THE DUNN VOLUME X. DUNN. NORTH CABOLllM COUNTY TEACHERS HOLD MEETING AT THE COUNTY SEA! Catlwiini On L»it Saturda Wu Addrcucd By Sev eral Speaker· ORGANIZE UNIT OF N. C. T. ASSOCIATIOr Prof. T. T. Linear Elected Pre· ident And Mi·· tiM F. Cam) Named Aa Secretary—Dr Pbillip·, Prof. Campbell. Jul B. Warreo Addreu Tlx Teacher· of Harnett County <Ry D. D Dunn) The county-wide leachcr·.' iixei in* wu held in Lillin^'ton ( Vtolie 27. Sujierintendent U. 1J I'.entr; presiding. After r. ilvsrr t.ill< by th« »uperinte ndent there were many in tcresting and insjiiriiiK ipeeches l)< different men of prominent* in tin connty. Dr. Phillip, cnuntv hc:iltl> nfticer was recognized and delivered ar advisory ipcirli tu llie teachcr* ;i\v' committeemen relative Ιο «-οι·ι:ι·ιιη· cable dUea<*> He Stre.»·set! liv.· ;« in that both teacher and (KiUuns *hot!·. be very careful rclaiiie tu l!t·. spreading of the»e <1ι»λιϊγ< «"tiri:·· the «chool ycat, e«i*ci:ill> l!v "al mean·, when a child is iii*|>ecled t> have any cnntagci»u> il'*ra«c. :ι i«h» lician diould · 1χ· coti'itlteO. The next m programme a., address by Dr J. Λ Ca;«pbell ο' Buie's Creek, Ui Oie firs» |itnv Mr Campbell said. "I.n«>v. ilu· pu ριI and know the Iioiik . ;> fnr r. possible " ll is tile privilegr ■>( ll··. teacher to understand every lioy and girl from a sland|xiint of thei environment. When a child is no. provided (or study hour.* nt h·»»!).1 it it the teacher's opportunity to provide study for him .it school In the. second placc, the irarhc must not only think of the intellet tual side. Some pupil» may not U as kçcn to learn as you Merc. Thv> . _ may be a poorer intellcetva!'.y# rn account of the physical conditions In order to do his best work a chil l must have a strong house (phys· que) in which to work. It ah\a>« behooves the tearher to encourais and not discourage. Then liy no mean» thï lea*' comes the spiritual sidf of the ριι pile life. It is very evident that the'· will live beyond one world «o d· not forget to |>oinr Ihem dai'r f tlie life to come The most import and of all things is Christianity In the firit place, die teacher her self and himself should live th· Christian life before the pupils Tea chers, don't always point to, but lead to and nhow them <lav by day. Attorney Char le? ît<>ss delivcve-l a very powerful address 011 "The duty of committeeman toward hi* teachers and in Itehalf of II» com manity." This, he pointed out v.w not λ figure-head position by an· means, but a place to show forth service for the Community in which one lives. The relationship of the board t· the community should by no mean I* interpreted as "kinship"." Ncit'i cr mourn il i>c misunnerMooa a "Fnendship." Just because he i» ·· friend of mine or a friend of m\ f ri end is no reason why any per xsn should be showu a prcicrem··. All line» of friendiihip shou'd Li ignored. It should ]>e u IxmJ) ill pro pre** for education and educational principles in a community lcadn:v to Christian citizenship. Dealing with the child should be a relation ship only to progress Kev»r should there be any discrimination.