' talent, both vocal end in -t'ununtal, anil tl>o-c wlio witnessed 'liî c·mcert last «-veiling heard the 1*>I tnlmt in the town. It migh: 1« added that this talent wu at iu very Isrst on this particular oc CT^inn. Thr opening chortis. "Swing I o*v Sweet Chariot" and "Hlack *Vhy," hy twenty young givls and ' f·>·!« »;·» » delightful feature and ("i i" nil it was just otje plea-v .ng nnndici after another. Two se lect reading by Mrs. l.ewis Jeffrey* •s'.d'sl much tri the pleasure of the .infl«Ci're. j Ο her numlie» on Ito· piogram "minded a ν m ς and chorus, led by v'i«n Uixlion: a vocal solo by Mrs. film KitzReiidiJ ; duet hv Mesdames IîfHiort McKay nnil Harper Hofli day, a male qnartct, a rainbow dance. v.>rnl *olo by Mr»· Oscar ^trivklard. \ncal vtlo liy Mrs. Har •vr I lollidav, a trio by Memlaroe* John Fitjgerald. Harper Tlollidar I *r.d Henry C. I.ee and a number of ι •Jvarny Sections b> the Hunn jar» j -*Prtd. At a whole the roucert was a . i,J the gio»* receipts totaled ; U|>;oxiniately $100 ..^ViVrtL CLOSED TUESDAY NIGHT Many CanrwiieM Resulted i rora Uyram'i Rnirkl At Methodist Church 'i"hc revival met-ting* which had lira in prnr»re*v at Divine Street .· feili nVst church for ten days, and ■·· hich «ere conducted by lite Chris ■rnm Ijynwo'i Federation of Fay ryiH.i.'·- ( ll l'fc1' JTnfSit.i» .fXglipg· T.TRe crowd* attended the πκΛτίι^ι χ".ι evening and a large number of xnivcrsioni resulted from the effort* •if the visiting Uymen. Thi? was perhaps the first reviv •scr conducted in Ourm in which eitcville Uy h ι.η made a profound impression ipon all who attended the meetings, -nd no doubt much and tasting good will h? the remits As ha> l>een stated in The O'.vpiitch, the Christian Layrrven'l 1 federation of Fay«tevillc ban * ■sicmbership of approximately 100 'iicn. The«e laymen have conduct ! «' rvviva: services in many town* I ii-d rv.ral communities throughout t'iis cetton. A different body of I :. A. C. McCall After sermon enrollment of de1< HMes and election of officer* fo re mint; year. October 31, 1923 __ 9:30 a. ui IVvisional—Rev· Τ Ν. Johnson. 1000 a. m. Temperance—Β. 1 VarsfcbanVs, Γ)· H. Senfer. tO 30 a rr> Orphanage— Mi»a Ma ii<5 Πηΐη, Β. M. Shacklettc. '1:15 a. m. Aged ministers— V. By Η. Η. Γ Smith. . Dinner. 1:1$ p. m. Devotional—Rev. 1 N. Johnson. t 4.* p· m. Association minioi -H. Y. Smith, W. C. Dowd MS p. m State misaions— 1 C. Taylor. H. M. Stroup. 2:15 p. m· Home missions—\ If. Tlwna·, J. C. Clifford 3:15 p. m. B- Y. P. U—C. Matthews, A. C McCall. 7-ft) p. m. Devotional—Rev· V Johnson. 7Λ) p. m. Foreign Missions A. B- Lynch, B. P. Gentry. S:1S p. to Baptist paper·—, D. Betts. J. Λ. Buchanan. iWmtwr I 1923 J:X a. m. Devotional—Rey. E. V. Johnaon. 10 Ό0 a. m. Sunday achool— L. I.. I^evinvin, J- R. liai ret t 10:30 a. tn Education—I.. H. Campbell, IÎ. N. Johnson. 11 KM a m. Huie'» Creek acade my—J. A. Campbell, J. C. Clifford Il :30 a. m. Report· of commit ■ tee*: Survey committee. Time and place of next aijotia bon ' Union meetings. etc. Dinner. 1:15 p. m. Devotional- Kev Ε S. Johnaon. 1:45 p. m. Woman'· work—Mr* J. C. Uytoo. Dr. J. W. Halford. 2:15 p. m. Obituaries—A· M. Shaw: general rfitcuition. 