Λ 2Ï1· ^ *>«7· C<>TOP«ay I ■«****· c*yHn»-py*y »»d LUcht Company. Huildin* wuj , ty PUUm 4 Httor, local contractera. ■ ONLY FOUR PLANS , FOR ENDING-WAR 3*7* Mrs. Catt Chicago. Nov. 5 —F fer eadfoff wyi ter· b««n day the put mft han 4md fW· and all «( Um «ate Mk hy Aiaerics, Xn. Carri· ■M· Cat ta, Immy |WÉ>É> of th· btawtionl Minit AShm, mM at ft· monthly forum of th· Chica (· Lm|M of Women V Om of ftm prepoiala, Mm aid, warn the 1.H1I ei Mtbm·, which ah· Uc*crib«d « "aa which la a t®!n* cooccrn with M na ttaea la it dob* tMr hot war." Tea nation*, the mid, on the oataMo, kvdadfatc "th· Untt mi Stat··, which proy>··/ Dm I a· | CM." > She «aid failure et tfce United ■Ut»· («ta ta ratify th· terngut took place In a Wanate. "tha ow whoteif* eajority .f which belicr *4 :n tfo LMVM." Th« first of Um prepoea)» ta and war ww sad· by Betijamln Frank fia after th· Kw«liitl»aaty War. *· *M, whu "la. raggestad to the' Karepaas nationa to follow tho Am-! •tiean rxaraplc amd form a United i fitaUa of Earcpe w kaap th· nationa fioa flihtint aaïaaf thaiaadvaa." Th· Uitd piepowl, Mia. Catt tmi.. "ia the World Court. which «h· de-j «Rihetl a* aa American idea. The ; f ourdi method, <hc aaUi, ia th· ant- ' { taring o{ war. A raaalotion to »u; ! law war will he prupeaed at rtie r.axt awiably of the Laaco· of NaUoM,;. Bafaniac to the League of Na-i{ Uom. Mn. Catt mU that the otiy-j la th· first world attaapt ta atul.i' aad «aiataia paaee, while tMa a·-! ι •an, "with half th· paid ia tho world,I j ia eniy paylif the raeta of war aad , Ailow 4,000 Aliens To Land in The U. S.j Ftdaf DtporUtk», They At· Sftnd By SmMwt Juan J. D·*!* New York, No*. 5.—The Isnd'u.g *1 4,000 «lims. ,feeing de pollution bt(tUK they arrived hem after tho immigration quotas of thetr rcpee·1 tivc eo*ntr!es ha-t been exhaastcu, «·· ordered Ian night b^ Secretary »f Laker Janus J. Dito. The alien* wiQ be landed on parol.· from a half doxen éifi beginning to- j morrow, Secretary Devil announced. Πιο 4,000 who will -be »o relcaeed In· elvde 1.M7 immigrants, mostly Brit ish, abeard the Lcviatjion, and otiier tMIÉ who arrived on other «hip· Cutting of the immigration knot. Ceaarinonor Gurran explained in' behalf of Secretary Davit, waa dor.o in the internet of hamsnltjr. A Saapyy Comeback The secretary oi a lodge had writ-1 ten to a brother that he had advanc-1 ed Ihe last payment 'or linn, and] unlets he came across with some Lx(in he would be suspended. The iecretary received the following re ply: "Dear" Secretary—I got your let 1er about wlwtl I .»ve >ou. Nov. te pachvnt. ΐ rot foi ?>>t y<.»i. ΙΊ»:ο ι ν ait. When sum fou!* t>a> me 1 my you. U Uii» wit* jndsiiiftit dny imj voo wiut ih> more nrcjKvred t.i neet your ifakvr .·» I ai<- l<. met·, rour account you -urc would !i;>v · Ο go to W. Ττ -'itig νου vif it . hi». I ain."