·· ;iroong pupils, teachers, patrons or fellow worker*. Do fhe thing with a con scious free spirit. As well as (he teachrr ami leade-, the committeemen should gel a vis ion that we are moulding f'»r char acter. Find the Inw* (of nature) that govern the farts in all cafes, whether in the faculty staff, in clast room or what not. The law of right against wrong should always be kept uppermost. There should be « spirit of understanding, comradeship, I* tween teacher and er*nmiueemea Always be free ««ken one to the other. Always understand tl»c faeu between teacher and pupil as >««j do between yourself and your own children. See the place of fhe tea chcr ai well as your own. Break down the lines of discttmmatiom and ever hold to the right as a Cliri*· tkn leader. This means patrons at well as committeemen Secretary Jule R. Warren, of th< S. C. Teachers' association, »« present to organize the local unit of the teachers association and ex plain why each one should l<o>m« a member. There are no commandi tery features and rw political fee tare· to this organization. It keept es in touch with the social an· edocatiotw] feature* of the teach' I LANS FOR HOTEL ARE BEING DRAWN I Mmiti. Pbpe And Tart Plan To Erect 60-Room Hot·! r Here i> I Reno, well kuiiwr buildilit· t<.ιΛιActor of Untky Mono!, χνη. yesterday ill Dunn looking over tin· ι It'», corner Cumberland Mr cet ami Clinton avenue, upon which Mt>»î: Κ. Ko|ie and I A. Tart ar< i.itig to erect a hotel Mi. Kum: wl1 mont likely jfet the contract fu· ( crating tile new hotel, providing Me>tr:.. and Tart rati·)- out their prv.ien; plan». He will luvv his architect to dnr» th; plans for the proiYivrd hotel anil same wil' be submitted In die promoters. Γ Ik: plan ι» to crcct u niodcn. In irk liotel of fifty rooms on ihi !ot row occupied b> the ulj 0»ri» ι an Church building, vv'aich wai recently puriha-ed by Messrs I'ops and Tart Proviiiou will 1* mail< in tlii· |ialiii for an additional fifty mom· in be added when the dc m.>nd he*"·unes sufficient to warrant η \\ ·.1U mt the. tten liotel cannot I». °:cKur. until the old cllurili Imilil i:i»· t« torn down It v.ill likely br .\bout tlie tiν*! of the »eai I*.'or. the new Christian ohnrih will In ready for oecnpanc) This means that v.οιk on the propose·! hotel nil· no; lie hetpui Se fore earl ν nc\t \ ea* XitlxxK V.'n i> ,ιοJii.nnlo. wi'li local hotel rnndttinos will deny dm· the oiitflaiidmr need of it·» i>>u·· •il iliin time i« a modern hotel 'Πι. lot M|vm which Mr«*r·». Ροι«; am', Tan contemplate erecting a 1>ο|.·Ι :a ail ideal location, and it i- to Iw hoped that their plan» will niatur. and that within the neM v«u Dunn will ha\ c a lifiscl of which u>4 onl\ the builders, but the entire cili/en ship will feci justly proud The Dunn Chamber of Commerce ha» been negotiating with Messr» 1'tijw; and Tart relative to erecting a hotel on the lot since they pur· cliased it several weeks ago . . Negro Shot Saturday -> Night May Recover Earnest Patterson. negro employ ed at the Tilghiuan imuber plan'. near Dunn. was *hoi ami danger ouslv wounded Satnnbi) night. The bullet irevtn a pistol fired by David liennctt, another negro, entered Patterson'!» cbcM and prnetmted liii left lung. The shooting was said lo have been accidental and nr. arreM has been made According lo information gath 'ered, Bennett was "trying out" α pistol which lie was planning to pur thnv: Trom another negro He fired the pistol and the stray bullet struck Patterson, who was in tha dark some distance away Patter son stated that he knew of 110 bad feeling existing lietween Hennett I rind himself and Ibat he knew of no reason why rennet! should have shot him intentionally. While the nature of rh$ wound is exceedingly dangerous, the -con dition of Pattenon is favorable ar.d it is thought he has an even chanoc to recover, çr's work. We are to study one an other an4 help one another For an example it is our privilege to study such problem!