' Il «il not he at al snrprisis* «·> Xorth Carolina to tam that John Robertson Qmnn. newly elected Ν» danal Commander of the American Legion, i* a Tar Hed. a Robeson CMttji Tar Heel and with a fw' ·» thai of Highlander « him and ι raft of uncles, aunts and caaau o> iryint dc*rer, nattered through «α and· of the Commander, aa<* lira. BeQe Borhan, of Sanford, ar •ant Ha has other relative* throughout the Stat· who arc vtn proud of him- And he himself is proud of th« fact that he is at leaM half Tar He*L—Raleigh News and ·'. ·■ ■- ··■· ·· Csssnsbsss. Oct. tS^-Tha body af la a McafisU hi UhM *14*· m ties. mt 4MUssd eonatjr ta4ay whan lab nasi· «ant that· to gather tto the hama af bar toatbtsr last Man Λέ _ — λ ^,| , a a -«« a — ej iWQ fvrwiivti irvHzi cotu ami e*· »is—ι. Far same «baa *· had a da ItMtao that lha "white tofts waold ■et to." A ana If—day tow to tor ilstiitirt hasas to boy «àkkaas, and dMstly afieswasds tto aU «ο- J bud MUdpptirtc tna couia no* oc raand ratΒ today. Organization Formed Τ· Fight Boll Weevil Xew Orleans, Oct. 26.—The Na tional Don Weevil Control Aaaucia tion wm apniicd here today a« the concluding feature of the N'a linaal Co* Weevil Menace Confer ence. which b«*m Wednesday at the eai of the Louisiana Banker'· A The orgasinUoa of the aanocr* tion wiB be perfected by an exec» ttow committee of 22 member» rep resenting 10 jtaned interests in m·' «mon indnitry and after ej«pom ment of a pan of it* ;i»e · ι>· day. η iflMmfindy went hH · "» «ion and determined to meet in N'en Orlean» Nos ember 17. At that time the eutlie pewonwel of the commit let tril km been named ami «tep> wiH be taken to cnmpletc the organ of the larger hodv Ku Kknc Kfeut m Mvcr. The Ud walked bom with the 22 tfibre pistai bullet in Μ· body, «ad it parents were niable to lesm uw the accident occurred. It nu kid that die boy found the rifle in η abandoned hotwe near the school Mr. Iscabower rushed his son t lie hospital here, but Mt Injnrlts me mortal A HP ΛΛίΙΙ J.YO CHIROR \CTIC ?» KEEPS >01. c· PIT DR. J, M. MORGAN a« nr»J N.tUul ImI OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 12 A M r t· ι r.K. » to e p. μ ί W.*i..4.y mm* TwUmj AT BENSON. Tastday, Tkamfcy j Ami 3*rar4aj NiefcU 9IL GLENN L. HOOPER DBNTIST Mw, tit North Carolina Office Second Floor Bsiik Balldtof COTTON Cotton is advancing to new high levels. It to too valuable to hold at home uninsured ajrainst fire and damage. Consign your cot ton to as. We wlR make liberal advances against your shipments aad hold or sell, aa desired. SAVANNAH COTTON FACTORAGE CO. Savannah, Ga. Do yon have headache? Are you nervous? Eyes itch and burn? Is yonr vision bad? Do letters get together when ou read? I make a specialty of these ases. Look for the bly eye over he street opposite Fleishman's tores. My office <· at the head 1 the steps. DR. PAUL A. STEWART Eye-Sight Specialist >■■■, i-t Nerth Carolina -EGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE or LAND 4AL E IWw mmd by *(l tM «( the poven '··*·< iaj*. under D««d of Treat, aad« bjr Carrie Barefoot, nmuiM, latad Jaaaary It, MO, 4k* toMA «latii neund far aid Μ of Tnut » M T.uAee. to foitcloic Ika M»rt ρβ" ·»ί·Λ« lb· «MM, w· will on («■<■7. Noremher 19, 1#»S, a» II 'ejack mob, at ft. Conrthoa·* door β LIMn«toa. Haraott Countjr, Κ. a. *·* f5T îf1· .