-— Μκ'-dccn Η ν vie. , Wake Fore·»—Of Oji \\ -sle For ■st «tudenU .VU an: church n-vern ier ν «•paring for aretiicr war." ' "X believe that Ai» nation should j oin in na international comri*»W>i»| e estimate Geimany'i ability of pay-J ng reparation, whether Franc* j (Tees or not," ihe said. klub attorney RSHOTTODEMS XilUd By Pkillip Fo*. Pu!> Kdtr M»m For The Κα . Κ lux KUn . t Adouta. Ga. Nor. -VhiJlro i. Vox. publicity man Tor Uw Κ1 α Kip* fctan. !utc< today "»ho« «art killed W. S. Cohurn, Atlanta attorney ,ui<l c jumoi tar the faction Im perial Vjkird Rtatii and other «.ffi cfiUa of the orvlrr. For i« hetd at ,->o!l«e headquarter· without boi.d an «'tr eharjfe of murder. Co bum. a former qfTVal ol" the Man and laur legal rapraaantaUro of what tf calkM tho innuifn tit fut ;ioo, iraa «hot five tine aa he «;*. In hi* offirj* on the nith floor of ih« •Atlanta Tiiiat Company Uuildtag. He toppled o*»r tlead. Mr*. W. A. Hol'o:ock, λίΜίοκη* pôcr for Goburn. #aji! thai Fox Cd'av il while Cirburti wa» t:\lki η ç ίο a ellcnt and begun tiring wtim |i« wcj told to coma bark In about an houi. S ha «aid five shot* ware β rod. Titrer · of them were laid to haro token" ef fect. "I am «OITT to Have liad to i!o it, tat I am glad He !» rtrad. H<- iraa planning |o ruin mc, and ( had jut*, a.· «non be hung »« hurl. What 1 111:1 j has no connection with the Ku Klu.t ; Klan: Coburn had threatened to tuin me ami to publUh affidavit! af fecting mj· character that wnr un true. " At polirr hced^uartor* >'ox denied, uiiy connection with the Ku Kluxl Klan, giving hi« occupation m a clerk, lit waa identified by Γ.2» «paperroeii ><· the ■ publicity aysut for tiic Ku Klux KUtn and polie* «aid ho i* the editor of the Kmebt Hawk, official rrgan of the Imperial Palace of U>.: Ku Klux Klan. Charlotte—On a<vount of (lie dry vveather drastic power curtailn)eni Τ·, C ~OtyC.'jL A Γ-ΐβν.ο . ? ·. ι ; ft? , ι :loart'«, X**kn·. J. . . Pf ,»tc% >- V •T),·. ' ' · 1 X.-.v V#i4,Xi ,. Κ"ίΠΜίOi\ inrvi ;··♦>#»* iO ll.o Sertî ι . • l-.'ll-ntu ft *·€·!»:· · , »|> I.a!ut :iaJ Owfc , · ,.-· ·. · ' fWLitV:. .. .... ■ ·ΑΙΙ»ΓΛ^Ϊ··'>·§ tn ·.;.!"»» ν i 'Λ'! .1 . .·.·. ·.. (bout 1M>M| SipiM, !·.·· J:'T i' \ Voaicj in th* Seii'i. Τ ■ j o.·! c. : lavement, Ιλί ixj,oi* th' fiiU'. " : »lirvn*t *AoB| lnlx.l in, ι·ι»«; (·..·. b to λ cO«uW*lMt fxtoat '·! >fc«s"l '·»·' tie «hoitait» et ton- .·>ο.ι I&it. «.i ii-··-', Kotti." j, The bo»rd lean.! trj; r.;.zr..' ■ : -inα*) . o>r» U- HZ. j taring· I9t8 10l7, h;»ivpr. ;v: wrt* cfcti.tinted tfcaL. ·" :t »rav.; <»i hy<-· t«ra, ovpi'0*>*at*ly «ftO.i'wtl no3rvt*i; ixaJ («ft the èeuiÀ, as, "«•fti»"» ς.ιιη. j tnunitlcs, '"tin *tr >nt.· ci ι ip'f ami ί jvt>n church «^étjrcïr.lio.i», by « J t'tc'r «no.οι. i.ot il lo :jtr«l te »*** in the :.·»ι».ι Unt in· j ι ujt, i*l ecntt*·,»· jj DiicdiiiKK ft· jui-w.i tsawtMnVi ti. bo- .1 t'v.t I'jrccs hatl.j lc«n ;n<t(Ke,l to conn Ν't.rill oitineri| tjr crnpîoyew.itjulins; >Λ.α Southern ' kUtvj lafcor v-fto ta tarn var )loy*4 itenw, or toy mijrre.'njr 11trncta *^° ikher r*'u*lt2:> or op· ι η rcque«c£»d ipokcr. o<-w:lUcn to . WNvciUa !