* a,* thi*. In 1900 one million dolijrs were sih;h1 for ail ednmtional purposes In 1912-14 four millions were spent In 1921 22 twenty-two million* were ipen'. Owing to the fact that we have 180.000 more children than in 1922. is tlie increase too much? The committee suggest* η course pf *t«idy in the local unit ou tuch things as have just been mention «I Thi» is it duty η ml a privilict of the teacher. In the aixth district meetings, which are arranm^ throughout the State, many ninri· s\f the teachers can pet together to «tody the problems. The district in which Harnett county ts locatnl nil) meet in Raleigh November 2 Λ Harnett county unit was or fa ni/ I'd with T. T. Linear, as president, and Miss Mame Camp as secretary. The spelling contest will bt h·1'1 at I.illington Wednesday afternoon. Out of this group two represents rives will be selected to rcprescni Harnett county at Raleigh Friday. Mias Bridges announced that sh" was going to pttt on a biscuit con j lest In the county and offer reward « for the best biscuit* made in thi aeveral domestic department i" the cottaty. Μ'· T. W. Sprinkle, of Hiike. '••s again elccted editor-in chief «>' the Harnett County SchoU New* Tho*« representing the thnu ι school* were: Snpt W. S Snipe·». Mr. Mid Mra. Λ. D. Bum, Mlv Rachael Clifford, Coach Sprat Moot*. Mis* Kin cannon and Misa Cuirai NEGRO YOUTH DIES RESULT OF RABIES Wm Scratched Ια Face B: Strang· Do| Soon· Two Month· A|q J.·»*.· Sv'iors, l'i-ytinr-old negro boj the »«»i of Jo^ ι· Seller·, who lira Hi n i· πύΙ> · '.-onthwMt of Dunn, dl· • •«lily Wν η,·» Ιλy morning of hydn p!n»M*·. I.jeal physician· proaouncoi I hi· inn!.vl> a» i-abie· before ho dl« an.I »fwr hit lieath an autopoy wai i&itilu-t*· ! b.v Hr. W. Ε Coltraoe «m the brain of the youth wai carrle < to the St.iU laboratory of hygtane It.lrjra. foi an rxajnination. The «X aminrtion revealed the fact tfca1 ■ leath »a* <>«·· to rabien. According to the parent* of th< ùoy, hp wm attacked by a abrang» ''•g <uinr two moi.tha ago. Thajr did not Utipk tie wai. bitten by the do* .'.ou»,h lu* fut· wna aeratehad b> tk« daw* of tile dog, when he leaped ο,τοη tlM· unfivtutiate boy. He wai ta Len violently 11] laat Thuradmy anc all symptom· pointed to hydrophobia, lie w»s kept rhamcii to hia bed froar Sap<i.ty un(.;l iti·» h relieved the ter r t>lr nfforltyr ami agony whieh he ajv pa intly (tuffered. 8··»» after he wa« taken 1H an af· fort wa» inaile to get him into th« State ho*p;tal for inaana eoJnred peo ple at Goldthoro. IIow>-.»r, the I*f furt failed and ht wai brou*-it baek to h:« home. The condition of tb< youth wan pronoaneed by wH< ■aw him a« "aomctAlng iwfal." A«&e· Stockholders Of Wilmington Bank \Vitniui|it<R). ' Ht Λ — Judge K M. C'V.tHiiiri. :n Sn|*rior Cuit, ha· oigiinl mi order lu a» ·■·»» all stock Imhlcr-· <ιf tho l'ciumt Lilierty Sav .iiB Is'iiik 10 |*r cent in the dolUi ΓΚί» ί> in rjtre for $40,000 wortîi rif ;ill«-jrw 1 uiiitlilev> »5fi« now l»ekl bv the lanW icceiv.r. The I ,ihcrt) Saving Rank wai closed by order <if the Corporation Comminiou qn.4: ,:i. · ~u~; 9 imets actnanïme to M |229λλΪ» The receiver*' report indicate* thai M0 000 oi thii i« either worthier· or exirctncly doubtful, aro>rdir*g tti attorney» for the receiver. The order signed by Judge Cru» η*τ is fin the purpose r>f securing this amount. Well Known White Man Under Liquor Chargea Sali*bury, Oct. 80 —Kadind off*· ten from the headquarters of du United StaW> prohibition tnfntt m«nt chief, in thia city, thia after noon raided the Horn» of D. L. Brow*., *»ll*M%n whito man in th« West EnnI» «treet residential dUtrirt. and sailed 46 gallon» of npirtta, SO gml Ion* of which was bmndy and tti other whiiKfy It was in nine Are (Tillnn kegs