** "«*··* bidder, or eaeh. the laada daacrftod Mow. a*wtt Id. Tract. Bafinalnr at a mm, '. ». Barofoot'* eomw aad rua M. >l.f« chaîna to a ttako la Nalku (tUak'i I too. It) «ne· m kla lift* B. « W. II «Μμ,ΊΜμ TtlaaA't •ran to Μ. Κ Barefoot'· Km; Umbo· a Ma Ua« 8. W. lit ehaiae ta a take Simj Barefoot'* e*rn«r; tfcoaea # Bar lin· X. Il chaîna to th· be taatof. coatainiBK l*-07 mm, «*·(· « II» and Traet. Begtaalac at · «take • *■ «*w*· · *·· Ι·.·4 "· * chain· to · atoka;! km·· W. M W. \l*o chain* to a *r?^· · W- *··> SL.. Uv"*"· *· i·1» «•s'··]· Hatha· MeLaimh'. *· '»? l-t B. 114· ehaiae » · MeUtak Una ι th«a«· B. • E. » chai·* to a Dak· to Kdaak taa; Jkaaaa ft MB «ftatoa M the bo r ."•M# aal·! Meada/, I, 1MB, IB o'clock «ml Kai^Cnrtkna daar, Lfllla* ENiOW LOAN A DfBCBANCB CO. M. IB SB Mot. Β B. Nones Of BALK or υ Uato and kjr virtae of Mm unner and &r *lrt«a of Mm «Mr get to «atiafy «aid Wad. Ika — dar S3H'£;?Hs»l"c: Lylag Uul being in the town of 1ml·*· Cr*«k. Beginning at a stake la be (utont «dg· ·' Main KUwt, «be mttwil MM· of A. D. Sunrt'i et, a nMliUtn of lot» Hm. IS and 14 of 0M MeLcod Bros. A Stwwart «•«peit/. and ran· with Mais Street K. Il I. It feet to a «take, a new eanter; tkeace S. 63 E. 100 faat ta κ Mir «mur; thcaee t. it W. 1H feet to «ha aortheast coniar af A. D. tMnrt'i lets thence lift A_ D. Stewart's Hua ta the beglerlag. Th!· bêla* toaE.lt. iUri» lot in th« tab· drricoD of Lot· Nn. 13 and 14 al the McLearf Brue. A SUwart proper er, among A. D. Stewart, Ε. E. Marks ami McD. Xuki into throe f^ual shares, Κ. Ε Mark* pttinf the middle lot la th· sublrrision. TWs ISth day of October, 1·28. J. A. McLSOD, TnwU«. Oct 1» 26 Not till NOTICE OF RE-SALE ~~ B/ virtue of an ortlrr of entered 111 the Spccal Ftotwtllnf no* pemlîng in ub« Sut» iVUir Cour* of Hindi County untitled H. C. Xurrb, Administrator of W. J. Noni», et »V. the m> being No. 2044 on vhe Special· Proceedings Oockot of •aid Court, the and«;a.gr.«il ram. mksioner therein appointed, will of fer far *alr and sell to th· higkntt bidder far cash, or upon Unni of ona Wt each and Mancc in one and two years the lands hereinafter described, at the courthouse doer of Harnett Cou .ty oa the 6th day of Nomnbtr 19X3, «λ 11 o'clock a. m. Btrinnin» at · stake in Aagier· LilUngton Road and runs 8- 34 W. 8.60 chains to a stake; thence S. 85 Ε. 31.80 chains to α iightwood stcmp; thcnce N. R Κ 6.3C chain* to ■ stake; thence S. 86 t-2 E. 6.46 chain· to a (take in hedgerow; chence Ν S 1-3 Ε. 12.78 ehalns to a «take by the run of Black Riecr; «hence ai Black Rivor to beg:iming, containing 30.33 acres, nort or les·. This the tOth day of October, IMS. L L. LEVIN SON, Commissioner. Oct M No», t coaaod ■ MhrtW," , HOTICK or SALE By »irtu»«f u e(d,r ot the 8u potior Ce Harnett C*m*y, to-«rit: FIRST TRACT: On· lot Lû tu town of Buy beginning at the lr. teneetion *t the Sooth cm line of Brood Street «M, the Wutim lise or