2 >45 p. m. MiaeelUneou» boai ness. The first peraon named on each topic U to write the report, the sec ond one i* to open the diacusaion. J. A. CAMPBELL, J. C. CL1FORD, Committee. B. Y. P. U. Program Monday Night Oct. 28 Subject : Missionary Ry Prod act·. Scripture Reading: Herman Tart Introduction : Mra. L. W. Strick land. Talk: Missionary By Product— Mi». R. L. Derating. Talk: Medicine and Hygiene— Mit» Mallte Adams. Solo: Miss Strickland. Talk: Advance in Agriculture— T. A. Core. Talk : Social Uplift—Mrs Voigt Sutton' Talk: Ijteratiure—Mr. T. R. Richardson. ι Duet: Mr. and Mrs. R. L· Den ?a!k : Jexus, The World's Light— Miss Hattie Turner. l'oem: Give—Mrs. Sam Β rough ton. Carpenters are at work remodel ing tha inside of the annex buih years ago to the old Central Hotel on West Broad street preparatory to making a suite of offices to be used by Dr. O. t.. Denning for proles sional purposes. Cumberland Negro fat Jail For Killing Fayettrville, Oct. 25 —Will Mat thews, Flea HUI township negro, is jn Cumberland county jail awaiting trial for the killing of Henry Bel lamy, another negro, for. which crime he had been huqtejl for threg aiy\ #Ken it ο deputies and a rural pohctnan surrounded the house in which he waa hidden in the sand hill» east of Manchester- . The officer* stated that Matthtwi on the way to Fayettrrile at three o'clock in the morning, hdmitted •hat he killed Bellamy with a aawed nfl? shotgun but denied that he rob bed htm. He had heard that the oth er negro Hid made threats •gainst him, he claimed and when he met Bellamy near Gamer church Friday and the latter asked. "1* that you. Will ?' he struck with the barrel of his gun. knocking Bellamy to bti knees, and then fired. After the murdrr he crossed the Cape Fear river in a bateau and reached the Iiouse. where he was captured KLANSMEN BOLD SWAY IN TEXAS Thirty TImmumm! Attend Fait And Hmt Spaacl> By T1m Imparial Wiurd Dallas. Tex.. Oct. 2S —MKlar Day" at the Texas State Fair at tracted more than three hundrex thousand persona. Secretary St rat ton said tonight. George K. Butch er of the Dallas Κlan, general chair man. said of this number upwart of 30,000 were Klansmen· The came in 21 special trains and ii automobiles, he said, from almns every realm. The faature of the day'· pro^rau which was given over to the Kmgfat of the Κ. K_ X. vu an address bj Dr. H. W. Evans, Imperial Wisard who sopek on Κ Ian policies αη<1 ta attitude toward negroes, Jews arW Catholics. Immigration in the out*lso(fcij problem confronting the Unite»! States. Or. Evaai declared in hii address- Beaidea thia problem he •aid all other national diftcTÉties arc trivial. To determine a just and laatinK remedy is the supreme ta*J< of all true Americans and the ulti mate object ο fthe Κ Ian. he declared "We already have at least threi powerful and numerous element* that tlo that now, ant forever will defy every fundamental require ment of assimulation," Dr. Kvani said He named tbcac as the negro, who he said "can not attain th< Anglo-Saxon level," the Jew, "a people apart from all other people." and the Roman and Greek Catho lies, to wham "the Presidency ai Washington is subordinate to tht Priesthood at Rome." I Preceding the addres by Dr. Ev ans, the only formal event on the program was the dedication of Hope Cottage, a home for foundlings. "So far as I know this is the only nxtitutsoo erected solely for the pur i pose of caring few helpless babies that have come into, the world un bidden," J. Van Winkle, ExahoJ Cyclops of the Da Das ΚI an, dec tax cd while presiding at the