nod was hidden in tfa< attic over the second itory of Um section of hi» residence. Fartk· Kirch of the premise* revealed many empty ftve-yaJIot. tin rane, · nomhpi of rallon jars a ba« of cork*, ey. phona and other paraphernalia med ir ni*|M-rwnc liquor. Blown wfcj nut at k«nr It th« tlmo, hi, «Hi bclnc preeenl, how· «Trr, when the »eareh wm made. H« will fee placed under m·* »nd pu I ondfr bot.d for hi· tppririMt »! federot court here in J*nuary. He il a man of tome mean* and wID hanra no trouble In amtnflnc bond. The Uquor wae poured in the Rob* Hi» Old Mother To Run Off With Girl GoldAoro, Oct. 80 — «Why Spar row. young mar Irving at Deep Re., Lenoir county, laat night «tela l*0C from hie mother ami wMh a eompan Ion eUrled oat to tee tin world Thy arrived here at aoon en a train Spuroa'i brortHor alee arrived by tai with a warrant far hi* aii'ijat. Spar -β* wae arretted ae ha and mo «anion boarded a train far the north The etolen money wae rcepvfred am nrfeoner taken be eh home. Two Kirlt arrived later to Join the men, bol erre too lata. > Eleven Million Live· Lo* In World Wei Pari*. Oct. 3f).—The late war re •tilted in greater Irxt of life te »h« worW than the eighteen war* whkt iiciitvifcl between 1815 aod 1913 the number of tIAd, mrltitlin* thoe< who died of wmitvl* and illnee*. he it* Riven in Iwirwl filtre» a* elevei million, artftrdinjj to alatiatict eon» I 'letl by Die Academy of Mort and Political Science. To thi* rmi»t he added the dbnl nttlion iii the hJrth. rate if a fai'V correct estimate of the «dwÉe U world |iofMiUt<on i* to be reached Hosprrj Every bed to j i« rem· occu|x' Who desire to truDOe on acc [place to put I Mr». Jolie I was a p*r«mt I during the Mr. A. W. i Taken to the I _ critical conditio much improceL * extremely ill fo Mr. I C. Dr . O . L. hospital. Mr·. Carried Dunn hospital ing the past Mil* Lillian Mr. and Mra. Fr •on county, a(>pciid«crti» at Friday. She i· Mi»» Laura on for fanfre_„ Thursday She j conaiderin* the Mr. Nathan X. Creel. wa« ι pneumonia and ni*ht. He waa ·„ cal at once in thel company ainbuU«y | dition remain» a*J Ralph Godwi Mr. and Mn. operated rm f0 Dunn hospital ι - .patient/ " en ibeing »c| | Islington I I hofpiial the I dar ter of ,tff Samp an for bncpital 'nicely, operated la* : r*y W«U found. 3win wi ll at the wh«n the at the Clint R ration Ran of Newton Grove, who is a pati»tt at the Dunn hov pital coffering Fith an injured knee, it much improved Mr. J. R Cannady, local towns man, took his baby to the Dunn hospital Monday -afternoon for special examinW^p. Mr*. Henry L*Vi*, who ha» bee» seriously nick ■» the Dunn honpital for tome lime. Ha* returned with Iter infant daughter to her home i·» Sampson cojot7 Mr*. Gertrtw · Tatum Hooper, registered nurse of Fayetteville, ha* accepted a permanent position a< night supervisor at the Dunn ho»· l>ital. Mr». Hooper i* a nurse of much experience. Born to Mr. »nd Mr*. M. C. Boy ette. Mondaj morning, at the Dunn hospital a baby girl. ' Mother and daughter are do«ng fine. Misa Besai» Bailey, local reenter ed nurse has teen on special duty for the last walk at the Dunn bo* pital with Mr. A. W. McLamb. Misa Fannie Gribbte, local regit tered nurse, ha* been on special duty with Master B*lph Godwin for th<: i\stl utmIt ·* A* T\.