MeK«Z Avaaae, and run» thenc? Wwetwmr&TTrith Breed Btrcot 140 frnt to tJ»· ·■·»; thcoce Southwardly r!i»i Ih* %fcf parallel with McKay arenoe 1M foot; thence Eaatwurilly pkrmllr) with Broed Street 140 fe«t M McKay «Mae ; thence Northward ly with Mdti| avenue 150 feet to tie be*ia*la ■; belnf the tot known aa the rceidenei lot of the late T. L. Gorald. - SECOND TRACT: Beainnint on the Weate» BHiwtn of wlleorr aw nu« at a P*fM 100 feet Northwardly from the Neetfcern martin of Ovm be rial id, «treat and runa thence Wcat· wardly pon··) with Cumberland 91., 140'foot to the alloy; thence North wardly wiA the alley parallel with Wilaon arenae 80 feet; thence Weat wardly pariM with Cumberland St.. 140 feet to WUaon areLue; thoivce eriah Wilron-*»enue Southwardly to the befiiiniaf, fceitvr the lot upon which - hMatwt the brick «table» ball dine ^»>wn aa the T. L. Gerald 8lafelri in ma Town of Dunn. On Thoralajr, November 8, 1·23, at t :S0 o'clock p. m . the commlaaion· er* will aeU the following Uod* λ. Pumpvon ««Jaty: I THIRD TSaCT. A traet of land Μ>Γ.Ιι·'ιιΙι·* 04 tttil. locmt?'l iP Mlnpto 'aw'ikl,., deKifte>l ·« «loirt ··>; W. K. Sn;_i«:t, end wife, r»*U;crc/t '» Book Ϊ70, y*c* <»77. rvcflrtl· of Ramp-oti County, r*f»renct to utl·· Κ r.·.1!· In/· .Irfiniiit »V«viptiori. 0" Novi-tnbur Wi t, 1923. at 50 Ά!taU. «. n*. l'.ta crtumltiinnui» wSSt 4ril V' « fult'iwlnjr Ιαλ/Ι» in H.-r nctt roanty : I'OVHTH TRACT: lift #:«·«. .-nor* or )ck, lomict' Ju»t South ot "Ju· Town of £un4, K. in.v'c up ci Ihr lilbtrl>( »i:teiv: 2'.» l-< m.ira In of 9. M. .'icV. :ι.ι, liVi»ir{*>nl >:. • 11"'. of a. ^7. UunVMt'll··, in Sosk 171, ?»·»« '1 ; i& ixim ilkcl!b ;ktl «if W. (imo,y, ivgUU te>' '.»> Hook 1Ϊ3. Vagi 5 VI ; WiC «CI·* dCiO-Nsit .1 ill···.'. f»;>M J. \V. •VC u, icjrbi ,»rrsl in Booi IbS ?i^rc i.l'J. ι Κ ucr<·· ·■(·»«< 'brtl In «ioeJ ίιοιη ΐο.ι. Altrwiit vfU'.ajTil in Book iU«, [ "ΐ;.ι· if-i>; λ': .if '-ini 0oot i1. ι!·η office of l!t» Hcguter ?< Dc.· !. .Γ CCw.tjr, and re '.· «w in·!. ;» r.iailn Co am for do In'V )!:oii«. i On PtU·:·/, Mnvtmbrr Uth, ut ï:SO ï\.r.t'< m., ihi •.ort'inai.on';·."* «ill ;»1! the foûowiui; di»et'k«'l tract of '·);! i.i iOrnnli count}·: TUACT: Dtj^ln'iin 00 th* ,·ι»!·ι ■· ■ ·.·; »;»» jiaoiic icflj β Γι fjiet ";oo» the r. :.ui nu Llic A. C. L. iî : η oak {η inail; Oietaou lu the rond S. 1C K. 4.li(t ; lo ti r crook of the îcuI; iJuii.itt a» lh- r'*:u S. i. ïî. 8 81> rhuliia tt ijie c : oc It ni the road; UîK'î» iu lu· road 3. !" 1-2 W. 1 Λ.Α1,. I? ■>. F. ."""C··! .lui W B. War· < · 's 1 o r,^r ·ι thi· roi'l; thonce ai :bc!r ÎLtt Sajth 74 1-1 W. 40.Γ7 i.fi! " .i .Ί tut '«'· tn JH M. C. !.. i. li.'lu i f w··;; liV.v; ther.ee e< tid îsirl i of wry ί'ι··» .'13 3-1 E. '•''.J·* r'uii.ft iti .' ■ ,:r.iîi!ï»1UL', cou !nt a·.· v'S.! S LCt'i Τ i.ir τ*··"' ·ι f !a*c by the CoBrt. Vt».' ,'ηΐ1ι·*ΐι!(ινιι nf i>jtl« mii atlJi , ο·;«. 2': 1 Η Γ·<·ί" of the bW will b- < to (!·<· ΓΓ-ηιηί»Ίο i«r« in * · '·; t'·» ·,ιϊ»"ν I- ,·i'lirila of llie pur _···,,. 1 > ι,;· η, d ,n one an.l '••"•ι t. ·>· · .;>*.» ji r?.tflriDJtlon • -ι ···· ·: · i.·. .0 bi <«penr* iV pis-ntiiOi conr»y«