dedication. "Instead of indulging in tar and feather parties, as our enemies have accused us of doing, we have aid nothing aad built Hope Cottage, and by a little attention to the elec tion precincts a short time ago we gave Dallas the best city and country administration we Have ever had." Fireworks and a spectacular pa rade of Klansmen and Klanswumci preceded a public miation tonight ι ι the Fair Grounds Later a strce: I dance was held Use newspapers on which to pre pare the vegetables and these can easily be clean cd up.—Mrs. J. M. Brice, la The Progressive Fanner HALLOWEEN FAVORS At the Gift Shop yoa will Aad all kind· of HaMowe·* (■mi — taille* tnd int«dtUu.i THE GIFT SHOP POt SALI FORD COUPS GOOD •a aew. Will danonatrata my tina Abo ana pop COB ami »■ant par cHor unwnii Apply to O. C Dan'ran at Walt· Joan (tor*. MMpd FOR tALL—A PORD CAR WITH tood Una. «tartar and ttfMa. Alt' a rice bay bona 7-yaari oU. Wfl' cachaiMT* for ha*» or oowa. Conn quick If y·· vast a bargain. W. H Orantfism, Imta. N. C. S· Me POUND.—A LADOJ ΤΑΜ QLOV1 Owe«r can fat anna W applyin» at Wm Dlapateh o«tea. ltc AT COST—I HAVE ON DISPLA1 at aty atora a «tack of iboaa, drj jroodt, clothlac, ate., *Uek ara be in* told at aad Man coat A "bar C>ia for yoa. H. O. Matter. >· «te LOST—A PAIR OP BROWN KŒ gauntlet eiovca. Rawaid if nturn ad to Mra. WUUam Tbompaon. ltc LOST.—A LONG POCKET ROOM wHh dm atrinf la tap, eoaiaiidni 190.10 fa papar noaay aad Λββΐ J* *' jMk ta J. X. Jnakna, Dora, Ma. S, Bai 168, aad fca rickhr raiwardad. J. 1 Jackaon, Dean, Ko. L tS tt pd ■TRATKD HOGy—POLAND CHIN) aboat »0#-lka. Isa takaa ap at my feaaaa. Ownar plaaa fall aad n(W G. O. Oodwla bam, NaT 4. ■ H pd lar b«u4wi anti W—. Γ>·Μ·ι TinmtiU. Mm. 1. fc. CwtMÛy. flratti MajmaUa «wi, txm mm tthool bmuûlnff. Fhcii Ko. 4TM. 1»-M tU. WANTED A WMtTE BOY VOft tw· BtondM to work la Mm··. Room »ml boarA 8m ar write fe. J. SykM, A«(«r, Ν C. t> tt fi TOR tAU OK UMT—* · ROOM bunjclow ua South Magnolia A»*· Pavad Itnit and aidewalk aiM» wtthla «m block ef row giawar acfcool baiWin*. Reason for »«Τϋη« «o'.na to W«y« towu Apply ta W: D. Tummr*. Dunn, N. Cf Oft»Wr tt. ft ami Nor t aad ·. WANTCO. — M LARORKRB AT Doke. Apply te J. L Croate, ma tracter, o>. th· job. 10 «ta. MTMIf Wfc HAVE HVOUl sMseS · "at _._, _ ι W»· iki rim I îsft.-svursa* 1® «•Mm, Pm, lb. 4. littfi »uv του A UAL r, ^ •W farm for mto. W«C nIM imt tefctoc·* μΚοι §mI «τ*in. Good bofld.u^e waUr flM vBE/'^ϊ Μ Β*· MNdt. 1 ht«e km Μι 1· vMka Nu uU km awwtMT. égmilt. f«. Pw^'y^Sr.v i« on 1 COU) WEATHER IS HERE And it find· us prepared to meet your win ter clothing need·. SUITS In all the latest pattern», priced from $2) to $35. A good suit for $25 OVERCOATS That are the laat wpcd in atyle, oriced from $25 up. W· can sell you a good over coat for ...$25 DONT FAIL To mapect our line of Standard Quality Clothing for men and young men before you buy. . lutil J MILTON TART (The Quality Shop) DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA THE REAL Test of BANKING THE rail test of banking and the in dividual bank mutt rest on your per sonal experience» your satisfaction and your good will. We respectfully invito you to vUt our store am* in large stock of living room end all We carry the largest and most complet· stock of fur niture and lie— furnishings in tkie section of the Steto. Rose & Woodall Benson, · ···.. · * North Carolina j