— L—!l·-· Mr». Α. Β. Godwin, who has been I on duty u nigb> for the past monil·, ha* ao*pted » Permanent positon on the hospital "ursing Han. MIm Verni» Irwin, regialereJ nurse of Raleifh, whose capable work has beeefeatly admired and appreciated hoapital physi dans for tha p*«t month, has ac cepted the portion a* day super visor on the rntfsng rtaff at the Diin.i hospital. ' . Misa Mae thy. registered nurse of Fayetteville, «nie up Thursday night *nd will «aaiat the ni(fat super visor in caring,'0*1 patienta. Misa DelUcr^lers, the efficient supervisor of 'ha Dunn hospital, and two of hospital physicians hare ie*ei»ed sevaral application from gradua» nnrsaa daring the past week for positions on the nurs ing staff U dj· Ehmn hospital. Dr. Berj. J. Lawrence. Raided surgeon, performed threa naJer op erations at the Duon hospital Fri day. At tha doa» 0f j),, third op eration Mr. B· S. A m moos' β-yaar· old boy was brought into the ho* pits I with aa^uta appendix which had to be i««a»"*d at once. Every bad was tab* to Dr. Lawrence car ried the Kttk Mow to Ralaifh srHI. him and r«t£*d the appendix at the Rax liu^wl as soon as he ar i rived In tha cHy. Owing to On e*trenw demand for I more roomi aedio so effort to moe. Ian acuta'amarfcacT as quickly ss possible, the hoapital physicians nave 1 contracted sûfa Mr. Ù A. Tart to add twelve roema on to tha main baildbtf at bM. These will all be MRS. J. H. PEARSALL De YESTERDAY Wm Om Of Tk· Ttwa'i Old· •at And MmI-LovmI WoM 111*. Jtrtaiik II. Pnmll, i|nl about 8V r*ara, dicil yettentay af ternoon at 1 o'clock at *ie home of h*'r f»H. Major Jam·· Pcaraall, onj *"l PearvmJI ttrect. Dtuutil had boon in 11) health for itriral year*. WWlr death tu not uacapectod. H cam· h a ahoek lo her many frieiHv Dnctwi mi one of Dunn'r o'ileat and «narf-lowad women nul lu known by tier pcqaalntance* for for HoantifnJ ChnaLUn character. She M a arrived bjr one »ori. Major J»»« PunaH, of Daw, and fo«r irmil aona, Jere and William Paa'vjB. of Dnnn, Robert PaaraaB, oi K-Je'jrli, and Jam»» H William», of Mt. OUve. Κ re Paaraail had mala bar home ii. Daajr >i*ee aoon after the town was incorporated la HIT and waa wall and favorably known throughout thta at< bon. Hrr horibaod prcccdod her to 0v« grave ervrial yean ago. The fanrral «ai eondoetcd froir tfcr Poaraull home «ι 3 o'clock OiU afternoon b} Krv. A. it MeQaeea. paator of the Dann Presbyterian rJiarrh, of whiuh ricc<-«<ed wa a movt loyal and devoted metober. Interment » II made in G 'evrrwocil cemïtory. Scmpeon Planning For Big County Fair Ρ·Γ·<*« With School CkiMiw La Lis· Will Bo Big Footer· CHnton. Oct. 29.—PUm are rip ely matured for the Sampson county fair which will be held lier.· | beginning November (\ and r<mtim» ing through the remainder of th<* week. It is planned to nuke this π vw> real educational event ard »«■ that end a holiday will be giveu on ÙÊLMtÊÎIIÉtf·^0^ the school chit , BftSÉÎTl •1 parade which will ushei* in the fair it composed of President J. R 4'eturaon. Chief Marshall Ko*roe l'uiler and County Superintendent J m ι. {.. Hathcock. Λ «core card has been sent ot<( and the school tooiing the highest number of point» on it will be given an additional holiday and its mem ber* admitted free of charge to ths fair. Announcements of the terni» of the contest have been *ent ont tit the varous srhooli in tfce county and one of the bi®c«t parades in th·· history of die county is expected. private rooms substantially built and heated by a modern heating plant. The hospital physicians iiave decid ed to charge <mly $2500 a week ίο these private rooms and this amount will also inrludc the services of reg istered nnries. both day and night. In addition to the twelve extmi rooms, port of the front porch ne*t| Co the hath rooms will be convert» 1 into two rooms screened and mad; suitable for pneonmnia pM"*'1»·· The drive which is rarelv u»*d ·« to be built up and turned into a l*r/r sun parlor for convale*cing patient » Mr. 