<vo.c >v them toil Move. . jj Two J·®"!·· problème, t.»« Vj.-.n.j >Λ·, hatf *"»»» out of fcv; njjtn·.-,; lion: i'i^· relr.tiun ni tt"e wiill ·!, rtn<I ncsfP0*iv'**hj no îiwvu» un in-1 ■ tuperaU<Q W»W»n>." anil neronii.'j hnairimr. il oi Mill*Vnj]fcrtcd Mnn.Uy. MillJ ■will be ^«Mrn one <I:.ν in tac.i,( ••icck. t r\ ji il ψ .'ψ » . j _ - mm—β* .♦ } \ *r.ày To Plow · « own Cotton Stalks : \ ι· ·.·.·.;· ί \<> iiK^ei-T Ihe tiunt ■ j '·.! Κ. ! uetvi'·' .v! 'iavt! them <"'·«·*. r» 'st:ϊμ», niiV itadv • > . ·:·?■-.vrlv «art 'MiiKXI ycar'i I 'cotton crop, then the best thirty w: can do this» (all to accompli»)* thi* end it to M our cotton stalks cun· •inuc in growth until Willed l>v frost This Hill provide food and breeding j'lnces for them. It is ahont the oe»t thing that we ran do 10 insure a big mip «ί weevil* for next yew · There U no getting around thin i»ct. It i« the weevils, that develop late lliat ι taw tlrrougt» the winter—The ΙΥηκτ*·>Μ>ο Farmer. \cw Berne- Λ negro woman, driving a car. rrn ftito a Uee and «■as instant I) killed rrj The Ellison Godard Horro ο» Pittmim'' fWileon Avenue. H*irr. ContrMlar.· 1 ■Λ AUCTION SALE Ο F Town Property On Wednesday, November 14th at 10 Α. M. I will tell at public auction several of the Oil Mill Loto, situât * between Wilson Street and Railroad Avenue. Anyone wishing a fine buaine·· »ite with adequate railroad facilitie· will do well to attend thi» tale. Property hat advantage of both the main line of the A. C. L. and Oil Mill «pur DO NOT FORGET HE DAY AND HOUR OF SALE AND BE ON HAND . L. Cannady, Auctioneer Capital $ 30,000 ·'■ - ··* y.&r# ' : <-.·?tsTlni · · ■ 2 ■ * ■'■·■■■·"■ V ■ . .r ' ί. - V /»!*>. ■·. * . ·. ·. 'i* - ·. p»s ■ 'î '·. :J *v - *■. · ##v;v:.' : *;' ·' ' : V-,Λ;.- .· %, 4ίϊ ' i ' Γ.·; ' , .y -' . Λ.» · . j V .· ■ - 'K<;.-·■ ? THIS BANK IS INTERESTED. IN DIMS COMMERCIAL BANK Deposits — $500,000 YOUR INTERESTS ARE OUR INTERESTS And one of the best ways for our cittfens to. AND BRINGING INDUSTRIES HERE lielp their town is to Bank their money at home with the of Dunn sg£«v. ■· '· ■ïïaii'â» -.ν.ν·.'Λ ■ · r « - # ^ -V ·* r Έ I THE SAFE AND FRIENDLY tfANK ? . ·:-ι;·" CAPITAL, $30,000 . OFFICERS] £. P. DAVIS. President, C. S. HICKS, Vice-President J AS. Q, DAVIS, Cashier. ·_ m0 DEPOSITS, $500,000 DIRECTORS: 7, W. PURDIE, C. S. HICKS. J.C. BYRD. J. W. JORDAtt, F. W. McKAY, E. P. DAVIS. ■ I 1 _ I ' . / $1^ - -THEY α , - .τψ *· · ' ' ■ 0 ' s' »X. ·. . -, * , * * · e · · Place your saving· in a good bank where your money work* for you end hot under a mettre·» where it sleep* —'^· pey 4 per cent. intcfc*t on «aving». Let «· )>e yeur financial advieei».. , *"· . ' V · . .. ^ - Λ -1ft OMBKUL CqMi... » 30,000 ι i ^ · , ·/·. · ·· .. . -··· m * # *#,·*■ » O t»·***: · >*> -t r · 'Λ·'.. .-··»- ' Λ ·« < S ·.· ■!''· COMMERCIAL BANK Deposits — $500,000

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