'l'art already ha* the lumber on the lot for building and a large forco of carpenter* will begin work Wed nesday morning of thii week. Fifteen feet back of the mai» hospital building Mr. Tart u ko>«S to build at once a nice building for colored patient», h will face the aide street toward· the arhool build ing. It* capacity will he ten pa tient*. Colored mi rte» will be em piored for colored patient» A board walk will connect the two building*. Tre Dutm hospital, Including tlw.· colored building will ea*i1jr be a AS bed hospital Mis* Delia Wheeler*, superintendent, will *tan a clan· of six pupil irarsea at once. Lectures will be given by the hospital physi cian* and full credit for time and diploma received at graduation will he recognised by the State board of examiner*. Any girl in thi* or other section* of the country wh«, wish to enter traimng may apo\ to Mit* Wheeler* at note A small salary will a ho be paid each mort S to rrrry popil nurse. A large nice room in the hoapital bnildn-g «rill h· furnished (he pupil-mi rte* Dr. H. C. Tnriingtun tnade *3 X-Ray examination* with hi* pow - erful Victory X-Ray machine <hir ing the past week. Mr. Harper Holliday lu* «quip pad hi* ambulance with electric fan* in each and of the vehicle and w ar the front he ha* installed a hot air heater. Thesa insure the utmost comfort to the patient regardlea· of what the outside temperature ma, be. The Ambulance fullveqatpped coat —m 93,000. WRECK NEAR MIKE IS FATAL TO ONE Clifford KilWd O-t riiht Amd TkrM Other· Are Injured (By Wade H. l-uc*»i Duke. Nov, i'!ii?«r«1 Mat thew », of l.illniji.i. mtltc I, vva« killed outright »·«! h » three cuhd ΐκιηίαη». J. H. ·'.·'{■ . of Carden*·». route I. J \V. and Arthur Matbew*, rf Lilting.on. were bad ly injured wlmi iHr Font car in m hidi iho were r*t'n>; plunge I through «lie guard rail* on the bridge which iiie Cape Fear ri\tr Iniiljrc about one mile from Duke. According to the Uory told b;. the MtrvivOTK, the light machine be came unmanageable an it ncared the bridge and the driver apjieared to lt»e control ol the car. Humping an*ui*t ihc riglit wide of the bridge lir*t and (Ken (werving over again·: tl»e left Kidc the driver'* companion reachrxl over aiw': gav ι· the uterine tvhevl a jerk catiiing it to break tlnimgh t'ne rail* an<l catapulting to lh<- rticks twenty or thirt) feet be low. M atWev. * war. dead when found by autoists, ν ho pici'fd the three wrvivor· up and vualte<l tltein to tlic Good I tope ho« 1'ital, where they received medical .mention frotp iiortor* \V. 1*. Ho!t and R M fluie. The dead mtn - hr<Kber war. able to leave the ho· jiilal a «Ικιιπ time later, hiving nui tained flight braiaet about die Lca».j j. π tiii» irn - uie rmutuooa ThunuUy η iffi only Blight hurts eo the head. Thr other nvu» »«» itkmx •eioaily hurt with »cvtr*J rih* broken and hi» chcM peril) crush cd. lie i* getting along very we'l l»day, l»«rtwr. 'fhi> inako» t'ic thud death sincc live fcr»t of the year ;:l the Ihik.· bridge cuiwcd, >eciningl), by cvtltfe Jri\iug. A number have hem bad ly injured also. Tlii* has been a week hi pleasure mmng the younger set of the town ejgUàttrt and complimentary par TTeTrSl^epntf fourni M(U. —A surprise parly was hdd at the Grady hotel Mor (lay night in hon or of Ou» A. Zachary. whose wed ding 10 Mis* Margaret Barnes, ->1 Jonc*boro. will be soietniaed next Tuesday at the home of the latter in Joric*boro. Tue«lay nigbl the Girls Friend ly society gave a very delight ft»'. Hallowe'en party at the library for «ta members and several invite' guests. More than a hundred bor* and girle were present, enjoying the evening. The Senior class of the >i<£h «chool gave a very entertain in* Hallowe'en social at the library Wednesday night tu ha members and a few invited quests The Mis* es IVatrai akcl Tla<kett al«> gave ft Hallowe'en party at the same time across the street at the hotel to a larger number of invited guests E. C. Gcdilic left Wcdnesda· night for Alexander, Va., as a del egate of tlic local Masonic lodge λα 11 S. Stewart, Number S3·, for the unveiling of the memorial to George Washington. Mr. Geddli win return the laM <A the week. Blut Of Dynamite Kill· Sanford Man Greensboro, Oct SI.—A Uait »( dyn.miu In a flan» oa lb· dH Mafcrboro-Kmndlanan Highway. aix «vira from Gmwttto, Instantly kill ed H. K. 8hWM», aged 4·, formerly •f Sasiotd. at 10 o'clock tbl* morn U(. The body, horribly aitHatei, *u bronatbt her· and prrparod for barial thU »ft«rnocm Th» une of Um exploatan H unknown. Tbc d* tfantit a torrWod by tb· widow and four children and the body will b< •hlppod to Laiaon tyring*, near Saa 'anl. for burial Doug And Mary See Magazine For UU Loa Angeleo, Oct. II.—Paagix Falrbanka, motion tietato actor, aad Ma wife, Mary FMfort, w*mm»1 tonight they bad telegraphed HMac· Vont to <Wr attan*|t In Mow York to Hl« *uM Immediately agalnat an tvUn Aim magaalna «MA tumthr printed· ■ lopwt that "Aawitoa'l rwr uthoort anil her famotaa bodbam<l bad <juar»»W orer another woman." t»rlyi» Brunt, fottaorty lamMag lady la ralrWnka* compar.y, wb*s« name w» «aid la bare boo* Invatrefl In Dm allo|ad llbalauo artlel·, «111 Join Miat Pirbferd and PalAanki la Mm libel «dt, aoeeeillng la b«r bu*. baail. Β. P. Pta^iMUL <!*-.( gfcor m-Kh turning anil ·*ο"· .. . 1lJ*rf rottr wkW» pV—No. MWy. ^ don't nlml ro* ankle* 1 Γ*»" Τ *·»"·> cettfie - PeWowtWp PetWB, CLIFF MATTHEWS KILLED WHEN CAR LEAPS OFF BRIDGE ACCIDENT occumasD ONE MILK non DUKE Clifford MaNkm, white BUI who M red «n mOm «M* of Lflliaftoa, vu iaatastlr MM «ad thn-a t'.bar aw ww isJvW, mm of than Mrioarij, WiiUllllf Ma ine abMt 11 «ΊΜ «la *· M ctr la which Ihaj «M iUta| haafce •hroueb Km «ΰΐη» «1 the M4p »WA qui tki Cim ÎM ilm. In ml)» «Μ ■( Dana, aad hatlad 4M ta «M tvc& St M bataar. The Mr The ttijarad >n: J. K. Ota. «4M wl lojoriM; Archer MaMbaaa. kn ow of (ha naa MM, ami Mw af the i Ii-fetr4 aar. abaaa tea aatf fcaarf -M to t* tfca ur fin* Hmi4 U < than to tka rtffct. Oit nUiag. TV «Ni «< tW .ir (M been wMimUJ at iran i« Air»? mite* at boar, though tb· 4iWw la <T»oUd ai nriac tfcâk tb« ctr «w Mt ranalr-f at a trilir «Ml tfaa· M ad ia «ht fall akd ko· «ity «C tb· (NT tlvM ia · Clifford wu riJhif kl tha ntr ftendy atrack «· Ua baad, a· Ma ι «n craalnd, « (aA cat In Ma Mt forehead and Ua rt^kt )aw Wa* A* tarad. R· w*5 tb· «a» orf Mr. «M Mn. J. W. married. Tka rMkriaf ι lattmd ta tka fa Witt the kOHncef the deaitti toll ef far t*M year the mm ywiat thfc JMT, die <k>M MM. Hfml i d kH«w tafary. It If < the cor· J wet biyl Mm •f «M Mdp to fin ι>· iiaianeee imt· ·Ι I Mi | Tw. p.ι.■agir» mt Ike first ear to pleut thrash the rmfliag «f thto Chuck» wen «M tot Torwtey to the pptt-wintrt at the Poor County Fair hetd here October 9 to 12 fadal· of the Fair aeanria don an Wn( compBmmtrd for the aarfy payment of |inw>a—It i> often the caaa that k I* astwral month» after a fair Won the pre mium toaUnato an ohk)· «ρ »M the cfctdrw maitat out. tTUa year the local Pah aaaoriirioto had mail id Mt α tto (toad· wMhi· laaa than three aetfci after (he fair etoa •4s

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